Worsbrough Common Primary School and Rising Stars Children’s Centre Newsletter Attendance Champions! This week 30 attendance champions have been chosen to go with Lisa and watch the Olympic Torch Relay as it passes through Barnsley on Monday! Well done to all our attendance champions and thank you to all parents and carers for your help and support with attendance. Every school day really does count!
Summer 2 Week 2 22nd June 2012
Shuffle Up Morning Next Wednesday morning will be ‘Shuffle Up’ morning—an opportunity for children to spend the morning in their new class and meet their new teacher.
The Olympic Torch Relay As you may well know, the Olympic torch relay is passing through Barnsley next Monday afternoon. Many parents and carers have expressed an interest in taking their children to see this exciting, once in a lifetime event. We would like to ask all parents and carers wishing to take their children to see the torch relay to collect their children from school at 1.15pm on Monday. School will remain open as usual on Monday afternoon and the attendance winners trip will go ahead as planned.
F1 will move to F2 with Miss Wiggan, F2 will move to Y 1 with Mrs Proud, Y1 will move to Y2 with Miss Johnson, Y2 will move to Y3 with Mr Morrison, Y3 will move to Y4 with Miss Woodward, Y4 will move to Y5 with Mr Fletcher and Y5 will move to Y6 with Miss Walsh!
Children’s Centre Child care available—for further information contact the Children’s Centre staff. Baby Massage—Mon 4:15-5:30pm Mini Explorers—Tues 2-3:30 pm Little Kicks (Pregnancy Drop In) - Tues 4-6pm Baby Group—Wed 2-3:30pm Breastfeeding—Thurs 9:30-10:30am Toddler Group—Fri 10-11:30 am Family Support Drop-In—Fri 2—4pm
Worsbrough Common Primary School and Rising Stars Children’s Centre Bruce Avenue Barnsley S70 4EB Tel: 01226 289989
Dinner Money Please can all parents/carers ensure that Dinner money is paid on time. The dinner machine is now fully functional!
High School Transition Days The end of year is fast approaching and Year 6 are beginning to think about moving on. Next week children moving to Horizon College will spend the day at Kingstone School. Children should be in full school uniform and should arrive at Kingstone School Sports Hall at 8.45am. Their visit day will end at 3.30pm. Parents are invited to visit next Wednesday evening to find out more about uniform and how to order it.
Thank You.
New Toddler Group! Wednesday 9.15-11.15 a.m.
Children moving to Holy Trinity High School will be visiting on Wednesday 27th and Thursday 28th June and Barnsley Academy are holding their transition day on Thursday 5th July.
Baptist Church on Sheffield Road opposite the Outpost. All welcome!
Children’s Centre Fun Day!
PE Kit Please can you ensure that children have the right PE kit on PE days including outdoor footwear.
Saturday 30th June is the Children’s Centre Fun day! Fingers crossed for some sunshine! 12-3pm Free Bouncy Castle DJ and dancing Tombola and raffle Hotdogs Face painting On the school field!
Summer Term Dates Event
In this week’s staff meeting we reviewed our Maths curriculum and thought about how well Big Maths is working in each class.
Date th
Torch Relay (visit for 30 children) Olympic Week
25 June
F1/F2 Zoo visit
16th July
End of Year Reports Informal Parents Evening Worsbrough Common’s Got Talent
13th July
Staff Training
last week of term
16th July 19th July (Dress Rehearsal am/ show pm)
Also this week Miss Dring has been learning about Talk for Writing, the leadership team have been planning for next school year and Ms Davies has given a presentation to lots of Head Teachers at a conference in Lincolnshire about our school!
Have a great weekend!