riot manifesto
11186 words
Ekaterina Abramova A thesis submited in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Abstract I started to write my thesis in the moment of my life where I had the possibility to start running my own business, In these three years of achieving my degree, I have learnt a lot about the fashion industry, and now I am becoming an insider. So what was the questions I was asking myself, which I am still constantly asking? Is there is a way to be innovative in a fashion system, being a small start-up business? How to succeed on the overcrowded market? I came up with the idea of re-analyzing and customizing fashion marketing aspects in my own way, from a young entrepreneur’s point of view, where curiosity and creativity meet each other. I started with the research of the bases of fashion marketing, brand identity and customer behavior and it lead me to content marketing as an upcoming trend in marketing.
Acknowledgements I would like to express my special appreciation and thanks to my advisor Professor Silvia Zancarli and Bianka Renn, you have been a tremendous mentors for me. I would like to thank you for encouraging my research and for allowing me to grow as a professional. Your advice on research have been priceless. I also want to thank you for letting my defense be an enjoyable moment, and for your brilliant comments and suggestions, thanks to you. A special thanks to my family. Words cannot express how grateful I am to my mother for all of the sacrifices that you’ve made on my behalf. Your have been always for me the most inspirational person ever. Thank you for giving me freedom in everything I have been doing in my life. I would also like to thank all of my friends who supported me in writing, and incented me to strive towards my goal.
Table of content Abstract Acknowledgements Contents Limitations Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Introduction 1.1 Definition of Fashion marketing 1.3 Fashion marketing today Chapter 2 Methodology overview 2.1 Marketing Strategy 2.2 Brand Identity 2.3 New Consumer 2.4 Trends. Trend Creation 2.5 Conclusion Chapter 3 FUK Content 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Content Marketing 3.3 Creation of a content 3.4 Riot manifesto Application of the manifesto Chapter 4 Business Plan 4.1 Marketing Mix Marketing Analysis Market Segmentation 4.2 FUK Content agency project Launch Strategy Development of business idea. The executive summary of the project. Market Analysis Summary Objectives. The mission. Strategic Decision
Keys to success. Start-Up Summary Services 4.3 Social Media Marketing Strategy Web site development 4.4 Patenting\Copyrighting of the idea. Conclusion References Bibliography
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The topics that I choose for my research part included Fashion Marketing description, the situation of fashion marketing today, the consumer behavior within the new generation of Millennials and their purchasing power, Trends creation and trends forecast in consumer behavior by 2020. Marketing strategy basics and brand identity description and the way how it is functioning, in order to understand the actual situation of the market behavior. The limitations of the project are the financial plan, because basically the output of the research is the manual guide that can be applied to the brand identity, marketing strategy and content marketing agencies. The overview covers the most important topics in order to analyze the actual problems and then create the new ways of seeing the process of content marketing, brand identity and business strategies. The goal of the research was to cover all the basic concepts and definitions and creation the manual based on the future trends in marketing combined with classical marketing concepts, without going in depth.
Chapter 1 1.1 Introduction. When I started my research about Riot I never expected that I would end up with such a work like this. The second part of my research is totally dedicated to fashion marketing and brand identity. Basically, what am I trying to do is to look on the marketing aspects from a totally different perspective. Inspired by Saatchi & Saatchi agency with their Lovemarks concept I decided to create something particularly new. This something is a RIOT‌ riot in fashion marketing and brand identity. Some of the people have to follow the rules in order to create at least something, some of them do not follow any rule and others are breaking those rules and creating something new. We all know that the majority of the people will always be following opinion leaders, innovators and trend creators, speaking general those people, creators, will always be going few steps forward. Everything that you do is marketing; it applies to everything you do. All marketing is getting people to love you or love what you do, no matter what. Speaking about fashion world, especially fashion scene, which is basically made up by innovators, and everything is changing faster and faster with the years and technologies growing. For example if you would look 4 years back, everything will seem totally different, and just within this small time difference, you can understand that now fashion is ever evolving and ever changing. Fashion industry is a multibilliondollar enterprise made up of the business of creating and selling clothes, but this is just the rough description of what could fashion industry represent. It is a complex process that consists of creating the idea as a starting point to development the whole production process, promoting and selling the product, but it is not the final step anyway, because this process is never-ending, you have to create your customer and then keep stimulating them to purchase more and more. As complex fashion market gets, as smarter marketing strategies are required, meaning that customer expectations are getting higher and higher, so the marketing has to be more intelligent. “ They are playing a game. They are playing at not playing a game. If I show them I see they are, I shall break the rules and they will punish me. I must play the game, of not seeing I see the gameâ€? (Frisk, Peter, 2006.)
Lets continue speaking about customers, as marketers could say that basically customers come in a range of similar shapes and sizes, they call them segments. In the past, marketing people could precisely predict socio-demographic labels, but not so today. People are less predictable than before, behaving in a different ways in a different times, and in many different segments depending on the occasions and also the mood. I guess now marketers need more deeper logic and creativity in order to inter complexity. The most important thing is that there is no rule or formula to creativity, it s all about finding “that thing”, one genuine thing that is you, your product, service and finally your idea, and find the unique way to highlighting it.
1.2 Definition of Fashion Marketing Fashion has always been a hyper- competitive industry, and in a pre-digital age brands were based with the classic marketing strategies, by using traditional media. And till now those techniques are still working but, today’s Internet-era consumers are more powerful and interact with a brand for them became worthy due to proliferation of digital and social media. Fashion marketing definition according Parson’s school of design is the process of developing, analyzing and marketing current fashion trends into strategies of production, sales and promotion. Basically fashion marketing and analyzing of trends are two main things, which co-exist in order to create one big thing- Fashion marketing. Fashion has been always involving changes, accepting them and defining as a succession of a short-term trends or fads. A style has never been fashions unless they won the acceptance among the consumers. And basically fashion has never been just about the clothing; it was always something more than that. It has been always fulfilling a need to reflect an image of oneself to the world. Mike Easey describes fashion marketing as an application of a range of techniques and business philosophies that has been centered upon the customer, potential customer clothing and clothing-related products and services in order to create a long-term goals and relations of the organization. Fashion marketing is the action that consists of different techniques and business philosophy that focus upon the customer and potential customer in order to meet long term goals of organization. It is also important to add that the fashion marketing is very different from other areas of marketing, because the role of design in leading and reflecting consumer demand results in a different approaches to fashion marketing.(Wiley, 2008.)
1.3Fashion marketing today.
