Worsbrough Common Primary School and Rising Stars Children’s Centre Newsletter Red Nose Day! Thank you to everyone who donated buns and money in support of Red Nose day today! Many thanks again to Nicky Newell who helped boost our money raising and significantly improve my Red Nose day outfit by selling the TK– Maxx t shirts in school! :)
Year 5 and 6 Dance Workshop! On Thursday Year 5 and 6 got to work with a fantastic dance teacher, Leigh, who had travelled all the way from London! As well as busting some pretty cool moves they also learnt about the history of hip hop! Miss Walsh and Mr Fletcher were very impressed! Check out the video on the Year 6 blog. :)
Spring Term 1 15th March 2012
PE Kit Children need to bring PE kit on their allocated PE days , including suitable outdoor footwear and a top and jogging bottoms if the weather is cold. Most children do now wear their house colour t shirts and look fantastic! Football shirts and strappy tops are not allowed as PE kit. Earrings must also be removed. If you are unsure what days your child has PE please ask their teacher.
Worsbrough Common Primary School and Rising Stars Children’s Centre
Bruce Ave Barnsley S70 4EB
Family Support Drop In! Family support drop in every Friday Afternoon with Lisa & Gillian 12.45 to 1.45 please call to book a slot .
Phone: 01226 289989
Trips, trips and more trips! Gosh it’s been a busy week! Year 2 had a fantastic trip to the Ice Cream factory on Tuesday—Miss Johnson and Mrs Sykes were ‘super’ impressed with everyone’s behaviour! Well done! Then on Wednesday Miss White and F1 had a trip down to Wigfield Farm— although it was a long walk home everyone had a fantastic time!
National Teaching School Status We are delighted that we have been successful in our bid to become a Teaching School working in alliance with Springwell Community Special School. This is a first for Barnsley and makes us one of only 500 schools in the country. The role of a teaching school is to develop new teacher and school leaders, offer professional development as well as working with schools facing difficulties. It will bring some really exciting opportunities, as well as more work! However it is again recognition of the school’s work—exciting times!
Free places for 2 year olds. If you have a two year old they may be eligible for 15 hours free nursery care. The places are offered to those who meet the criteria—please contact the Family support work team for more information.
Have a lovely weekend!