Estonian Export Directory

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Estonian Export Directory Discover business and investment opportunities in Estonia

Published by the Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Implemented by Menu Meedia OÜ The authors of the texts are Heli Lehtsaar-Karma and Tanel Raig English translation by Eiffel Meedia OÜ Advertising sales Küllike Ormus Photos by Scanpix Baltics, Shutterstock, private collections of companies Designed by Einike Soosaar and Kaspar Timm Cooperation partnership on data:

Printed by Tallinna Raamatutrükikoda / Tallinn Book Printers ISBN 978-9949-686-65-0


Discover business and investment opportunities in Estonia

2021. was an exceptionally challenging year for enterprises, citizens, and governments, both globally and in Estonia. ­Despite progress in vaccination, the continued and dynamic COVID-19 pandemic consumed the attention and resources of our government. The unexpectedly rapid global recovery revealed bottlenecks in global supply chains while simultaneously stoking the demand for energy. Towards the end of the year, ­energy price shocks began to dominate the policy agenda. These challenges continued to set the tone in early 2022. Despite these headwinds, Estonia’s economy has fared remarkably well. The rebound in our GDP has been one of the strongest in Europe, taking our GDP well above pre-crisis levels. During 2021, our unemployment rate fell rapidly well below the EU average. In this sense, we have used the crisis to achieve even better outcomes than was expected a few years ago. This is also visible in our foreign trade. In the 3rd quarter of 2021, our real exports of goods and services increased by 18 percent! Estonia’s ­resulting gain in global market share is an indication of the underlying competitiveness of our economy. This recovery has also been broad-based, with most sectors showing strong performance, led by our legendary i­nformation and communications sector. Our resilience in the face of simultaneous and serious shocks reflects the fundamental underlying strengths of Estonia’s economy. This has several

dimensions. First, our integration into the very dynamic Nordic-Baltic ­region provides both resilience and strong growth potential. Second, Estonia benefits from the high flexibility which comes from a friendly business environment, in which it is easy to establish and run companies, pay taxes, and hire workers. My government has prioritized further improvement in this environment through a range of new initiatives. Third, Estonia’s high level of digitalization proved a lifesaver in the crisis. This maintained the access of firms and citizens to our high-quality public services. It also facilitated a smooth shift towards electronic forms of commerce, helping sustain economic activity. We have made further strengthening of our digital infrastructure and services a key government priority in the coming years. Finally, business surveys have regularly shown strong satisfaction with the quality of our physical and digital infrastructure. Over the past decades, Estonia’s public sector has invested a higher share of GDP than any other EU country. Our new budget framework plans further increases, with a particular focus on facilitating the green and digital transformations. Estonia is thankful to all enterprises which already do business here, and thus contribute to our economy and society. We welcome others to follow their example and do the same.

Kaja Kallas Prime Minister of Estonia



Limitations and strains are the keywords that can be used to describe the last few years for businesses. Yet, despite all the global tensions and the grueling health crisis, new investments and cooperation is taking place at a record pace. This is also why you are holding the Estonian Export directory in your hands right now. The Export Directory is full of business contacts that have the potential to make you and your business even more successful. The one who does not seek will never find! We are working hard here in the Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry to be the most valuable contact point for companies that want to do international business. The Chamber can provide you with different services from contact search to market research and legal advice. We cannot do your business for you, but we are committed to making your business more successful and easier. The Estonian economy is growing and the growth is fast and wide. Estonian businesses have a lot to offer. Dynamic conditions, easy communication, a very low level of administrative burden, innovative business services, a simple tax system, and friendly people are only a small fragment of the

benefits that we provide to boost your business. You should come here, try and see how it can change your business, save you money and time! From the Chamber, we can assure you that ­Estonian companies produce high-quality products and services with exceptional efficiency. Our businesses are often the forerunners in technology and innovation. And not only in IT sector. Estonian businesses have adopted also a reputable Nordic business culture, enjoy a low level of corruption and our people speak fluently many different foreign languages making the first connection smooth and fast. Don’t hesitate. Come and have a look for yourself! We welcome you to do business in Estonia!

