CENTRAL LIBRARY CENTRAL LIBRARY Knowledge Resource Centre (Declared as Deemed to be University under sec.3 of the UGC Act, 1956) Karunya Nagar, Coimbatore 641 114, Tamil Nadu, India

1 | Page 1. PREAMBLE Thecentrallibraryis housedinanair conditionedbuildingwiththreefloors laidoutprofessionally and functionally. The wide range of resources and services provide accurate and up to date information on all subjects. In addition to books and journals, the library provides access to a large number of full text articles through subscription to electronic journals, books and online databases. 2. LIBRARY INFRASTRUCTURE 3. LIBRARY VISSION “To provide excellent information resources and deliver quality services to meet the research, teaching and learning needs of the Institution”. 4. LIBRARY MISSION The mission of the library is to support teaching and learning process of the institution and to provide facilities for the students, research scholars, teachers and stakeholders to excel in their respective fields. 5. LIBRARY WORKING HOURSDAYS TIMINGS Monday Friday 8.00 AM 11.00 PM Saturday 8.00 AM 5.30 PM Sundays & All Public Holidays Holiday 6. MEMBERSHIP

c) In case of any loss of a book by any student, three times the cost of the book will be recovered or the book may be replaced with the latest edition.
All the Students, Research Scholars, Staff (Teaching Non teaching) of Central Library expected (M.Phil./Ph.D.)
and are
a) Books will be lent to students only for a period of 15 days. The (final semester) student both UG and PG should return the books to the library for obtaining “No Dues” certificate before their final exam.
c) Books transaction hours are between 9.30 AM to 7.00 PM. Books may be returned on all workingdays.Absencefromtheuniversityshallnotbeanexcuseforanydelayin returning the books. The books due on a holidays should be returned the next morning and no fine will be collected.
The Central Library has good collection of text books, reference books, Journals, e journals and e books. The total collection of the Library includes141367 books, 2596 journals (both Print and e journals) and 211652 e books subscribed for the advancement of research and knowledge.
Description Total Books 142341 Journals 219
a) Borrowers are expected to return the books on or before the due date stamped on the issue label. Books returned after the due date will be charged an overdue charge of Rs.1 per day.
to follow the borrowing norms as given below: Category No. of Books Period Under Graduate I, II & III Year 3 Books 15 Days Under Graduate IV Year 4 Books 15 Days Post Graduate Students 5 Books 15 Days Research Scholars
b) Books Borrowed should be protected from Rain, Dust and insect etc. Borrowing journals/reference books/thesis from the library is not permitted.
b) Books returned shall not be reissued to the same person on the same day of return. Damaged books shall not be accepted and if anyone is found doing so they are asked to replace with latest edition.
are members
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6 Books 15 Days Faculty Members 10 Books 90 Days Non Teaching Staff 3 Books 15 Days
Bar code system has been implemented, students can borrow books by producing ID cards.
3 | Page E (ScienceJournalsDirect, IEEE, Indian Journals, EBSCO) 2374 E (Pearson,Books ProQuest, Springer) 209275 Online Database (Scopus & Web of Science) 02 Thesis & Dissertation 622 Back Volumes 7941 Others (DELNET, Plagiarism Software -Turnitin) 02 Online web catalogue, Mobile access and remote access available. Internet web portal “ Digital Library” available for e resources: e journals, e books, e thesis, e question papers and open sources which can be accessible at https://library.karunya.edu For remote access : https://idp.karunya.edu 10. LIBRARY SERVICES a. Reference and Circulation Service b. Current Awareness Service c. Reprography d. Online Catalogues e. CD-ROM Search f. Book Bank g. Library User Assistance h. Information Search i. Digital Library Excellent online facility j. Web OPAC k. Online Access to e journals, e books and e thesis l. Touch Display KIOSK m. Wi Fi connectivity n. Remote Access o. Mobile App 11. RULES AND REGULATIONS a) Every user should scan their ID cards in the E Gate Register while entering the library and should log out while leaving the library. b) Every user should possess the ID card for accessing the resources of the library c) Strict Silence is to be observed in the library. Readers should not talk or discuss as they may disturb other readers. Reading halls are meant for individual study and research only. d) Personal belongings like Bags, Files, Folders, issued books, Umbrella, Jerkins etc., should be deposited at the property counter at the entrance of the library. Readers are advised not to leave their valuable items like money, passport, credit card and gold chain etc., at the property counter.
