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Course objectives: To impart knowledge on 1. Nanotechnology in the field of electronics 2. Various Micro and Nanofabrication technologies 3. Nanostructured devices Course outcomes: Ability to 1. Relate the Nanoscale transistors 2. Infer knowledge on tunneling devices 3. Analyze the various tunneling circuits 4. Understand the various MEMS/NEMS devices 5. Utilize the various techniques used for nanolithography 6. Analyze the various fabrication tools Unit I: Nanoscale transistor Transistor as a black box, Scaling, Short channel effects, short channel MOS transistor, Drain Induced Barrier Lowering, various split gate transistor- Planar, Double gate, tri gate and Gate all around transistor, Organic electronics, Flexible electronics. Unit II: Tunneling devices Introduction to tunneling devices - Tunneling Diode, I-V characteristics, Resonant Tunneling Diode, I-V analysis, circuit design of RTD, Single Electron Transistor (SET) – Principle – Coulomb BlockadePerformance – Technology- Circuit Design- Logic and Memory Circuits. Quantum cellular automate – wire, inverter, logic gate and Majority gate design of QCA. Unit III: MEMS and NEMS Introduction to MEMS and NEMS, working principles, as micro sensors (acoustic wave sensor, biomedical and biosensor, chemical sensor, optical sensor, capacitive sensor, pressure sensor and thermal sensor), micro actuation (thermal actuation, piezoelectric actuation and electrostatic actuation–micro gripers, motors, valves, pumps, accelerometers, bionics. Unit IV: Lithography Introduction to lithography- Contact, proximity printing and Projection Printing, Resolution Enhancement techniques, overlay-accuracies, Mask-Error enhancement factor (MEEF), Positive and negative photoresists, Electron Lithography, Projection Printing, Direct writing, Electron resists. Unit V: Nanolithography Next generation nanolithography -Extreme ultraviolet lithography - X-ray lithography E-beam lithography –SCALPEL [Scattering with Angular Limitation Projection Electron beam Lithography] - Ion beam lithography -Nanolithography, Nano-sphere lithography ,Nano-imprint lithography, Maskless lithography - Nano-scale 3-D lithographic methods – Stereo lithography and Holographic lithography. Text Books 1. Goser, Karl, Peter Glösekötter, Peter Glosekotter, and Jan Dienstuhl. Nanoelectronics and nanosystems: from transistors to molecular and quantum devices. Springer Science & Business Media, 2004. 2. Colinge, Jean-Pierre, ed. FinFETs and other multi-gate transistors. Integrated Circuits and Systems, Springer, 2008. References Books 1. Mitin, Vladimir V., Viatcheslav A. Kochelap, Viacheslav Aleksandrovich Kochelap, and Michael A. Stroscio. Introduction to nanoelectronics: science, nanotechnology, engineering, and applications. Cambridge University Press, 2008.
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