Kaua'i High School Key Club "Kaua'i Hive Highlights: June 2024 Edition"

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High School Key Club | Division 22 Makai | Region 18 | California-Nevada-Hawai’i District
8 ISSUE 2 Kaua’i

What’s up buzzy bees? As the new month of June starts, it brings the beginning of summer where you have endless possibilities of fun and new things to do. While this exciting break unfolds, let's ensure we continue to make our hours and help out our community through our service, leadership, and compassion. I know many of us may be eager to kick off the summer with beach adventures, why not combine your explorations with service by joining one of our beach cleanups held at Lydgate Beach Park from 8:30 am to 10:30 am? By volunteering, you have the chance to contribute to the preservation of our beautiful beaches for everyone's enjoyment including your’s. Since the school year has come to an end that means it's time to bid farewell to some of our outstanding Key Club members, let’s make sure to send them off with warm wishes for a fun, exciting, and successful future. Let's embrace this new month with enthusiasm, using it as an opportunity to make a positive impact in our community and inspire others to spread kindness wherever they go, just as we strive to do. You’ve got this Key Clubbers!

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What’supbrothers I’mAaronHinazumiandIamthe Media Editor for the 2024-2025 term. I can’t BEElieve that it’s already June! With that being said we would love for everyone to still keep up with the 5 hour service per month goal. Even if you can’t make it which is totally acceptable, you can work it out with ourBEEutifulandamazingpresidentMalieMiyazaki!Or any officer that you feel most comfortable with. With enough BEElief I think we got this in the bag! Also I’d love to say a huge thank you to the members for doing all that they can and more. This club has come a long way from when I first joined and it will continue toimprovewithincrediblememberssuchasyourselves . Anyways, BEE on your best behavior and I’ll see y'all later.

BEElieve in yourselves,

Aaron Hinazumi 24 - 25 Media Editor

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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 2 Taste of Hawaii 10:00am-4:30pm 3 Bingo 10:00-11:30am 4 5 9 10 Bingo 10:00-11:30am 11 12 16 17 Bingo 10:00-11:30am 18 19 23/30 DCM 1:00-4:00pm 24 Bingo 10:00-11:30am 25 26 Elderly Technology Class 2:00-4:00pm 6 0
June 2024
Service Projects D22M DCM General Meetings Kiwanis DCM HOUR REQUIREMENT FOR THIS MONTH: Thursday Friday Saturday 1 Beach Clean Up 8:3010:30am Taste of Hawaii 10:30am-4:30pm Pride Parade 7:00-10:00am 6 7 8 Beach Clean Up 8:3010:30am 13 14 15 Beach Clean Up 8:30-10:30am 20 21 Kauai Soto Zen Bon Dance 3:30-9:00pm General Meeting 22 Beach Clean Up 8:30-10:30am Kauai Soto Zen Bon Dance 3:30-9:00pm 27 28 29 Beach Clean Up 8:30-10:30am 7 0

This section is dedicated to the winning nominees of the recognition poll for April

Kerl is great! Last term, she didn't get recognized hard work of 50 hours. Let's make it right by voting today! Kerl has been an outstanding member many projects. Even though she's involved in many she always shows up and completes her hours Club. If you need help with a project, you can count on Kerl. She may not be the friendliest at once you get to know her, you'll be friends.

Malie has been working hard as president to make the club a place where members can thrive in community service and have fun at the same time. She has shown great achievements and amazing talents as the new key club president for the 24 - 25 term. Despite the rough month, she has been hard-working and diligent. She always tries her best to fulfill her duties and ensure the club runs smoothly.

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recognized for her voting for her involved in many things, for Key always at first, but

As the school year comes to a close, we need to assist with the graduation ceremony. We helped the seniors put on leis and watched them graduate. It was really special to see our own Key Club seniors walk onto the field and receive their diplomas at the Kauai High School Graduation. This event is sentimental because it marks the end of the high school chapter for the seniors and involves Key Club members helping them.

OnMay5th,2024keyclubmembersassisted intheCFSfamilyfunday.TheCFSfamilyfun day was an event for families to do fun activities with their children and make memories. The event took place at Grove Farm Park. Most of it was under the big tent where tables were set up for activities the kids and parents can enjoy. Everything outside of the tent were food trucks and amusement rides for kids to play on. Key club members were in charge with helping thestaffmembersruntheactivities.Someof the activities that were being run were gardening,balloonanimals,facepainting,a popcornstand,andmore.

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Ephraim Salud - Member

On May 10, 2024, I and other fellow members of Key Club attended the King Kaumualii Stem Night! Shortly before the event started, we sorted ourselvesintogroupsandwereassignedstationsto help run alongside staff members of King K. During the event, members of Key Club worked diligently to ensure the smooth process of each station, all while making sure the attendees; mainly children, were having fun. JB, Julius, and I got assigned to the roller racer station, where players had to exercise their memories to remember a series of numbers and letters from easy to hard difficulty. After memorizing, the kids ride on roller racers and set up cones to match the sequence. It was rewarding to see the kids who were struggling eventually get the sequence correct by persevering through the challenge. Overall, the event was an enjoyable experience, and I’m glad Iwasabletobeapartofit!

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On May 4th I attended a Book Sale event hosted at Lihue Public Library. At this book sale, the library staff assigned us the task to organize books, put them in an appropriate order and help assist customers.Astimewenton,sodidthedecreaseof the wide variety of books and buyers. Our efforts were soon split up into three groups assigned with different jobs, one group staying back with the book sale, another group to help put away books inside the library, and my group where we assembled a mini train for the kids to enjoy. It was definitely a fun new experience for me, especially how surprisingly difficult assembling the train could be despite our group of 4. The kindness of the librariansandthepositiveatmospherereallymade me feel like an elementary student again. It was definitely worth participating in and I hope to experiencemoreinthefuture.

