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Cent Auction Central News from VIEW
VIEW stands for the Voice, Interest and Education of Women. It is one of Australia’s leading women’s volunteer organisations and supports the education of disadvantaged children through The Smith Family’s Learning for Life Program. This program gives children the encouragement they need through education to achieve their goals and help break the poverty cycle.
This coming June will see several ‘Cent Auction’ fundraisers happening across the region. Two in particular will be taking lace close to home. Here are the details!
QCWA Cent Auction
When: Saturday 17th June, 11am for a 12.30pm start
Location: Show Hall, Pine Rivers Showgrounds
Details: Complimentary Cent Auction sheet, Complimentary refreshments with Tea/Coffee, lucky door prizes and more
Cost: $10 Bookings: Visit https://www.trybooking.com/ CHYXF or call 0402 227 631
QIMR BERGHOFER Medical Research Cent Auction

When: Sunday 25th June, 1pm (doors open at 11am)
Location: OES Project Hall Cnr. Kitchener Road and Bohland Street, Kedron
Details: Refreshments, raffles. Every door ticket wins a prize. There are over 200 prizes.
Cost: $3 Bookings: Call Lorraine 3263 1337.
Reviewing your goals for 2023? Looking for a group of inspiring, motivating and energetic individuals? Come join the Run With Rob running group at Eatons Hill, Ferny Hills or Warner. We guarantee it will be life changing and just the motivation you need to kick start 2023.

Suitable for ALL ability levels. Our no cost sessions will change your life.
Through The Smith Family club members sponsor eight Learning for Life students from primary school to university. Members raise funds through sausage sizzles, lucky door prizes, raffles, book sales, bring-n-buy nights, and fashion parades. We have quite a few VIEW clubs within the region, here what they have been up to below.
Brendale Evening View Club
Fashion Parade & Cent Action: 15 June 2023, Aspley Hornets Football Club, 50 Graham Road, Carseldine. Cost is $25(includes light refreshments). Contact Shayne on 0409 991 428 by 8th June.
Regular Dinner meetings: 3rd Tuesday evening of the month, Aspley Hornets Football Club, 6.30pm for a 7pm start. Next meeting; 20 June 2023. Guest speaker: Lyall, Zone Councilor. E: brendale.view@gmail.com or phone Helen, 0407 003 229 for more information.
Coffee and Chat morning: First Saturday of the month, 10am , White’s Coffee Co in the Bracken Ridge Tavern. WALK for VIEW; 31st July. Early morning walk. Meet at Arthur Davies Park, (at the southern end of the swimming pool) Flinders Parade, Sandgate. Contact Fran 0410 611 930 by 17 July 2023.
Aspley VIEW Club is urging the local community to give generously to The Smith Family’s Winter Appeal this year, to support thousands of children and young people with their education.
The education charity is aiming to raise $6.2 million nationally to give over 14,000 children across Australia access to its proven learning and mentoring programs. It comes as a survey released by the charity found Australians believe the cost-of-living crisis is having a greater impact on education than the COVID-19 pandemic. The survey also found that more people believe child poverty has worsened because of the crisis.
Members of the Aspley club also help students by fundraising at luncheon meetings, various other functions and events and generous donations of time, skills and funds from members. To find out more about Aspley VIEW Club or if you would like to join visit view.org.au or contact President Robyn at killoranr@bigpond.com or Membership Officer Dianne at diannerandall8@bigpond.com.