Newsletter, week 4

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Worsbrough Common Primary School and Rising Stars Children’s Centre Newsletter Spring Term 1

Thank you Thank you to all parents and carers who have clearly made a big

effort this week not to drive up the school drive. It really is

25th January 2013


PE Kit

Ms Davies

Children need to bring PE kit on their

Safety There have been a number of reported incidents this week involving a Black car, thought to be a VW Passat, driving around schools in the local area. The driver of the vehicle is alleged to have tried entice a Y5 child from Hunningley Primary School into the car. We have spoken to all our KS2 children about the incident and reminded KS1 children about stranger danger. Please could you reinforce this message at home.

Hand Washing! We have been working particularly hard this week to remind our younger children about hand washing! We have had a number of reported cases of Hand. Foot and mouth and Ringworm. Please be vigilant and seek medical advise if you suspect your child maybe infected.

allocated PE days , including suitable outdoor footwear and a top and jogging bottoms if the weather is cold. Most children do now wear their house colour t shirts and look fantastic! Football shirts and strappy tops are not allowed as PE kit. Earrings must also be removed.

Young Voices The Young Voices concert that was cancelled as a result of snow has been rescheduled for next Wednesday 6th February. Letters with details have been sent home this week.

If you are unsure what days your child has PE please ask their teacher.

Worsbrough Common Primary School and Rising Stars Children’s Centre

Family Support Drop In! Family support drop in every Friday Afternoon with Lisa & Gillian 12.45 to 1.45 please call to book a slot .

Bruce Ave Barnsley S70 4EB Phone: 01226 289989

Calling All Parents!

Zoolab! Zoolab are visiting ! 4th February 2013 1.30pm Zoolab Chinese new year celebrations. If School

children are not booked into day-care for this session, they are welcome but must be accompanied by an adult. Warm Packs

Community café and Parent Voice!

If you have been allocated a winter ‘warm pack’ but haven’t collected it please do! :)

Calling all parents would you like to become involved in decisions made about your child’s learning if so please register your interest with Lisa . Lisa would also like to run a community café , once a month but needs volunteers to help anyone interested please let us know .

Contact a member of the family support work team for more information!

Free places for 2 year olds. If you have a two year old they may be eligible for 15 hours free nursery care. The places are offered to those who meet the criteria—please contact the Family support work team for more information.

Have a lovely weekend!

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