DZ_GCS Career Fair

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g rythin e v e d in d hair is beh n g a n i e r n e o Engine ur smartph s you t h g i l o y he r – from roducts to t on you s e p o g h s stylin nd the y math and e a n o switch if you enjo too could b o, ou feet. S t school, y nology h c e t a ge e ing-ed drought scienc t t u c ing or design ing water f vid or pro countries. d plague

g n i t i ... c s x b E jo

ence ...that make a differ

ysics nce – especially ph ie sc d an hs at m es t ics hays ith Engineering us tsciwal star ph lyw dnciteal-l es an pe us nd ou ar ie ld sc or d w e an prov alith imne ticw to gi acts g uses math –En prar ereinth onl st hand e, an tivus d its-al ea cr be n nd ca ou It . ar ol ld ho sce the wor lear s-on yo imnprinov --uto be creative, hand n ca It . g. ol in lv ho so sc m in arn lele uob yopr k, tor orha ww lving. ls to design sports oblem so k, or prer or emica ch d an ls practicdalww ia ork with mat tesistgn sports e la You coul esthto akal mic de , orem food vean erls ch es d pr to s ia ay w er w at m ne find g, ul thuinco d work with clo e the latest Yo erve food, or mak es pr to s ay . w ts w uc ne od d , fin ngpr hire skclinotca akes products. that designs driverless vehicles or m re skin ca jo am te a in ouror makes Or why not uldveplhian coss cles ule Yoer ficie efgn e si dr?iv orde snt m d an r ne at ee th gr r, am fe te rt sa ouut could pohy w?ithYo not join a tra ly,nt ickie rw ef fic Ons nde qu ou or ar m t d ge e an w r, re ne su ee en gr nd fer, orks sato twns netio orilta spra anor rotrad re that we get arou su en ork. ew s to us em ho st do sy at ay th at ilw ts th ra bo ts or n ro s sig adde roen Orrev ss. ou d even design robo rean ul stpl co u yo r O . ss re out st e world’s quickly and withen s tackling some of th er ne gi e th e ar e er ework! thus enho Thdo r security m dealing with cybe fro – s m le ob pr g wgorld’s sin e in most pres to fithnd liees of ppm ling suso tack gy s er er en ne d gi an en er e at th w rity and e ar clean be ning aie cy nter Th ith maith d en g wan ines vel.r secu an al tra d de om fr e us s ho m le ild ngs pr siay grow food, bu ergy supplies to finding sustainabl t pr to ob ew bles aina en sumstos d an water . , space or ildellife maintaining clean av icdortrw us an , m es it’s us er ho th he ild w bu – , od into re fo ow gru’ offer tor yo ha aytesve Ww citing possibilities on e, space or ex of ld or w a e’s er org w oose chlif toild computer games, th into -- wheth it is er erin neic gius enm of s explore pe e ty ar nt u re yo ffe ib r di ss ve of te po ha tingpeople anilidties to ciin ofteex ere are dozens , there is a world in asWth g rest mes l the world, meet ga r ul ering to choose compuuteco d travens nt types of engine re ffe di from. Yo of ze le, and help e do as there ar t interesting peop . ee m es , liv ld r or ou w e e ov th pr el im hefrlp om. You could trav . improve our lives

Getting into engineering... Apprenticeships


Intermediate / Advanced / Higher orwhile Internships Earn you learn e.g. NVQ / SVQ / BTEC

Science(Physics), (physics), Maths, Math, Science design and technology, D&T, Computing, computing, chemistry


On-the-job training

6th Form / FE College A levels / IB / Highers (or equivalent) BTEC HNC & HND Foundation Degree

University Degree Bachelors Degree Bachelors (BEng) Masters Degree Masters (MEng)


The Principles and Practice of Engineering (PE) exam tests and certifies your ability to practice in a particularengineering discipline competently.

Routes into engineering 11 to 16 / At School

Studying science - especially physics - and Studying sciencel will – espe math icsa– great at schoo and math s getcially youphys off to start. at scho will techn get you off Desig to a noland grea t start. Desig ology, computing, and n & techn ology , comp chem istry can and alsouting be usefuchem l for istry can certa in also types beengin usefueerin of l for certa g. Thes in types e subje of engin ctseerin some Thes e of thects skills subje giveengin eersofuse you some a eers the and great skillsare engin use basis foraengin eerin and are g, const ructio great basis for engineerin g,n,construction, manu factur ing and IT intern ships manufact uring and IT apprenticeship,s,colleg e college cours es, unive rsity degre es, or jobs. courses, university degrees or jobs.

