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Next month, the ladies will be moving over as the gents take the spotlight in our Men in Business showcase. This advertorial styled feature is extremely popular and allows readers to gain an insight into the talented men that own (or work in) local businesses in and around north west Brisbane. If you have a male employee, or perhaps you, the business owner has major talents, experience or qualifications you would like our community to read about, get in touch! This feature is a fantastic way to expand on the services your business may offer. For more information or to book email admin@echo-news.com.au
Judy Polkinghorne
Owner/Tour Escort - Girls On Tour
Judy Polkinghorne was an Accountant in a former life for a multi-million dollar I.T. company but left all that behind in 2007 to take a leap of faith and start “Girls On Tour”.
With a husband who doesn’t like to travel, Judy has for the past 16 years, been making travel dreams come true for inspirational and adventurous women all over Australia and NZ and is extremely proud of the business she has built.
Girls On Tour is a Queensland owned and operated travel business based in Mooloolaba offering small group, women-only tours internationally and in Australia. “Spanning 59 countries over all 7 continents, you can definitely say we’ve ticked off a lot of personal ‘bucket list items’ for our travellers from The Arctic to Antarctica and everything in between. Most recently returning to Egypt after the forced travel bans, I am finding that the desire of my clients to explore the world is very strong,” says Judy.
“We’ve added some exciting Aussie trips and international ones again too to our calendar in 2023 and 2024”.
Created exclusively for women who love to explore and meet new people, Girls On Tour offers you the excitement of world and domestic travel with the least amount of fuss on your part.
If you’re single, widowed, divorced, married or you just don’t have someone to travel with, Girls On Tour is for you. With a return business rate in excess of 40% it’s clear that women love travelling with Girls On Tour and the fun loving like-minded women they attract. For more information, give Judy a call or visit her Facebook page or website.

P: 0409 057 417 www.girlsontour.com.au girlsontouraustralia