Kaua'i High School Key Club "Kaua'i Hive Highlights" October Edition

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ThisisMicahHinazumiyourVicePresident ofService.Ihopeyouallhadafantastic first month in the club and made lots of hours.Butwiththatbeingsaid,it’sanew month so make sure you are going to continue making those hours. For you to beamemberingoodstandingyoumust have 50 hours, so for you old members you should all be able to become members in good standing. In October we will have some one time projects for all of you to attend. Please keep up to good work and continue making your hours.Enjoydoingservice.

This section is dedicated to the winning nominees of the recognition poll for September.

YURRRRRR Cody was nominated for his amazing spirit at 101.Heisalsoaprettycool and a good person who to do work at projects. respectful and spirited sametimeanditisamazing.

Tori has really stepped up and fulfilled a major leadership role both on the board and in the club. Her position in leading the Key Club 101 was exceptional. Tori is also a good problem solver and is great at taking initiative.

Itwasaninterclubeventwithatotalof 3 different highs schools attending.  It also taught new members and refreshedoldonesaboutwhatkeyclub is really about. There were many fun icebreakerstoparticipateinandgames to play at the end. The spirit cheer was the best as key Clubbers from Kapaa Kauai and Waimea were able to compete to be the loudest.  From the spirit cheers, to goofy ol’ Colten, to monkeynoiseswereallyhaditall. nominated Key Club cooldude who is able projects. Cody is spirited at the amazing.

In late August and early September our club attended Region Training event where Key Clubbers from across the state meet at Iolani workshops, we also bonded with other key clubbers through group was first to get a cup of water across while balancing it on top keep all the water from spilling. The second day at RTC we had for prizes like stickers and snacks. Another aspect of RTC we enjoyed each club brings something to sell in order to raise money for money is raised. Our club brought Lieutenant Governor photo cards experience of opening and trading cards with each other. Just like other key clubbers,do service projects together and learn together.

Training Conference. Region Training Conference is an annual school to bond and learn more about Key Club. Besides the group activities like water trials. During the water trials our goal of our head and then passing a sponge down while trying to Ho'olaule'a where we had multiple games to play in exchange enjoyed was the Pediatric Trauma Program market! Every year PTP and get to see LTG incentives depending on how much cards and they were a big hit. A lot of people bonded over the like the past years, RTC went amazing with getting to bond with together.

On August 27th from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm there was a BBQ held at the Plantation Hale for the Japanese Maritime exchange students. Members helped with setting up and placing snacks out on the tables. Members than began to introduce themselves to the exchange students, but in japanese. So then when the exchange students replied back they then introduced themselves in English. Later on we ate dinner. The foods served consisted of kalua pork and cabbage, rice, salad, and chips & salsa. During dinner the students and our members began to socialize, ask each other questions, and we even played games to better bond with the exchange students. We learned many interesting and fun things about them and what activities they had planned for their trip. This was an interesting experience and I thought it was fun. I wish it was longer so we could hang out with them more, because I enjoyed the time I spent with them. I hope to see them again soon or in the future.

On September 2nd, Kauai High School had a bonding day at Kukui Grove with the Maritime exchange students from Japan. The bonding was from 12 pm - 3 pm. The members and students got together and greeted each other, then everyone got a partner and we split into 2 groups. We started to wondered around the mall and small talk with the students. Members used this time to show the students different stores, things, and foods that are on Kauai. One of the main things we did was go to the Fun Factory and play arcade games with the students. I thought this was exciting.ThiseventwasfunandIamlookingforwardto hanging out with these students next time they visit Hawaii.

In the bright afternoon of September 5th, 2024, Key Clubbers alongside with other supporting groups gathered at the doors of the Lihue Walmart to gather donations from 15:00-17:00. Our diligent members stood holding nets for passing shoppers to support the funding of the Special Olympics. The air was filled with positive energy between the interactions of shoppers and volunteers. Members not only were able to collect donations, they also connected with volunteers and other assisting individuals to form a cohesive bond with the same unionizing goal of promoting support for individuals with disabilities. Members and I agreed we had a wonderful time helping supporttheSpecialOlympics.

OnSeptember14th,2024,thelinedancingprojectwas held. Firstly, Line Dancing event was located, at the Kauai Veterans center. After we helped set up our booth and other people's booths. The event started at 9:30amandlaterendedat2:00pm.Duringmytimeat the Line Dancing event I took out trash, helped booths get started, and also helped them break down and pack up. It was a great experience seeing many different people sell their products, help raise money for their group, and helped our students get some experience and raise funds. Overall I loved this project andhopethatitwillstillcontinue.

This month our DCM was held on the 22nd of September. We held the DCM at Kauai High School and were joined by Kapaa and Waimea Key Clubs. We met with administrators and the rest of the Key Clubs from Division 22 Makai. We went over division updates, upcoming events, and standards for the clubs. We attended the meeting, then had an opportunity to do a service project. We made goodie bagsforhealthcareworkers.Eachpersonhadtomake two cards and bags to attain their hour of service. This wasmyfirsttimegoingtoaDCM,andoverallitwasfun andproactiveevent.

On September 28th & 29th, Both of Kapaa and Waimea Key Clubs came to Kauai High School’s campus to participate in Key Club 101. The times were from 2:45 pm- 5:45 pm on the first day and 12:00 am - 5:30 pm on the second day. On the first day, Key Club members listened to 3 presentations that consisted of SafeKey, Professionalism, and Goal Setting. Then Service, Strikes and Probations, and lastly Key Club Structure; K-Family & Values and Partners & Programs. These were very informative workshops and helped members understand a little more about Key Club. On the second day, we listened to the last 3 presentations that talked about Contest, Articles, and Visuals, Member Recognition Program, and Running for Club Officer Positions. We then ate lunch and got the chance socialize and meet people from different schools. We got to do activities and game alongside the two other schools. We got to know our officers and upcoming Key Club events such as DCON. Our officers made fun icebreaker games for us to play, I especially liked the one where we had to balance the cup on our heads and transfer water to another members cup. Key Club 101 was exciting and informative. I enjoyed getting to know new members as well as Kapaa’s and Waimea’s clubs. Overall I think Key Club 101 was a great experience.

PRESIDENT | Malie Miyazaki








SECRETARY | Alek Yadao s456-alek.yadao@k12.hi.us



MEDIA EDITOR | Aaron Hinazumi




HEAD FACULTY ADVISOR | Mrs. Diane Inouye diane.inouye@k12.hi.us

LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR | Malakai Keawe-Correa d22m.ltg@cnhkeyclub.org

DIVISION NEWS EDITOR | Johnray Salud johnraysalud@gmail.com

KAUAI DIVISION ASSISTANT | Talia Farrington taliaemi123@gmail.com

PUBLICITY COORDINATOR | Rayne-Ann Kusano d22m.tech@gmail.com

SERVICE COORDINATOR | Alek Yadao aleksyadao@gmail.com

KIWANIS ADVISOR | Mrs. Cheryl Shintani chrylshntn@gmail.com

KIWANIS ADVISOR | Mr. Kyle Morden kylearronmorden@gmail.com

KIWANIS ADVISOR | Ms. Tarryn Orial torial@kiuc.coop

Doyouwantyourworktobefeaturedin issue?Well,itcan!Afterattendingaspecial then you write an article and/or take a visual, can submit your work via email s456-ashton.keanini@k12.hi.us OR via text 353-1903.Sendtheminbythe21stofeach unless the service project takes place after date. See you in the next

inafuture specialevent, visual, you email to text (808) eachmonth, after that

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