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Everton News from your State Member for
from The Everton Echo
by Echo News
Neighbour Day and Easter Egg Hunt 2023
Finally! After three years of disruptions, we managed to celebrate and host our Annual Neighbour Day Event with the eagerly anticipated Easter Egg Hunt again sponsored by Hicks Real Estate. More than 2000 locals came down to Teralba Park on Sunday April 2nd to join in the fun and games with some of our wonderful community organisations.
We had over 25 stalls from local Community Groups and were entertained by the Brisbane Brass Band and the National Servicemen‘s Memorial Pipe Band.
Kids scrambled for Easter Eggs and participated in some good old-fashioned games of tug-o-war, sack races, egg & spoon races and 3 legged races.
I’d like to thank all our participants for their great efforts to make it such a fun morning, not forgetting our Emergency Services teams who do such a great job and let the kids clamber through their vehicles!
Congratulations to Youth Member for Everton, Vidar Pittendreigh on his great work so far as the youth advocate for the Everton electorate. I look forward to working closely with Vidar throughout the year to improve representation of young people in Everton and state-wide.

It was my pleasure to welcome the senior school leader’s from Everton Park State High School and Albany Creek State High School to Parliament House recently. I enjoyed hearing lots of bright ideas about how we can improve our state and I‘m confident our future is in good hands!