Attendance Flyer

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Your child’s good attendance here at Worsbrough Common Primary has a direct impact on their level of attainment. A child who is absent from school may not access learning and can therefore fall behind their peers finding it difficult to catch up upon their return. We request that you take your family holidays

Dear Parent / Carer Our school is hoping with your cooperation to

The Early Years at school (ages 3-11) are a vital time in

during the school holidays to avoid your child

help to improve attendance and punctuality which

your child’s education for laying the foundations for

missing huge chunks of their learning.

will reflect in your child’s level of attainment.

their learning. What they learn in Foundation Stage

Last academic year our overall attendance was

and Key Stage 1 and 2 is the building blocks for high

However, we do understand that this is not always

schools and future life.

possible and in exceptional circumstances at the discretion of the Head Teacher holidays may be

94% with our target being 95%. Where attendance is a concern we will work closely

authorised providing your child’s overall attendance

This year our target remains at 95% but we are

with parents and the Educational Welfare Officer to

is above 95%. Each case will be individually

hoping with your support to achieve this.

give as much support and advice as we can. You

assessed on their own merit.

may be aware that recent Government legislation If you are experiencing difficulties with your

includes the use of penalty notices and fixed penalty

No holidays will be authorised during the term where

child’s attendance please do not hesitate to

fines for poor attendance and persistent lateness.

SATS take place.

contact school and arrange an appointment with

Hopefully we can resolve any problems without

Lisa to discuss this matter.

having to go down this route. However we are

Thank you

Holiday forms are available from the main office.

prepared to follow this line if necessary. Persistent lateness and unexplained absences will We recognise that children do fall ill and therefore

be subject to fixed penalty fines in line with Local

some absences are unavoidable. We do ask that if

Authority Guidelines.

your child is ill that you contact school as early as possible to notify us of this otherwise your child will be marked as an unauthorised absence.

School Telephone Number 01226 289989

Bruce Venue, Barnsley S70 4EB

Worsbrough Common Primary

Rising Stars Children’s Centre Telephone: 01226 320513


Worsbrough Common Primary School Head Teacher Ms K Davies Telephone: 01226 289989 Fax: 01226 293625

95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20

School Attendance

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