1 minute read
Child & Family Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54,55 Family Hui Hawaii Kauai Resilience Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46,47
By Karen Keesling
Parenting can be isolating when you’re home alone with a newborn. When Lesley Fry had her daughter she said, “Family Hui Hawai'i was an absolute lifesaver to me ... connecting with other moms, talking about concerns and celebrations throughout the different milestones makes you feel like you are part of a community and have others you can rely on at any time.” She is still friends with many of the parents she met through Family Hui Hawai'i.
Family Hui Hawai'i offers online chats called Parent Cafés where families can share and support each other from the comfort of home. It’s like an online meet-up group that you can attend once or as many times a month as your and baby’s schedule allows.
It takes a Hui to raise a parent! Let's do it together. Sign up to join any of our FREE programs and start making friends and connections that last a lifetime.
Parent Café
Conversations to keep your family strong.
Family Hui Hawai‘i provides parenting support groups, family events, and connections to community resources.
Call (808) 230-7112
Sponsored by the Hawai‘i State Department of Health Maternal and Child Health Branch Connect. Share. Flourish.