"All in the Family" Process Book

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Fall 2014 | Final Project Katelyn Plecker


Project Brief

Project Brief 3


Family Story

This assignment centers around the telling of a narrative through the means of a series of


4, 5

panels. You will select a personal family legend/myth or story and tell it using graphic visuals

6, 7, 8, 9

and text.

Final Design Concept 10, 11

Synopsis “All great literature is one of two stories; a man goes on a journey or a strang- er comes to

Inserted Text 12, 13 Color Swatches




Final Design

town.”—Leo Tolstoy As families gather, stories are often told and re-told again. Occasionally these tales are repeated so often that they are ingrained into the identity of the family—it becomes part of who they are. The tales are something which unites them as a group.

16, 17

The series of panels you create will tell one of your personal family stories in a graphical

Written Statement 18, 19

means of your choice. to bring back with you as a memento or souvenir.



Family Story At the age of nearly five I was known for being an adventurous

Since Bryce could hardly talk my mother brushed it off and

child. Growing up with two brothers caused many childhood

thought maybe he was just getting a cold. Sure enough

memories of time outs, groundings, and being scoulded by our

about three hours later he sneezed and in the palm of his

parents. Being the oldest child, I naturally felt the need to over-

hands for all to see was the miniature pair of pink colored

power my younger siblings and I did so by bullying them.

Barbie sunglasses.

One story that my family will never let down is the day that I

To this day it is a story that gets brought up in conversation

shoved pink Barbie sunglasses up my brother Bryce’s nose. For

at nearly every family gathering. It most likely will even be-

hours he would walk up to my mother pointing at his nose

come a joke worthy story to tell our own kids one day. I also

saying “ouch” and my mom saw nothing stuck up there.

will make sure that my future children never treat their siblings the way I treated my little brother Bryce in the desperate search for attention.




This shows the process of taking my own pencil drawings and editing them in Illustrator to include color. I did this with the drawing of my brother, my mother, the open faced hands, and the barbie sunglasses.



Carpet texture that was used as a background image behind the hands grabbing the barbie sunglasses, and behind the open faced hands holding the barbie glasses.

More examples of handrawn material that was used in the project. Above: The drawing of the hands was my favorite sketch that was used in this project.

Bryce really did have something up his nose...

...needles to say I got in big trouble.



Final Design Concept



Inserted Text


S 3 HR




Color Swatches

Inspiration This shows the process I

Here I included a few images

went through when pick-

of story boards that inspired my

ing out a color palette. I

design. Over all i loved the use of

looked at the site http://

illustrations mixed with the use of

design-seeds.com/ to

personal penicl sketches.

choose a variety of pastel colors along with vibrant pinks and purples.



Final Design



Written Statement

The project “All in the Family” became a fun final project that touched a

The in-class critique was very helpful in my opinion. Looking back on the

personal place in my heart. This process book shows my journey from the

project I would revisit the use of text and use the same fonts instead of two

starting point of sharing my story, to a final visual deisgn that sums it up into

different ones to achieve a more cohesive design. I would also think about

a sequenced story board. It was a constant process of thinking and re-de-

spreading out the use of hand drawn and illustrative material since the

signing until it finally clicked.

bottom half was basically where all my hand drawn sketches were.

The family story is always the same, when i was about five years old i

I’m very pleased with the way my layout worked along with the use of my

caught my little brother Bryce in my room playing with my barbies. To

color palette. I stuck to magenta, purple, blue, and green all with a pastel

punish him i shoved a pair of the barbie sunglasses up his nose and three

tint to them based on color swatches i found during research. I’m also very

hours later he sneezed and they were left soaked in snot in the palm of his

proud of the way my illustrations of the two different views of the nostrils,

hands. I felt that that story in particular could amont to great visuals and

and the illustrations of the characters came out. This project definitely

also become very challenging for my illustrative skills.

strengthened my ability to render characters and different perspectives with my own sketches and also with the help of Adobe Illustrator.

Bringing my own sketches and illustrations into this project is what made it so personal for me. I began with scanning in my original drawings into the

For the class as a whole I was very proud of the way our story boards

computer and then coloring over them in illustrator. with different paint

turned out and I love that we all critiqued eachother throughout the entire

brushes. Based my inspiration I found during research I wanted to create a

process. There definitely are things that I would revisit to improve the over

variety, some hand drawn and others made on the Adobe software. The

all design, but in the end I am very proud of this as a final project. After

use of text was what seemed to challenge me the most in completing a

completing this final I now understand the method to the madness of

solid story. To find a happy medium i illustrated some of the text and also

Graphic Design III.

used actual text in the final piece.



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