Autumn 2015
September 16 - December 19
Katonah 131 Bedford Road, Katonah, NY 10536 • (914) 232-4843
Registration Information......................................................................... pg. 3 Anderson Chase Gallery......................................................................... pg. 5 Events......................................................................................................... pg. 6 New at KAC............................................................................................... pg. 7 Weekly Schedule at a 8 Private Workshops & 10
KAC Staff
Holiday 10
Loren Anderson, Director, 301-5941
Sarah Totten, Manager, 232-4843
M-F: 9am-6pm 11
Ashlie Burgun, Asst. Manager, 232-4843
Sat: 10am-5pm
Drawing & 13
Session Dates
Pottery & 18
September 16 - December 19, 2015
Jewelry, Glass & Specialty 19
Holidays 20 Art for 22 Portfolio 23
Choosing the Right Class
Kid’s Art 24 Young Children’s Art 29
Sometimes this is a difficult question. Please feel free to call the KAC office at (914) 232-4843, our staff would be happy to guide you in this process or register you for a free trial class.
Registration 31
How to Register
CREDITS: Cover painting by Jock MacRae, pg. 5-Barbara Varulo, pg. 6-David Hughes, pg. 13-Tracy Burtz, pg. 14-Cindy Sachs, pg. 15- Roz Barden (top)/Larry Frank (bottom), pg. 16-Dr. Jill Kiefer, pg. 17-Mireille Duchesne, pg 18-David Hughes (left)/Sue Clayton (center)/Mindy Katz (right), pg. 22-DJ Osborne, pg.23-Amanda Morgante
Yom Kippur - September 23 (Wednesday) Veterans Day - November 11 (Wednesday) Columbus Day Weekend - October 10 - 12 (Saturday thru Monday) Thanksgiving Weekend - November 26-29 (Thursday thru Sunday)
Registration can be done in person, online at, by phone or by check (see registration form on page 31. Students are only guaranteed a spot within a class after payment has been received. Payment plans are available please call the KAC office for details.
131 Bedford Road Katonah, NY (914) 232 - 4843
Fall Session • Sept. 16 - Dec. 19, 2015
Guidelines for Classes
Please read guidelines for classes on our website By registering for classes you are accepting the terms as stated in the Guidelines.
Register Online •
THANK YOU FROM NEPAL! The Katonah Art Center and the Anderson Chase Gallery extend a heartfelt thank you to the KAC community for your generous donations to Educating Nepal. Your generosity has provided much needed supplies to the people of the Sindhupalchowk district, which was one of the areas most devastated by the recent earthquakes. Through online donations and the Anderson Chase Gallery’s Art for Nepal Earthquake Relief Exhibit, we were able to provide several thousand dollars in relief funds. The restoration efforts in Nepal will take months if not years. Therefore the Anderson Chase Gallery is planning a One Year After-Earthquake Relief Exhibit in 2016 which will feature several Nepali Artists who were not able to get their work here in time for this fundraiser. It is sure to be a dynamic and unique show and provide another surge of relief funds for recovery and restoration. From the director of Educating Nepal, Ashirwad Tripathy “There are no words to express our thanks for supporting us in this hard situation. No matter what devastation has occurred- there are still smiles in the faces of people when we reach the villages with the relief materials.”
Our Sand Mandala Project proved to be a fun and informative process. We are already receiving requests for a repeat! The mandala was brushed away as tradition demands, and deposited in the ocean off Peaks Island Maine, symbolizing the ephemeral nature of life and the world.
Fall Session • Sept. 16 - Dec. 19, 2015
Look for our opening launch fall 2015! visit us @ follow us @ Our Mission is to become a resource for the community by exhibiting established and emerging Artists who are located locally, regionally, nationally and internationally. We are looking to exhibit a range of mediums including painting, drawing, printmaking, sculpture, small Installations and/or constructions, computer and electronic art.
Online Student Showcase You’re famous! Check out our new online Student Showcase Gallery at www.katonahartcenter. com! Find us at
Register Online •
New at KAC
Raku Spend a beautiful afternoon firing your Raku pot in an open fire at Ward Pound Ridge, truly nothing like it! ...see page 18
Drawing & Painting Fundamentals An exploration of the elements of painting, perfect for beginning to intermediate students....see page 14.
Art Lectures by Dr. Jill Kiefer Enjoy a dynamic art discussion before heading out to your favorite restaurant....see page 11.
Adults/Teens Sunday, September 13, 1-2 pm
Lisa Mackie brings her printmaking magic to KAC once again. This fall Lisa will be teaching three techniques: Photo Silkscreen and a combo class of Monotype and Drypoint.... see page 20.
Silk Painting Try your hand at this incredible art form with Mirielle Duschesne...see page 17.
Sunday, September 13, 2-3 pm Come create art with us, meet our instructors, and try your hand at drawing, painting, pottery, sculpture, jewelry & more. Clothed models will be available to draw or paint. Light refreshments will be served.
French Wash An exciting collaboration between pen and ink and oil paint 16.
Oil Sticks: Pure Pigments • Pure Painting Learn techniques ranging from impasto to delicate 16.
Tea & Terrariums Join the craze and make a beautiful self sustaining terrarium!...see page 20.
Robots 101 & Little Circuits
Holiday Art & Craft Sale December 12 - 19 Give the gift of art this holiday season! You will find a wide variety of pottery, fused glass, jewelry and more. One-of-a-kind gifts at prices that can’t be beat!
Unique STEAM, technology, engineering, art and math, your child will have a blast in this exciting new program....see page 24 & 25.
Expressive Art for Grades 1-2 An alternative to our more structured “draw what you see” classes...see page 26.
Kids Draw! for Grades 3-5 Students learn to draw what they see, working from still life, the clothed model as well from nature....see page 27.
Collaborative Chess Design for Ages 7-11 and Mixed Media Illustration for Poems and Proverbs These incredibly creative workshops taught by new KAC instructor, Rachel Krause, are sure to brighten up a chilly fall day!....see page 28.
