Katy Christian Magazine - April/May 2010

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Inside This Issue: 2010 Katy Christian Magazine Summer Camp Guide

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Fa m i l y Fr i e n d l y Ne w s w i t h a n E t e r n a l Pu r p o s e April / May 2010 • Complimentary

Politics & Religion

Men To Fathers

with Archie Wortham

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April / May 2010

April / May 2010

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Letter From The Publisher

K AT Y Volume V, Issue 2

Departments 6

Wow, what a cold winter we just had! I didn’t think that it would ever end. So much for the so-called myth of “global warming!”

Politics and Religion

11 Finding Relief Amidst Peak Pollen Season 14 Marriage Tips 24 Men To Fathers 26 New Careers After Age 50 32 Katy Christian Ministries’ Food Pantry Fast Facts 37 2010 Summer Camp Guide

Our Mission Statement: “Our mission is to have a magazine devoted to His glory, provide cutting-edge stories important to today’s Christian, promote Christian-Judeo values we find important, and editorial content that your entire family can enjoy.”

President/Publisher Joseph Menslage Columnists Joseph Menslage

Sylvia Thompson

Archie Wortham

Craig Narum

Mark Williamson

Ruth Towns

Now that spring is the air and summer is just around the corner, Katy Christian Magazine knows that many local parents are starting to plan their kid’s summer activities. We are trying to help you make that task somewhat easier with our fourth annual Christian Summer Camp Directory. We have highlighted about 15 local summer camp programs that we think that your children would enjoy with reputable camps. We sincerely hope that this will help you make an informed decision on your summer plans. As always we would like to thank all of our readers and advertisers that consistently make us one of Katy’s most sought after magazines. We ask you to support our advertisers whenever possible and please let them know that you heard about them through Katy Christian Magazine.

In Christ, Joseph R. Menslage

Dr. Houston Vetter

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April / May 2010

April / May 2010

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Politics and Religion: Socialism on the March By Mark Williamson President Barack Obama and his liberal/ progressive socialists are on the march in their intentional and overt “changing” (read: “destruction”) of America as we know it. Not all democrats mind you, but all liberal/progressives. The March passage of the so-called “Health Care” bill has fundamentally changed America, and will continue to eat away like a cancer at our God-given and constitutionally-guaranteed rights— it if it is not repealed. A once free people will now suffer governmentfunded abortions, rationed care resulting in passive euthanasia, the nationalization of student loans (which has nothing to do with “health”) and incredible new power for the IRS who will soon have some 10,000 to 15,000 new agents and $10 Billion dollars to enforce your compliance in purchasing the right kind of governmentapproved insurance from the right kind of government-approved insurance company. They’ll be fishing around in your bank account (in violation of your privacy) to make sure you line up with the collective. These developments comprise an absolute flushing-downthe-toilet of our Constitution on many levels. The “Executive Order” preventing government funding of abortion isn’t worth the ink it took to sign it. An Executive Order cannot, does not, and never will trump actual legislation! “What’s the big

deal about a government take-over of student loans?” you may ask. Granted, it doesn’t seem that tyrannical…until they start telling Johnny and Susie where they can go to school, what classes they can take, and how long they must work for the government and in what capacity after they graduate. But this was never about health care. It was and is about socialism, control, and the redistribution of wealth! Obama and his liberal/ progressives have stomped on America with the Jackboot of tyranny. Oh, it’s a lighter version; a “cushier heel” than the killing fields of the 20th century to be sure, but it’s still wrong! It is up to true patriots and true Christians (not pretenders who misuse Jesus as a way to facilitate making government “god”) to stand up and retake our nation at the ballot box this fall. Freedom of, by, and in the market place is called Capitalism, and while there can be and are abuses due to the lack of Biblical integrity in individuals, it is the best economic system on earth by far for all of history. In fact, it is the only Biblically-favored economic system. The Bible says that it is God who “gives you the power to gain wealth.” Only capitalism affords the economic system for that to happen. May God bless and grant victory to the Attorneys General from the many states that are suing the government over this gross violation of the commerce clause of our Constitution! The federal government cannot force us to purchase anything! Freedom (personal, economic, and religious) is a comprehensively

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April / May 2010

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different word and concept than liberalism, progressivism, socialism, Marxism, fascism, totalitarianism, state-ism. Freedom is a gift from God. Tyranny and bondage (personal or political) is oppression from satan, who comes to steal, kill, and destroy! All those other “isms” are evil, and come from the father of lies. Those systems are used to oppress people. They governmentally institutionalize violations of the Ten Commandments and other scriptural principles, much as our government is doing now. They foment unbelief and rebellion against God. They institutionalize covetousness (socialism), murder (abortion), etc. Biblical truths and principles are thrown out the window. Biblical love and truth is blasphemed as “hate speech.” I use the word “blaspheme” because God, the source of Biblical love and truth, and Who is Himself Love and Truth, is called, by extension, a “hater.” But God is not mocked; He will repay. Obama, Pelosi, and Reid, just as they mock God, also mock true Americans, the true patriots, the tea-party populace. They falsely accuse Christians and patriots generally of violence, hatred, and racism, yet, where is it? There are fringe flakes on nearly any side of any cause, but to say Tea Party Patriots = Terrorists is itself the product of a dishonest if not dysfunctional mind. As all subversives with a “counter-agenda” are prone to do, liberals accuse their opposition of their own tendencies. They twist the truth, make fun of it, and mock it in such a way as to make the truth incredulous and unbelievable! This is a technique of master liars, especially in the political realm. The strategy is to discredit the truth at all costs: any lie, any accusation, will do. (This is a favorite personal technique of Rahm Emanuel, the President’s Chief of Staff.)

How long will it take for America to wake up? How long will it take for the true Church of Jesus Christ to wake up? How long before “false-prophet” types like Jim Wallis and others (who embrace socialistic, Marxist, environmentalist-wacko positions and other such tenants of their “other” gospel) are confronted by true Apostles and fathers in the faith who know the truth, speak the truth, and turn others toward the truth and away from practicing lawlessness? Let us hope that it will happen before it’s too late for America. A lot will become clear between now and November. We need more genuine Christians and conservatives in Congress. We need to repeal and replace this bill. Obama says “go for it.” We will! Pray. Pray like you’ve never prayed before. Pray for God’s grace and protection over this nation. Pray for a change in Congress. Pray that this tyranny be repealed. Pray for those who are so deceived to be delivered into truth! Pray—and put feet to your prayers! Your children’s futures depend upon it! Mark Williamson is the Founder and President of Foundation Restoration Ministries and Federal Intercessors, educational and intercessory ministries dedicated to the restoration of Biblical truth, righteousness and justice in the nation, and the high offices of the Federal government. The views expressed in this column are his personal opinions and observations. Learn more and join the prayer cause at www.federalintercessors.net. You may contact him directly at mark.williamson@ federalintercessors.net, or at 713-722-4301.

