1 minute read
County of Kauai Department of Water
By: Kaua'i Department of Water
Responsible water users investigate household leaks frequently. Did you know, you can use your water meter to check for leaks? Here’s how:
• Step 1: Turn off all water appliances in your home; including faucets and plumbing fixtures. • Step 2: Locate your water meter and lift the meter face cap. Identify the Low Flow Indicator (LFI); a small red dial located on the meter’s face. • Step 3: Monitor the LFI for 12 minutes. If it moves, even slightly, you still have a leak. Repeat steps #1 and #3 after each repair until the LFI no longer moves.
Join us during “Fix a Leak Week” and receive a free leak detection kit on March 14-18, 2022. For more information, contact the Department of Water at 245-5455.
IN HONOR OF "FIX-A-LEAK" WEEK MARCH 14-18, 2022 CHECK for leaks, TWIST to tighten or REPLACE leaky fixtures in your home today.
Free toilet leak detection tablets available at our office! For more water saving tips, follow @KauaiDOW on Facebook or visit www.kauaiwater.org | 808-245-5400