e) Use of Mobile phones are not permitted inside the library.
j) Books removed from the shelves, if not required further, should be kept on the reading table. Please do not try to shelve them yourself. Please remember that a book misplaced is a book lost.
n) Marking scratching, damaging, mutilating, stealing, library materials will invite disciplinary action against the defaulters.
a) Digital library
q) The library accepts, donations of Manuscripts, books, and journals etc., which are found useful to the students.
k) Newspapers & Magazines should be folded properly after reading and kept back in the designated place.
o) Readers should not carry books from one floor to another and should leave the books on the reading table after consulting.
g) Photocopying machine is available in the library to enable the students to get copies of reading materials from the library on payment basis. However, photocopying of materials from sources other than what is available in the library is not allowed.
p) The librarian reserves the right to suspend the membership of any member found misbehaving inside the library.
The central library is fully automated through a web based advanced University version of AutoLib library automation management software for complete digitization/computerization of all the in house operations of the library along with Mobile App facilities. The software supports
The ‘Digital Library’ is provided with 34 PCs having hi speed broad band internet connection to accessanddownloadinformation. Inaddition,Wi Fifacilityisextendedtoallthestaffandstudent users to access 2377 e journals, 211652 e books, Scopus and Web of Science database. Campus wide access is also extended 24 x7 to facilitate all students and staff in the residences to effectively utilize the resources. The Central library is a member of DELNET and INFLIBNET, which provides access to unlimited online documents. Membership with the National Digital Library of India provides access to global online resources facilitating the researchers to update their knowledge. In addition, e services are also utilized through the Intranet library portal (https://library.karunya.edu/).
h) The E books/E journals and soft copy of the previous year question papers are available in the following library link. https://library. Karunya.edu
f) The library is under surveillance with the aid of cctv video cameras. The students are asked to scan their ID while entering and exit of the library.
b) Library Automation
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i) Readers should not scribble on table tops or damage them clutter the table with heaps of books and other reading materials.
m) Eatables, soft drinks, printed materials are not allowed inside the library. Only one note book is allowed to take notes.
l) The library shall not be responsible for any loss or damage of the personal belongings of the users.
5 | Page the web centric applications of the conventional functions such as circulation, cataloguing, serials control, user access and acquisitions. Through the AutoLib software links to e resources such as Scopus, Web of Science, Science Direct, EBSCO, IEEE, IndianJournals.com, Springer link, Proquest and Pearson Education have been provided. In addition, access to question papers, uploading/downloading of e books and generating reports are also enabled. c) Mobile App Online services such as searching books, journals, e books and e journals in OPAC and downloading of documents is enabled through the Mobile App. The Mobile App features also include checking due dates, renewal and availability of library resources 24/7 across the world providing flexibility in usage and accessibility to the readers. You can download mobile app from Google Play store by typing Autolib, then search and install Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences. If you are connected through domain id then the app will be installed in your mobile.

