Worsbrough Common Primary School and Rising Stars Children’s Centre Newsletter Summer 1 Week 1
Welcome back! Welcome back! I hope you all had a great Easter break and that hopefully we’ll see some sunshine! Many thanks for your patience this week with the hall being out of bounds, hopefully the work will be completed by early next week !
12th April 2013
Lost property!
As ever we have an exciting and busy half term ahead. Year 6 will be We had a working flat out on the run up to their SATs test which will be held mountain of lost the week beginning 13th May.
Community Café! Monday 15th April 2013 9-11am
property in school last term. Please make sure all clothes are well labelled with your child’s name.
Everyone welcome Tea/coffee Toast and Bacon Butties We’d love to see you there!
Children’s Centre Child care available 1 hour to a whole day. For further information contact the Children’s centre manager. Messy Play—Mon 10:30-11;30 am First Steps (Teen Parent Group) —Tues 1—3 pm Baby Yoga Tues - 3:30—4:30pm Sing & Sign—Wed 1:30-3:30pm Baby and Parent Yoga/Massage—Thurs 10-11 am Breast Feeding Support—Thurs 1– 2:30pm Breast Feeding Peer Support Training —Fri 9:30-11:30 am Toddler Group—Fri 2—3:30 pm
Worsbrough Common Primary School and Rising Stars Children’s Centre Bruce Avenue Barnsley S70 4EB Tel: 01226 289989
Year 2 SATs Parents Evening
Summer Reading Challenge! All children should now have brought home their summer Reading Challenge booklet! Please support and encourage your child’s reading at home so they can work their way towards 50 reads and some great prizes! We hope you find the bookmarks Miss Dring has
Don’t forget Year 2 Parents Sats Information evening!
created useful too!
Tuesday 16th April From 3.30pm
Film Club Don’t forget Thursdays are Film Club night! If you haven’t been before jus come and get a letter from Miss Dring—All KS2 children welcome! Staff learning! This week’s staff meeting was spent looking at oral and mental starters in Maths. All staff stretched their perseverance learning muscles after a busy Wednesday!
Learning never stops….
Y2 and Y6 SATs Tests A reminder that Y2 and Y6 will be taking their statutory SAT s tests in the coming weeks. The results of these tests are collected by the government and published. It is therefore essential that children attend during SATs week. We have a little more flexibility with y2 BUT Y6 children have to take their test on the allocated day and at a set time. If Y6 children are absent for their test they can not take it at another time and do not get awarded a level. Y6 SATs week is w/b 13th May. If you have any questions or concerns please call in to speak to us.
Have a great weekend!