Work Experience

erience engineer, why not get work exp an ing com be in ted res inte ’re If you wotrk stinygno wh r,ue now eereq aregin iesen an iversit unng emi co Som be ys? in lida d ho e ste lleg ere int l/co oo are sch u the g Ifrinyo du s. s? rseak g cou ringe eelle gin ir en bre theol forho ssc co ces or pro on ati plic ur ap yo g the rin of rt du pa e as nc exp wocerk experie t en geeri perience ahea one ste beme SoSo rsid!ties are now requesting work ex unpive soo gn ing eeasrin gin enrch rt sea stair , sothe for ssfind cet to difficul n pro tiobe cacan ents appli placem ofncethe erie asrk pa exprt Wo erience’ section expd! it thep‘wo d. Vis ahrkea inteon po ste e t disap no be ’re to you e rts sur hu r en to ve ne can It . you es asco urs king. bsite for tips on where to start loo we ers ine Eng ’s ow orr Tom the on



setuor tnereffid lareves era erehT uoy rof tseb s’taht htap eht e soohc pies Many differentstyp hsof ecen itgin neee rprin pg, A cons ,ytru enoctio m nrn, aema ot unu oy fac wolltur ing a sp ihs,ecan itnd erpIT pA .ydnti utsce htsh iw g appre n artdboint j-eern ht-nsh ipsinian o gips ninibex moist, c t n e r e f f i d t a e l b a l i a v a e r a s p i h s ec i t leadin n e r p p g to jobs in riety of indus-A net fo spihsecitnerppaaleva v e l r e h g i h e h t – s l eve l trie gn in raes, l ehinc t nlud ihtiwing seetra rgens d ypo tisrrta evintio u en, tarhe opralt och, ni foodd, dig ita l tec ael nac dna sehn ns mmolo tru arggy, ctio orp rco ieht fo tnemeln, e nde oitasig nibn, moan c ehdT po .nowe itartr.siger lanoisseforp ot no ecneirepxe ecalpkrow dna snoitac fiilauq fo f ned oitpto o edo vit cub art tle a nthe Werone a secnu itnmb erpper a sof ek a m h t i w e l p o e p t i u r c er o t g n i k o o l s r ey olpme engin

eering and technology lliks lacit carp nevorp professionals in the.sUS by 2020 in sESCG evfi fo muminim a deen ylla reneg ll’uoY ord er to meet the demand, so it is a scitamehtam ,hsilgnE gnidulcni ,)t nelaviuqe ro( gotod tim e to a net fo ,st cejbbe us yco gons lonide hcerin t rogecthi nes ic s d n a pa.sthw ecalay o yo p roint f noititepur mofut c oture eudca r! C oree t *A sedarg


noitacoV snoitacifilauq la

S N dna sCETB sa hcu ,gnireenigne ni sQV t dna noitcurtsnoc tnemnorivne tliub eh .TCI ro sruoc lanoitacoV a rof uoy eraperp se dni ,boj ralucit rap yehT .rotces ro yrtsu itcarp yrev net fo era edulcni yam dna lac sa krowesruoc ot detaler stnemngis soiranecs krow-laer , a s w e l l a s l i n k s w i ht e l nac yehT .sreyolpm decnavda ot no dae a ecitnerppa rehgih dn .ytisrevinu dna spihs


t fA srehgiH ,BI ,sleveL-A ruoy gnitelpmoc re , B T E C L e v e l 3 o r e q u i v a l e n t , y o u m a y d ot no og ot edice geD .ytisrevinu ta gnireenigne yduts r e e c o u r s e s ( B E n g ) n o r m a l l y l a s t f o r 3 o sretsaM tslihw sraey 4 r nEM( sesruoc vni sesruoc emoS .sraey 5 ro 4 rof tsal )g o l v e a y e a r w o r k i n g i n i n d u s t r y , o r a y e a r .daorba sedivorp siht ecneirepxe lanoitidda ehT c a n b e h i g h l y b e n e fi c i a l w h e n s e e k i n g .tnemyolpme utS ’gnireenigne lareneg‘ a ekat nac stned d e g r e e o r t h e y m i g h t d e c i d e o n a p a r fo e p y t r a l uc i t cinortcele elpmaxe rof ,gnireenigne e n g i n e e r i n g , d e s i g n e n g i n e e r i n g , o r rehto ynam eht fo eno e n i g n e fo s e p y t iduts evah ot deen yllamron uoY !gnire e d m a t h s a n d p h y s i c s ( o r c h e m i s t r y f o r lacimehc taler a ro ,)gnireenigne lacidemoib dna e d v o c a t i o n a l c o u r s e t o L e v e l 3 , i n o r d y l p p a ot r e .y tisrevinu ta seerged gnireenigne rof

troppus laicnaniF a s e i t i s r ev i n U mmargorP pihsralohcS lanoitaN eht dn fo tsoc eht htiw pleh ot seirasrub ref fo e oS .gniyduts noitutitsni gnireenigne lanoisseforp em s a n d e m p l o y e r s o f f e r s c h o l a r s h i p s w hc i h p o er a acfiilauq thgir eht htiw setadidnac ot ne t i o n s f o r p a r t i c u l a r c o u r s e s . M a n y s c h sp i h s r a l o c g sa hcus stfieneb lanoitidda htiw emo u a r a n t e e d i n t e r n s h i p s w i t h t h e s p o n s .noitasinagro gniro t a m r o f n i er o M oitces gnidnuf eht no dnuof eb nac noi .etisbew sreenignE s’ worromoT eht fo n

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