Fall Session • Sept. 16 - Dec. 19, 2015
Register Online •
Weekly Schedule at a Glance
Weekly Schedule at a Glance MONDAY
SATURDAY Little Circuits Gr. 1&2
Pastel & Oils with Rae Smith
Portraiture w/ Wende Caporale Painting 9:30 - 12:30pm • Wende Caporale
9:30am - 12:30pm • Jock MacRae 9 - 10:30am • Kate Marlowe
Life Sculpture
Still Life in Charcoal & Pastel
Expressive Twos
Clay for Threes
Adobe Photoshop
Family Clay Class
Draw & Paint for Grades 1 & 2
9:15am - 12:15pm • J. MacRae 9:30am - 12pm • R. Mineo
9:30am - 12:30pm • Rae Smith
9:30am - 12:30pm • B. Herzberg
9:30am - 12:30pm • Cindy Sacks9:30 - 10:15am • Kate Marlowe
10 - 11am •tba
9:30 - 11:30am • David Hughes
9:30 - 11:30am • John Pardo
Clay for Twos
Digital Photo w/DSLR
Fused Glass Workshops
Expressive Threes
Adobe Photoshop
Portraits for Beginners
Adobe InDesign
Draw & Paint Fundamentals
Stop-Motion Animation
Digital Photo w/DSLR
Metal Jewelry-making
Printmaking Workshops
Lg. Scale Drawing / Figure
Pottery for Adults
Painting the Figure
Painting Workshops
Expressive Fours
Pottery for Adults
Classical Painting
Painting with Larry Frank
Photoshop for Teens
Adobe Photoshop
Fine Art for Pre-K & K
Pastel & Oils with Rae Smith
Clay for Threes
Clay for Fours
Expressive Fives
Clay Studio / Gr. 1&2
Clay Jewelry Workshops
Creative Sewing for Kids
Draw & Paint for Grades 1 & 2
Digital Painting
Draw & Paint for Grades 3 - 5
Draw & Paint for Grades 3 - 5
Draw & Paint for Gr. 6-12
Adobe Illustrator
Sculpture & More
Kid’s Workshops (ages 7-11)
Creative Sewing for Kids
Expressive Twos
9:30 - 10:15am • Kate Marlowe
Adobe InDesign
10am- 12pm • Robin Atrz 12:30 - 2pm • David Hughes 12:45 - 3:45pm • Tracy Burtz
Lg. Scale Drawing / Figure 12:45 - 3:45pm • B. Herzberg
Fine Art for Pre-K & K 3- 4pm • Keith Yerger
Stone Sculpture
4 - 5:30pm • Keith Yerger
Cartooning for Kids
4 - 5:30pm • DJ Osborn
10 - 10:45am • Zoe Gross 10am - 12pm • John Pardo 10am-1pm • Victoria Tillotson 10am - 12pm • Dr. Jill Kiefer 12:45 - 3:45pm • M. Duchesne12:45 - 3:45pm • Rae Smith 1-3pm • David Hughes
Expressive Threes
1:30 - 2:30pm • Kate Marlowe
9:30 - 11am • David Hughes 9:30am-12:30pm • Roz Barden 10am-2pm • Lisa Mackie
12:45 - 3:45pm • Cindy Sacks 12:45 - 3:45pm • Larry Frank 1 - 2pm • Sue Clayton 4 - 5:30pm • Jaja Requa
Clay Studio for Grade 3-5 4:30 - 6pm • Sue Clayton
10am - 1pm •tba
11am - 1pm • Robin Atrz 1 - 4pm • Tracy Burtz
1:30 - 2:30pm • Kate Marlowe 4 - 6pm • Jenny Brent
4:30 - 5:30pm • Sue Clayton 4:30 - 6pm • Theresa Bates
4:30 - 6pm • Loren Anderson
9:45 - 10:45am • Kate Marlowe 10am - 12pm • Loren Anderson 10am - 12pm • David Hughes
9:30 - 11am • tba
10 - 11:30am • Keith Yerger 10am - 1pm • Jock MacRae 11am - 1pm • DJ Osborn
12 - 2pm • David Hughes
11:30am - 12:30pm • Keith Yerger
12 - 2pm • John Pardo
11:30am - 1pm • Sue Clayton
3-4pm • Rachel Krause
11:30am - 1pm • tba
4 - 6pm • Keith Burgun
1-3pm • Jenny Brent
4 - 6pm • Theresa Bates
Clay for Threes
Expressive Art for Grades 1 & 2
Metalsmithing for Teens
Draw & Paint for Grades 3 - 5
Drawing Manga Furries
Clay Studio / Gr. 1-5
Kids Draw! Gr. 3-5
Digital Painting
Repurposed Art
Robots 101
Cartooning for Kids
Draw & Paint for Gr. 6-12
LIttle Circuits Gr. 1&2
Fine Art for Pre-K & K
Flash Animation
Flash Animation for Teens
Drawing Manga Furries
Pottery Wheel for Kids
Pottery Wheel for Teens
Illus. & Drawing for Teens
Digital Photography for Teens
Pottery Wheel for Teens
Pottery Wheel for Teens
Draw & Paint for Grades 6-12 4 - 6pm • Loren Anderson
Clay Studio / Gr. 1&2
4:15 - 5:45pm • Sue Clayton 4:30 - 6pm • Donna Ferreiro
3-4pm • Zoe Gross 4 - 6:30pm • Chris Bamford 4 - 6pm • Keith Burgun
4:30 - 6pm • Kate Marlowe
4:15 - 5:15pm • Keith Yerger
4:45 - 6:15pm • Emily Fountain
4:30 - 6pm • Sue Clayton
Digital Photography for Teens Clay Studio / Gr. 1&2
4:30 - 6pm • Donna Ferreiro 4:30 - 6pm • Theresa Bates 4:30 - 6pm • Keith Yerger 4:30 - 6pm • Keith Burgun 4:30 - 6pm • David Hughes
4:30 - 6pm • Keith Yerger 4:30 - 6pm • DJ Osborn
4:30 - 6pm • Kate Marlowe 6 - 8pm • DJ Osborn 6:30 - 8:30pm • David Hughes
Clay for Fives
Clay Studio / Gr. 3-5
Pottery for Adults
Digital Photo w/DSLR
Illustration & Drawing /Teens
Draw & Paint for Grades 1 & 2
Draw & Paint for Grades 6-12
Cont. Sculpture for Teens
Contemporary Sculpture
Draw & Paint for Grades 3 - 5
Classical Painting
Fashion Revamp
Intro to Adobe Illustrator
Stop Motion Animation / Teens
Pottery for Adults
Portfolio Development / Teens Lg. Scale Drawing / Figure
Life Drawing with Graphite
Pottery for Teens
Manga Photoshop
Draw & Paint Fundamentals
5:30 - 6:30pm • Sue Clayton 5:30 - 7pm • DJ Osborn
6:30 - 8:30pm • Keith Yerger 6:30 - 8:30pm • Jaja Requa 6:30 - 8:30pm • David Hughes 6:45 - 9:15pm • Eddie Nino 7-9pm • DJ Osborn
4:30 - 6pm • David Hughes 4:30 - 6pm • Loren Anderson 4:30 - 6pm • Theresa Bates 6 - 8pm • Jenny Brent 6:15 - 8:45pm • staff
6:30 - 8:30pm • Zoe Gross
6:30 - 8:30pm • David Hughes 6:30 - 8:30pm • Theresa Bates-
6:30 - 8pm • David Hughes
4:30 - 6pm Rachel Krause
6:30 - 8:30pm •Barbara Herzberg
9:30am - 12:30pm • Jock MacRae
1:30 - 3pm • Jaja Requa
4:30 - 6pm • David Hughes
1:30 - 3:30pm • Theresa Bates
5 - 6:30pm • Jenny Brent 6 - 7:30pm • Keith Burgun
6:30 - 8:30pm • David Hughes
3:45 - 5:45pm • David Hughes
Saturday Night Workshops 6:30-9:30pm • KAC Staff
6:30 - 8:30pm • Keith Yerger
CLASS DESCRIPTIONS 11-21 22-24 24-28 YOUNG 29-30
3 - 5pm • DJ Osborn
3:45 - 5:15pm • Emily Fountain
6:30 - 8pm • Jenny Brent
6:30 - 9:30pm • Mireille Duchesne 6:30 - 8:30pm • Keith Yerger
1 - 3pm • DJ Osborn
Outdoor Painting Workshop
Flash Animation for Teens
Lecture Series
Digital Photography w/DLSR
10am-2pm • Jock MacRae 3-5pm • Dr. Jill Kiefer
11am - 12:30pm • Keith Burgun 2 - 3:30pm • Emily Fountain
6:30 - 8:30pm •tba
Parties • Private Workshops • Camps
Lecture Parties for Children & Teens KAC now offers several different packages, geared to different age groups, allowing you to choose your project, decorations and party theme. Our projects range from craft projects to jewelry making and pottery. You can add on special touches such as handmade invitations and thank-you cards as well as age appropriate take-away gifts.