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April / May 2010

April / May 2010

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April / May 2010

Finding Relief Amidst Peak Pollen Season By Dr. Hotze Spring is here! And unfortunately so is peak pollen season, which goes hand-in-hand with itchy, watery eyes, sneezing, a runny nose and asthma attacks, for millions of Americans. Sound all too familiar? You aren’t alone; in fact, an estimated 60 million people in the United States suffer from allergies, according to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, and the number is growing. “Managing” your symptoms In an effort to find relief from these miserable symptoms, many people turn to antihistamines. While they may provide some measure of temporary relief, they only mask the symptoms, while causing a host of side effects. Antihistamines do not correct the underlying problem rather they may leave you feeling some of the negative side effects, such as fatigue, drowsiness, nausea, headaches, dry mouth, blurred vision and skin rashes. Antihistamines are notorious for causing mental impairment and drowsiness. Your brain uses naturally occurring histamines to maintain alertness and unfortunately many over-the-counter antihistamines interfere with histamine receptors in the brain. One popular brand, Benadryl, is so effective at inducing drowsiness that it’s sold

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April / May 2010

as a sleep aid! While you may choose to deal with your symptoms and leave your allergies untreated, I caution you that the amount of inflammation and stress placed on your body and your immune system from untreated allergies increases your risk for serious illness . In fact, allergies are the sixth leading cause of chronic disease in the US, costing the health care system $18 billion annually. Who gets allergies? Although childhood is the time when many allergies first become apparent; in reality, allergies can emerge at any age, including midlife. Allergies are especially likely to develop during times of stress, when the body’s defenses are lowered, such as after a viral infection, during puberty, during or after pregnancy, after a severe injury, or following an emotional loss. Allergies can cause a wide variety of symptoms ranging from recurrent sinus infections and skin disorders like eczema to asthma and migraine headaches. Although respiratory discomfort is the most obvious indicator of an allergic reaction, allergies cause symptoms throughout the body depending on where the immune system is activated. Food allergens can trigger gastrointestinal symptoms such as canker sores, gastritis and diarrhea. Headaches, depression, anxiety, and memory problems can occur if inflammation and swelling affect your brain. Recurrent or chronic urinary infections, and yeast infections commonly have an allergic basis. If you can track your symptoms on the seasonal calendar, or notice symptoms within an hour after eating, you may be one of millions suffering from allergies. Childhood asthma is due to underlying allergies. The most common offenders are dust mites, which live by the millions in bedding and pillows, and food allergens such as wheat, corn, eggs, milk, yeast and soybeans. Adult asthma is caused by allergies as well. In fact, asthma accounts for nearly 10.1 million missed work days for adults annually. Shots are out and drops are in! At Hotze Health & Wellness Center, our approach to treating airborne allergies begins with a blood test to determine the proper dose of the allergen with which to begin treatment. The proper dose: Strong enough to produce allergy-blocking antibodies, but not so strong as to cause a full-blown reaction. By treating you with a small dose of the very allergens to which you react, antibodies are developed that will help you block the allergic reaction. This allergy

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April / May 2010

treatment is similar to an immunization, and desensitizes you to the allergens. Once we have established the dose, we treat with sublingual (under the tongue) allergy drops. That’s right! There is no longer a need to get painful allergy shots. The inconvenience of driving to the doctor each week to receive an injection, and then waiting 30 minutes after to make sure there isn’t an adverse reaction, is over. You can simply put a few drops under your tongue during the day and you’re finished

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who have used them. Not only are they a safe and convenient treatment, sublingual drops can deliver the results that you have been looking for. Consider the following questions to evaluate the likelihood that you suffer from allergies: • Do your symptoms worsen during a particular season, such as the spring or fall? • Are your symptoms worse in parks or grassy areas? • Are your symptoms worse around animals? • Do your symptoms change when you go outdoors or indoors? • Are your symptoms worse around dust? • Are your symptoms worse upon arising in the morning? • Do you awaken in the middle of the night with congestion? • Do you have mood swings or feel depressed for no particular reason? • Do you develop symptoms after eating or drinking certain foods? • Do you sometimes feel stimulated, hyperactive, or fatigued after meals? • Do you have any blood relatives with allergies? • Do you have dark circles under your eyes? • Do you get sinus infections every year? • Do you have recurrent yeast infections, jock itch, or Athlete’s foot,? • Do you have indigestion, bloating, diarrhea or constipation?

Allergy season is year-round; however, the following is a breakdown of which class of allergens affect people at any given time during the year. If your allergy symptoms worsen during a particular season, you can use this list as a guide to help prevent exacerbation of allergy symptoms. Steven F. Hotze, M.D., is the founder and CEO of Hotze Health & Wellness Center, Physician’s Preference and Hotze Pharmacy. You can listen to Dr. Hotze and his colleagues on his radio program, “Health and Wellness Solutions”, which airs Monday-Friday on KSEV 700 AM in Houston from 12-1 p.m. CST, or online at, http://www.drhotze.com/.

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Marriage Tips By Karl Elkins Christ Way Counseling

water (things outside Himself, contrary to what the pantheistic new agers claim) not a deeper closeness with Him.

Marriage Tip #1: Accept your God given needs for God and others.

The ‘one-another’ commands prove we have needs. If God commands us to respect, encourage and comfort one another, it must mean that we all need respect, encouragement and comfort. Otherwise, God asks us to do something irrelevant and He doesn’t do that!

If you want to have a better marriage, then you must reject forever the false teaching that God is all you need. He is ultimately what we need but not all we need. We must ultimately depend on Him as the source to meet our needs (Matt. 6:33), but He does not meet all our needs directly--He may sometimes want to meet them indirectly--through other people. Adam’s aloneness proves we have needs. It was God who said in Gen. 2:18 “it is not good for the man to be alone.” Adam had an aloneness problem even before he had a sin problem (Gen. 3:6). He had a morally perfect relationship with God not marred by any sin; was living in a perfect environment (Eden, Paradise); had an exalted position as CEO of planet Earth (and no competition--every business man’s dream) but was alone and God said aloneness was “not good.” God’s solution was a person - Eve. Not more prayer or Bible study - but a person. Common sense proves God is not all we need. A need is essentially something God has provided, declaring and validating that we need it. He provided air, food and water--therefore we need air, food and water. But notice our need for air, food and water are met with air, food and

God who could have created us any way He wanted, chose to create us with a need to relate both with Himself and meaningful others. Relational relevancy is lost when we misunderstand man’s need, claiming he only needs God. Denying needs leads to self-sufficient attitudes like “If God is all I need why can’t God be all you need . . . If I don’t need comfort or attention, then why can’t you do without comfort or attention . . . why do you have to be so needy?” Tell the average Christian that you are feeling alone in your marriage (or in life generally), you are likely to hear: “you’re not alone, you have God . . .God is all you need . . . you just need to pray more . . . read your Bible more . . . you just need to get your eyes off yourself.” If aloneness is not good, then make it one of your primary marriage and parenting goals to remove aloneness. A successful husband is one whose wife feels less alone this year than she felt last year. And a successful wife is one whose husband feels less alone this year than he felt last year. A successful parent is one whose children feel less alone this year than last year.

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April / May 2010

Certainly you daily consider the question “what must I get done today?” Add thoughts like “how can I remove my partner’s aloneness today?” What other biblical truths prove that God is ultimately what we need but not all we need? Marriage Tip #2: Accept God’s purposes for being made with needs. Like it or not, God made us all with needs. Needs are not a sign of weakness. Desiring appreciation doesn’t make us insecure. Desiring support doesn’t mean we are weak. Desiring security doesn’t mean we lack faith. Desiring attention doesn’t mean we are self-centered. God created us with needs that could only be met through a relationship with Him and significant others (Gen. 2:18). Needs are necessary for knowing, depending upon and loving God. God created us to know Him in all His greatness. Therefore, He created us with needs so that we might have to depend upon Him and trust Him to supply all our “needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus” (Phi 4:19). As we experience the wonder of His love and provision we experience a deep satisfaction and a resulting love for Him that evokes praise and worship. Needs motivate us to become interdependent with each other. We cannot meet all of our own needs. Neither does God meet them all directly. God choses to meet many needs indirectly through His people. Therefore we cannot “say to the hand, ‘I have no need of you’” or again the head to the feet, ‘I have no need of you (1 Cor. 12:21)’” We need each other. Even Jesus expressed His need for human relationships at the time of His greatest trial: “My soul is deeply grieved, to the point of

