1 minute read

B-13. National Police Foundation (NPF

Recovery of Rs. 252.438 /= Million in compliance of the Honourable Supreme Court of Pakistan Suo-moto case 11/2011.

Conducted dengue spray in NPF Housing Schemes. Launched tree plantation campaign in NPF H.Q and Housing Schemes. Quick response mechanism in both NPF housing schemes against flooding to the residents within available resources. Tapping new water sources and installation of Tube well / purchase of new water tankers to alleviate water shortage.


Institutionalization of engagement with the residents of Housing Schemes and their involvement in important decisions to improve their quality of life. Tender for repair of roads of NPF Housing Scheme through NESPAK. Purchase of 250 new weapons for up gradation of National Police Foundation Security services. Procurement of safety equipment of counter Covid-19.

Started computerized billing in NPF

housing schemes.


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