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This year’s Kaua’i Community College CommencementCeremonywasheldonFriday,May 10.Wearrivedat3:30pmtohelpusherattheevent. Members lined up along the lawn of the performing artscenterandguidedparentsandothersupporters to the ceremony. We were given a break from 4:30-6:00 pm while the commencement was underway and we were able to watch one of our very own advisors, Ms. Tiffany Sagucio graduate. CongratulationsMs.Tiff!Aftertheceremony,wewere tasked with cleaning up the chairs and floral arrangements. Each member worked diligently to fold and stack chairs as well as remove and pick up all staples and zip ties from the floral arrangements. After cleaning up at the ceremony, we also walked over to the lei area to pick up any confetti, leftover lei, or trash that was left behind. Overall, this was a very successful event, and it was nice to watch the commencementceremonyaswell.

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Crislen Padilla - Member

On Friday, May 3, and Saturday, May 4, 2024, St.Catherine School in Kapaa had its St.Catherine Carnival. This carnival has beenafuncommunityeventfordecades. Itisopenforthewholecommunity,agreat night to enjoy with friends, family, etc... There were many rides from Fun N Kwazy, many food vendors, auctions, live performances, and more. Key Club along withmanyothervolunteershelpedwiththe food booth. The food booth was a great experience, working together with people from other schools and getting to serve people. It is always something to look forward to every year and it is always a blast.

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On May 24th, 2024, Kauai High School Key Club participated in their annual service project that was helping out at the Kauai High School graduation. The service project this time around was divided into three different shifts. The first shift involved lei-ing each and every one of the Class of '24 graduates. These were the ribbon leis that Key Clubbers have made over the course of the term, which were divided into different sizes so that every senior could be represented. The second shift took place before the public lei ceremony, as members were directed to different areas of the stadium to guard the walkways with tape. Once the audience was allowed to enter and lei their newly graduated kids, participants ensured a smooth flow of family traffic. Finally, the third shift consisted of cleaning up Vidinha stadium by the time it was all over. Key Clubbers helped the faculty transport interns to their truck, along with picking up flower petals, plastic, and other pieces of trash across the field. Personally, I feel that this event was a great success. A majority of our members participated and had lots of fun, and guaranteedanotheryearofheartfeltmemories.

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During our dcm on May 19th 2024 we had a Club social Between Kauai High and Kappa High. During this time we wereabletobondwitheachotherwhile workingon aserviceproject.Theservice project was to make meaningful mental health posters. Also, to celebrate our leaving key club members we held a senior send off to the seniors of Kauai high school where we placed leis on them and asked what they planned on doing after graduating high school. We then finally held our monthly Division Council Meeting and ended the day off withadeliciouspotluckstylesnacksesh.

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Krystelle Tacata - Member

On may 5th, key club helped with the elderly technology class at the Kauai Memorial Conventioncenter.Wehadhelpedtheelderly innavigatingwiththeirowndevices.Meanda few other members had helped this nice lady who was having trouble working with a spreadsheet. We all worked together to help her.Shewasalsohavingtroublewithheripad, so we informed her how to manage the settingsandhowtosortallherapps.Itwasfun project, getting to know the elderly and just beingabletoteachthemabouttechnology.I think was very eye opening of how the elderly didn’t know about their device compared to students who know so much about our phones.

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PRESIDENT | Malie Miyazaki s456-malie.miyazaki@k12.hi.us

VICE PRESIDENT OF MEMBERSHIP | Brycen Kawamura s456-brycen.kawamura@k12.hi.us

HEAD FACULTY ADVISOR | Mrs. Diane Inouye diane.inouye@k12.hi.us

VICE PRESIDENT OF SERVICE | Micah Hinazumi s456-micah.hinazumi@k12.hi.us

VICE PRESIDENT OF PUBLIC RELATIONS | Aysha Berry s456-aysha.berry@k12.hi.us

SECRETARY | Alek Yadao s456-alek.yadao@k12.hi.us

TREASURER | Alina LIn s456-alina.lin@k12.hi.us

MEDIA EDITOR | Aaron Hinazumi s456-aaron.hinazumi@k12.hi.us

NEWSLETTER EDITOR | Ashton Keanini s456-ashton.keanini@k12.hi.us

LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR | Malakai Keawe-Correa d22m.ltg@cnhkeyclub.org

DIVISION NEWS EDITOR | Mari Hinazumi d22m.ne@gmail.com

KAUAI DIVISION ASSISTANT | Colton Mills d22m.da@gmail.com

PUBLICITY COORDINATOR | Rayne-Ann Kusano d22m.tech@gmail.com

SPIRIT COORDINATOR | Gabriella Gangloff d22m.spirit@gmail.com

KIWANIS ADVISOR | Mrs. Cheryl Shintani chrylshntn@gmail.com

KIWANIS ADVISOR | Mr. Kyle Morden kylearronmorden@gmail.com

KIWANIS ADVISOR | Ms. Tarryn Orial torial@kiuc.coop

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7 2 Read the latest division newsletter! @KauaiHS_KeyClub Code: khskeyclub2223 @CNHKeyClub @CNHKeyClub CNH Key Club Check out the CNH Cyberkey! Read the latest district newsletter! @D22Makai DIVISION WEBSITE Check out our latest instagram posts to stay updated!
the service project takes
date. See you in the next issue!
then you write an article and/or take a visual, can submit your work via email s456-ashton.keanini@k12.hi.us OR via text 353-1903.Sendtheminbythe21stofeach unless
place after

inafuture specialevent, visual, you email to text (808) eachmonth, after that

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