Private Workshops • Individual or Group KAC will create a workshop with a KAC instructor for your group. We offer corporate team building workshops, Scout workshops, bachelorette parties, bridal showers, baby showers, off-site parties and private lessons. Please call the KAC office at (914) 232-4843 to schedule your event.
Holiday Break Camps Monday - Friday: Dec. 28 - Jan 2 (no camp Thursday Jan. 1)
The Art of Dogs • The Dogs of Art Dogs go back a long way in life-and in art! In this program, we will explore the history of dogs in art. The evolution of the dog-human relationship will be examined through works of art dating from antiquity through the Modern era. What did dogs mean to the people of ancient Rome? How were they regarded during the medieval-renaissance eras? What did owning dogs represent to the elites of the 18th century? As we answer these questions, we’ll also be looking at how dogs have been rendered, technically, over time. How does a Renaissance dog look-compared with an Expressionist one? You’ll be amazed by the number of dogs that have been painted by the greatest masters in the history of art. Join us on this highly entertaining journey! Workshop Date: 10/4 Sun 3- 5pm
Dr. Jill Kiefer
The American “Landscape”
Music lessons in Piano, Guitar, Banjo & Bass. NEW! Flute, Flute Ensemble and Chamber Music! Call the KAC office to schedule.
This program explores the social, cultural and physical “landscape” of American art, as it evolved from the Colonial tradition (steeped in British Art) to such movements as The Hudson River School, Scene Painting, American Impressionism, the Ashcan School and American Modernism. Americans have always been fascinated with our landscapes—be they rural and urban—in terms of both their beauty and their power to function as metaphors for a broad host of topics and issues. We will explore artists’ changing attitudes about nature and its relationship to art, and we’ll examine the indelible connection Americans have with the tangibles and aesthetics of place and space! Workshop Date: 10/25 Sun 3-5pm $28 Dr. Jill Kiefer 1wk
Fall Session • Sept. 16 - Dec. 19, 2015
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Join us for our popular Holiday Art Camps! Keep your child/teen creative and inspired during school breaks at our arts & craft camps. Each day will include one hour of fine art instruction as well as several projects using a variety art materials and clay. No walk-ins. Maximum enrollment of 12 campers per studio. Half-day campers should bring a snack. Full-day campers should bring a lunch and two snacks. Preschool: Ages 3 1/2 - 5 / Kids: Grades 1-5 /Teens: Grades 6 & up Morning: 9:30am – 12:30pm • Afternoon: 1 – 4pm • $70 per half day Full-Day: 9:30am - 4pm • $140 per full day Extended Day Option: Morning • 8:30 - 9:30am $10/day Afternoon • 4-5:30pm $15/day
Music Lessons
Drawing & Painting NEW! Large Scale Drawing • The Figure Draw, Draw, Draw! Drawing with charcoal and charcoal pencils on large paper (at least 24” x 36”) we will explore the human figure. Students will use proven drawing methods to learn perspective, scale, quality of line, form and value. Working from the model, we start with quick gesture drawing and progress to longer, more considered poses. There is a model fee for this class. There is a model fee for this class.
Culture…Time…and Passion: The Fibers of the Arts This single-session presentation is a journey through the earliest beginnings of ALL of the arts--painting, sculpture, architecture, craft arts, literature, music, film, TV, radio, and photography! We’ll also take a look at what we call ‘arts culture’. What role does arts culture play in preserving the arts? How does it get the arts out to us? Could artists survive without arts culture? Don’t miss this whirlwind artistic journey through time. It will give you a whole new perspective on “the arts” – what that term really means – and who it involves! Workshop Date: 11/8 Sun 3-5pm
Dr. Jill Kiefer
Art as Illusion • Illusion as Art “Illusion” is typically described as something that deceives us by producing a false or misleading impression of reality. But isn’t reality shaped by our perceptions? Throughout time, art has both reflected and helped to define cultures, ideas, beliefs—all of which are our realities. A two-dimensional painting can evoke a three-dimensional appearance—and feeling. Simple lines can create depth and distance. In this program, we’ll explore “art as illusion” and “illusion as art” from tangible and abstract perspectives—to see how they’ve been articulated over time. Join us to discover the surprising ways in which illusion and reality converge in the arts. Workshop Date: 12/6 Sun 3-5pm
Dr. Jill Kiefer
Fall Session • Sept. 16 - Dec. 19, 2015
Mon 12:45 - 3:45pm Wed 6:30 - 8:30pm Thu 1-4pm
36 hrs/ $636 + $60 24 class hrs / $576 + $50 39 class hrs / $689 + $65
Barbara Herzberg Barbara Herzberg Tracy Burtz
12wks 12wks 13wks
Life Drawing with Graphite This course will provide students with the principals needed to properly use graphite pencil while learning to see and capture the figure on paper. This class provides an easier pathway to other complex mediums. Composition, value, line quality, anatomy and gesture will be covered. There is a model fee for this class. Mon 6:45 - 9:15pm 30 hrs/ $636 +60 Eddie Nino 12wks
Still Life in Charcoal & Pastel In this class students will explore composition, color, value and perspective using charcoal and pastel. You will learn to draw with confidence in a supportive atmosphere, while developing your own personal style as you discover the magical quality of pastel. Regardless of your level, this class is sure to enhance your skills and creativity and bring out the artist within. Tue 9:30 am - 12:30pm 39 class hrs / $689 Barbara Herzberg 13wks
Pastel & Oils with Rae Smith Join Rae Smith, master pastelist and 2014 Hall of Fame Honoree of the Pastel Society of America, and share her knowledge and love of these two beautiful mediums. Each student receives individual instruction working from his or her own reference materials or from a provided still life. Tue 9:30am - 12:30pm 39 class hrs / $689 Rae Smith 13wks Tue 12:45 - 3:45pm 39 class hrs / $689 Rae Smith 13wks
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Portraits for Beginners Learn the basics of facial proportion, line and value using pastels, pencils or oil paints. Students will work from the model learning to find the likeness and personality of their subject. There is a model fee for this class. This class starts Oct. 21. Wed 9:30 - 12:30pm 24 class hrs / $424+$40 Roz Barden 8wks