death; remain here and keep watch with Me” (Matt. 26:38). Accepting the reality of needs helps to develop compassion toward others. A self-sufficient person often lacks compassion thinking “Why should I care about your needs, I don’t think you should even have needs.” If you don’t think you have needs, then you wont think others do either. If we do not have needs then why would the Scriptures encourage us to “be kind to one another, tender-hearted” (Eph. 4:32). Seeing needs, Jesus was often “moved with compassion” (Matt. 20:34). Acknowledging our needs challenges us to both receive and give. Indeed, the deepest sense of joy is when we give to others and meet their needs: “it is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35). Yet, it is difficult to give what we have not received. As we acknowledge our needs, and receive from others, we are then better able to experience the joy of giving to others: “freely you received, freely give” (Matt. 10:8). Jesus first received from the Father and then gave to others: “Everything that I have learned from my Father I have made known to you” ( Jn. 15:15). Meeting needs expresses care, which produces oneness in the Body of Christ. If you want to decrease division, then increase care: “so that there may be no division in the body, but that the members may have the same care for one another“ (1 Cor. 12:25). How has acknowledging your needs enhanced your relationship with God and your mate? Marriage Tip #3: Receive and give God’s acceptance. The need for acceptance is met by receiving another person willingly and

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unconditionally especially when the other person’s behavior has been imperfect; being willing to continue loving another in spite of offenses or differences. Rom. 15:7 “Therefore, accept one another just as Christ also accepted us to the glory of God.” Realize that your ability to accept others unconditionally is dependent on how much you personally experience God’s acceptance of you. The template for accepting others is “just as Christ also accepted us.” Matt. 10:8 says that “freely you have received, freely give.” As with all the needs, we receive from God (directly or indirectly through others) and then freely give to others. Accept that you have intrinsic worth and value apart from your performance because you are made in God’s image. “While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Rom. 5:8). He lovingly moved toward us relationally and died for us while we were yet sinners. He did not wait for us to correct all the things about us that bother Him.

even from the cross saying “Father forgive them they do not know what they are doing” Lu. 23:34. Quickly forgive when your partner offends you. You married a sinner (as did they). Reject the false notion that “it is my forgiveness and I can give it to whomever I wish.” Forgiveness is a divine commodity, we receive if from God and then as good stewards we pass it along. To forgive does not mean we forget but that we are no longer holding the offense against them relationally. You can and should forgive even if your partner does not admit their wrong. Love your partner with God’s unmerited, unconditional and unlimited love. God’s love is unmerited, we don’t deserve it and can’t earn it; unconditional, not based on what we do or don’t do); and unlimited, it will never run out or be depleted. How have you given and received acceptance?

Ponder this. Think back when you become a Christian. Since that time have you done anything wrong? Probably yes. At the time God saved you, did He know that you would commit that wrong? Yes, because He knows all things past, present and future! And yet He saved you regardless! Knowing that we will betray him in the many ways of sin, He still established a relationship with us. Most of us do not love that well -but we should.

Marriage Tip #4: Receive and give God’s admonition when it truly is the “need of the moment” by “speaking the truth in love”

Look beyond faults and meet needs. The closer we get to our partner, the more we see their imperfections. Jesus accepted a thief on a cross (Lu. 23:39), a woman caught in adultery ( Jn. 8:1), and Peter when he failed ( Jn. 21:15) without condoning their behavior (“go and sin no more” Jn. 8:1). He loved all people unconditionally and forgave freely,

Receive God’s admonition. Consider how many problems would be absent if Adam and Eve received and obeyed God’s warning to not eat the forbidden fruit (Gen. 3:6). It was an act of profound love for Adam. It was not to limit Adam, but to keep Adam from pain and from being separated from God. Many couples could resolve most of their conflicts

The need for admonition is met by constructive guidance in what to avoid; an exhortation; to warn; a gentle and friendly reproof. 1 Thess. 5:14 “We urge you, brethren, admonish the unruly, encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with everyone.”

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if they would simply abide by Matt. 7:5 which says “take the log out of your own eye, before you take the speck out of your brother’s eye.” The Bible is filled with practical wisdom to enrich our life. Accept that God may want to admonish you through your spouse. Since we are commanded to “admonish one another” (Col. 3:16), it may mean that God may want someone to admonish us. It makes sense that God might want to use the person closest to us; the one who might more clearly see and feel the negative impact of our failures. Before you admonish, make sure that it truly is the need of the moment. 1 Thess. 5:14 says to “admonish the unruly” and to “encourage the fainthearted.” You might do great damage to someone if you transposed these, or flip-flopped them (by admonishing the fainthearted and encouraging the unruly). Scripture is clear that we should speak only words that “meet the need of the moment”(Eph. 4:29 NASB). Realize admonition is almost always hard to receive, therefore make sure that you are the right person, with the right facts, and that you “speak the truth in love” (Eph. 4:17) having the right time, manner and motive. Be receptive to God’s admonition as a means of God’s guidance. We often resist admonition because it reveals that we do not know everything that our way is not perfect. When we admonish our children it is because we see something they do not see and want to help them avoid problems in the future. Likewise, God admonishes and warns us to avoid problems in the future. Ironically, many children are more teachable and open to admonition than the adult parents! How have you given and received admonition? Marriage Tip #5: Receive and give affection

The need for affection is met by expressing care and closeness through physical touch. It can also include endearing words like “I love you.” Rom. 16:16 “Greet one another with a holy kiss.” Mk. 10:16 “And they were bringing children to him so that He might touch them . . . And He took them in His arms and began blessing them, laying His hands on them.” Realize God gives affection indirectly vs. directly. Though God may choose to meet many of our needs like comfort, encouragement, and acceptance directly; He chooses to meet physical affection (hugs, sexual affection) indirectly through others. Though others can legitimately meet most needs like attention, encouragement, and comfort, some aspects of affection (sex) should only be met in the context of marriage. This partially explains why sex can be so problematic for couples. If you are not meeting your partner’s need for sexual intimacy it’s a big problem because God won’t do it and no one else should either. Affection communicates worth and value. Jesus could have just used words to heal others but He showed care and concern by touching a blind man’s eyes (Mk. 8:23), a leper’s skin (Matt. 8:2) and a woman’s hand (Matt. 8:14). Affection can communicate comfort. When Jesus announced that “one of you will betray me” ( Jn. 13:21), John did not try to fix the problem, give advice or pep talks. Gifted in mercy, he simply “reclined on Jesus bosom” ( Jn. 13:23) communicating “I care and am here for you.” Realize your partner may have differing desires for affection. It is often said that women have sex to have love and men just love to have sex. Some women complain that the only time their husband touches them

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April / May 2010

Satan’s first strategy is to first get us to lose a sense of gratefulness. God told Adam and Eve that they could eat of every tree of the garden except one (Gen. 2:17). Satan then came and said “Indeed, has God said, You shall not eat from every tree of the garden?” It is as if he is saying “He is withholding something good from you, what kind of God is He?” There focus shifted from gratefulness for what they could enjoy, to the things they could not. Gratefulness is the goal. A golf pro once told me if you keep your head down, every thing else will fall into place. Years of experience has taught me that if I can get a couple to be truly grateful to God and each other, everything else just falls into place.

is when they want sex. When men complain their wife is too frigid, she may respond that her husband is just a sex maniac. Realize these differences can increase when one person’s primary love language is affection. Realize your partner may find it especially hard to give affection. There are many reasons some find it hard to give affection: past sexual abuse, an emotional wall of hurt between couples, not having received much affection growing up, unresolved guilt from past sexual sins that make sex seem dirty or wrong. Tear down the emotional wall before initiating affection. Like it or not, it is hard to be affectionate (especially for women) when there are unresolved hurts between couples. Women say they feel dirty when offering sexual affection when there is unresolved hurt. Use cards, notes, letters. If you have a hard time speaking affectionate, endearing words then buy and give cards that express what you feel.

