Kaua'i High School Key Club "Kauai Hive Highlights: September 2024 Edition

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Welcome to the latest edition of Kauai Hive Highlights! I hope your first month of school has been a blast, full of new and exciting adventures and friendships. As we jump into the month of September, I want to send a huge thank you to all of our members and officers for their incredible efforts. Your hard work and enthusiasm really helpmakeKeyClubsuchafunandexcitingplacetobe.

In this month’s newsletter you can check out the officer spotlight on Brycen Kawamura, our awesome VP of Membership, who shares a little message about Key Club. You can also find our September calendar with all the cool events happening throughout the month. You can use it to plan out what projects you want to attend and the monthly hour requirements. We are also celebrating our Monthly Recognition and sharing highlights on our pastprojectsliketheSuoOshima&Ishigakievents.

For our new members, I know you might have a lot of questions about how Key Club works and what we do. Don’t you worry our club officers and I are here to help! Feel free to reach out with any questions. Our contact infoislistedattheendofthenewsletteronpage18.

I am very excited to get to know all of you better and make this a fantastic year. Thanks for reading, and enjoy thisissueofKauaiHiveHighlights!

Aloha Key Clubbers!

This is your Vice President of Membership, Brycen

There's a couple things I wanted to mention to all you be afraid to sign up for those projects, you guys are the won't have a club, and all of our leadership identity fun serving our community. And the #1 to do thing is projects) right now, so do your best to sign up for those seasonal cards and beach clean-ups. Go

24 - 25 VP of Membership

Brycen Kawamura
Kauai HS Key


Brycen Kawamura. The 2024-2025 term is just starting. you new members joining us for the new term. Don't the backbone to our club and without you guys we will be lost. So fill up those sign in sheets and have is have fun. We don't got many one time (special those weekly ones we got after school tutoring seasonal out there get active and have fun!

Key Club Membership


This section is dedicated to the winning nominees of the recognition poll for August

He’s a real joyful person so startofthemonthwhenmost aren’tdoingmuchprojectswe the legend Johnray to come the day and improve atmosphere during projects. he’s not an officer his work Division Leadership team is qualitycontent.

Ashton is putting in great effort on his newsletter editing, making sure it’s great anddoneontime.Evenmakinghishours this month even if there’s not much exciting projects to go to. He always makes sure to get his newsletter done and finds a way to get things done even when missing a few articles. His newsletters are always top quality and thegraphicsarealwaysexcitingtosee

The Suo Oshima Events were definitely the most memorable ones this August. It was very nice to connect with the Suo Oshima and Ishigaki students. A few of the projects we did were the beach party and the shopping day with the students. We learned a lot about each other’s cultures and at the end of the day everyone made some new connections. This was definitely one of our successful projects! in the people wehave come save improve the Even if on the always

On the evening of July 8th, the 2024 Grand Hyatt Kaua‘i Bon Dance was underway, and bustling with excitement. The Kaua‘i High School Key Club was eager to show students from Suo-Oshima and Ishigaki a fun time. It was some of these sister cities students’ first times dancing Bon dances on Kaua‘i, especially to new songs such as “Beautiful Sunday”. Although the students and teachers were very proficient in English, some Kaua‘i High School Key Club members who were fluent in Japanese helped explain some of the things the rest of the members were saying to them while perusing the country store and food booth. When the blessing and other formalities were completed, the Kaua‘i High School Key Club led the students through a crowd into the dancing ring and danced around them to ensure they had someone familiar to watch (and copy) within sight. Some had an easier time learning different songs’ moves than others, but everyone had fun at the end. When it was revealed that the students from Suo-Oshima and Ishigaki had to leave a little earlier than the event’s scheduled closing time, we all bade our new friends our farewells after their last 10 minutes of dancing.