NEW! Drawing & Painting Fundamentals Learn to paint from the bottom up! This class will cover the basics of drawing and painting such as composition, color theory and positive/negative space while exploring the characteristics of several different mediums. Perfect for beginners or those who would like to refresh their knowledge and skills. All materials will be provided. There will be a one-time supply fee of $20 due on the first day of class. No prior art training is required and all skill levels are welcome. Tues 6:30-8:30pm 16 class hrs / $339 + $20 tba begins 10/20 8wks Fri 10am - 12pm 16 class hrs / $339 + $20 L. Anderson begins 10/23 8wks
Painting • Watercolors, Oils, Acrylics & Pastel From beginner to advanced, you will find instruction tailored to your own level and experience. Students may choose their own medium and subject matter, which can be anything from photo-realism to abstraction. All levels, from complete beginners to accomplished artists are welcome. Mon 9:15am - 12:15pm 36 class hrs / $636 Jock MacRae 12wks Thu 9:30am - 12:30pm 39 class hrs / $689 Jock MacRae 13wks Fri 9:30am - 12:30pm 39 class hrs / $689 Jock MacRae 13wks Sat 10am - 1pm 36 class hrs / $636 Jock MacRae 12wks
Study painting with oils or acrylics working from the nude. All the important concepts of great painting will be studied in this class. The class will primarily deal with the figure, but will start with a still life to “battle” the difficulties of painting in the easiest way. There is a model fee for this class. Mon 12:45-3:45pm 36 class hrs / $696 + $50 Tracy Burtz 12wks
Portraiture with Wende Caporale The objective of this class is to improve one’s painting skills by working from life a variety of female and male models. Beginner, intermediate and advanced students are welcome. Instruction in the fundamental development of a painting will include composition, drawing, values and color. Personal attention and discussion will encourage students to think about the painting process and express themselves in an individual way. There is a model fee for this class. Thur 9:30 - 12:30pm 39 class hrs / $689+$60 Wende Caporale 13wks
Portraiture Mentorship with Laurel Boeck see website for details.
Painting with Larry Frank
Watercolors Come and explore this expressive and portable medium. Beginners work on drawing skills, making and layering colors to create paintings that glow. More advanced painters will expand their repertoire to include varied surfaces and special effects. We will work from a wide variety of subjects. Wed 9:30am - 12:30pm 36 class hrs / $636 Cindy Sacks 12wks Wed 12:45 - 3:45pm 36 class hrs / $636 Cindy Sacks 12wks
Classical Painting In this class students will learn to paint using oils and pastels in a classic European style. This class is taught by Mireille Duchesne who was classically trained at the Beaux Arts in France. Additional fees may apply if a model is used. Wednesday class begins Oct. 21. Tue 12:45 - 3:45pm 36 class hrs / $689 Mireille Duchesne 13wks Wed 6:30 - 9:30pm 24 class hrs / $424 Mireille Duchesne 8wks
Painting the Figure
Fall Session • Sept. 16 - Dec. 19, 2015
Painting as you know it but challenged and infused with new possiblities! Over the past two years Larry has been painting and traveling part time in South East Asia and India with the aim of discovering a new understanding of ancient cultures and art. This process has enabled him to expand his creative process outside of his comfort zone. In this class Larry will help each student to find his or her own springboard out of their comfort zone, encouraging them to challenge their painting with new ideas and fresh untapped possibilities. Wed 12:45 - 3:45pm 39 class hrs / $636 Larry Frank 12wks
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Painting Workshops Pinot & Paint Spend an evening creating art with your friends in one of our spacious art studios. Bring your supplies, creativity and refreshments. A KAC instructor will cover basic color mixing and painting techniques and assist students as they learn. A beautiful still life will be provided. No experience necessary, smocks and supplies included. BYOB. In addition to the dates listed below you may schedule your own event- please call the KAC office for available days and times. Workshop Dates: 9/12, 10/3, 11/7 Sat 6:30-9:30pm $35 per person/night
French Wash Pen & Ink with Oil Washes In this series of workshops, you’ll create several artworks, in pen and ink with oil washes. Projects will be executed on Bristol board, metal, and wood. Using ink pens, you’ll be learning about line—using hatching, cross-hatching, and stippling techniques. Then you’ll explore the application of color to these traditional approaches—as you learn mixing, blending, shading and tinting techniques. Over the course of the program, you’ll discover numerous applications for this combined and very beautiful fine arts form, ranging from fine arts to the purely decorative. Please bring some pictures that you might like to paint to the first class. All materials will be provided. There will be a one-time $15 material fee for this class. No prior art training is required and all skill levels are welcome. Workshop Dates: 9/22, 9/29, 9/27, 10/13 Tues 10am- 12pm 8 class hrs / $160 + $15 Dr. Jill Kiefer 4wks
Painting with Alternative (non-art) Media This course is totally liberating! In this workshop, you’ll develop a variety of techniques and approaches, using whatever media you choose—from house paint and rusting agents, to plaster bandages and gilding materials. Our focus will be on alternative (non-artist) materials. Along with fundamental and advanced painting concepts and techniques, you’ll learn important lessons about the relationships between subject matter and materials—and about letting the creative process direct the final result. Many, many approaches and supplies will be demonstrated—and then you can decide on what you want to create! You may work in whatever style(s) is comfortable, ranging from the highly realistic to the wholly abstract. All we ask is that you let your materials be your muse! All materials will be provided. There will be a one-time $12 supply fee due on the first day of class. No prior art training is required and all skill levels are welcome. There is $20 material fee for this class Workshop Dates: 12/1, 12/8, 12/15 Tues 10am - 12pm 6 class hours / $120 + $20 Dr.Jill Kiefer 3wks