As far as clothes have been produced they need to be sold, and here goes the marketing. Fashion marketing is the process of managing the feed of merchandise from the selection of designs that has to be produced, to the presentation of product to the consumers, with the objective of maximizing a company’s sales and profitability. The goal is to understand the consumer’s desire and responding with the appropriate product. Marketing is a business philosophy I would say, that is build around the brand in order to create the way of thinking about the firm from the customer’s perspective. Fashion marketing consists of a complex of tools, such as Branding, Pricing, Publicity, Sales Promotion, Forecasting, and Distribution etc. The very nature of fashion, where change is constitutional and gives a different value to marketing activities. It gives a very different definition to the fashion marketing from many other areas. Basically marketing Environment in fashion is based on relations between design process moderated within customers need and developed in order to be placed in a right position that was analyzed by marketers. Speaking about Fashion Marketing today, it is hard not to say that it is all about understanding a customer’s need and creation of relevant content. Creation of experience that brand offer to the customer. Product in that case is the tool of creating a lifestyle and experience that brand sells to the customer. For today’s sophisticated brand companies, the consumer-centric marketing is something not just to be practiced, but something to be proud of. “Getting closer to the consumers” idea is seen as the ultimate source of competitive advantage. The chairman of Uniliver once said- “ We must strive for consumer intimacy. Our great strength is the knowledge of what consumer wants”. There is a very interesting idea that I found in the interview for Sunday Times Business with the CEO of the UK’s leading groceries retailer Tesco, Sir Terry Leahy, where he is saying that they were determined to follow the customer- so the business would go wherever the customer took us, and they would never adapt the customer into what we wanted to offer. They stopped following the competition and followed customers.Now companies generate concepts like “consumer insight meaning”, or “implicit consumer-psychographic-space mapping”. (Helen Edwards, 2007.)
methodology overview The Objectives. The objectives of my methodology overview are to analyze existant marketing theories and concepts, in order to have the whole landscape of marketing process. It is important to say that in order to break the existant rules, you have to be familiar with the foundation of the process. Phases. The phases of analyzing the methodology review are basically based on the structure that i will follow when I will start to create the FASHION RIOT MANIFESTO. Marketing Strategy 1. Peter Fisk «Marketing Genios» 2. David Meerman Scott «The new rules of marketing and PR» 3. Phillip Kotler, Kevin Keller «Marketing Management» 4. Leslie Davis Burns «The business of Fashion» 5. Michele M. Granger «Fashion Enterpreneurship» 6. Phillip Kotler, Gary Armstrong «Principles of marketing» 7. W. Chan Kim «Blue Ocean strategy» 8. Cathy Armilles « The unbreakable rules of marketing» Brand Identity 1. John Grant « Brand Innovation Manifesto 2. Mark Sherrington «Added Value» 3. Kevin Roberts «The lovemarks effect» 4. David Aaker « Building strong brands» 5. David Aaker « Brand Leadership» 6. David Aaker «Brand Portfolio Management» 7. W. Chan Kim «Blue Ocean strategy» The New Consumer 1. Shaz Smilansky « Experiental Marketing» 2. Jon Steel «Perfect Pitch»
- Trends. Trend creation. Creation Of a Content (FCUK CONTENT PROJECT) 1. Primary research (FCUK content) 2. Jay Baer «Youtility: Why Smart Marketing Is About Help Not Hype» 3. Stephanie Diamond «The Visual Marketing Revolution» 4. . Debra Kaye, with Karen Kelly «Red Thread Thinking: Weaving Together Connections for Brilliant Ideas and Profitable Innovation» 5. Gary Keller, Jay Papasan «The One thing: Surprisingly simple truth behind extraordinary results» 6. Joe Pulizzi «Epic Content Marketing» 7. David Meerman Scott «The new rules of marketing and PR» 8. «Content Marketing Strategies for Professionals. How to Use Content Marketing and SEO to Communicate with Impact, Generate Sales, and Get Found by Search Engines» By Bruce Clay and Murray Newlands
Chapter 2 2.1 Marketing Strategy The traditional formulation of marketing is basically organized around Kotler’s definition and 4P’s Marketing Mix formula, which is: Product, Pricing, Placement, Promotion. Let’s say this is the base of marketing, but lets go a little bit deeper.(Gary Armstrong Philip Kotler, 2011) Kotler describes marketing process as social and directorial action where individuals and groups acquire what they need and want through creating products and its values. Speaking more simple Marketing is all about delivering customer satisfaction at a profit. The main way of doing it is to attract new customers, keeping current customers and delivering satisfaction. That is the base of the marketing process, which includes “inside out factors”: Marketing mix 4P’s and 4C’s The classical marketing framework which became almost fundamental amongst other different frameworks. Marketing process, that consists of analysis, planning, implementation and control Marketing environment which is competitors, suppliers, publics and intermediaries It is also important to say about the marketing environment which is Macro environment (covering Demographic, Economic, Natural, Technological, Political, Cultural fields), and Micro environment- the company itself. Speaking about strategic marketing, I would highlight the main challenges that had happened in these last 3-4 years, with the growth of new businesses and changes within relation with a customer. Based on Harvard business review article, written by David Aaker(Five Challenges Facing Marketing - David Aaker - Harvard Business Review. 2014.),where he speaks about challenges that are facing marketing, I found it incredibly important to mention them in my research paper. As the first point, he is saying that marketing needs to lead in substantial or transformational innovation that could result in new offerings that could define new categories and subcategories. Basically what he is saying is that the concept of “My brand is better than yours” supported by innovation and conventional program hardly or better to say rarely creates sales growth because markets have a lot of apathy, and here is the only way to grow is through the big idea innovation that will create increasing and augmentation of the offerings that will became a “must have” for a customer.
The second challenge is that marketing has to be more strategic than tactical within earning an influential place on the market. Aaker says that marketing should own three key elements of strategy, and they are: Customer insights (in order to enable growth initiatives and being as a basis for strategic resource allocation) Value proposition (main part of business strategy) Own brand strategy (in order to inform and enable business strategy) The third challenge is based on marketing needs of getting a control of the product, country and functional cellar in order to support cooperation and communication rather than competition and isolation. Fourth challenge that David Aaker pointing out as one of the most important is that marketing needs to add energy and involvement into their brands. The example is Apple, Dove and others that have created a need with energy and the right way of how to attach a brand to it. As the last point, the final challenge is that marketing needs to elevate it s game tactically. Within the dynamics of social media and fragmentation of media options, there is so much fill and complexity that nothing than good marketing and exceptional offering can break out, it means that having a great access to creative tools, brands are willing to innovate and deep array of marketing modalities. So lets go deeper into marketing strategy definition and concepts. Basically it is important to highlight that marketing should be the driving force for each business strategies, and you have to be sure that this strategy is driven by the challenges and opportunities in the market, understanding how to compete and win. Facing today’s business arena, a lot of marketers are assuming that fact that now most of the business strategies are not adequate for today’s market, lets say the promote evolution rather then revolution, avoiding hard making decisions, they are not ready or just scared of facing the future, seeing the future within their brands, they are not flexible to adapt to changing markets. The thing is that strategy is all about to sustain approaches, requiring flexibility and adopting to fast-changing world. Based on Peter Fisk book “Marketing genius”, I pointed out few concepts he was writing about, the one I found pretty curious is a “three dimensions to a market strategy”, where he describes it as a little chart.
