Worsbrough Common Primary School and Rising Stars Children’s Centre Newsletter Welcome Back! I hope you all had a great half term break! It was a busy half term in school and the Children’s Centre with new carpets and blinds being fitted and a wall knocked out to create a better library space! The library’s not exactly how we want it yet but is well on the way! We have another exciting half term ahead—please keep looking at and commenting on your child’s class blog! Ms Davies :) Fundraising Frenzy! During the summer holidays this year Miss Johnson will be taking part in a climb of the Atlas Mountains as part of her work with TEACH a charitable organisation bringing education to under developed parts of the world. As part of her fundraising activity we will be holding a bun sale this Tuesday break time! 25p a bun! Mini Explorers is BACK! Mini Explorers restarts this Wednesday! See the Children’s Centre blog for more information!
Spring Term 2 22nd February 2013
PE Kit Children need to bring PE kit on their allocated PE days , including suitable outdoor footwear and a top and jogging bottoms if the weather is cold. Most children do now wear their house colour t shirts and look fantastic! Football shirts and strappy tops are not allowed as PE kit. Earrings must also be removed. If you are unsure what days your child has PE please ask their teacher.
Worsbrough Common Primary School and Rising Stars Children’s Centre
Bruce Ave Barnsley S70 4EB
Breakfast club from 8.00am Breakfast Club is available every day from 8 am for just £1! No booking necessary!
Phone: 01226 289989
School Drive Again a polite reminder about not using the school drive unless you have permission and a password. Thank you for your support.
Save the date!
Barnsley Chronicle’s School Funds Giveaway!
World Book Day—March 6th
We have signed up for Barnsley Chronicle’s School Funds Giveaway.
characters/lots of reading
From March tokens will be in the Chronicle for parents to collect.
Dressing up as a book Activities! More information to follow!
Please could you ask your friends, families and anyone else to save and collect these tokens and bring them into school? The more we collect the more chance we have of winning a share of £10,000.00 !
Year 3 Swimming! Year 3 started their swimming block this week! Mr Morrison, Mrs Tyas and Mr Lawton were SO impressed with everyone’s amazing behaviour they asked me to put it on the newsletter! Well done Year 3! Keep up the great work!
15th March ! You can order TK Maxx t shirts from the school office! Noses on order and buns being baked!
One World Week! The last week of this half term! We will be packing our bags, bringing our tickets and passports as we leave for a week of exploring different countries!
Have a lovely weekend!