Sunday Outdoor Painting Join artist Jock MacRae for a one-day workshop at Ward Pound Ridge Reservation and discover the joy of plein air painting in the medium of your choice. Parking fees are included, please call the office for an itinerary. Workshop Date: 10/18 (rain-date: 10/25) Sun 10am - 2pm $100 Jock MacRae
Silk Painting
niques. All of the oil stick painting techniques are executed right on your canvas—from thick “impasto” applications to delicate washes. This class will teach you all of the options. Please bring a canvas (11”x14” or larger) to the first class, along with images of what you might like to paint. All other materials will be provided. There will be a one-time $15 material fee due on the first day of class. No prior art training is required and all skill levels are welcome. Workshop Dates: 10/20, 10/27, 11/10, 11/17 Tues 10am- 12pm 8 class hrs / $160 + $15 Dr. Jill Kiefer 4wks
Come try this beautiful art form which has been done in Asia for centuries. Silk painting has gained popularity in the US due to the French Serti technique which is easy, clean, fun, and gives you startlingly beautiful results. In the Serti (closing or fence) technique the designs are outlined with gutta or water-based resists, which are applied to white silk that has been pre-washed, dried and stretched (on a stretcher). Once the gutta or water-based resist has dried, it acts as a barrier for the dye or paint—keeping the color within the outlined areas of the design and allowing you to achieve sharply defined borders. After the dye or paint has been properly set, the clear gutta or resist is removed and a defining line the color of the original fabric remains. There is a $20 materials fee for this class. Workshop Date: 11/8 Sun 10am - 2pm $100 + $20 Mirielle Duchesne
Fall Session • Sept. 16 - Dec. 19, 2015
Register Online •
Oil Sticks: Pure Pigments • Pure Painting! In this series of workshops, you’ll create one (or more) painting(s) on canvas using oil sticks. These are traditional oil pigments that have simply been processed into stick form. They are not oil pastels. You can use oil pigment sticks like crayons, you can thin them, you can dip into them (as you would any other painting palette), or you can combine all of these tech-
Mud & Merlot Get down and dirty! Take a turn on the potters’ wheel turning plain ole’ mud into attractive bowls, pots or vases. A bottle of wine and some clay makes a great date night or a night out with friends! BYOW (bring your own wine) if you like. Workshop Dates: Sept. 12, Oct. 3, Nov. 7 Sat 6:30-9:30pm $40 / person/night
David Hughes
Coffee & Clay
Sculpture & Pottery Life Sculpture In this class we will work from a the model with each pose lasting from two to six weeks. The emphasis will be on exploring the human anatomy through gesture, shadow, texture and form. Learning to sculpt the figure is a great way to improve your life drawing skills. Minors must have written parental consent. Material Fee: $25. Workshop Dates: Session I: 9/21-11/2 (skip 10/12) & Session II: 11/9-12/14) Mon 9:30am - 12pm 15 class hrs/ $348 +$30 Ron Mineo 6wks
Pottery for Adults Learn something new or refine your skills. Let your creativity flow with hand-built or wheel thrown projects. Your class will include 5 FREE HOURS of Open Pottery Studio time, space permitting. Mon 6:30 - 8:30pm 24 class hrs / $564 David Hughes 12wks Wed 6:30 - 8:30pm 24 class hrs / $564 David Hughes 12wks Fri 10am - 12pm 26 class hrs / $611 David Hughes 13wks Fri 12 - 2pm 26 class hrs / $611 David Hughes 13wks
NEW! Contemporary Sculpture Join Keith Yerger and explore contemporary sculpture in this exciting new class. Use a variety of mediums, found objects and/or clay, creating works that incorporate artistic principles as well as humor, political viewpoints, and/or personal statements. Workshop Date: 9/21 - 11/16 Mon 6:30pm - 8:30pm 16 class hrs /$400 Keith Yerger 8wks
Pottery Workshops Raku Bring your clay bisqued pots and glaze them in the morning, load and fire in the afternoon, what a way to spend a beautiful day! Several glazes will be provided. We will glaze the pieces at the Art Center and fire them at the Ward Pound Ridge Reservation in Cross River. Workshop Date: 11/18 Sun 10 - 4pm $110 class hrs / $110 David Hughes
Fall Session • Sept. 16 - Dec. 19, 2015
Join sculptor Keith Yerger for a fun evening creating a masterpiece in clay. Creatures, figures, portraits, heads…if you can imagine it - you can make it! Workshop Dates: Sept. 12, Oct. 3, Nov. 7 Sat 6:30-9:30pm $40 per person/night Keith Yerger
Jewelry • Glass • Specialty Workshops Introduction to Fused Glass In this class we will explore several methods of creating beautiful fused glass. First we’ll create a 6”x12” tac-fused hanging piece, learning how to bend stringer in a flame, to form shapes (trees, flowers etc.) using nippers and how to place frit for color and texture. Next we’ll create images using a laser printer, which we will fire onto the glass. Finally, we’ll make a 6”x6” tile using colored glass pieces and powder to create a fused mosaic effect. You’ll learn about glass compatibility, firing schedules, and how to cut and arrange glass into designs that we will then fire in the kiln (fuse) to form beautiful glass pieces. There is an additional $75 material fee for this class. Workshop Dates: 10/15 - 11/19 Thur 10am-1pm 12 class hrs / $300+$75 Sue Clayton 6 wks
Metal Jewelry-making Do you want make your own unique metal jewelry but don’t know where to start? This fun introductory course will take you on a journey through metal-smithing techniques so you can bring your visions to life! We will begin by working with wire to learn the fundamentals of shaping, hammering, texturing and forming, and then move on to soldering, stone-setting, chain-making, polishing and more. You’ll leave class with several pieces of beautiful, professional jewelry that are truly you, as well as the skills to take your craft to the next level. Material fees will be purchased through the instructor. There is a $30 materials fee for this class. Fall Dates: Session One: 6 weeks - 9/22 - 10/27 Session Two: 5 weeks - 11/3 - 12/1 Wed. 10am - 1pm 6 class hrs / $265 + 30 Victoria Tillotson 5 wks
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Clay Copper Jewelry
Monotype and Drypoint
Clay copper is a medium that allows you to create beautiful sculpted copper jewelry, this copper fires to 99.9% pure copper. Students will complete several pieces which will be fired and available for pickup at a later date.