“Where to play”- is the analysis of the emerging or existing markets, the competitiveness, market focuses and choices. “How to compete”- is basically what you offer to customers, how you offer and how to be different from competitors on the market, how to become a leader. “How to win”- the identification of the most reasonable and appropriate ways to win, considering new businesses and criteria of success. Speaking about marketing strategies it s hard not to say about decision-making marketing, where decisions are based on logic and fit, insight and attractiveness to the market and brand itself. Based on the evaluation of the likely future profits we have to consider Accelerating growth, which is growth in profits, Improving margins, which is economic profit, and of course reducing risk. A lot of marketers says that Strategy is all about direction, and basically they are right with this idea, direction always depends on from where you start, it affect the way where you might end up, requiring the perspectives. Nowadays markets can’t be limited with borders and sizes. Brands and partnerships, fashion and consumer broke the traditional ways of competition.
2.2 Brand Identity There are tons of different definitions of what is the brand identity, written by different professionals and marketers. For example Aaker defines brand identity as the image that creates the value in many ways, in order to help customers to process information, differentiating the brand, creating reasons to buy, giving the positive feeling about the brand and providing basis for extensions. Although Ketler define brand image as a perception about a brand that has been reflected by a brand associations in a consumer’s memory. Let’s say that both of the definitions by these great minds are right, but within times, it has been developed even deeper that they could expect. Yes, it is still about the perception of the brand in customer’s mind, but it is way more complicated than before. Brand identity is the DNA of the brand creation, it helps to define how the company plans to advantage its brand, in order to create the corporate brand vision, justify its corporate values and achieve its corporate mission.(Scott M. Davis, 2002) So, how to define developed Brand identity? Those are the questions that help you to do that: What is the aim and unique vision of a brand? What makes it different? What its values? What brand needs in order to be fulfilled? What its movement? What is the brand’s territory of capacity? What makes your brand recognizable?
(Jean-Noel Kapferer, 2012. )
In the chart bellow you can see the Brand Identity Prism, taken from «The New Strategic brand management» written by Jean-Noel Kapferer, that demonstrates the elements of Brand Identity building process. Lets analyze each of the elements. 1. Capabilities- What we do? It is important to have a functional added value, even if your brand is an imagebased, it has to deliver material benefit to the customer. 2. Internal Culture and Values- Who we are? By building a strong brand image, you have to create a strong and clear set of shared values, such as brand’s core beliefs and way of operating; being determined and rigid. 3. Noble Purpose- Why do we exist? Noble purpose cause the brand being aspire to serve. It is all about the ambition of the brand, where the main purpose is to change people’s life, how to make thir life better. It is created to be motivating to employees, important for customers and external stakeholders. 4. Brand Personality- How do we deliver? The communication of the brand personality has the main purpose of building a character. Indeed, consumers identify themselves with the brand’s personality or they are projecting themselves into it. 5. Shared Values and Community- What do we have in common? Brand loyality has to privide a sense of belonging. Also creating a kind of community of their customers, in order to build a stronger brand image. 6. Aspirational Self-image- What the «brand use» says about the customer? Continuous use and reliance on a brand demonstrates its value to the customer. Brand loyality always provides emotional and self-expressive benefit. Belonging to a brand always tells others about the user. 7. Rallying Cry- What does all this add up to? This concept delivers the category of the buisness for the brand, and formulate the uniquness. This is something, that stays inside the company, for its employees, in order to create their main purpose and set of boundaries. The Brand Identity System description by David Aaker (David A. Aaker, 1995.). David Aaker describes brand identity as a unique set of brand asssociations, built by a brand in order to aspire to create or maintain by brand strategy. This is what brand stands for and impy a promise to customers. It helps to establish a relation between a brand a customer, in order to create a valuable propositions that i described before, sush as emotional, functional and self-expressive benefits. It is important to add that a brand position is the part of brand identity that has to be comunicated to a target customer and the audience, demonstrating the advantages over the competitive brands.
The construction of brand image is based on: Brand Image- How the brand is percieved by customer now Brand Identity- How the brand wants to be percieved by customer Brand Position- The core of the brand identity, value proposition that has to be communicated to the customer Here we come to conclusion that brand is not just a product, brand consists of a different attributes and communications around the product. Aaker describes it with a chart where product and it s scope, attributes, quality and uses, surrounded by different components such as: -Organizational associations - Brand personality - Country of origin - User Imagery - Self-expressive benefits - Emotional benefits - Bran-Customer relationships - Symbols It is very important for a brand not to limit itself just with a product attributes, you have to create a story behind it, something that will speak through and over it. Attributeoriented benefits are to easy to copy, and here goes the statement of uniqueness, where you have to implement the target customer, product development and communication researches.(David A. Aaker, 1995) Different marketers and strategiests suggest to have a clear structure of brand identity, ensuring that it has depth and texture, and firm shuld also consider it’s brand as: Product An organization A person A Symbol The perspective of building a brand identity are different,where the goal is to help the marketers and strategiests take a consideration of different brand elements and patterns, that can help to clarify and differentiate the identity. So basically brand identity system, based on Aaker’s «Brand Identity Planning Model»(David A. Aaker, 1995) consists of: Brand as a product: product scope product attributes quality/value uses users
country of origin Brand as organization: organization attributes, meaning innovation, consumer concern, trustworthiness. local vs. Global Brand as a person: personality, meaning genuine, energetic, rugged brand-customer relationships, meaning friends, advisers Brand as a symbol: visual imagery brand heritage All of this components are the extended core of brand identity, from which follows the value proposition and credibility that afterwards create a brand- customer relationships. The core identity represents the meaning of success of the brand, that contain the associations that will most likely remain constant for a brand, even if it will switch to a new market or product. It has to be very resistant to changes than the elements of the extended identity, as far as the communication strategies may change, meaning that extended identity may change, but the core identity has to be way more timeless. The core identity is coming out from answering the introspective questions, such as: What is the soul of a brand? What are the fundamental beliefs and values? Competencies of organization? What does the organization behind the brand? (David A. Aaker, 1995.) It is important that the core identity should be unique and valuable. Developing process of brand identity, value proposition and brand position is a part of strategic decisions, that are created in order to develope a statement wof what the brand is standing for. That’s why the brand strategy has to be viewed from different perspectives. Aaker describes those perspectives as: - customer analysis, including trends, motivations, segments and needs - competitor analysis, including brand image, brand position, strenghts - self-analysis, including existing brand image, brand heritage, strenghts, weaknesses, brand’s soul, links to other brands.(David A. Aaker, 1995)
Conclusion The current brand management with it’s imitative commitment to consumer crazes and directives, is leading brands nowhere, that is why many healthy brands are in trouble because the combination of superficial communications and brand personality is not enough for creating the conversation with customer today. The brand identity creation today consists of so many components, and each of them has the same level of importance. I m not going to invent a wheel by saying that a company and its brand need to be good at something that is good for people. Knowing that this notion is quite old fashioned, but it has a different impact in a cynical world of customer. Combining it with the creativity and trend sensibility to the market, the brand has more chances to be successful on the market.
