Worsbrough Common Primary School and Rising Stars Children’s Centre Newsletter Shuffle Up Day! Shuffle Up day ran smoothly on Wednesday and it was a great opportunity for children to meet their new class teacher! The majority of our Year 6 children were also out having their visit to Kingstone, which will of course be Horizon from September. Everybody ended the day smiling, including the teachers!
Summer 2 Week 3 29th June 2012
The Olympic Torch! It was great to see so many people out in Barnsley to celebrate the arrival of the Olympic torch! Thank you to all staff who supported in taking our ‘Attendance Champions’ to see and to Mrs Lawton who was left in the lurch manning reception! :-\
Children’s Centre Child care available—for further information contact the Children’s Centre staff. Baby Massage—Mon 4:15-5:30pm Mini Explorers—Tues 2-3:30 pm Little Kicks (Pregnancy Drop In) - Tues 4-6pm Baby Group—Wed 2-3:30pm Breastfeeding—Thurs 9:30-10:30am Toddler Group—Fri 10-11:30 am Family Support Drop-In—Fri 2—4pm
Worsbrough Common Primary School and Rising Stars Children’s Centre Bruce Avenue Barnsley S70 4EB Tel: 01226 289989
Children’s Centre Fun Day! Saturday 30th June is the Children’s Centre Fun day! Fingers crossed for some sunshine! 12-3pm
Dinner Money
Free Bouncy Castle
Please can all parents/carers ensure that Dinner money is paid on time. The dinner machine is now fully functional!
Tombola and raffle
Thank You.
DJ and dancing Hotdogs Face painting On the school field!
New Toddler Group! Wednesday 9.15-11.15 a.m. Baptist Church on Sheffield Road opposite the Outpost. All welcome!
Nursery Places September 2013 We have a few remaining places left in our Nursery from September but places are filling up rapidly—if you what to secure a place in nursery and haven’t yet applied please contact the school office or Lisa ASAP.
PE Kit Please can you ensure that children have the right PE kit on PE days including outdoor footwear.
Summer Term Dates
Staff Training
Torch Relay (visit for 30 children) Olympic Week
25 June
In this weeks staff meeting we discussed how we could use question modelling more effectively.
last week of term
Ms Davies was presenting to some future HT ‘s in Leeds on Friday .
F1/F2 Zoo visit
16th July
Mr Fletcher had is final assessment for his teaching
End of Year Reports Informal Parents Evening Worsbrough Common’s Got Talent
13th July
Date th
Lots of learning!
16th July 19th July (Dress Rehearsal am/ show pm)
Have a great weekend!