week 5

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Worsbrough Common Primary School and Rising Stars Children’s Centre Newsletter Chinese New Year! There have been some great activities in the CC and EYFS, Year 1 and 2 to celebrate Chinese New Year! Zoolab have visited and we have had an amazing cooking session in Y2 led by parents! Thank you so much for your amazing support! The children absolutely loved it!

Spring Term 1 25th January 2013

PE Kit Children need to bring PE kit on their allocated PE days , including suitable outdoor footwear and a top and jogging bottoms if the weather is cold. Most children do now wear their house colour t shirts and look fantastic! Football shirts and strappy tops are not allowed as PE kit. Earrings must also be removed. If you are unsure what days your child has PE please ask their teacher.

Worsbrough Common Primary School and Rising Stars Children’s Centre

Bruce Ave Barnsley S70 4EB

Fire fighters Charity! Thank you to everyone who donated! We raised nearly £40 for a great cause!

Phone: 01226 289989

Young Voices! A huge well done and thank you to everyone who supported the visit to the Young Voices concert! The children were amazing! Massive thanks to Miss Dring and Miss Haigh for giving up their own time and as ever showing such ‘botherdness’!

Half Term! I can’t believe it’s half term already! Keep checking our school blog for information/homework and activities! Year 6 make sure you keep reading and practicing all the skills you have been testing out with Miss Walsh and in 1:1! Reading every day with your child will have a huge impact on their success in school! Go on you CAN find the time!

Have a lovely weekend!

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