2.3 New Consumer Today marketing is driven by a consumer-focused than a product-focused concept, that is why this part of the thesis is dedicated to a new consumer and new consumer’s behavior. For every company the one of the most important elements is a customer relations, because everything is based and managed for and around the customer. Based on a Kotlers description of marketing concept which say: «The marketing concept holds that the key to achieving organizational goals consists of determening the needs and wants of target markets and delivering the desired satisfactions more effectively and efficiently than competitors. It starts with a welldefined market, focuses on customers needs, coordinates all the activities that will affect customers, and produces profits by satysfying customers».(Phil Kotler, 2008. Marketing Management (13th Edition). 13 Edition. Prentice Hall ) What is consumer behavior? The consumer behavior involves much more than just a purchasing of a product, it covers the psychological core, the making-decissions process, the consumer culture and as an outcome the consumer behavior. «Consumer behavior reflects the totality of consumer’s decisions with respect to the acquistition, consuption,disposition of goods,services, experiences, people and ideas by (human) decision-making units (over time). (Wayne D. Hoyer, 2008) Intelligent consumer Customers today became more individual and different, they are more demanding than ever, their unstated needs now matter more than stated. Their morivations and aspirations are more complex and personal. It can be influenced by the increasing complexity of lives and differents segments for different activities, for instance getting ready to pay premium price for the clothes, but saving money on energy suppliers, or trawel with a low-cost flights, depending obviously on the mood while taking such a decisions. With the time also changed the value of the products, but increased the way of how consumers engaged with a brand. Another aspect of changing is that consumers respect youth more than age, being aspireed to be youthful at every age. Another big and very important aspect is that consumers value life more than money. It means that they prefer dealing with friendship or well-being rather than cash. Speaking about how customer’s values got changed it is important to add that the attitude to the brands and marketing have changed as well. Today with the globalization of internet as an infinite source of information, the consumer has probably done more product research and price comparison than a sales assistant, that’s why now it called era of INTELLIGENT consumer. They are making their choices about brands based on their CSR performance, attitudes towards their personal and staff more than a product itself. That’s why a lot of companies have to manage this aspect, in order to create trustful relationships with their customer. Basically the main challenge for marketing lately was to understand customer, to develop the
solution to their needs, to connect with them in an appropriate way, where the result would be the satisfaction of customer needs and profit for a business. Today’s consumers virtually defy classifications. As complex they become, as more complex become the process of their psychographic segmentation and model of categorizing them. The consumer today reflects the influences of the generation in which they were born, the lifestyle they has reached, their income and lifestyle attitudes and own personality. There are no stereotypes anymore. The millennials are more individual than ever before. The growing of individualism characterized by declining of the mass products and cloned stores. The today’s customer turning away from traditional goods and services. New consumers express their preferences in relation to their needs, by exhibiting different purchasing attitudes and behaviors. The new consumers are more confident than before in their capabilities to solve their problems, they achieve the pick of their purchasing power, being surrounded by infinite offer of goods in different “ shape and color”. Today’s consumers have new expectations. Shopping today involves multiple mediums such as in-store, online and mobile. Consumers, especially millenials have growing expectations about their shopping experience, regardless of how and where they buy. The questions remain: “ Are retailers updating their strategies to accommodate customer’s expectations?” or “ How much do they stand to lose?”
Customers must recognize that you stand for someth i ng im portant to them Howard Schultz (Peter Fisk, 2006.)
According to the last neurological studies, which I found in a Peter Frisk “marketing genius” book, most purchase decisions are made in 2.6 seconds. Based on that, some of the marketers argues, that as quicker we make our decisions, the better they often are, because apparently in these short time period, we are not observing extra information, which can influence our initial decision. That is why, a lot of companies are trying to reach that position in a customer’s mind, where they are sticky enough and quick to recall to persuade when the moment comes.
