1 minute read
A Spectrum Of Brains
from The Everton Echo
by Echo News
By Georgia Wright
7-year-old Zillmere local Tehya is a young lady with drive—drive to create, drive to overcome, and drive to share her passions with the world.
‘I’m a nice lady’, Tey assures Echo News when asked to describe herself. She is also a ‘true greenie at heart’ and the developer of her very own all-natural beauty brand. Having struggled with her diagnosis of Autism, Sensory Processing Disorder and ADHD, Tey has faced many challenges throughout her youth in engaging with extracurricular activities. Her mother, Amina, explained that, “In the early childhood education system, she was being left out of both individual and group activities despite being able to express interest.” Amina recalls a vast array of instances where Tey has attempted to engage in a new skill set at school but has been advised by teachers that they cannot manage her daughter. Unfortunately, not every classroom has the capacity to “manage” diverse children. While this has led to her exclusion, it also taught Tey to redirect her sensory seeking and diverse qualities into her own passions and interests—hence, the creation of Tey’s Cosmetics.

It was about a year ago, when Tey began school, that the girl decided to bring her brand into fruition. She’d taken interested in other kids’ make-up palettes and nail polish and realised that make-up for kids was too expensive and made of unnatural ingredients. Being a creative greenie, it was Tey’s first thought to create an alternative herself. She now takes pride and joy in making cheap, natural, skin-friendly bath and lip products for all ages. So far, the business remains “low-key”, while Tey’s family works out the kinks of marketing, media, and businessmanagement. It is predominantly just for Tey’s enjoyment, and a means by which she can learn about basic science, maths, art, and geography. More information and products can be found on Tey’s newly established website: www.teyscosmetics.com

Of course, to this day, Tey is still learning to embrace her neurodiversity. However, with the unconditional love of her parents, as well as her own determination to give things a go, Tey is an inspiration to all. Amina shares that, ‘The love I have for Tehya is totally unchanged with her diagnosis. Tehya is the same person she was prior to the diagnosis as to who she is today. I just love her for everything she is and for her witty personality.’
Echo News looks forwards to the new heights Tey’s Cosmetics will reach, and congratulates Tey for her outstanding achievements.