The freedom of monotype combined with the expressive netted line of drypoint make possible wonderful combination prints. Learn how to print texture, create a trace monotype, print with stencils, delicate washes, surface rolls, and reactivate the ghost print for a second pull. In our second class we will focus on drypoint technique where an image is drawn into a plastic sheet using a sharp tool, and the resulting raised burrs and incised lines are rubbed with ink to create a rich and varied print surface. This workshop is open to beginners to advanced printmakers. Please bring a drawing, collage, print or photo for ideas to the first class. Workshop Dates: 11/18 - 12/16 Wed 10am–2pm 24 class hrs / $372 +25 Lisa Mackie 6 wks
Workshop Dates: 9/22 - 10/13 Tues 1 - 3pm
8 class hrs / $180 + $20
David Hughes
4 wks
Clay Silver Jewelry Clay Silver is a medium that allows you to create sculpted silver jewelry. The end product is 99.9% pure silver. Students will complete several pieces which will be fired and available for pickup at a later date. Workshop Dates: 10/20 - 11/10 Tue 1 - 3pm 8 class hrs / $180 + $20 David Hughes 4 wks
Tea & Terrariums This workshop will include instruction and materials to build, create and care for your own miniature environment. Your glass vessel will house a wonderland of plants, soil, shells, rocks, driftwood, found natural objects and anything that brings you peace and contentment. Please feel free to bring any object that is meaningful to you (feathers, tiny ceramic animals or Buddhas, etc).You will go home with a one-of-a-kind piece of living art. There is a $10 materials fee for this class. Workshop Dates: 11/6 Fri 10–11:30am 1.5 class hrs / $35 + 10 Sharon Djaha 1 wks
Digital Arts Adobe InDesign Learn to make brochures, cards, posters and more with the industry standard software Adobe InDesign. This class will cover the basics of document design and setup, font management, style sheets and more. Mon 10am- 12pm 20 class hrs / $504 Robin Arzt 12wks Thur 11am- 1pm 24 class hrs / $546 Robin Arzt 12wks
Adobe Photoshop Gain an understanding of Photoshop tools and brushes. Learn to correct photos that are too light or too dark, improve color, adjust size, sharpen fuzzy edges, remove red eye, retouch to get rid of imperfections, crop out or remove a distracting object or person from the photo and more. Great fun for all levels. Class size limited to 5 students. Tues 10am-12pm 26 class hrs / $546 John Pardo 13wks Fri 9:30 - 11:30am 26 class hrs / $546 John Pardo 13wks Fri 12 - 2pm 26 class hrs / $546 John Pardo 13wks
Digital Photography with a DSLR
Printmaking Workshops Photo Silk Screen Using the same process as Andy Warhol we will create a varied-color edition series. Enjoy learning the basics of silkscreen including simple photoshop techniques, photo exposing the screen, ink mixing, color blending; positive and negative stencil process and more. This workshop includes all supplies, Workshop Dates: 9/30 - 11/4 Wed 10am–2pm 24 class hrs / $372 + $25 Lisa Mackie 6 wks
Fall Session • Sept. 16 - Dec. 19, 2015
Do you have a DSLR camera, but wish you could do more with it? This course teaches you how to use the many functions and features of your digital camera. You’ll learn how to rely on your creative instinct rather than your camera’s auto setting. You will learn the techniques for shooting well-composed, artistic digital photographs. Please bring your digital SLR, USB cord, charged battery, and user manual. Workshop Dates: Session I: 9/21 - 11/2; Session II: 11/4 - 12/14 Mon 12:30 - 2pm 9 class hrs / $246 David Hughes 6wks Wed 9:30 -11am 9 class hrs / $246 David Hughes 6wks Thu 6:30 - 8pm 9 class hrs / $246 David Hughes 6wks Sun 2 - 3:30pm 9/7.5 class hrs / $246/$205 Emily Fountain 6/5wks
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Art for Teens Illustration & Drawing for Teens In this advanced class, students will focus on creating their own unique illustrative style and improving their drawing ability. They’ll learn about character design, plot structure, the different kinds of visual narratives, and how to create an illustrated work of fiction in their choice of medium. Additionally, students will learn about famous artists, illustrators, and cartoonists, drawing upon their work for inspiration. Mon 5:30-7pm 18 class hrs / $528 DJ Osborn 12wks Fri 6:30-8pm 19.5 class hrs / $572 Jenny Brent 13wks
Drawing & Painting for Grades 6-12 Our goal in this course is to give students a strong foundation in painting and drawing. Students will choose their own subject and medium, learning techniques, composition and color theory. Students may also experiment with mixed media. Teaching is done on an individual basis within the group setting, allowing students to work at their own level. Mon 4 - 6pm 24 class hrs / $576 Loren Anderson 12wks Wed 6:30 - 8:30pm 26 class hrs / $576 Theresa Bates 12wks Fri 4 - 6pm 26 class hrs / $624 Theresa Bates 13wks Sat 1:30 - 3:30pm 24 class hrs / $576 Theresa Bates 12wks
Portfolio Development
Metalsmithing for Teens Together we will discover the amazing capabilities of metal. At the end of the class you will be able to explain how metal is malleable, ductile and fusible, all while making art! Students will learn how to design and create jewelry and small objects in copper and brass. The techniques covered will include: sawing, piercing. forming, finishing. chain making, cold connections, soldering. Students are required to purchase some basic tools. You will leave the class with a finished ring and small object of your choice. There will be a material fee of $50 for this class. Tues 4-6:30pm 24 class hrs / $676 +$50 Chris Bamford 13wks
Drawing Manga Furries (grades 5+) Learn to draw animalistic characters, mostly recognized in popular Disney or 3D animated cartoons. Artists will practice and learn how to structure and make animal proportions while also applying them to a human body to create an anthropomorphic feel and possibly make their own “Fursona” as many other artists do in the furry community. Thu 4:30 - 6pm 19.5 class hrs / $572 DJ Osborn 13wks Sat 3 - 5pm 18 class hrs / $576 DJ Osborn 12wks
Anime (Intermediate)
Tue 6:15 - 8:45pm
Since 2005 our portfolio class has helped our students gain admission to some of the best art schools in the country! Designed to help teens prepare their art school portfolios, this class runs for a full school calendar year Sept - June. Over the course of the year, we will cover many topics including still life, outdoor painting, portraiture, life drawing, life sculpture, classical oil painting, technical drawing, mixed media and more. We will also work in many painting and drawing mediums, stressing strong finished pieces. Most of the artwork will be done from life. Students will receive the materials list and schedule upon enrollment. $1,465 KAC Staff Sept. -May
Fashion Revamp (grades 6+) Take that old pair of jeans, ripped jacket or stained t-shirt or your mom’s unwanted silk scarves and create something fabulous and new, using a variety of skills and embellishments. Students should come with a creative spirit and a bag of old clean clothes. Sewing experience is not required! Mon 6:30 - 8:30pm
24 class hrs / $528
Jaja Requa
NEW! Contemporary Sculpture for Teens
In this class students will use Adobe Flash, learning to do frame by frame animation. Drawing on Wacom tablets, students will create their own characters and learn to animate them. Students taking this class should have an understanding of digital art and some experience drawing Manga. Sat 11am - 1pm 24 class hrs / $504 DJ Osborn 12wks
Join Keith Yerger and explore contemporary sculpture in this exciting new class. Use a variety of mediums, found objects and/or clay, creating works that incorporate artistic principles as well as humor, political viewpoints, and/or personal statements. This class begins Oct. 22 Thur 6:30pm - 8:30pm 16 class hrs /$400 Keith Yerger 8wks
Manga (grades 6+)
Pottery Wheel for Teens
Learn the distinctive style of Japanese cartooning called Manga, the inspiration for many Anime Series. In this class students will learn to draw the stylized face, wardrobe and body types typical of Manga. This class will also cover perspective, background design, special effect techniques and body language as well as the history of Manga and Anime. Thu 6 - 8pm 26 class hrs / $624 DJ Osborn 13wks Sat 1 - 3pm 24 class hrs / $576 DJ Osborn 12wks
This very small class will focus solely on the wheel. Learn the basics of wheel throwing and make a variety of thrown forms. Students will also have the option of hand-building. Class is limited to six students so register early. There is a an additional $25 clay fee. Tue 6:30 - 8:30pm 26 class hrs / $611 Zoe Gross 13wks Thu 6:30 - 8:30pm 26 class hrs / $611 David Hughes 13wks Sat 3:45 - 5:45pm 24 class hrs / $564 David Hughes 12wks
Fall Session • Sept. 16 - Dec. 19, 2015
Register Online •
Digital Photography for Teens
NEW! Robots 101 (grades 3-5)
In this class, we will discuss different concepts and learn thow to implement our creative ideas using digital photography, while exploring color, composition and the use of light and shadow. Mon 4:45 - 6:15pm 18 hrs/ $450 Emily Fountain 12wks Sat 3:45 - 5:15pm 18 hrs/ $450 Emily Fountain 12wks
Join the technological and creative revolution! Invent, design and engineer various robots such as solar powered robots, robot cars and light up pet robots even an Artbot. Discover while doing to bring simple materials to life. Learn the how’s and whys while exercising your imagination. Thur 4:30 - 6pm 19.5 class hrs / $539 Kate Marlowe 13wks
Manga Photoshop (grades 6+)
Cartooning for Kids
In this class students will depart from their traditional Manga artwork, learning to draw digitally with Photoshop and Wacom tablets in the same way that professionals do. This is an advanced class and should be taken after our Manga class. Mon 7 - 9pm 24 class hrs / $504 DJ Osborn 12wks
Students will develop cartoon characters while learning anatomy, proportion, composition, color and value. We will develop our own storylines and draw and color our own comic strips and comic books.