Mait Palts Director General Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry





Estonian Export Directory Briefly about Estonia A tiny country with countless opportunities located where east meets west A small but fast-growing and flexible economy

15 17 19 27

The Estonian chemical industry: unique in many ways The construction sector: creating comfortable living environments Electronics – the core of modern life Clean, fresh, and delicious Estonian food ICT sector in top form With a strong grip: Estonia’s machine and metal industry There is no gold nor silver… The plastics industry: from seals to baths The printing industry: a leader in the digital revolution Commerce: a vital service sector Transport and logistics: a promising sector Wood industry: the valuer of the Estonian forest Other important sectors

36 44 54 62 78 94 122 128 140 150 160 170 192

Index List of resources used

204 207





39+ categories with 4400 companies at your disposal! See more at


BRIEFLY ABOUT ESTONIA • • • • • • • • • • • •

Official name: Republic of Estonia. Population in 2022: 1 328 439. Major cities (population in 2021): Tallinn (445,823); Tartu (95,430); Narva (55,118); Pärnu (51,334); Kohtla-Järve (32,897). Head of state: President. Re-independence: 20 August 1991. Constitution: passed on 28 June 1992. Government: Parliamentary Republic, single-chamber Parliament (Riigikogu) of 101 members. Currency: Euro (EUR). GDP in 2021: 30.6 bln euros. National day: Independence Day, 24 February. Language: Estonian. Other languages such as English, Russian and Finnish are also widely spoken. Ethnic groups: 68.7% of the population is of Estonian ethnicity. The second largest ethnic group is Russian, forming approximately 24.2% of the population. 2% of the population has Ukrainian roots, Belarusians and Finns each make up less than 1% of the population.

Sõrve lighthouse on Saaremaa is the highest on the Baltic Sea.

St. John’s almshouse, an old wooden church in Tallinn, surrounded by modern buildings.

A tiny country with countless opportunities located where east meets west Estonia, one of the three Baltic countries located on the shores of the Baltic Sea, is small in area and population. Territory-wise, the country is less than a tenth the size of Spain but bigger than both the Netherlands and Denmark. As for Estonia’s population, it is just 1.3 million.

History Estonians are a proud nation – how could it be otherwise – we have managed to preserve our nation and language over the centuries despite foreign conquerors – the Danes, the Swedes, the Germans, and the Russians. Estonia became an independent country in 1918, but its independence was temporary as in 1940, our small country was occupied by the Soviet Union. In 1991, Estonia was able to restore its independence – not with weapons, but with singing. A Singing Revolution is the name given to public and political events that began at the end of 1980s and lead to the restoration of Estonia’s independence.



Economy Since 2004, Estonia has been the member of the European Union and NATO. The currency of the Republic is the Euro. Estonia has an open contemporary economy where exports play a crucial role. Estonia’s main export partners are Finland, Sweden, Latvia, and Germany. Estonia is a well-known e-country. State institutions and private enterprises use numerous ICT possibilities in offering their services, so we can say bureaucracy on paper belongs to the past. For Estonians, the digital signing of documents, the sending and receiving of electronic invoices (yes, this does not mean PDF-invoices sent by e-mail, but machine-readable invoices) and online voting have become routine activities. Estonia also has the world’s first e-government – meaning that materials for meetings and other necessary documents are electronic. All this helps save paper and the environment. E-Estonia is also accessible to foreigners. A resident of another country may become an e-resident of Estonia, ensuring safe access to the e-services offered by the Republic of Estonia and the private sector. For example, the founding of a company, the payment of taxes, etc. is super easy for any e-resident with a digital ID-card. There are over 80,000 e-residents in Estonia from over 170 countries. They have established over 16,500 companies. Among e-residents of Estonia are USA venture capitalist Ben Horowitz, and the previous Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel.

UNESCO listed treasures of Estonia: Estonian Song and Dance Festival, Estonian Traditional Longboat Haabjas, Old Town of Tallinn.