Nothing meets as many needs as quickly as praise. Praise automatically meets 8-10 of the 12 needs and it only takes 15 seconds to praise. Even sex takes longer (or at least it should). Go on a praise hunt vs. a sin hunt. Quit trying to catch people doing something wrong, and try to catch them doing something right. What were the things that first attracted you to your partner? Start by praising those things. Remember and praise for the things that first attracted you to your partner. Failing to praise causes pain. Start a gratefulness journal. The things that most irritate you about your partner might be the things that should most appreciate. Why? Because opposites not only attract but balance out one another. How have you given and received appreciation?

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How have you given and received non-sexual affection?

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Marriage Tip #6: Receive and give appreciation

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The need for appreciation is met by expressing gratefulness through thanks, praise or commendation. Recognizing effort or accomplishment. Col. 3:15 “and be thankful.” 1 Cor. 11:2 “Now I praise you because.”

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Appreciation is saying “thank you.” It gratefully recognizes effort using feelings and words. Jesus voiced appreciation to the Canaanite woman (Matt. 15:28), Mary of Bethany (Mk. 14:6), a Centurion (Lu. 7:9) and John the Baptist (Lu. 7:28). The Corinthian church was full of problems: factions, immorality, drunkenness at Lord’s supper. Yet, Paul found specific things they were doing well to commend them: “for I praise you for remembering me in everything and for holding to the teachings” (1 Cor. 11:2). Like all of us, they probably needed some appreciation in the midst of all the correction. Be meek. The key to meeting appreciation is to be grateful, and the key to being grateful is to be meek. A meek person is someone who has yielded their rights, needs and expectations into the hands of God. Expectations kill gratefulness. If you expect something and receive it, you are not really all that grateful. You simply received what you expected. But if you are not expecting anything and you receive anything you are grateful. April / May 2010

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Men To Fathers By Archie Wortham “How can I drive with my heels on?” a young lady asked me. “Take the shoes off until you get where you are going,” I told her. It’s the simple stuff that often confuses us when the answers are right in front of us. Sometimes it’s just we don’t want to see it, or admit we know what we know. Peg Tyre, in her article, The Boy Crisis, indicated something that merits being added here, even though she mentioned it four years ago, but still we are not listening. “A boy without a father figure is like an explorer without a map.” Family therapist and author Michael Gurian goes further by saying that “an older man reminds a boy in a million different ways that school is crucial to their mission in life.” And the mission in life for all of us right now is to save our boys. But we are failing. We are failing by not challenging our boys, our teachers, and our men. It’s a trifecta that affects our schools, and is already affecting our economy in the worst imaginable way. Presently our colleges are attracting fewer and fewer boys. High school dropouts, poor grades, and discipline issues continue to dominate the lives and situation of men more and more. Hearing teacher offer window dressing on why we can’t keep boys in schools, or how administrators weaken their teachers by saying we can allow single-gendered classes isn’t acceptable. We need to realize if we don’t wake up, our country will die. Former President Bush’s call for 70,000 more teachers for our schools four years ago so we could be more competitive seemed to hit the nail on its head. What happened to that plan? I don’t know. But what was wrong with it to begin with? Having more teachers is good. But if we don’t have the right kind of teacher we will still be trying to use round-block solutions to solve square-hole problems. And the problem is how to get men more involved in the lives of our boys. Where does this start? It starts with common sense. People…teachers and parents need to realize what the studies are showing. Our boys are getting lost in a school system that doesn’t seem to recognize there is a problem. If we don’t realize there is a problem, no one will work toward resolving. If we don’t realize having more men teachers is part of the solution nothing will happen to correct that. Our boys are getting lost in a bureaucratic oligarchy that doesn’t understand the need for more male role models to help our young men see and help them plan for their future. There are 44% fewer males going to college now than 30 years ago. More boys are going to prison now than ever, and soon inmates rather than classmates will create another entitlement program to support families we cannot afford with the over abundance of red ink in our federal budget Our priorities are wrong, if we are more set on bailing out Wall Street than we are at encouraging Main Street..

some young man’s life, as more male teachers can make a difference. Men, our mission should be to save our boys, and as Richard Bach said, “Here’s a test to see if your mission in life is complete. If you’re alive, then it isn’t.” Nothing should be more important to you right now than finding a way to make a difference in the life of some young boy you know. Find a way and start now! Realize if we don’t do something, we will be on our way to divorcing our kids. It’s been stated that the number one predictor of divorce is the habitual avoidance of conflict. The sad thing is we avoid conflict because we believe it will cause divorce. Like the cartoon where the couple explains to the marriage counselor, “We never talk anymore. We figured out that’s when we have all our fights.” We have to learn to agree to disagree, otherwise our kids are lost. We have to step up and realize change begins with us dads. Our boys need us. Our country needs us. And we need us. People are truly afraid of men getting organized, and it’s because when we have a plan, no one can execute better. So what is our plan? What about showing up? What about starting individual groups focused on male education? What about showing nonbelievers we can give them something to believe. Men do care. Men do want a change. Men realize we are part of the solution, and the simple answer here is: show up; be an example; and realize…we can’t continue to let women do their work and ours too. If we do, then we may as well put on heels and fall down, because we have abrogated our responsibility to patriarch our young men into being the fathers and men we need to make our country great. “If I’m different because of what some busybody said. If you’re convinced I’ve changed, that I don’t love you anymore, or I’m no longer your child, then yes, I guess I am one of ‘them.’ But I guess that makes you one of them too.” Suzie Moore [p. 20] from “Murder Behind Closed Doors” by Jere Myles Archie R. Wortham, PhD Educator & Writer

My Big Sister’s Upscale Resale 939 S. Mason Rd. Katy, Texas 77450 • 281-398-5009 Consignments by Appointment Only

Part of the answers and the challenges are to find the money to give teachers more money. If we give the teachers more money then we will attract more men into a teaching profession where currently over 70% are white females. If we want to relate to our boys, we need men in their lives at all levels, but the first stop after the home is school. Let’s face it. In today’s economy, a father can barely feed his family on a teacher’s salary. I’m not going to ask Washington for diddly. I challenge men at the grass-root level, fathers and husbands to get involve in local school. Challenge teacher to be more understanding to the needs of boys. And for those of you who can-- take a pay cut…become a teacher, I did, after 20 years in the Army. Why? Because I hope, I can make a difference in

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April / May 2010

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April / May 2010

New Careers After Age 50 – Where The Jobs Are, How to Spruce Up Your Skills and Ready Your Finances for the By Craig Narum, CFP® Trisperity During the recent recession, many have found themselves back in the job market after age 50 due to layoffs or changing demands at their employers. Yet as life expectancies lengthen, a late career change isn’t always a negative. It may be a welcome chance to renew, re-educate and restart a full life. It’s possible that in the future, an over-50 career change might become a common event, maybe even a desired event in our society – which means it’s definitely worth planning for. A visit to a financial planner might be a good first step in planning a move to a second career or dealing with a sudden change in your career prospects. You need to plan for any possible change in income up or down in any opportunity you entertain. You’ll also need to plan how you’ll afford any training you’ll need – college or otherwise – in making that successful transition. To make an over-50 career transition successful, it’s all about preparation. So here are some ideas:

Start with research: One of the best-detailed, up-to-the-minute career resources for the types of jobs that exist in this country and

Then Peter said, “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.” - Acts 3:6 (NIV)