See Manga & Anime page 22
Mon 4 - 5:30pm
Flash Animation for Teens
Grades 1 -3: 18 class hrs / $480
DJ Osborn
19.5 class hrs / $520
Jenny Brent
Grades 3-5: 5 - 6:30pm
Make your own animated cartoon! In this class students will learn the basics of Flash Animation to bring characters, designs and drawings to life. In addition to having great fun, you will create your very own short films. Fri 6 - 7:30pm 19.5 class hrs / $533 Keith Burgun 13wks Sun 11am - 12:30pm 16.5 class hrs / $451 Keith Burgun 11wks
The Clay Studio for Kids Therapeutic, expressive and fun, clay is one of our planet’s richest gifts. In KAC’s clay studio children will learn about the properties of this wonderful medium while making a variety of projects. Students will learn to hand-build and will also learn to use the potter’s wheel.
Stop-Motion Animation for Teens Love Wallace & Gromit? Then this is the class for you! Design your own characters from clay and/or found objects and bring them to life using Stop Motion Animation.Students will create a storyline and turn it into a short film is using their own characters in environments which they have created created from magazines, book illustrations, patterned paper, found objects and paint. Wed 6:30 - 8:30pm 24 class hrs / $540 Keith Yerger 12wks
Mon 4:15 - 5:45pm Tues 4:30 - 6pm Sat 11:30 - 1pm
18 class hrs / $498 19.5 class hrs / $539 18 class hrs / $498
Sue Clayton Sue Clayton Sue Clayton
12wks 13wks 12wks
19.5 class hrs / $539
David Hughes
19.5 class hrs / $539
David Hughes
Clay for Gr. 1-5
Kid’s Classes
NEW STEAM (Science + Technology + Engineering + Art + Math) Classes!
Tue 4:30 - 6pm
NEW! Little Circuits (grades 1 & 2)
This very small class will focus solely on the wheel. Students will earn the basics of wheel throwing while making a variety of thrown forms. Class is limited to six students so register early. Wed 4:30 - 6pm 18 class hrs / $498 David Hughes 12wks
Create magical electronic creations combining art and electronics. Become an electronics artist using light and sound to make interactive art work while learning basic electronic concepts through discovery. Put components together, see what happens, and figure out why! Play with basic components such as alligator clips, and switches to explore light, color and movement. Mon 4:30 - 6pm 18 class hrs / $498 Kate Marlowe 12wks Sat 9 - 10:30am 18 class hrs / $498 Kate Marlowe 12wks
Clay for Gr. 1&2
Fall Session • Sept. 16 - Dec. 19, 2015
4:30 - 6pm
Clay for Gr. 3-5
Pottery Wheel for Kids (grades 3-5)
Family Clay Class (ages 7+) This class is a great way to spend time with your loved ones while being creative and learning something new. Students may hand build or use the potters’ wheel. All levels are welcome! Discounts: 2nd person disc. $44; 3rd person disc. $77 Sat 9:30 - 11:30am 24 class hrs / $528 David Hughes 12 wks
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NEW! Kids Draw! (grades 3-5) This class will focus on teaching students to draw what they see from life (no photos). Students will work from still life, the clothed model and natural objects as they learn how about positive and negative space, composition, value and perspective. Mon 4:30 - 6pm
18 class hrs / $498
Donna Ferreiro
Flash Animation (grades 3-5)
Creative Sewing for Kids (grades 3-5) Students learn basic construction techniques using both hand and machine sewing. Using these skills, we will make tote bags, stuffed animals, holiday projects, simple wearable items and more. There is a $30 material fee for this class.