Customer Value Propositions are the most powerful tool of operational marketing, which is focused on differentiating and engaging with customer. It changes from company to company, because each company has different target audiences. CVP focuses on what matters to customers, they can be the high-level, benefit driven themes and promises that can be delivered by products and services, functions and processes that enable the benefits to get realized. CRM/CEM First i have to describe what is Customer Relationship Management because it is neccessary to mention, speaking about marketing and consumerism. CRM, back in the late 80’s and beggining of 90’s was a new thing, using for comunicating a brand to a customer, but nowadays this sistem is not used anymore, because the level of engagement with a customer was very low, also because nowadays the relation requires emotional envolvment and engagemnt with a customer. Another problem is that CRM programs can be copied , because all of you need is just a specific software. One of the most important points is that building a relationship with clients requires integration across variety of touchpoints, and for CRM which is not integrated with brand –focused customer initiatives, like advertising and promotion, it is most likely impossible. In a new era of customer-focused marketing, the system needs a totally new approach, where managers are taking customers more seriously and detailed. This approach called CEM (Customer Experience Management), which is the process of strategically managing a customer’s entire experience.(Bernd H. Schmitt, 2003.) As a conclusion to a customer behavior, I would like to analyze how the consumer behavior will change within the market and upcoming marketing trends. The Fashion. NYC.2020 report (Fashion NYC 2020 report , an NYCEDC study) says that in a next few years the consumer centricity in fashion business is going to reach it s peak through the use of technology of involving customers in fashion product design. Consumer-driven demand is unlikely to reshaping the design process, but consumer-centric trends offer a huge opportunity for innovative designers and retailers adept with technology. Retailers range from traditional to startup fashion companies that quickly leverage innovations, where the process of adopting innovations could be different in both cases, while start-uppers more likely adopt the technologies way faster and with the more success in comparison with traditional retailers. The marketers have to be upgraded with fast moving customer’s actions and thoughts, influenced by the innovations of the products, offer and communication. Today, the generation of Millennials reached their pick by surpassing the generation of baby-boomers and generation x. It means that they are today’s consumers with a strong purchasing power. For example, amount of how much the Millennial spent each year in the United States estimates as 600 billion of dollars.15 Based on a Boston Consulting Group research about the “Millennial Consumer (http://www., 2014].). 15 Based on a Boston Consulting Group research about the “Millennial Consumer”(Christine Barton, Jeff Fromm, Chris Egan, April 2012) we can underline the attitudes and behaviors of Non-Millennials and Millennials. In fact Millennials see themselves more positively than Non-millennials. For instance they describe themselves as: Hardworking Tech Savvy Innovative Young Cool Smart Selfish, etc, When Non-millennials describe themselves as: Lazy Entitled Spoiled Selfish Greedy Both of the groups spend almost the same time being on-line, but Millennials are more likely to use Internet as a platform to broadcast their experiences, thoughts, desires and contribute user-generated content. Companies that “achieve” the Millennials and engage with them can differentiate themselves in the market place and continue to have long-term relationships. For the companies and their brands it means that they have to make more specific and detailed researches about their customers.
2.4 Trends. Trend Creation. This part of the overview is dedicated to trends and trend creation and marketing. Today one of the main components of marketing research and strategy is a trend research, creation of a trend and marketing. What is a trend? The Buisness dictionary ( describes a trend as « A pattern of gradual change in a condition, output, or a process, or an average or general tendency of a series of data points to move in a certain derection over time, represented by a line or a curve on a graph»( definition/trend.html,2014). So basically trend could be also describes as process of changing of tendencies within time. Trends go on one leg with adaptation of information in order to predict the future of the process of business change and appropriate reaction of changes and coherent innovation of business strategies. Based on Jeremy Gutshe(Jeremy Gutsche,2009), the author of “Exploring Chaos: 150 ways to Spark innovations during time of change”, where he explains that early spotting of trends lead us to the opportunities being created from today’s crazy fast changes, and as a result he claims that everything will be about the science and ability of adaptation. According to his book, the next wave of management will be focused on the science of adaption. His book approaches this “science” using four particular tactics: Cultural Revolution The culture of organization underlies the ability to adapt and magnify the importance of culture. From this you can spark the paradigm for creative changing from which the strategies supposed to be created. Trend Hunting Identifying future “Big thing” comes from innovation and competitive advantage that hinge on the effectiveness in anticipating trends. Focus all creativity on the most important opportunities of culling out the trends, identifying clusters of opportunities and filter all the information and actions that are happening around on the market etc. Adaptive Innovation The business world and the government in general invested billions of dollars to perfect human creativity. You have to apply all of the best practices to start the abilities in your field focusing on new customers priorities. Infectious Messaging The Internet created and continuously improving it’s ability to let people to share and built the ideas on each other’s sharing. In the future it will be even more intense as a driving force for the culture revolution. You have to take an advantage of it by resulting with open collaboration and resonating the ideas into actions ahead of the
competitors. The consumer trends are the essential part of uncovering innovation opportunities. A marketing trend is a sequence of business behavior that becomes popular and imitated after being proved as a cost-effective way to connect with a customer. Most of the most important marketing trends are wide and global, such as “being entirely honest with your customer”. And from a financial point of view in marketing, trend is a period in which stock market prices are moving in a different direction, rising and falling, being sensitive to the changing situation in the market. When you are running a business it is important to use the business analytics trends, in order to keep up with emerging business trends, involving the check of the statistical analysis of historical data over the selected period by understanding the progression. And as a result of increasing, decreasing or flatness approves the existence of a trend. Every business uses this data to help predicting the future in order to shape the strategies. Speaking trend oriental the companies that target new breed of customers have to make their trend researches deeper and specifically oriented on consumer behavior. In that case I suggest to the companies plan their strategies in a more niche way. Here are the global trends in fashion designed within the innovations and consumer behavior for 2020 (chart based on “Fashion NYC2020” an NYCEDC Study), where we can see the main trend that are impacting fashion industry in next few years.
Chapter 3 3.1 Introduction. The Fuk Content is a fragment of my thesis project that includes the “Riot Manifesto”, which is a set of rules for the companies, based their business in fashion and content creation. I came up with the idea of a “FUK CONTENT” being totally disagreed with anything that is happening right now in fashion, being inspired by my research project about riot and aggressive behavior. Lets say it played the role of being my motivation to raise my voice and say what I wanted to say. Then I started to interview people like me, young professionals that have a possibility to say something out of loud. And the result that I started to achieve so far was surprisingly interesting; the idea of “breaking the rule” really works, and I am proud to say that all the people that did something outstanding was basically created with the initiative of breaking the casual rules, routine point of views. Of course in order to break the common rules of marketing, brand identity, trend creation and customer relationships I had to read tons of books written by great authors and great minds that basically built this concepts and rules. I would say it was also quite difficult to find a force to break such an important rules, but I found inspiration and venture to do that. Why “ Fuk Content”? I found it as a perfect description of what is happening right now in fashion, media and marketing. We are surrounded by content, everything that marketers, advertisers and managers in different areas are creating, lets call it “content” and we are the prisoners of this word. Lets not interpret this word “prisoners” as something bad, it s just something that is fulfilling our casual consumer life. So what is basically “Fuk Content”? It includes a “Riot Manifesto” manual, it is a set of a new rules based on Marketing Strategy, Brand Identity, New Consumer, Trends and Trend Creation concepts reobserved from a different point of view, the view of “breaking the rules”. The “Riot Manifesto” is created with the belief that we are only at the beginning of a fundamental shift in the way consumers will ultimately engage with brands. Technology is exponentially changing our world and as a result media no longer controls the conversation. Consumers do. Consumers who will only continue to become more empowered. More in control of what they see, more able to spread ideas and bring their own voice to a brands message.
