1 minute read
We Play at Mitchelton Pre-Schooling Centre
from The Everton Echo
by Echo News
Play means different things to different people. Some play can be aimless, fun and amusing. It can also be a focussed, highly engaging learning process. Children, adults and even animals need to play to make sense of the world, practice skills and face new challenges. Play is human nature and it is survival!
"Play is essential to childhood and all children, everywhere, have a right to have play in their life- at home, in learning environments and in the community- so that they can thrive and learn, now and in the future," statement by Early Childhood Australia Draft Statement on Play 2022.
At MPC, play is valued as a significant means for learning and allows opportunities for children and teachers together, to plan the curriculum (what happens in the day). Play can provide insights into children’s interests, skills, beliefs, joys, what makes them laugh, anxieties and frustrations, how they learn, their intentions, how they represent their ideas, what they think, their skills, knowledge, and dispositions. Allowing time for play enables children to develop their ideas, understandings, and relationships, to persist, to take a risk, to make mistakes and try again.
Play is critical for children’s development, combined with good nutrition and quality sleep, PLAY builds healthy brains. Neurological pathways, synapses and neurons are made strong when children engage in play and repetition of play.

We are lucky at MPC that our days operate with lots of opportunities to play.
Teachers and educators use their knowledge and understandings about early childhood frameworks, current research, theories of learning as well as their observations and interactions with children to support each child’s growth, learning and development. We advocate for and promote the importance of allowing time and opportunity for children to be, play and feel a rich sense of belonging to their world. Play enables children a myriad of opportunities to learn, grow and become avid, ambitious and resilient learners.
If you are a parent and would like to learn more about how we play at MPC. Come along to our annual parent Play Night on Wednesday 24th May 2023 email admin@ mpc.net.au to RSVP.