Make your own animated cartoon! In this class students will learn the basics of Flash Animation to bring characters, designs and drawings to life. In addition to having great fun, you will create your very own short films. Wed 4:30 - 6pm 18 class hrs / $456 Keith Burgun 12wks
Wed 4 - 5:30pm Sat 1:30 - 3pm
Stop-Motion Animation (ages 6-10)
18 class hrs /$456 + $30 18 class hrs / $456 + $30
Jaja Requa Jaja Requa
12wks 12wks
Drawing & Painting for Grades 1 & 2 Color, form, composition and technique will be emphasized in this class. Students will experiment with pastels, watercolors, acrylics, charcoal and more. The instructor will work individually with every student in the class, at his or her own level. Tue 4:30 - 6pm 19.5 class hrs / $539 Loren Anderson 13wks Thu 4:30 - 6pm 19.5 class hrs / $539 Theresa Bates 13wks Sat 9:30 - 11am 18 class hrs / $498 tba 12wks
NEW! Expressive Art for Grades 1-2 This class offers an alternative to our more structured classes. In this class students will be encouraged to work from imagination and will be provided with a large variety of materials. Students will be instructed in the painting techniques for each medium but subject matter, or lack thereof, will be their choice! Wed 4:30 - 6pm 18 class hrs / $498 Donna Ferreiro 12wks
Drawing & Painting for Grades 3–5 This class is designed to teach the child who loves art to see like an artist by learning to draw from observation. Students will work with pastels, watercolors, acrylics, charcoal and more. The instructor will work individually with every student in the class, at his or her own level. Tue 4:30 - 6pm 19.5 class hrs / $539 Theresa Bates 13wks Wed 4:30 - 6pm 18 class hrs / $498 Theresa Bates 12wks Thu 4:30 - 6pm 18 class hrs / $539 Loren Anderson 13wks Sat 11:30am - 1pm 18 class hrs / $498 tba 12wks
Design your own characters from clay and/or found objects and bring them to life using Stop Motion Animation. Students will create a storyline and turn it into a short film is using their own characters in environments which they have created from magazines, book illustrations, found objects and paint. Sat 10 - 11:30am 18 class hrs / $456 Keith Yerger 12 wks
Stone Sculpture (grades 4 & up) In this class kids will get an introduction to the ancient art of carving stone. Students will learn different methods of carving, from old to new. Alabaster will be our stone of choice for this class. Protective gear provided. Fee includes materials and equipment. Please see our policies for safety requirements. Mon 4 - 5:30pm 18 class hrs / $528 Keith Yerger 12wks
Repurposed Sculpture (grades 3-5) Students will use found objects in combination with batteries, lights and parts of toys to create sculptures that move, light up and more! Wed 4:30 - 6pm 18 class hrs / $504 Keith Yerger 12wks
Sculpture & More Explore the world of 3D art. In this class we will cover basic and complex sculpture techniques. We will explore kinetic sculpture, such as bobble heads, mobiles and vehicles with moving parts, as well at static sculpture. Students will be encouraged to push the limits of their creativity and imaginations. This class runs in 1 and 1.5 hour durations, see sessions below.
Grades 4-8: Thur 4:30 - 6pm
Fall Session • Sept. 16 - Dec. 19, 2015
19.5 class hrs / $546
Keith Yerger
Register Online •
Workshops for Kids
Young Children’s Classes
Kids Art & Pizza Nite (grades 1-5)
Expressive Kids Program
Looking for an evening out while your kids are supervised, learning and having fun? Children will spend the evening eating pizza and creating art in a supervised, but informal environment. Please register before 12pm the day of. Parents see our adult workshops the same day and time. Workshop Dates: Sept. 12, Oct. 3, Nov. 7 Sat 6:30-9:30pm $35/per night - 1st child, $30 each additional. child
Our new Expressive Kids program is designed to stimulate visual, intuitive thinking through process oriented art, rather than product oriented art. What does process oriented mean?
Collaborative Chess Design! (ages 7-11) Join us for this dynamic workshop. Learning basic concepts related to chess will inspire our young designers to work together to transform recyclable objects, like bottles, cardboard and newspaper into a functional collaborative masterpiece. This workshop’s intention is to cultivate respect for our environment by recycling in an innovative manner while fostering an appreciation for design and the game of chess. Workshop Dates: six weeks - 9/18-10/23 Fri
9 class hrs / $249
Rachel Krause
Mixed Media Illustration for Poems and Proverbs (ages 7-11) In this workshop we will create original designs for poems and proverbs in a storyboard/ accordian book format. Students will explore the joining of word and image to build visual literacy skills using a variety of art and collage materials. Workshop Dates: 10/30 - 12/11 (no class 11/27) Fri 4:30-6pm 9 class hrs / $249 Rachel Krause 6wks
Tea & Terrariums (grades 1-5) This workshop will include instruction and materials to build, create and care for your own miniature environment. Your glass vessel will house a wonderland of plants, soil, shells, rocks, driftwood, found natural objects and anything that brings you peace and contentment. Please feel free to bring any object that is meaningful to you (feathers, tiny ceramic animals or Buddhas, etc).You will go home with a one-of-a-kind piece of living art. Ther is a $10 material fee for this class. Workshop Date: 11/13 Fri 4:30-6pm 1.5 class hrs / $35 + 10 Sharon Djaha 1 wk
• • • • • • • • • • • • •
No cookie cutter projects, EVER! Providing children with HUGE sheets of paper Painting with mediums other than paint Using tools other than brushes Creating art that doesn’t have to look like anything! Getting really, really messy Never asking “what is it?” Not worrying about getting paint on the walls, floor, ceiling, etc.! Encouraging imagination! Providing diverse visual and tactile experiences Building fine motor skills Encouraging creative thinking and experimentaion Entirely child driven
Expressive Twos (24-36 mos.) Parent or caregiver must be present at this class. Mon 9:30-10:15am Wed 9:30-10:15am
Fall Session • Sept. 16 - Dec. 19, 2015
Kate Marlowe Kate Marlowe
12 wks 12 wks
Kate Marlowe Kate Marlowe
13 wks 13 wks
Kate Marlowe
13 wks
Rachel Krause
Donna Ferreiro
Expressive Threes (ages 3-4) Tue 1:30 - 2:30pm Fri 9:45 - 10:45am
$273 $273
Expressive Fours (ages 4-5) Thu 1:30 - 2:30pm
Expressive Fives (ages 5-6) Fri
Expressive Art for Grade 1 & 2 Wed 4:30 - 6pm
$252 $252
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Autumn 2015 Registration Form
Fine Art for Pre-K & K Students will focus on very basic art concepts in a supportive, informal atmosphere. We will explore traditional painting media, incorporating a variety of materials into our artwork. Tue 4:15 - 5:15pm $273 Donna Ferreiro 13wks Sat 11:30am-12:30pm $252 Keith Yerger 12wks
The Clay Studio • Young Children Therapeutic, expressive and fun, clay is one of our planet’s richest gifts. In KAC’s clay studio children will learn about the properties of this wonderful medium while making a variety of projects. Students will learn to hand-build and will also get to experience working on a pottery wheel.
Clay for Twos (24-36 mo. / Parent or caregiver must be present) Tue 10 - 10:45am
Zoe Gross
tba Keith Yerger
13wks 12wks
Sue Clayton
Sue Clayton
Clay for Threes (ages 3-4 / drop-off class) Tue 3- 4pm Wed 1 - 2pm
$286 $264
Clay for Fours (ages 4-5 / drop-off class) Thu 4:30 - 5:30pm
Clay for Fives (ages 5-6 / drop-off class) Mon 5:30 - 6:30pm
“Every child is an artist, the problem is staying an artist when you grow up.”
Checks payable to: Katonah Art Center & Gallery Mail to: 131 Bedford Rd., Katonah, NY 10536 Phone: 914-232-4843, or REGISTER ONLINE at
- Pablo Picasso
Credit Card Type
Some art classes require materials. Supply lists can be found online, some materials can bepurchased from the KAC office.
Fall Session • Sept. 16 - Dec. 19, 2015
Credit Card #
CV2 code
Ck #
Register Online •
Anderson Chase Gallery Opening Launch Fall 2015
Kids Sunday, September 13, 2-3 pm
Adults/Teens Sunday, September 13, 1-2 pm
131 Bedford Road Katonah, NY 10536 (914) 232 - 4843