1 minute read
Kauai Community Science Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58,59 Kauai Gymnastics Academy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20,21 Patrick Ching Art
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by Spring Art Contest
April 5th Newell’s Shearwater
A’o is the Hawaiian name of the Newell’s shearwater. This endangered seabird nests in the mountains.
Step 1. Forming:
First form up the A’o using ovals and circles. Remember to press softly at this stage in case you need to erase lines.
Step 2. Outlining:
Next outline the A’o adding details at this stage.
Step 3. Shading & Coloring:
Finally color the A’o using crayons or colored pencils. Tada!
It’s easy to submit your art for our contest. Email us, and include your name, age, grade, school and phone number. eMail your art to: info@kauaifamilymagazine.com