6 | Page d) Remote Access The central library is a member of INFLIBNET INFED (Indian Access Management Federation) which provides remote access to authorized users and provides seamless access to multiple e resources such as EBSCO, IEEE, IndianJournals.com, ProQuest, Pearson Education Science Direct, Springer link, Scopus and Web of Science. In the library webpage https://karunya.edu/index.php/library under the menu Remote Access click IDP Login for accessing the electronic resources 24X7 anywhere, anytime. e) E Resources The Library has a rich collection of E resources which can be accessed anywhere in the campus. E Books Databases& E-Journals E-Theses & Dissertation Others Elsevier EBSCO EBSCO Open Dissertation DELNET

7 | Page Springer link IEEE OATD NDLI Pearson Indian Journals.com Shodhganga NLM Proquest ProQuest Journals E Consortium NPTEL Scopus Science Direct eshodhsindhu SWAYAM Web of Science Springer NLIST Open Access Resources The list of subscribed and Open Access resources can be accessed via the following link https://www.karunya.edu/library/e journals e) Classification System TheDeweyDecimalClassification(DDC)system22nd Ed.globallyfollowedinlibrariesisadopted in KITS. f) National Digital Library of India(NDLI) The NDLI is a virtual platform that provides learning resources for all disciplines such as Science, Arts, Humanities, Engineering, Medical, Law etc. The users can access the website at https://ndl.iitkgp.ac.in/ and can install mobile app of NDLI from Google play store https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mhrd.ndl 3. RESEARCH PROGRAMMES The Central Library is offering M.Phil. and Ph.D. Programmes since 2013. A total number of ten scholars were awarded Ph.D. degree in Library and Information Science upto May 2022. 4. FACILITIES a) E gate

The E gate at the entrance of the central librarypermits authorized entryto students with barcoded ID card.
b) Circulation Counter
The circulation counter facilitates issue and return of books, issue of no dues certificates and also functions as help desk.
The Online Public Access Catalogue is available in the library and is accessible throughout the campus in all computer systems. The search option in the software includes accession number, call number, title, first author, second and third authors, subject, keyword, publisher, vendor and year of publication. The institution repositories including question bank and all digital resources are also accessible.
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9 | Page e) Touch KIOSK The touch KIOSK is available in all the three floors for students to access journal articles and e books. The students can search books and journals through OPAC and read full text articles. f) Journal Section Current journals are displayed in the journal section in the ground floor for ready access.

10 | Page g) Books Processing Section New arrivals are entered in the accession register and database, barcoded and shelved in the lending section. h) Barcode Booksarebarcodedandscannedduringissueandreturninthecirculationcountertoensureprecise transaction. Zebra TLP 2844 Barcode Printer i) Newspaper Section English and regional language newspapers are available for users

11 | Page j) Stack Section Spacious stack room with books racks are available on the ground and 2nd floor. k) Competitive Exam Section Competitive exam books are stacked separately according to the type of exams UPSC, GATE, CAT, GMAT, IELTS, GRE, TOEFL, Civil Services and others. The current affairs books are updated with new collections every year.

l) New Arrivals New books are displayed in the arrival section for the benefit of the users.
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m) Reference Section Books of all the leading publishers and expensive books are maintained in this section. Subject hand books, ISI code books, Encyclopaedias, Dictionaries, Thesis, Back volumes and Question bank are maintained in this section for ready access to students.

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n) Thesis and Dissertations Ph.D. thesis are kept in a separate section for reference and are arranged discipline wise for ready access
n) Book bank The Adi Dravidar welfare Department, Government of Tamil Nadu provides grants for purchasing of books to benefit the SC/ST students and recipients of post metric scholarship. The students can use the books for the entire semester.

14 | Page o) Study Carrels Individual study carrels are available in reference section for extended time of learning. p) Back Volumes The issues of journals are bound together and stacked as back volumes in the reference section

r) Question Bank Question papers of all the earlier semesters are bound together and made available in the central library. The soft copy of the question papers are uploaded in the library portal to enable students to download them for reference.
15 | Page q) Reprographic Service Facilities are available for students and staff to take photocopies of articles and other documents.

16 | Page s) Research and Discussion Room A separate room for research discussion is available for scholars and supervisors. Contact Details The Chief Librarian, Central Library, Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Karunya Nagar, Coimbatore 641114. Tamil Nadu, India. Phone No: 0422 2614570, 2614571, and 2614579 e mail: Website:librarian@karunya.eduhttps://karunya.edu/library/