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April / May 2010

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their salary and hiring forecasts is the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Occupational Outlook Handbook (http://www.bls.gov/OCO/). This extensive online resource not only lists major career groups, but the leading occupations in it. If you haven’t been in the job market for awhile, this kind of research is a good way to reset your knowledge of your industry and whether its hiring prospects are bright. This database also lays out the need for the necessary training required to reach certain salary and career levels. Check industries that are friendly to older workers: Healthcare and education are just two industries that are more welcoming to older workers. U.S. News & World Report has come up with its own list of popular over-50 occupations, and it’s a good starting point for people looking for flexible scheduling and other workers their age in the field. More older Americans now work as retail salespersons than in any other occupation. But baby boomers are expected to find other things to do besides being store clerks as they come to dominate the 55-plus age bracket. Boomers are likely to land in growth fields that welcome older workers, according to a new Urban Institute study. And many boomers will breathe a sigh of relief to find that retail jobs did not make the top 20 occupations projected to be the fastest growing among the older set. Network: Face-to-face contact with people in your target fields is important. If you can, check out events at professional organizations in that field or attend casual networking functions to learn more. Being someone over 50, you can get an idea of whether there’s true age diversity in a field and how all those groups work together – or


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if you’re simply the oldest person in the room. Obviously if you feel welcome, networking will give you a better idea of which companies with someone with your maturity and experience might fit in. Emphasize your up-to-date experience and training, not your birthday: Career experts suggest that older workers should lead with work experience and skills and leave off all but the most essential timeframe information. You’re not there to lie about your work experience, but the reason young workers are so valuable is that they’ve gotten the most recent training and they are generally less costly to employ. That’s why older workers should lead with every strength that makes them attractive to employers and should de-emphasize descriptors that broadcast age. Make your perspective an asset: If you are already familiar with the industry you’re targeting, you can use your extensive work experience to position yourself as a problem solver. If you know what a company really needs in your chosen job, say so in the cover letter and be clear in stating why you’d be a great solution. Consider timing issues at your current employer: If you are up for a salary review soon, it might make sense to have a better idea of what you’re worth in the marketplace. Also, as the end of the year is coming, you might want to use up any money in your flexible benefits accounts for medical appointments, glasses or dental work before you leave. Don’t be shy about approaching managers who aren’t hiring – pub-

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921 Gessner Rd. Houston, TX 77024 (713) 242-4006

21810 Kingsland Blvd Katy, TX 77450 (281) 829-0555

Gold Members AKA Tae Kwon Do 281-492-2411 www.akasportscamp.com Collision Center of Texas 281-933-4602 Faith West Academy 281-391-5683 www.faithwest.org Luby’s Cafeteria 281-492-2016

Memorial Lutheran School 713-782-4022

Nutritional Cleansing Solutions 281-276-0169

Mercury Control A/C 281-579-8400

Polvogt Insurance & Financial Services 281-395-9400 www.polvogt.com

NBD Graphics 281-542-7159 New Day Image Photography 281-948-5642

Pregnancy Help Center 281-578-0078 www.phckaty.org

The Promo Dude 281-829-2820 www.thepromodude.com Thomas Custom Homes 281-391-2202 Westland Baptist Church 281-392-5099 www.westland.cc Wholesale Air 281-391-2682

Silver Members Amber’s Designs 281-391-6333

Eastern Melody Acupuncture 281-293-9998

Krause Children’s Center 281-392-7505

Superior ITS 281-715-6333

Anytime Fitness 281-371-2004

Elements Payment Services 281-636-1943

Metlife Insurance 281-704-5737

TGS Landscaping 713-530-4144

Bella Vista Health Care 281-829-3577

Elevated Technology 281-715-6333

Newell’s Designs 281-392-3034

Texas Health School 713-932-9333

Bellhaven College 281-579-9977

Galloping Gems, Inc 713-723-1559

Nezcom 281-932-5703

The Arc of Katy 832-754-9802

Bishop’s Office Needs 281-558-4644

Good Shepherd Home Health 281-861-9146

Plaster Fun House 281-492-8112

The Bug Reaper 281-395-BUGS (2847)

Brinks Home Security 281-804-1953

Hilton Garden Inn Energy Corridor 281-531-0220

Pre-Paid Legal 281-352-3361

The Jones Team / Realty Pros of Texas 832-722-7731

David Altenbern-Attorney 713-961-8012

INH Realty Corp. 281-558-4644

Remax Fry Rd. 281-578-4030

Trisperity Wealth Management 281-693-3777

DishKaty.com Alarms 281-347-4528

JoeJoe Bear Foundation 281-398-4522

SPJST 832-256-9483

United Chiropractic 281-392-6550

DNK Event Lighting 713-682-4879

Katy Christian Ministries 281-391-3730

Sherri Dean 281-333-8456

VR Business Brokers 713-780-8789

Dr. Chase, D.C. 281-829-6260

Keller Williams/ Jean Davis 713-515-1232

Sports Rehab & Chiropractic 281-829-6260

Xandoe/Xango 281-498-4480

E & G Services 832-766-5811

Kingdom Racing 281-578-3946

State Farm - Steven Smith 281-496-2895

For more information or a full list of member businesses, visit www.HoustonChristianCC.org April / May 2010

For Advertising Information, Call (713) 874-7394 • www.KatyChristianMagazine.com • 29

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April / May 2010

licly: The best jobs aren’t always advertised. Instead of limiting your options to companies with posted openings, send letters of introduction to managers at firms where you’d really like to work. And again, make your perspective an asset – if you can see what a great role for you would be in their organization, tell them about it. The worst thing they could do is not respond. The best might be an interview that puts you on their radar screen.

(to loved ones) their financial wealth. He can be contacted at 281-6933777, craig@trisperity.com or through www.trisperity.com. This column is produced by the Financial Planning Association, the membership organization for the financial planning community, and is provided by Craig Narum, a local member of FPA.

Get in shape: It’s not just a matter of looks. Healthy employees cost less. It makes sense to lose weight if you need to and upgrade hair and wardrobe not to look like a twenty-something, but to fit in comfortably at the organization where you want to work. Decide what you’ll be doing with your 401(k) and other retirement funds: You may not want to make any moves for awhile, but it’s good to talk with a CFP® professional about whether you’ll be moving that money to private accounts. Also, make sure you know when you can enroll in the company 401(k) and other retirement offerings at your new employer. Secure your health insurance: You might wait a few months to a year for new health coverage to kick in at a new job. You might need to buy private insurance until then or go onto a spouse’s health plan in the meantime. Craig Narum, CFP® is a Principal of Trisperity Wealth Advisory Group in Katy and West Houston. Trisperity helps people protect, grow and give








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www.designcarpet.com April / May 2010

For Advertising Information, Call (713) 874-7394 • www.KatyChristianMagazine.com • 31

Katy Christian Ministries’ Food Pantry Fast Facts Katy Christian Ministries is a non-profit organization serving the Katy and West Houston areas. We have social services that provide emergency financial assistance, food pantries, a crisis center that houses the domestic abuse center and sexual assault center. Additionally, we have two resale shops and two donation centers. In 2009, Katy Christian Ministries’ Food Pantry: • Served more than 7,312 families and 21,828 Individuals. Children represented 53% or 11,508 of those served. • Provided 8,742 grocery bags and 2,558 personal Care bags. • Distributed 11,969 pounds of hamburger meat So far in 2010, we have seen an increased demand in the following areas:

Most requested items: • Vegetable Oil • Mayonnaise • Pancake mix with Syrup • Apple Juice • Ritz Crackers We’re proud of the work we are doing in the community and could not continue without your support. 2010 will prove to be an especially challenging year and we need your help. Please consider supporting Katy Christian Ministries. You may make a donation online at www.ktcm.org or call 281-391-5261. Additionally, we are currently collecting Box Tops for Education coupons, Soup Labels for Education, and plastic grocery bags.