3.2 Content Marketing. What is a content? Smart marketers and content creators are making a new move, traditional marketing is becoming less and less effective. Consumers lately started to ignore almost all the types of advertising, starting from the TV ads, annoying web banners, magazine advertising campaigns . And the new era of the content is already here. Content marketing, what is that? «Content marketing is a marketing technique of creating and distributing valuable, relevant and consistent content to attract and acquire a clearly defined audience – with the objective of driving profitable customer action.»(What is Content Marketing?. 2014. What is Content Marketing? ( So basically Content marketing entails a new technique of creating the content, which is meant to attract the attention of the customer and define the accurate audience in order to stimulate them for the profitable action. It is a kind of an art to communicate with your customer without selling. Lets say it is non-interruption ,marketing, which makes your customer’s buying behavior more intelligent. Content is the present and the future of marketing, and i will tell you why. In the overcrowded market, full of different strategies that sell almost everything, customer started to realize that he is just a part of a product life chain, now everything is changing. Now, with the possibility to say whatever you want, and almost every opinion is counting, marketers has to be careful with what they offer and sell, customers were intelligent all the time, but they never had so much choice and freedom inside of this «sellbuy» system like they do have now. The content marketing is not an innovation, it has always been there, brands were all the time telling their stories in order to attract customers, but now i would like to ask a question? How to keep customers interested in ur product or service now? Especially now, wen the market represents the opposite side of a blue ocean of competitiveness? The answer is still the same- Do not be scared to break the rules, go hard, be honest, create, innovate and never lie to your customer. The future of marketing lies in content creation, where visuals dominate popularity on-line, where good design means good business. Smart people can see design as an investment and consider that at the first steps of business planning. In this era of Internet, u can’t mess up with the first impression, today the audience expect more, and in order to stay on the board you have to follow this fast changing ingredients of business. “Revolution. That’s the term Brian Alvey, the man who built the software underlying three generations of digital publishers, uses to describe a buzz that has reached a crescendo over the last 12 months: Advertisers don’t want to just make ads that run alongside other people’s content anymore; a surging number of them want to
be publishers themselves.”(,2014). Almost every brand, that is keep going on the leg with innovations, already doing publishing as a support to the brand communication. But recent success of publishing within brand express this practice more like a fad, and it can bring some difficulties in the future. What is the future step? I have to write about the existence of such a company as, which is the world’s largest network of freelancers, professional journalists that do content creation and workflow software. Their manifest is “ Original storytelling wins”. And it is true, today everything needs a story, in order to communicate with the customer and create healthy relation with the target. So what if your company combines the right content and the quality of product and service? It creates a success. The future of marketing, again, lies in a combination of both of these components. What is UGC? User-generated content is media created by a person like you, someone who has spend the same or even more amount of time on-line. It includes status updates, posts on the blogs, reviews- lets say any content made by non-professional without any motivation behind, it is the type of content that you would trust over a professional’s review. Ipsos Millennial Social Influence Study,2014 did a very detailed research about UGC and Millennial Content Marketing is the only marketing that left. And here we are standing for it. generation. Here are some charts describing the behavior of this generation within content. As u can see the Millennials generation spent lots of time with UGC, it counts as a 30 percent of the time they are spending in order to get information. It is also interested that they trust more to UGC than other types of media.
3.3 Creation of content. The founder of says that the content marketing is the easiest and most inexpensive way to market a company, in fact he built a $200 million business by creating the content that could allow users to trust and self-educate. Today, forward thinking companies such as American Express, put a lot of effort into creating the effective content, but a lot of companies still fail with it. Why? Because they do not invest in the quality of content, they do not execute consistently and they do not promote their content. The first step of creating a content is to define it’s Goal. And here you have to be more specific. You have to know how do you want being respectful in your industry, how many growth is a month of success, do u want influence, notoriety or corresponds? Next step is to know whom are u communicating with. How to make audience care about your content? Identifying your influencers is also an important aspect in creating content. And this is the key of growing the credibility of your audience. Next step is to define the voice and perspective of communication you are creating. Here, approach is everything. The hardest step of creating a content and make it work is a story ideation, or better to say logic, attention, thinking and understanding in one word. There are few important aspects, speaking about the voice and perspectives, that turning your content into a brand because they are actually making you contradict. Here, you have to make it unique and turn into memorable brand. Publishing, Distribution and Promotion also the core component and obviously kind of an output of your work on a content. Distribution and promotion goes in one hand with content strategy. The process of planning, executing and optimizing the content is a complex work and outgoing process. Once you use this strategically impressive point, you will continue to create more out of it. Trends of Content marketing 2014 How the brand can continue to capture information-savvy consumers who demand instant gratification, in a constantly growing creativity level of advertising and marketing? How marketers and investors can head the confusing amount of content marketing startups and vendors? With the grow of the content marketing, there already exist few predictions for 2014/15 Content marketing forecast (http://,2014) : 1. Content is going to become its own role or a department, meaning that with the popularity of content marketing, many companies created new job positions such as “Director of Contents” or “ Content Marketing Manager”. 2. Increasing of regulations rights around native advertising. Licensing would become a bigger business by 2015, where more regulations will come down around native advertising and its balance between being informative
and deceptive to consumers. 3. The Cost-per-View (CPV)is going to start seeing real ROI (return-on-investment), meaning that business will move from CPV to CPA(cost-per-action) models, where native content is going to be used for lead generation. 4. The ROI will become more accountable for marketers. In a few years the content and social marketing is going to prove its value. The companies will start to offer fully integrated with customer databases and CRMs marketing platforms. It will allow marketers to make targeting at different stages, with customized content in each channel. 5. Brands are in seek of a more cost-effective strategy that requires seeing the whole picture of their content marketing efforts in one tool. 6. The content marketing is going to grow exponentially in Europe. 7. The agencies eventually will productize content. Meaning that in a few years of growing of content marketing the agencies will become more organized about their efforts. There will be partnerships between marketing software vendors and content agencies, in order to provide technology-based solutions to customer. 8. Distribution budgets will get synoptically. The best content will never generate a positive ROI without a real investment and distribution, so in a nearest future the agencies will find a way of generating smarter decisions about consolidating content creation and distribution budgets.
