Physics CBCS Syllabus

Page 58

UNIT III: DIFFUSION PROCESS IN IONIC CRYSTALS Microscopic Aspects of Diffusion:- Markov Process – Mechanism of Diffusion – Microscopic Interpretation of Diffusion Coefficient – Self and Isotope Diffusion Coefficient – Defects Diffusion Coefficient – Chemical Diffusion Coefficient – Measurement of Diffusion Coefficient :- Tracer Method- NMR method:- Motional Narrowing of Resonance Band – Diffusion Coefficient from NMR Relaxation time UNIT IV : TRANSPORT PROPERTIES OF IONIC CONDUCTORS Definition of Conductivity and Transference number – Equation of flow of charged particles measurement of Conductivity- Determination of Transference Number – Interrelation among diffusion coefficient, mobility and ionic conductivity-Experimental methods to separate ionic and electronic conductivity parameter: wagner polarization method, emf method of transport number determination- Determination of small electronic transport numbers-The permeation technique (static)- The polarized cell technique (static), The polarized cell technique (dynamic)- The permeation technique (dynamic) UNIT V: SUPERIONIC SOLIDS AND APPLICATIONS Superionic solid, types of batteries, lithium ion battery, disadvantages of liquid electrolyte, Role of mixed conductors as electrodes in batteries, lithium polymer battery, supercapacitors, types of supercapacitors, EDLC, Pseudocapacitors, hybrid capacitors, lithium ion capacitors, microbatteries- thin film based-construction methods, Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell. References: 1. C. S. Sunandana, Introduction to Solid State Ionics: Phenomenology and Applications, CRC Press, 2015 2. H.L. Tuller, Minko Balkanski, T. Takahashi, Solid State Ionics, 2012 3. Suresh Chandra, Superionic Solids-Principles and Applications, North Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam, New York, Oxford ISBN: 0444860398, 1981 4. S.Geller, Solid Electrolytes, Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, New York, ISBN 3-54008338-3, 1977 5. T.Kudo and K.Fueki, Solid State Ionics, Kodansha Lts, Tokyo, (Japan), VCH Publisher, New York, USA (1990) ISBN: 3-527-28166-5, 1990 20PH1001 ELEMENTS OF PHYSICS IN AVIATION Credit:3:0:0 Course Objectives:s: Impart knowledge on 1. Optics and its behaviour in different medium. 2. Celestial Mechanics and Solar System 3. Oscillations and waves, analytical instruments and nanomaterial. Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will able to 1. Compare the laws of optics with regards to reflection, refraction, interference, diffraction and polarization. 2. Explain various laws governing oscillations and waves. 3. Appraise the characterisation ability of analytical instruments. 4. Describe the interplanetary travel in solar system. 5. Describe the characteristics of acoustic waves. 6. Demonstrate the process of obtaining nanomaterial and its applications.


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