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Tuesday, October 18, 2005

A Second Life Publication


Halloween plans made






SL RESIDENTS mingle at the Second Life Community Convention. The SLCC was the first event of its kind, and has sparked plans fot a yearly event. - Photo courtesy of CUTTER RUBIO.

SLCC: One Week Later

FYI Effective Nov. 1, LL will be closing the classifieds forum and archiving all existing content. The new classifieds system in Second Life will allow users to completely self-manage listings via personal profiles with image, price, description capabilities and more.

Index Perspectives . . . . . Page 2 Comics .. . . . . . . . . Page 9 Classifieds . . .. . . .. Page 9 Entertainment. . . . . Page 9 Fashion . . . . . . . . Page 13 Business . . . . . . . .Page 14

Web Poll Go to our website at

to participate in our online poll. This week’s question: Are you planning on attending any of the First Life meetings? Look for the results from last week’s poll on Page 2.


A week has passed since the conclusion of the 2005 Second Life Community Convention, which was held in New York City on Oct. 8-9. A huge outpouring of good will seems to have come out of the SLCC, along with a renewed vigor for Second Life and a vision for the future for many of the residents who were fortunate enough to attend. Jennyfur Peregrine stated, "[We] have met numerous SLer’s in a variety of settings over the past year or two, so we have gotten past some of the RL-to-SL weirdness that arises in meeting the persons behind the avatars [but] many times over the course of the party and convention, people quipped that it was like a family reunion of sorts." "There was a positive vibe in the air that was infectious," added Forseti Svarog. The community and camaraderie of SL was mentioned again and again by attendees. Hiro Pendragon, who was one of the team that spearheaded the effort to put together the SLCC, said that the thing that impacted him was "the strong sense of community. Before the convention, you had to go out and visit Linden Lab on their turf to meet the Lindens. "At the convention, the Lindens mingled with the residents, and it really reinforced just how strong of a community we have in Second Life." Another recurring topic mentioned by those interviewed about their SLCC experience was a renewed enthusiasm for SL. Svarog said "It gave me renewed confidence in the Linden Lab team. We are not just customers in this endeavor, we really are also partners

Volume 1, No. 10 Second Life The Metaverse Messenger Sido (169, 195) Rose from Ash Publishing

See PLANS, Page 11

Messenger Hosts Open House


About Us

we could do a lot worse than be tied to LL on this journey." Peregrine added "I am very excited for what the future brings and how the [SL] world will continue to expand and grow in the coming months many times over the course of the weekend various persons likened [SL] to where the Internet was at 10-12 years ago by this time next year one can only imagine where we will be." When asked about the evolution of SL from its present proprietary form to a true Metaverse that can interconnect with other virtual worlds, Pendragon responded, "I think the natural evolution of Second Life into the Metaverse that is world-wide accessible is about creating standards and APIs,” "Philip Rosedale [AKA Philip Linden] spoke in detail about that at the SLCC during his keynote [speech], but it’s not a new idea. Talk of open sourcing, standards, and APIs has been ongoing in the SL community as long as I can remember, and probably earlier." Travis Lambert echoed this sentiment as he recalled Lindens keynote address, saying that Linden talked about how SLers are "really all pioneers here" and that Linden Labs really sees SL as something that will someday be ubiquitous, comparing SL to "what the [World Wide Web] was, around 1992 or 1993." When asked what stuck with him the most, a week after the convention, Lambert responded, "I guess the biggest lingering thing on my mind is that we’re all important our community is like a recipe for Mama’s best lasagne, and each of us is a critical ingredient, in our own way." Peregrine added, "For better or for worse, the future is ours to create."

For those who have yet to prepare for Halloween, there is plenty of time and stores to help with costumes, as well as decorations for your house and business. A few places are giving away costumes, while others charge a small fee, starting at L$10. Stores are listed alphabetically with a small list of what they have. Busty’s Hillbilly Hideout and Yard Sale has costumes ranging from L$10 to about L$25L. They also have a variety of decorations. The store is in the Sesia region. Holiday House in Belmondo (245,106) has decorating sets ranging from L$10 to L$125. They have some free costumes and other Halloween accessories as well. Posters start at L$35 and textures start at L$75. Illusion has costumes starting at L$175, and decorations starting at L$100. Those who cant find a costume you like can try a new avatar! Kuula New Citizens, Inc. (NCI HQ) has avatars that would work well as a costume. There’s something for both male and female avatars. The best part is they are all just L$1!. Those who like to party and make some money may want to visit a club. Some clubs may require a costume if attending on Halloween night. They are all having costume parties and having contests. Asylum is hosting events and tours all day. At the end of the night, there will be a masquerade ball. They will have door prizes, raffles and live music. Rainbow Island is having a special event and a dance. Club Hedon is having a party and a ball. Club Vixens will have a live DJ and a contest for best male and female costume. Two lucky people will win L$150 each for best and most creative costumes. Bates Motel will have a money ball, live DJ and prizes. This one is costume only. First place is L$2000 and second place is L$500. Club Voodoo is having a party on Oct. 25 and will be having a contest for best original male and female.

The public was invited to join the staff of the Metaverse Messenger at an open house Oct. 14 to celebrate the opening of the newspaper’s new office building. “The turnout was great,” said Messenger associate publisher Phoenix Psaltery. “Katt [Kongo] and I didnt know what to expect. We didn’t know if anyone would show up or not,” he laughed, “but there was a great crowd. We were very pleased.” About 25 avatars attended the open house, which featured dancing and refreshments as well as a money ball and a series of prize giveaways. Nearly L$2000 was given out during the two hour event via the money ball. The three major prizes were awarded by random drawing at the end of the night.

Four weeks’ worth of free 1/2 page ads in the Messenger, valued at L$4400, were awarded to Cocoanut Koala. A gift certificate to Nomine, good for a L$5000 avatar skin by Best Of SL poll winner Munchflower Zaius, was won by Mulch Ennui, who earlier had characterized himself an unmitigated loser, quipping that “I never win anything.” The major prize of the night went to Frans Charming, who won L$10,000 in cash which had been donated for the drawings by Mike Burleigh of Burleigh’s Second Hand Store and his wife, Gabriella Molinari, and had not been one of the prizes on the agenda, but was added by the Messenger staff upon learning of Burleigh’s gift. The evening of fun was hosted by Kongo and Psaltery, and all in attenSee OPEN, Page 11

THOSE WHO attended the Messenger’s Open House were treated to prizes, refreshments and dancing - Photo by PHOENIX PSALTERY.

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