riot manifesto
we are originators makers starters in itiators we dont care about bei ng the first to know cos we are the first to do our territory is as wide as our tastes styles goals and dreams
1. SHOW DON’T TELL The best way to communicate is when the words confirmed with the actions. Today, when the market is full of different words that were created by advertisers to motivate the customer, the best way to differentiate is to show the result, action and move towards the customer. 2. MAKE IT EASY What will happen with IKEA if their products would be difficult to manage? They would probably lose their possibility to gain the customer attention. The most complicated things are never easy to manage, when you have to sell them. It doesn’t mean that the product is not good enough or something, Apple sell MacBook and they will continue to sell it, because the idea behind is just the simplicity, that customers are looking for in the era of technological progress. Making the simple complicated is commonplace, making the complicated simple, awesomly simple, is creativity. 3. BE ENTIRELY HONEST Selling the idea of a «perfect body, life, vacation, mindset and shoes», does it really works today? we are not buuying this anymore, today we know exactly what we are looking for and that all of this is just an illusion, or trick to make us buy. It doent bring us at the store anymore. Being honest with the customer is the new way of gaining credibility. 4. DO WHAT YOU REALLY CAN DO Do what you do, but dont forget to control the customer’s perception of the brand and activities you do, in that case doing what you really have to do will eventually bring you at the stage where the reality will take care of yourslef. 5. KNOW YOUR PRIORITIES Building a strong brand DNA is the priority of any upcoming business, and here you have to know that the important part of effective marketing is to be creative in order to make your message to be heard. Anyway in every case the priorities are different, but they have place to be. 6. PLAY FAIR No matter how dirty the economic games are on the market, how hard the competition is, playing fair is always increasing the level of respect of your brand and it’s components in the customer’s eyes. 7. MAKE IT COMFORTABLE The identity of the brand has to bring the feeling of comfort to your customer. Starting with the image and continuing providing the comfort with the service. It is like picking a shoes, they has to be not only fancy, bu the most important is the comfort, otherwise you will never wear them. 8. BE CONSISTENT Choose your messag and stick with it,being consistent in all you do. Each step you do has to be proved with an action, it s not that easy to get lost, thats why
consistency beats abilitily. 9. MAKE A REVOLUTION Revolutions have been and are still being started with a powerful message that brand is sending to the audience. Dont be scared to go big and make a revolution, or make it little, but it has to be a revolution. 10. COMMUNICATE EVERY STEP Keep in mind one strategic tip: communication is your message to the customer, so why dont you try to communicate every step you do, with a creative twist, in order to show make your customer an insider? 11. BEING OPEN MINDED IS NOT A CRIME 12. REPLACE THE FEAR OF UNKNOWN WITH CURIOSITY Curiosity is the perpetuum of progress. Be curious, explore. 13.MAKE THEM THINK Today’s customer is at that point, where the information spreading is so fast and comprehensive. They know everything, and they want to know more. Giving them information is a new way of keeping and gaining your customer. 14. MONEY REALLY MAKE SENSE Money motivate activity-money make quality-money make money. 15. BE LOCAL? Being local unique business gives you more possibillities than you can even think about. 16. ALWAYS ASK? No question is a stupid question. Stupid question is also a question. 17. DELIVER EPIC SHIT If your idea is great, make it better. Work your ass off. 18. DON’T BE AFRAID TO COPY, AFTERWORDS MAKE IT UNIQUE Find your own way adopting a great idea. Your experience and goals will make it unique. 19. ABSURD COMPLEXITY Make the complicated things easier. Complexity is just a short phase of understanding the working process. 20. MAKE THINGS HAPPEN Or do not do it at all. 21. CHANGE.TRY.CREATE...and remeber they are ways and tools of big journey, not the destination. 22. BE SELFISH Love yourself and things you do. Remember, it all starts from there. 23. BE CRITICAL Criticize yourself, others, everything and nothing. Be critical 24\7 24. KNOW UR PLACE.FIGHT FOR IT
Knowing who you are and what yiu are standing for is an eternal source of power. 25. NOW IS FUTURE 26.RISK Everything in life that matters requires risk. One russian proverb says «The one who do not risk, can never have a possibility to drink champaign» 27. DO MORE OF WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY..because if it makes you happy, it will obviously make your customers happy. 28. LOVE YOUR HATERS...because who, if not them can make you different...
our brand rock star norse projects copen hagen
our goal is to com mun icate a n ew brand identity image of th e brand 1 step Re analyzing a brand identity 2 step creation of a new content withing communication strategy 3 step curati ng a content
1 step brand Norse projects si nce 2002 (store), 2009 (collection) founded by Tobia Sloth, Anton Juul and Mikkel Groennebaek home base
Copenhagen, Denmark
why they co sign After establishing itself as one of Northern Europe's best street and footwear boutiques, Norse Projects rolled out an in-house brand of the same name last year. Concentrating on functional basics such as sweaters, shirts, and hats, the label opted for simple designs influenced by Scandinavian weather and surroundings with subtle streetwear twists. The collection was well-received by many, and the brand continues to bring heat this year with a new line that features similar characteristics as the last but also pays extra attention to the current trend of men embracing more put-together looks. With that said, Norse Projects is perfect if you have been looking to move away from the over-designed, overbranded apparel many streetwear brands have been stuck on, but still want to keep your wardrobe stocked with relevant, fresh gear.
2 step creation of a new content within commun ication strategy Within the RIOT Manifesto concept our goal is to create a web support platform for the Norse Projects brand. As far as the brand reached that moment when it can independently be promoted, we have to create and curate following features: WEB site Blog Magazine Event organization Monobrand store opening All of this compon ents would be created within our website and support of different social media tools One of the Riot manifesto rules says SHOW DONT TELL, and here we want to communicate every step of production, starting from the inspiration process of the collections, keeping the «rustic« component of the process. By MAKING IT EASY for customer, gives the possibility to grow potential customer experince. Just awesomly easy. Our theory of PLAYING FAIR and BEING CONSISTENT brings the brand identity on a new level of streetwear segment. We are going to MAKE THINGS HAPPEN, and RISK if needed, because the job that we do for the brand and for it’s customer is to DO OF WHAT MAKES THEM HAPPY.
3 step curati ng a content
BLOG We designed a blog in order to dedicate it just for the communication of production process as a communication tool
MAGAZINE On-line magazine is going to be created in order to develop a community of the already existent customers and atract new potential customers. The idea is to educate and give a lot of different information that has the same philosophy ass a brand itself.
