EIE CBCS Syllabus

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Module 1: Introduction (7 Hours) Wireless Transmission – signal propagation – Free space and two ray models – spread spectrum – Satellite Networks – Capacity Allocation – FDMA –TDMA- SDMA – CDMA Module 2: Mobile Networks (8 Hours) Cellular Wireless Networks – GSM – Architecture – Protocols – Connection Establishment – Frequency Allocation – Handover – Security – GPRA. Module 3: Wireless Networks (8 Hours) Wireless LAN – IEEE 802.11 Standard-Architecture – Services – Hiper LAN, Bluetooth, WiMax, ZigBee, Software Defined Radio Module 4: Routing (8 Hours) Mobile IP- SIP – DHCP – AdHoc Networks – Proactive and Reactive Routing Protocols – Multicast Routing -WSN routing –LEACH- SPIN- PEGASIS Module 5: Transport and Application Layers (8 Hours) TCP over Adhoc Networks – WAP – Architecture – WWW Programming Model – WDP – WTLS – WTP–WSP –WAE –WTA Architecture –WML–WML scripts. Module 6: Mobile and Wireless Security (6 Hours) Security Primer - Creating A Secure Environment - Security Threats - Other Security Measures WAP Security Measures - Smart Client Security - Overview of Smart Client Architecture - Mobile Operating Systems Reference Books 1. Mobile Cellular Telecommunications — W.C.Y. Lee, Mc Graw Hill, 2nd Edn., 1989. 2. Wireless Communications – Theodore. S. Rapport, Pearson Education, 2nd Edn.2002. 3. Mobile Cellular Communication – Gottapu sashibhushana Rao, Pearson, 2012. 4. Modern Wireless Communications-Simon Haykin, Michael Moher,Pearson Education, 2005. 5. Wireless Communications Theory and Techniques, Asrar U. H .Sheikh, Springer, 2004. 6. Wireless Communications and Networking, Vijay Garg, Elsevier Publications, 2007. 7. Wireless Communications —Andrea Goldsmith, Cambridge University Press, 2005. 18EI3013


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Course Objectives 1. To understand about the smart system technologies and its role in real time applications 2. To expose students to different open source platforms and Attributes. 3. To familiarize the design and development of embedded system based system design. Course Outcomes: After the completion of this course the student will be able to: 1. Recall the concepts of smart system design and its present developments. 2. Examine the application of mobile based embedded system. 3. Apply the concept of embedded system in home automation. 4. Analyze the application of smart design in energy management system 5. Summarize the concepts of Smart sensors 6. Understand different Robots and developments Module 1: Introduction (7 Hours) Overview of smart system design and requirements- Hardware and software selection & co-design Communications-smart sensors and actuators-Open-source resources for embedded system- android for embedded system - Embedded system for Ecommerce- Embedded system for Smart card design and development –Recent trends. Module 2: SMART Sensors: (8 Hours) Introduction to Smart Sensors, Integrated Smart sensors and smart systems, MEMS and NEMS devices, Elastic structures in MEMS and NEMS Module 3: Mobile Embedded System (8 Hours) Design requirements-Hardware platform- OS and Software development platform- Mobile Apps development- Applications: heart beat monitoring, blood pressure monitoring, mobile banking and appliances control. Module 4: Home Automation: (8 Hours) Home Automation System Architecture-Essential Components- Linux and Raspberry Pi – design and real time implementation. Module 5: Smart Appliances and energy management (8 Hours) Overview- functional requirements-Embedded and Integrated Platforms for Energy Management Energy Measurement Techniques for Smart Metering-Smart Embedded Appliances Networks – Security Considerations. Instrumentation Engineering

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18EI3025 Entrepreneurship development for embedded system 3:0:0 3

pages 39-246

18EI3023 Internet of things and protocols 3:0:0 3

page 37

18EI3022 Embedded networking and automation of Electrical Systems

page 36

18EI3021 Real Time Operating System 3:0:0 3

page 35

18EI3017 Optimization techniques for Embedded Systems 3:0:0 3

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18EI3015 Embedded Product Development 3:0:0 3

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18EI3016 Embedded based Image Processing Techniques 3:0:0 3

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18EI3018 Embedded Android Programming 3:0:0 3

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18EI3020 Advanced course in Embedded C 3:0:0 3

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18EI3019 Python programming and Interfacing Techniques 3:0:0 3

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18EI3014 MEMS Technology for Embedded Design 3:0:0 3

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18EI3013 Smart system Design 3:0:0 3

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18EI3011 Distributed Embedded Computing 3:0:0 3

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18EI3012 Wireless and Mobile Communication 3:0:0 3

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18EI3009 Field programmable Lab 0:0:4 2

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18EI3008 IoT Lab 0:0:4 2

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18EI3010 Embedded Automotive Systems 3:0:0 3

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18EI3007 Embedded Based Virtual Instrumentation Lab 0:0:4 2

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18EI3006 Advanced Embedded System Lab 0:0:4 2

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18EI3005 Embedded Linux 3:0:0 3

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18EI3003 Programmable Devices for Industrial Automation 3:0:0 3

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18EI3004 Advanced Embedded Processors 3:0:0 3

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18EI3002 Embedded system and software design 3:0:0 3

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18EI2013 Microcontroller and PLC Laboratory 0:0:2 1

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18EI2014 Modelling and Simulation 3:0:0 3

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18EI3001 Advanced Embedded Signal Processors 3:0:0 3

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