Tuesday, October 11, 2005
A Second Life Publication
Use of First Land by alts clarified by Linden Lab
By KATT KONGO Staff writer
SL RESIDENT JAVIER PUFF and his team won Linden Lab’s movie trailer contest with their entry, which was untitled. Puff says LL provided the inspriration for the movie. - Photo by KATIER REITVELD.
Puff team wins movie contest By KATIER REITVELD Staff writer
The new island sim of Pixel Dreams, in cooperation with Schmooze Entertainment, is seeking contestants for its new show "The SL Dating Game." If you are interested in being a contestant on the show, contact ReallyRick Metropolitan.
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A contest to find a new trailer for Second Life was announced in July by Lauren Linden. Linden said that the aim of this contest was for residents to "create a short video trailer which shows Second Life in all its glory." She added that the "Trailer body should emphasize user creativity and socializing of the Second Life experience" and to "Use the concept "only in Second Life" as a starting point. On Aug. 4, Catherine Linden closed the entry list and gave the nine entrants till Sept. 5th to finish off their movies. All of the final movies were put to public voting starting Sept. 15, and the results where announced on Oct. 9th by Jeska Linden. The winners are "Diversity" from SecondTake Productions, second runner-up; "Second Life: The Trailer" by Elle Pollack and Wlle Pollack, first runner-up; and Untitled Trailer by the team of Javier Puff, Nyteshade Vesperia, Cara Dmytryk, Malakye Dmytryk and Maximillion Grant, winner. Following the announcement, team member Vesparia said, "It's wonderful Linden Labs seeks to stay involved with their customers by hosting competitions like this one. Sets them apart in a huge way from other online [environments]." Puff said, "The inspiration (for the winning trailer) originated with Linden Lab, I guess. In their announcement about the contest, they provided some details about the overall theme they wanted to see." He added, "From there, it was a matter of decid-
ing how best to bring that vision to life, while dealing with the constraints I had.". When it came to the actual storyline Puff said that "(he) was trying to deliver a simple message in a way that also generated excitement. That message was "You REALLY want to be in Second Life; you can do things here you can't do anywhere else." Music proved to be the biggest problem for the entrants though. Linden Labs made it clear that the music had to be non-copy written, and because of that, songs that might have been chosen where disallowed. In Puff's case, song composer Grant came on the scene at just the right moment, and in company with Puff's sister who played the guitar heard through most of the trailer, provided the musical score for it. Puff said that perhaps his biggest enjoyment though was seeing the work of others. "By the time I wrap a film, I'm pretty much sick of it, I've seen it a thousand times. So watching what everyone else came up with was a singular joy, that was perhaps my favorite part of the contest, the day when they all got put up for viewing," he said. "Since the contest ended up being a popular vote, winning meant that a lot of people enjoyed the result of my efforts. I enjoy that, knowing that I manage to entertain people is the whole point of the exercise. I'm just glad nobody expected any kind of acceptance speech," Puff said as he grinned. The winning movie trailer can be viewed at www.secondlife.com, or at the site http://secondlife .com/movies/JavierPuff.mov.
to participate in our online poll. This week’s question: What foreign language version of the Messenger would you like to see first? Look for the results from last week’s poll on Page 2.
About Us Volume 1, No. 9 Second Life The Metaverse Messenger Sido (169, 195) Rose from Ash Publishing
A recent post on the Second Life forums spawned furious debate when a resident confessed that she had purchased First Land on an account she described as being her "alt." In a Sept. 28 forum post, Strawbearry Shortbread said she created this alternative character so that she could test buying things that her primary avatar had made and packaged for sale. She went on to say that on Sept. 27 she noticed that the land next to hers, First Land, was available for purchase. She brought her alt inworld and bought that land. She said that several residents told her that she was unethical, that she was gaming the system, that it was against the rules and against the spirit of First Land. However, Shortbread felt that if she purchased a second account, which she intends to keep, and bought First Land with it that she intended the second account to stay on, that she had done nothing wrong and nothing against the rules. "With a basic account, you get only $50 a week and no land. With a premium account, you get $500, plus 512 without having to pay tier, plus the opportunity to buy First Land," she said. She added, "Since I am paying for both accounts every month, I saw nothing wrong with getting First Land with my second account. My alt account bought it with her own money." Shortbread said that those who create a multitude of alts with the sheer purpose of buying up all of the First Land and selling it at a profit to a land dealer, then deleting the alts, are wrong. However, Robin Linden of Linden Lab, said, "Technically only someone who hasn't owned first land
See LAND, Page 11
Second Life residents invade New York City By PHOENIX PSALTERY Staff Writer The first ever Second Life Community Convention (SLCC) took place Oct. 8-9 in New York City as well as within Second Life itself. Some 120 SL residents were in attendance for the First Life portion of the convention, which was held at the New York Law School in Manhattan, termed by Hamlet Linden "the first Resident-sponsored gathering on a massive level." Several attendees stated that they felt as though they were attending a family reunion, and that meeting people whom they had previously been acquainted with only in a virtual world quickly felt like a meeting with an old friend. In keeping with the Metaverse
concept, there were also in-world events to complement those that took place in First Life, including a kickoff street party, a Come As You Were Party where avatars were asked to come dressed in their first newbie outfits, a masquerade ball, and more. The in-world location of the SLCC was set up at the juncture of the sims of Bethel, Fortuna, Georgean and Brillant. A reproduction of the actual NYC Law School building where the RL portion of the convention was held was constructed there by Valadeza Anubis. While many attendees expressed that they consider this convention to be a seminal moment in the development of the Metaverse, the limita-
See SLCC, Page 6
STROKER SERPENTINE AND January Bauhaus dance to the sounds of jazz and swing at the Second Life Community Convention Masquerade Ball. The event was held Saturday night as part of the in-world festivities of the SLCC. - Photo by PHOENIX PSALTERY.