• Families 18% • Adults 15% • New Families 26% • Hamburger meat 27% It costs $7,250 every other month for one Personal Care bag per family served alone.

Ceramics by Tess A paint your own ceramics studio, select your piece from 100’s of choices along with your type of paint; Acrylics or Glazes.


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Education for Today, Tomorrow, and Eternity Accepting applications for upcoming school year 23300 Bellaire Blvd Richmond, Texas 77406 Ph: 281-725-1130 glenngerber@lea-houston.org


32 • For Advertising Information, Call (713) 874-7394 • www.KatyChristianMagazine.com

• PK3 (Full Day with 2,3,and 5 day options) • Kindergarten • Grades 1-5 • Extended care options from 6:45 – 5:45 • Program offerings will expand one grade level per year to include separate Middle School and High School Programs

April / May 2010

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www.mcdougals.com April / May 2010

For Advertising Information, Call (713) 874-7394 • www.KatyChristianMagazine.com • 33

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34 • For Advertising Information, Call (713) 874-7394 • www.KatyChristianMagazine.com

April / May 2010

Tista s

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A Passion for Justice. A Passion for Public Service.

“The team at Katy Christian Magazine has grown this publication through hard work, faith, and commitment. I strive every day to operate with these same principles in the pursuit of justice. Thank you for your support.” - Judge Linda Storey.

www.JudgeStorey.com Pd. Pol. Ad Judge Storey Campaign in compliance with the voluntary limits of the Judicial Campaign Fairness Act, Itze Soliz-Matthews, Treasurer.

April / May 2010

For Advertising Information, Call (713) 874-7394 • www.KatyChristianMagazine.com • 35

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36 • For Advertising Information, Call (713) 874-7394 • www.KatyChristianMagazine.com

April / May 2010

2010 Katy Christian Magazine

Summer Camp Guide

AKA Sports

lot of field trips to fun places.”

Each year more and more summer camps are sprouting from the cracks of our great town, and each summer camp that arrives brings new and exciting adventures for kids. I hear more and more parents talking about new summer camps for their children to attend, however the variety that parents are looking for in their children’s camps has not changed. After asking multiple families about their feelings toward what their children are receiving they all had several requirements in mind.

While listening to these requests I suddenly began to think of this great summer camp that has been around in Katy for over 15 years. American Kids Athletics (AKA) has a great and exciting summer camp in store for their kids this year with a great Christian based program that teaches the kids about the “Ins” and “Outs” of the bible through a bible study program. They also provide Three to Four field trips each week with a multiple group Cook-Out each Friday. They include many educational field trips in their summer program along with multiple field trips to just fun active locations. They have even reduced their summer program rates to the rates they were charging over 4 years ago to ensure that a thing like price is not going to keep the kids away. After discussing all these important requirements of parents I found that American Kids Athletics (AKA) is defiantly a place to

3211 Fry Road Katy, TX 77449 Phone: 281-492-2411 www.akasportscamp.com

“I want a fun and active environment “, “It has to be affordable”, “I want them teaching something helpful in my son or daughters time there”, and “I want them to experience a

take your kids this summer for camp. You can come in and check out their fun and friendly staff and see it for your selves today. They are located just north of Morton Rd. on Fry. They have an easy and accessible web page that can be found at www.akasportscamp.com. You can also reach them by their phone number, which is 281-492-2411.

Building Rainbows

13922 Schmidt Road Cypress, TX 77429 281-890-7498 www.buildingrainbowsdayschool.com Building Rainbows has been providing a safe, fun summer program to Cypress’s kids for over 25 years. Our summer camp program is for children who have completed Kindergarten through 12 years old.

We plan a variety of activities that are fun for children including a wide variety of field trips and in-house activities. The field trips include skating, bowling, rock climbing and other fun activities. The children also participate in a variety of activities including arts & crafts, sports, games and cooking projects. The kids self-publish a weekly Camp Newsletter and participate in an end of summer theatrical performance. Our teachers and staff truly have a heart for children and they love the excitement of summer camp. We have 2 beautiful acres of playgrounds for organized sports and time to be a kid. We offer flexible scheduling options.

Mind Challenge Fun Sports and Recreation Arts and Crafts Four sessions, three tracks, two weeks, one great time! Summer day camp June - August. Register online @ www.crosspt.org April / May 2010

For Advertising Information, Call (713) 874-7394 • www.KatyChristianMagazine.com • 37

KT Summer Tennis Camp at Morton Ranch High School

Camp Sessions June 7 - 10 June 14 - 17 June 21 - 24 June 28 - July 1

July 5 - 8 July 12 - 15 July 19 - 22 July 26 - 29

Time & Pricing 8:00 am - 9:30 am 窶「 Mon. - Thurs. Consists of Basic Fundamentals, Stroke Development, and Drills and Conditioning

$ 140 any 4 week combo $ 40 per week $ 20 daily drop-in

10a.m.窶年oon Mon. thru Thurs. Consists of Match Camp (Singles and Doubles), Strategy, & Drills and Conditioning

$ 210 any 4 week combo $ 60 per week $ 25 daily drop-in

Contact Duke Odizor at 832-687-7077 or John Maurer at 832-483-9446 for additional information. 38 窶「 For Advertising Information, Call (713) 874-7394 窶「 www.KatyChristianMagazine.com

April / May 2010

Cross Point Community Church

org. Registration is now open and classes fill up fast! Questions? Contact Teresa Arriazola, Summer Slam Director at 281.945.5176 or tarriazola@crosspt.org.

700 S. Westgreen Blvd. Katy, TX 77450 281-945-5176 www.crosspt.prg

Drama Kids International

CrossPoint Community Church’s popular day camp, Summer Slam, is back for another great summer of fun and games! The program is designed especially for kids ages 3 (potty trained) through 5th grade and offers three age-appropriate learning tracks: Arts & Crafts, Sports & Recreation and Mind Challenge Fun. The great thing about this program is the flexibility it offers parents throughout the summer. Choices include a whole day schedule from 9 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. or a half-day schedule from 9 a.m. – noon or from 12:30 – 3:30 p.m. Each session is two weeks long, with four sessions available starting June 7 through August 13. Session 1 – June 7 through June 18 Session 2 – July 7 through July 16 Session 3 – July 19 through July 30 Session 4 – August 2 through August 13 All classes are held at the church’s Westgreen Campus, conveniently located at 700 S. Westgreen Blvd. in Katy. Some sports and recreation activities are held outdoors on the church’s athletic fields. Cost for each two week session is $160 for half-days and $295 for full days. For additional information, class descriptions and on-line registration go to www.crosspt.

281-829-2287 www.dramakids.com

The Drama Kids program is specially designed to build self confidence, as well as strong speaking and acting skills through the fun of drama. We believe that enthusiastic students who speak out clearly and relate confidently with their peers develop skills that make the journey through life much easier. Above all, our drama classes are fast paced, great fun, and have new activities every day which include improvisations, mini-scripts, speech training, character analysis, theater games and creative movement. Drama Kids offers classes weekly in Katy and West Houston through out the school year, as well as fantastically fun summer camps. This summer we have several different themes to choose from for ages 4 thru 17. Adventureland Ages 4-6 - Send your little adventurers to us! Go on a wild ride with Drama Kids including an African safari or to the land of the lost. Unleash the creative energy in your Drama Kid and introduce them to the wonderful world of dramatic fun as only Drama Kids can deliver. Playhouse Theatre Ages 7-11 - Join us as our campers use their creativity to deliver a great play - created, directed and performed entirely by THEM! Campers will explore all aspects of theatre from acting and directing, to set

design, and more. Make Them Laugh! Ages 7-11 - Campers this week will learn the art of comedy and clowning, in addition to a wide range of our zany drama activities. Campers will get to see first hand what it feels like to be in full clown attire make up and all! DKI Acting Academy Ages 12-17 - Our summer workshop will develop your creative abilities! Learn the art of playwriting, directing and production through creating interesting dialogues, conflict and confrontations, design sets, props and teamwork. Join our teens as they work together and learn what it takes to be a part of show! We have full and half day camps available! For more information on our summer camp or our school year round program please visit our website at www.Dramakids.com/tx1 or call us at 281-829-8887.

