U s e of Bi op h il ic D esign
“Biophilic design aims to create
urban context. Therefore, provoking
landscapes that enhance human
this aspect of the human brain to
physical and mental health and
positively affect mental and physical
Homelessness has plagued American
productivity by fostering beneficial
health can be achieved through
veterans for decades. According to
connections between people and
biophilic design. However, there are a
the U.S.
Department of Veterans
nature in places of cultural and
multitude of variables to consider in a
Affairs, 37,085 veterans experienced
ecological significance” (Baldwin et
design project for it to be successful.
homelessness in 2019. These men
al., 2011). The use of biophilic design
There are plenty of research studies
and women gave up a part of their
has been around for centuries but
that have proven the psychological
lives to fight for their country but
has only recently been connected
benefits of being around nature. Some
are often neglected once they return
with restorative cognitive function
of these benefits include lower stress
from service. Three main reasons
and physical health. Some scientists
levels, increased mood, and reduced
for homelessness among veterans
believe that this is because “…
risk from psychotic disorders. An
are social isolation, physical injuries,
humans are innately predisposed
article published by the International
and mental illness. These issues
to have an emotional affinity with
Journal of Environmental Research
can be addressed through modular
nature” (Joye, 2006). It is thought
and Public Health explains a study
homes that can create a community
that humans have this preference
that found the mental health benefits
and biophilic design to fight against
for nature due to the fact that “…
of public green spaces. Participants
mental illnesses. This research will dive
the brain evolved in a biocentric
were required to take part in some
further into the benefits of integrating
world” (Joye, 2006). In other words,
type of activity in one of three local
people have been interwoven with
green spaces over a period of two
successful community spaces, and
nature for the majority of humanity;
weeks. These volunteers were then
the efficiencies of modular design.
only recently branching away to an
expected to answer a questionnaire to
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