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How to Teach Children the Value of Hard Work All parents want their children to be happy. Yet how do you achieve happiness? One might say that responsibility and hard work help build happiness. When you work hard to achieve your goals, and feel fulfilled because your life has meaning, that’s a great definition of happiness. In teaching children a handstand than hard work,what we “Good job” doesn’t teach when they work are really talking hard but fail at a child exactly what they about is building the monkey bars, self-confidence and did right. When you praise they’re learning that perseverance even better outcomes your child, be specific when something is come from doing about what you saw and difficult. Teaching things that are easy. children hard work Instead, praise your what you would like them also encourages child when he or to continue doing. children to try new she tries again after things, because failing, or when nothing is easy the first time you try it. you see them practicing a skill over and Here are some tips on teaching children over. This will help your child learn that the value of hard work. hard work, effort, and practice is valued as much as the actual outcome. Praise the effort more than the accomplishment. If a child is praised Give specific praise. “Good job” more for being naturally good at doing doesn’t teach a child exactly what they