Faith West Academy 2225 Porter Road Katy, TX 77493 281-391-LOVE www.faithwest.org

What a great way to meet the needs of the kids and their parents. The camp environment is a perfect place to teach and train young minds and bodies. Christian counselors and teachers pulled from the local Katy churches, mentor and guide your children through learning activities, chapels and just plain fun. Day Camps:

CampWest (Katy) , June 28 - July 02, grades Kinder – 3rd, fee $100. CampWest (Katy) , July 19 - July 23, grades 4th -7th , fee $100. Upon registering for Camp, your child will be grouped according to the grade they will be entering in the fall. Camp begins at 9:00 a.m. and ends 4:00 p.m. daily. Campers are assigned their very own counselors who will accompany them through all the daily activities. Each age group will be made up of between 15 and 28 campers. CampWest provides an active structured summer camp experience which includes a short rest period around lunch time. Campers bring their own lunch. Overnight Camps: Wild West summer camp (Katy), July 09 July 11, grades Kinder-5th, fee $75. Rock the River (Wimberly, includes a day at Schlitterbahn in New Braunfels), July 26 July 30, Jr. High & High School, fee $200. For more information on all camps and schedules, including Sports and Music Camps, visit www.faithwest.org.

House of Speed 1200 S. Mason Road Katy, TX 77450 832-437-0763 www.houseofspeed.com

House of Speed offers exclusive scientifically developed speed and sports performance

Discover Your Dramatic Side! You know it’s there! We can find it! Learn acting skills and star in a special end of camp performance. Join us for a dramatically fun filled week and discover a new character in you!

Ages 4-17 Register online today at www.dramakids.com Katy / West Houston

281-829-2287 Mention this ad and receive $15 OFF when you enroll by May 31, 2010.

April / May 2010

For Advertising Information, Call (713) 874-7394 • www.KatyChristianMagazine.com • 39

training. The company was founded by retired NFL star Don Beebe and Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist Dr. Jeffrey Schutt in 1998, and has trained more than 50,000 athletes including many well-known professional players. Our Training Program focuses on teaching proper technique to increase speed, agility, quickness, reaction time, explosiveness, muscle endurance, balance, coordination, stability and most importantly CHARACTER. As our athletes learn the proper technique, form and athletic fundamentals we incorporate our training into sport as well as position specific training. We analyze our athletes’ form with our Dartfish Video Analysis Software so we can focus on the smallest details of their technique. We design an athlete’s training program based on their specific needs. We give our athletes the tools for athletic success! Register at houseofspeed.com for a FREE 2-hour training session, available 7 Days a Week. We will also be offering Speed and Sport Specific Camps throughout the summer. Join us as we team up with Texas Twisters Volleyball and Rice University Collegiate Players for Summer Volleyball Camps at the House of Speed Facility throughout June and July.

Houston Christian High School

2700 W. Sam Houston Parkway N. Houston, TX 77043 713-580-6000 www.houstonchristianhs.org

Beautiful Campus! Great facilities! Superior Instructors! What a great combination on which to build a premier summer school camp program. HC is offering over 30 camps for ages 6 yrs. through high school for students in the greater Houston community. Classes are reasonable, the environment is safe and we guarantee a positive, fun and comprehensive experience for all students. Classes and camps are offered in athletics, fine arts, drama, dance, piano, choir, painting, the SAT Princeton Review, and more! Check out the HC Summer Scene 2010 at our website www.houstonchristianhs.org Or stop and pick up our HC SUMMER SCENE MAGAZINE!

KT Tennis Camp 832-687-7077

KATY TENNISMAN former Olympian to teach Tennis Camp this summer in Katy! After retiring from the professional tennis tour in 1993, Nduka Odizor, popularly known as Duke or “Coach Duke” is still going strong. He plays at least three times a week and teaches kids and adult alike. Duke is really a remarkable man, a Christian, a husband, a father, a coach and a mentor; especially to his tennis students. He has done just about every job there is to do in the tennis world; for example: • Started as a ball boy in Nigeria-moved to Houston in 1995. • Played tennis in Houston for St Thomas High School. • Played #1 singles & doubles for U of H. • Won Southwest conference as a freshman. • Three time All America honors.

• Elected to hall of fame at U of H. • Played 13 years on the pro tour. • Won over 25 professionally sanctioned tournaments. • Was elected by fellow touring pros to ATP player board-the players governing council. • Has umpired a pro tennis tournament in France. • Played in all grand slam events. • Played in the Olympics. • Played in Davis cup events. • Taught former top ten women pro Lori Mc Neil. • Ex tennis club owner.

Duke now works as a Christian tennis coach. This man is really remarkable -from poverty to prosperity in marriage and tennis and now he a tennis coach and mentor. He has taught former tennis pros and aspiring tennis pros from Europe and the Americas. One of his students, Aurora Gimma, won a pro tournament under his tutelage. Now teaches beginners and High-schoolers in the Katy and metropolitan Houston area. He is married to Karen (27 years), has lived in the Katy area for the past 25 years and has a son, Nicolas Odizor, who played for Katy High school. Call him for all your tennis needs.

Pump It Up

923 South Mason Rd Katy, TX 77450 (281) 829-5711 www.pumpitupparty.com Jump N Art is a fully supervised drop off art and activity based curriculum developed by a fine arts education center and emphasizes the joy of self-expression through fine art. Kids spend part of their time laughing, bouncing and playing games and part of their time exploring their inner Rembrandt. The

following is a sample of a day: 3 days a week from 9:30 - 2:30, Jumping Sessions ( 2-3 ), Art Sessions ( 2 ), Lunch & Snack times ( included in camp price ), Quiet Activity Time ( after lunch ), Special Guest Appearance, Ages 4 - 10 Cost of the 3 day camp is $125.00 plus $25.00 one time registration fee. Registration fee waived for multiple immediate family registrations ( brothers/sisters ). Visit our website for more information.

Sports With A Twist www.sportswithatwist.com

Sports with a Twist offers summer youth Sports Camps for children ages 6 – 14. Camps are from 9 am – 12 pm, Monday – Friday and will be held at Faith West Academy on Porter Road. The sports offered include Baseball, Basketball, Football, Soccer, Softball and Volleyball. Camps will be led by local High School coaches and are focused on proper training made FUN! In addition, each day children will participate in a five minute devotional provided by the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA). We are expanding in 2010, and this fall will mark the beginning of our SWAT Leagues. These Christian-based, competitive leagues will be offered in the following sports: Football and Cheerleading (fall of 2010), Basketball (winter of 2010-2011), Soccer (spring of 2011), and Volleyball (spring of 2011)! Our mission is to provide Katy and surrounding areas with a premier youth League and Summer Camp system of competitive sports focused on teaching proper fundamentals

Grandma’s House Child Development Center and West Oaks Private Pre-School Now Enrolling for Summer Camp 2010 and the 2010-2011 School Year West Oaks Private Pre-School

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April / May 2010


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Girls & Boys - Ages 4 - 13 Where the Wild Things Are ... June 21 - 25 Out of This World ................. July 19 - 23 Under the Big Top ................. August 16 - 20

DanCe CaMPs!