Raylin Milo | Member

On august 10th 2024, the Suo Oshima & Ishigaki Beach Party was held. This event was from 10:00 am - 2:00 pm. During this event students from Suo Oshima & Ishigaki schools and our kauai high school key clubbers were able to bond at the Lydgate beach park. Members played volleyball with the students, showed them the beach, went in the water with them, and then they ate a delicious and filling lunch. Both the members and students had a great time and we hope to see them again when they have another chance of coming back to kauai.

On August 17th, 2024 The Suo Oshima & Ishigaki shopping day was held. It was from 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM. During this event, members from the KHS Key Club and students from Suo Oshima & Ishigaki walked around the Kukui Grove shopping center. Membersguidedthemaroundthemalltofinditems

Alina Lin | Treasurer

Following the series of enjoyable moments with the students from Suo Oshima and Ishigaki Cultural Exchange, Kauai High School Key Club concluded the project with a graduation celebration on August 18th, 2024, at Kauai Community College. As everyone gathered and settled, some head advisors shared a few words, expressing their gratitude and contentment. Shortly after, club members contributed to serving dinner to all the attendees. A spread of dishes varied from salad to pancit, fish, and chili pepper chicken—another table filled with trays of poi mochi balls, cookies, and chips. Several entertainment bits were performed, including hula, ukulele, and dancing, and even club members joined in. The Japanese students shared their experiences over two weeks on Kauai. The Key Club members handed out leis to all the students and advisors of the cultural exchange. Before everyone knew it, it wastimetopartways,untilwemeetagain!

On July 30th and August 2nd 2024, Kauai High Key Club participated in Classroom Clean Up at Kauai High School. This event washelpfrom8:00AM-12:00PM.Duringthe Classroom Clean Up, various teachers scheduled appointments on what time students come in to clean the classrooms. Teachers would give students tasks on what they needed help with. For example, if a teacher needed help with wiping the desk the students would follow through with the task of cleaning the desk. The Key Clubbers did beautiful work with the tasks they were given and made the teachers very pleased and happy. This project really helped teachers get their classrooms set up and cleaned for the upcoming school year. I thought that this was a great project and I think it really helped out our teachers especiallythenewones.

This month our DCM was on the 18th. We held joined from their home. As usual, we went over Region Training Conference. Though we did the secretary, Alek Yadao, provided a project for educational book marks. Thank you to Alek for alsosupportourSOSP.Overallthiswasanothersuccessful

held our meeting online so members and officers over division updates and upcoming events like the DCM virtually, our service coordinator and for us. For an hour of service, we made four for coming up with a service project that would successfulDCM.

PRESIDENT | Malie Miyazaki








SECRETARY | Alek Yadao s456-alek.yadao@k12.hi.us



MEDIA EDITOR | Aaron Hinazumi s456-aaron.hinazumi@k12.hi.us

HEAD FACULTY ADVISOR | Mrs. Diane Inouye diane.inouye@k12.hi.us

NEWSLETTER EDITOR | Ashton Keanini s456-ashton.keanini@k12.hi.us

LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR | Malakai Keawe-Correa d22m.ltg@cnhkeyclub.org

DIVISION NEWS EDITOR | Johnray Salud johnraysalud@gmail.com

KAUAI DIVISION ASSISTANT | Talia Farrington taliaemi123@gmail.com

PUBLICITY COORDINATOR | Rayne-Ann Kusano d22m.tech@gmail.com

SERVICE COORDINATOR | Alek Yadao aleksyadao@gmail.com

KIWANIS ADVISOR | Mrs. Cheryl Shintani chrylshntn@gmail.com

KIWANIS ADVISOR | Mr. Kyle Morden kylearronmorden@gmail.com

KIWANIS ADVISOR | Ms. Tarryn Orial torial@kiuc.coop

Doyouwantyourworktobefeaturedin issue?Well,itcan!Afterattendingaspecial then you write an article and/or take a visual, can submit your work via email s456-ashton.keanini@k12.hi.us OR via text 353-1903.Sendtheminbythe21stofeach unless the service project takes place after date. See you in the next issue!

inafuture specialevent, visual, you email to text (808) eachmonth, after that

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