MOnobrand store Event organization within the concept of the store Events are going to be organized directly in the shop, in order to romote new collections and launching colaborations partys
Chapter 4 4.1 Marketing Mix Marketing Analysis The final product of my project are the set of the rules, which were created under one concept and «FUK Content» agency that would be created in order to apply and promote the «Riot Manifesto». This concept I can describe as a “breaking the norms of classical marketing” set of the statements co-created with the influence of upcoming marketing and communication trends and the growth of content marketing. After bringing the idea to full fruition and getting the intellectual property protection and patenting, the next step is to commercialize it. Market Segmentation «FUK Content» agency will operate with a variety of business leaders in fashion in order to reorient the traditional frame of reference for their brands and engage in new ways with their many constituents.The competitors of the “FUK Content” agency are the brand identity development agencies, marketing consulting agencies, advertising agencies, such as WOLFF, Landor, Future Brand, Lippincott. Those are the most powerful and global agencies that are recognizable worldwide, but with the growth of importance of creation a strong brand identity and content creation and curating, the amount of small-size local firms, working on design development, content creation, brand identity integration increased in a last 2 years. 4.2 FUK Content agency project Launch Strategy Development of business idea. The executive summary of the project. «FUK content Agency» based brand management and visual communication firm. «FUK Content» will be concentrating on corporate brand identity of established and coming up on a market companies by applying a «Riot manifesto» concept manual book, written especially for the agency. The agency will operate out of an office in the central area of the city. In the beginning the office is going to consist of 4-6 employees. By the 1-year the company will hire more specialists. «FUK Content» agency will offer companies a fresh perspective regarding the «Riot manifesto» concept on brand identity and communication. Most firms come solely from creative backgrounds. While this is useful for the crafting of logos and other devices of visual communication, it lacks the intuitive business mindset that agency brings to the firm. This competitive edge allows agency to bring both an aesthetic design focus as well
as a practical, quantitative mindset that adds value to the service offerings by creating solutions that have both creative elements combined with rational, business ideas. This is useful since the clients are more business oriented and fashion forward at the same time. «FUK Content» agency will grow their customer base by providing clients with well-priced projects due to reasonably low overhead, creative, practical designs that add more value than competing graphical art firms, and superior customer attention, new strategical decisions in order to reach the set up goals. Market Analysis Summary Launching a FUK content agency with the particualr concept of «Riot manifesto», that was created especially to make a brand out of it, gives a possibility to enter the overcrowded market of Brand identity and Communication agencies and position itself as an independent service for newcomers in fashion industry, or the brands that are in need of changing their marketing strategies. Objectives. The objectives for the first three years of operation includes: - To develop a start-up brand identity agency, based on a particular concept written and developed especially for the agency. - To create a company who’s primary goal is to create coherent new concept of creating a brand image and exceed customer’s expectations. - To create a firm which provides the target customers with valuable services and provides the high level of business qualities and professionalism, uniqueness and profitability. - The strategic move of the launching the «FUK Content» agency is based on the goal of achieving the upcoming brand and grow within brand and it’s name, building the brand identity image not only for the brand that we are going to work with, but also growing a brand identity of the agency, as the promotional move. «FUK Content» agency has three distinct customer groups: Small-size companies: typically five to 15 employees Medium-size companies: 15 to 40 employees Large-size companies: 40-200 employees The mission. The mission of the company is to expand the new concept of marketing and brand identity on the market, being the first company and having all copyrights on «Riot manifesto» manual. Our goal is to create a brand out of the agency’s name it has to go with one hand with the concept we are applying in our agency this is the goal that we set in the beggining of our way. we have to create a story, a concept that will stay for a long period as an identity key role in the future life of the agency. Being an enterpreneur means that at the first steps of setting up the business, most of the things more probably would be based on the shoulders of CEO, meaning that at its first steps the team will consist just of few people, such as
graphic designer, account manager, web developer, pr manager. Strategic Decision One of the most important thing is that «FUK Content» agency is going to be launched with the already started project on upcoming emerging brand. It gives the possibility to grow within the first project and build the image of the agency itself. We not onlly invent the set of the rules named «RIOT MANIFESTO», we created a brand out of it. It helps not to loose the ownership of the innovation. It works both ways in our case, they both has to promote each other. A seccusseful repositioning of our competitors occurs when the customer believs, just before the moment of their purchase of the «new-to-me» service, that the agency is going to exactly what we are going to do, in our case not also better than others, the main idea is that we do it different, with the same success as other agency could do it in a classic way. Keys to success. Professionalism Creativity Competence Practical insight Uniqueness Enjoyment of the experience Creating coherent and innovative business strategies Start-Up Summary Office renting Assorted office furniture Computers, graphic tablet, black and white laser printer, inkjet color printer, scanner, CD-RW, and the following software: Illustrator, Freehand, Quark, Photoshop, Font Management Utilities, Traffic Office Manager (a scheduling and billing software), and Microsoft Project. Development of the website Employees team A current library A DSL connection Assorted office supplies Legal fees regarding business formation, creation of standard client contracts, and other legal general manipulations. Services We plan, develop and execute integrated creative strategies across all media. Strategy Planning Marketing Content marketing
Content creation Brand development Brand Identity Brand Workshops Creative development Creative direction Interactive design Pre-production and Planning Integrated story building Social media & Activation Information Architecture Content Management/ Marketing User experience/ Interface E-commerce systems CMS development SEM/ SEO 4.3 Social Media Marketing Strategy As far as we concentrate a lot of attention on curating a content and content marketing, our goal is to go deep in a social media and understand the way how consumers live their life, it is obviosly that they all live differently, but it s a huge perspective to influemt the potential customer better. We believe that social media has become the truth serum for brands.That is why the way how we will advertise our gency and Riot Manifesto is based on social medae resources like: LinkEdin Facebook Tumblr DesignInspiration Twitter
Web site development
The Web Site is designed in order to represent the whole spectr of the services that we are going to deliver to the customer, with a simple and minimalistic design, easy navigation and provides with the information abot the RIOT Manifesto. The website is also performing a support function for the future projects, through the Blog sections, where our professionals are going to curate the projecs and analyze the impressions and circulations of UGC.
4.4 Patenting\Copyrighting of the idea. As far as the output of the final research is the manual book for marketers, content managers, brand identity agencies etc., the way of realization the book and idea is a patenting. Patent though is an exclusive right, which has been granted to a patent applicant to exploit and protect the rights of the inventor and his creation. When you have an idea for a product or a service or innovative decision that can be applied to a business or a strategy, but do not have the resources or the inclinations to carry them through to market, the best way is to patent the idea and sell it to the companies that might be interested. Selling your intellectual property patent means that you have permanently transferred ownership of your property to another person or company for an agreed upon fee. Intellectual property and copyright protects the expression of ideas in literary, artistic and musical creations and works. For example you can copyright an article or the book that u wrote. In the case of “FUK Content�, the best of registering it is making a copyright of the instruction manual, which can be used in different ways.
Knowi ng the rules and how and when to break it gives you the possibi lity to develop someth i ng unique and coh erent i n whatever situation you are you just have to be brave enough to cross th e borderlin e
the ones who are crazy enough to thi nk th ey can change the world are the on es that do be aware of it
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