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Determination of rigidity Modulus of a wire-Torsional Pendulum Determination of frequency of tuning fork-Melde’s string Estimation of Doppler effect by Ultrasonic Waves – Laser and Photo diode Determination of Thermal conductivity of a bad conductor-Lees Disc Specific heat capacity of solids and liquids – Joule’s Calorimeter Determination of velocity of sound-Acoustic Grating method
20PH1007APPLIED PHYSICS FOR COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Credits 3:0:0:3 Course Objectives: The course aims to 1. Impart knowledge on the fundamental concepts of physics in Quantum computing and semiconductor Quantum dots 2. Provide the basic physics underlying the field of display technology, superconducting quantum bit and magnetic storage 3. Throw light on new age Physics applications in computer networking for IoT applications Course Outcomes: The student will be able to 1. Remember the fundamentals of Quantum Reality in Space, Time and Quantum Entanglement in making of Qubits. 2. Understand the physics of nanomaterials with Quantum Confinement for making Quantum Chips. 3. Apply the advancements in latest technologies for computer quantum processing units and display devices. 4. Design superconducting quantum bits, and high end data storage using the physics of superconductors and magnetic materials. 5. Develop the high speed data transmission for computer networks using the physics of fiber opticsand LASERS. 6. Innovate in the field of IoT by analyzing the problems associated with microbatteries and sensors; Module: 1: Physics of Quantum Computing (7 Hours) Physics of Computation: Quantum Computing-introduction and definition; Physics behind Qubit: Youngs Double Slit experiment-Probability Wave-Schrodinger Equation- time dependent-Heisenberg’s uncertainity principle-Quantum Entanglement; Qubit: difference between the Qubit and Classical bitquantum particles-types of Qubits; Making of Qubit : electron spin Qubit-Electron spin-intrinsic angular momentum-quantum spin angular momentum-magnetic dipole moment-spin under magnetic field-Stern Gerlach Experiment;Nuclei spin Qubit: binding energy per nucleon curve-intrinsic angular momentum of nuclei-nuclei spin under magnetic field;applications of Quantum computing Module: 2: Semiconductor Quantum dots to Quantum Chips (7 Hours) Quantum Chips: Band Theory of Solids; p and n type semiconductors; direct and indirect bandgap- SiliconIII-V semiconductors-GaAs-application-lab on a chip; Quantum Confinement: 1 D, 2 D and 0 D materials with emphasis on Quantum dot; de Broglie wavelength and Bohr-Exciton radius; Band gap of nanomaterials: Density of states; -SchroedingerSquare well potential; preparation of core-shell quantum dots;Heterostructures and Quantum arrays Module: 3: Physics of Display Technology (7 Hours) CMOS technology: Definition- pn junction device-construction - working-forward and reverse biasingJunction Field Effect Transistor- Construction and working-key advantages and disadvantages-MOSFET in Construction and working-key advantages; Integrated Circuits-preparation - photolithography; Quantum Transistors: Tunnel Field Effect Transistor- construction and working; introduction to Quantum transistor in Quantum Computing (QPU); introduction to Graphics Processing Unit (GPU); Quantum Display Technology: Quantum dot LED display design and working;