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is populated with over sexualised images of women. These are just some startling facts about the issues faced by both women and men in Britain today, which give rise to the need for The Women’s Equality Party. Within politics itself women face further inequality. Women account for just 148 MPs, compared with 502 male MPs.
> fashion vanguard
Women’s Equality Party
Emphasis ought to be placed on the word equal, hence the importance of stating that men are as welcome as women in this party. Equality of gender is it’s initial and current aim, but I expect this belief in equality to eventually extend to equality for all, be that race, sexual orientation or age, for instance. It may currently be a single-issue party, but it should not be forgotten that so too was The Green Party. Their popularity forced major parties to look at their green policies, and this is, hopefully, what The Women’s Equality Party will achieve, as well as success in Parliament. So whilst some may scoff at such a narrow parameter of policies, there are precedents already illustrating the possibilities. It is an exciting time for all women to finally have their voices heard and achieve the equality women have long been fighting for.
Sandi Toksvig, “fantastic group of women – and indeed men – who have decided that enough is enough.”
Hella s air
Katie Calvert
Begin your oddessey
Friday 1 May 2015 07.23 GMT
Comments 70
Sandi Toksvig chairs the second Women’s Equality Party meeting at Conway Hall.
escribed by Sandi Toksvig as “a fantastic group of women – and indeed men – who have decided that enough is enough and we need to make some changes,” The Women’s Equality Party aims to fight gender inequality. Formed on 28th March 2015, the party currently has six policies: Equal representation in politics and in the boardroom Equal pay Equal parenting rights Equality of and through education Equal treatment by and in media End to violence to women Each year across the UK 3 million women experience violence. More women attend University yet fewer than one in ten of the UK’s biggest companies have a female executive director, and men earn, on average, almost 10 per cent more than women. It is more financially viable for mothers than fathers to take parental leave when women are entitled to 90 per cent of their previous salary for the first six weeks, and men are only entitled to the base rate, which is £139.18 per week or 90 per cent of their previous salary, whichever is lowest. Finally, the British media
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comments 70
Pauline C
1 May 2015 8:01
30/04/2015 22:03
Exciting times ahead!! I will definitely be voting for them. Fingers crossed they make it to the next election. Report
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