Beginner - Advanced

Me a Weso Ms! y g n e oP

Cheer TeChnique

Beginner - Advanced girls & boys gyMnasTiCs

Beginner - Advanced Franz Rd.

Fry Rd.



Kingsland 23333 Taswell Dr.


Grand Pkwy.


Girls & Boys - Ages 5 - 12 Disney Rock ......................... June 7 - 1 Can’t Stop Hip Hop............... June 14 - 18 Twinkle Toes ......................... June 28 - July 1 Starstruck Musical ................ July 5 - 9 Dancin’ Around the World .... July 16 - 20 Westwood’s Best Dance Crew ....... July 26 -30 So Hollywood ....................... Aug 2 - 6 Fairy Dust ............................ August 9 - 12


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Now Enrolling for Summer Camp 2010 and the 2010-2011 School Year Serving Infants-12 years old Serving Katy for 20+ years Providing before and after school care to Faith West Academy and West Houston Charter School in addition to these KISD elementary schools: Katy • Hutsell • King • Wood Creek • Winborn 5315 E. 5th St. • Katy, Texas 77493 281.391.8750 • www.TigerLandPreschool.com 42 • For Advertising Information, Call (713) 874-7394 • www.KatyChristianMagazine.com

April / May 2010

necessary for a future in school athletics. SWAT is structured to be a solid “feeder” for local schools while maintaining the values of sportsmanship. In short, a system where “Real Sports meet Real Values”. ™

Texas Rock Gym is the largest indoor rock climbing facility in Texas. With climbing and instruction for all ages and skill levels, for over 14 years now we have continued to provide families with the best indoor rock climbing experience possible. We are located at 1526 Campbell Rd. Houston, TX 77055 Our phone number is (713) 973 ROCK, but we are best reached via the web at www. texasrockgym.com Get online to reserve your kids summer camps now!

Tiger Land Child Care Center Registrations are now opened! Please visit www.sportswithatwist.com

Texas Rock Gym 1526 Campbell Rd. Houston, TX 77055 713-973-ROCK www.texasrockgym.com

This summer, get your kids off the couch and get them on our walls with “Rock On Summer Camp” at Texas Rock Gym. Our summer camp runs every week of the summer and is a full week long of day camp. We start at 9am every morning, and end at 5pm. During the camp kids will learn the basics of climbing, safety, technique, knots, and climbing gear. Every day is a new lesson in fitness, climbing, leadership, and team work, as we work with the kids on fun problem solving activities meant to be accomplished through team work and team building.

and games. Flexible scheduling and family discounts. Tiger Land is located in Old Katy at 5315 E. 5th St. You may contact us at 281 391 8750 or visit us at www.tigerlandpreschool.com

West Oaks Private School 14840 Branch Forest Dr. Houston, TX 77082 281-496-3105 www.westoaksprivate.com

Each summer West Oaks Private School (in affiliation with Grandma’s House Child Care) offers a fantastic summer program for children who have completed Kindergarten through 12 years old. This summer we will learn about the vast underwater world and the many sea creatures hidden beneath the waves.

5315 E. 5th St. Katy, TX 77493 281-391-8750 www.tigerlandpreschool.com

Tiger Land has been a terrific place for Katy’s children to grow and play for over 25 years. Our summer camp program is for children who have completed Pre-Kindergarten through 12 years old. The children participate in two to three field trips per week to places that include bowling, laser tag, skating, the park, the movies and other fun trips. We also offer in-house field trips that include water slides, animal shows, and field day competitions. Throughout the summer, our campers plan and organize a carnival that they put on for our younger pre-school and pre-kindergarten children. While not involved in field trips, the children participate in a number of on-site activities including arts and craft projects, cooking projects, various sports, outdoor play time,

Our program presents children with “hands on” activities that encourage curiosity and exploration. While in Center, your child will dive into an exciting world of arts & crafts, music, science and other activities. We have two acres of park like playgrounds and an airconditioned gym for summer sports. The children also participate in field trips three to four times a week to places that include swimming, bowling, skating, the movies, and the museums. We offer flexible scheduling to meet your needs. We are located in West Houston, ½ mile from West Oaks Mall. Please contact us at 281-496-3105 or visit our website at www. westoaksprivate.com

Westwood Gymnastics 2333 Taswell Katy, TX 77494 Phone: 281-347-2000 www.westwoodgym.com

Beat the heat this summer with Westwood Summer Camps. Westwood offers a variety of fun and exciting activities for all ages. Westwood Gymnastics is offering 3 weeks of Activity Camps. Each week will be filled with bounce houses, water activities, sports, crafts, gymnastics, open gym, organized games and a FIELD TRIP. Where the Wild things Are will visit the Houston Zoo, Out of this World will visit Nasa Space Station and we will be bringing a Carnival right here to Westwood and visiting Mary Jo Peckham Park for Under the Big Top. Westwood Dance is offering 8 weeks of themed Camps. For our mini ballerinas there will be two mini camps. For ages 5-12 there is Disney Rock and Dancin’ Around the World which are filled with creative dance, ballet, jazz and modern. Can’t Stop Hip Hop and WBDC are the hottest hip hop camps around. Starstruck Musical and So Hollywood are our premier Performing Arts Camps. Parents day out is a day camp that is offered 3 days per week from 9am-1pm. It is a day filled with fun activities, organized games, time on the trampolines and jumping into the pit.

Come and meet our teachers and administrators to discover why our blend of excellent academics and Christian values is a better choice for you and your high school student. • Leadership training and community service for all students • Small class size, personalized instruction • Wireless technology with a laptop on every desktop • Fully accredited, college preparatory grades 9-12 • Interdenominational student body • Award-winning academics, fine arts, and athletics

Call today to schedule a tour, 713-580-6000.

April / May 2010

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Sports with a wist

Softball $35 OFF SummerBaseball Camps with League/Registration!

JuneJune 8 - 12 15 -&19June & July2920- July - 24 3



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44 • For Advertising Information, Call (713) 874-7394 • www.KatyChristianMagazine.com

April / May 2010

Tools 4 Life Books Benefit to support the Tools 4 Teens Program at Krause Children’s Center Ranch from 6 p.m.-9 p.m. will include a silent auction, dinner and performances by teen sensations Mary Sarah Gross, Sean Hardin and Christian Warner. These gifted teens have extensive experience both locally and nationally with multiple performances with Theatre Under the Stars, Broadway and nationally recognized musical productions. Their performances will reflect the mission of Tools 4 Life Books – to give hope for a future filled with peace, love and abundant blessings. Ticket sales are sold by the table (8). Contact us to reserve a table for your company or organization. E-mail klitvak@tools4lifebooks.net or call 832-606-6026. www.tools4lifebooks.net On Saturday, May 22, Tools 4 Life Books will host a fundraising benefit to support the Tools 4 Teens Program for 65 teen residents at Krause Children’s Center, Katy. The powerful 8-week Tools 4 Teens Program will equip students with critical life skills in the areas of Peer Pressure, Cyberbullying, Anger/Forgiveness, Healthy Relationships, Substance Use and their Consequences, Self-Worth and overall positive living. The benefit to be held in the Life Center at The Fellowship at Cinco

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Your “Precision Tune-Up and Professional Cleaning” Consists of These 20 Individual Operations: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

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Early Bird Special! Call before 11:00 a.m. and save an additional $10.

281-469-9999 11875 W. Little York, #701 Houston, TX 77041

46 • For Advertising Information, Call (713) 874-7394 • www.KatyChristianMagazine.com

April / May 2010

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April / May 2010

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April / May 2010

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