Culture Estonians truly are the singing nation; the Song and Dance Celebrations are signature events that unify the whole country. 2019 marked the 150th anniversary of the Song and Dance Celebration, with 32,000 singers coming together. The event attracted so many spectators that for the first time in history, the organisers had to limit ticket sales to ensure the safety of the people gathered at the Song Festival Grounds. The tradition of the Estonian Song and Dance Celebration has also been submitted to the UNESCO World Heritage List. Estonians generally speak two languages and according to the latest surveys, Estonians are among the best English speakers in Europe. Our native language – Estonian – sounds ethereal and magical to many foreigners.



Nature The nature in Estonia is unique – with wetlands, bogs, thousands of islands, lakes, and rich biodiversity. In addition, Estonia is one of the less populated countries in Europe – this leaves a lot of space for its forests, which cover almost half of the country’s territory. The air in Estonia has been ranked as some of the purest in the world. Due to all this, Estonia can be seen as an incredible and mystical country. Food produced in Estonia is clean as well – almost one-fourth of agricultural land where crops are grown and animals are grazed is organic. Another noteworthy fact is that Estonia uses fewer pesticides than most European countries. Therefore, it is no wonder that according to the monitoring results of the European Food Safety Authority, Estonian food is one of the cleanest in the world.



Estonia is the European capital of start-ups; adjusted for its popu­ lation of just 1,3 million, Estonia has 4,6x as many start-ups per capita as the European average.

Paiste, the world’s third largest manufacturer of cymbals, gongs and metal percussion, was founded in 1906 by the Estonian musician, Michail Toomas Paiste.

Estonia has considerably more women than men – for every 100 females, there are 84 men. Only the Northern Mariana Islands has a smaller percentage of men.

Even though Estonia is considered to be one of the Baltic states, the country has no cultural or linguistic relation to Latvia and Lithuania.

Estonia is a space nation. The country conducted its first space mission in 2013, when a tiny one-kilogramme satellite, called ESTCube-1, was rocketed off to orbit the Earth from the European Space Agency’s launch site in French Guyana. ESTCube travelled 680 kilometres (423 miles) from the Earth, where it tested solar sail technology.




In Estonia the bank is in your pocket: 99% of bank transfers are made electronically on a mobile phone or a computer. You just need your ID card or Mobile-ID.

According to the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), a premier global metric for education, the results of Estonian 15-year-olds are the best in Europe and third in the world.

The longest ice road – conditions permitting – in Europe is the Rohuküla-Heltermaa ice road with a length of 26.5 kilometres (16 miles).

The world’s most performed living composer, Arvo Pärt, is an Estonian.

In Estonia people under 19, pregnant women, old-age pensioners, people with a child under three and unemployed people get free healthcare.

The world’s oldest rye variety still cultivated is Sangaste rye. It was developed in 1875 by Count von Berg, the owner of Sangaste manor in Estonia. Years later, the same variety was developed into Kodiak rye in Canada and used to make Canadian Gold whisky.

Estonians have one of the biggest collections of folk songs in the world, with written records of about 133,000 of them.

Estonia has the largest number of museums per person in the world, at one museum for every 5,300 Estonians. On average, Estonians visit a museum twice a year.

Ice road between Hiiumaa and the mainland.


Seaplane Harbour, a maritime museum in Tallinn.

Arvo Pärt, the world’s most performed living composer.



Tallinn: skyscrapers and the Old Town.

A small but fast-growing and flexible economy After regaining its independence in 1991, Estonia made considerable development leaps by transforming itself from a socialist command economy into a democratic market economy that values a fair business environment, innovation, e-solutions and thin bureaucracy. Estonia’s 8th place ranking in the Index of Economic Freedom in 2021 (which listed 184 countries) has proved that these are not merely beautiful words. This substantiates Estonia’s business environment as a simple, convenient, and transparent place of doing business. The rapid economic growth of Estonia, in recent decades, has often exceeded the European Union average. Estonia’s economic growth is main­­ly influenced by foreign trade, making it highly vulnerable to global economic changes. In 2020, the value of Estonia’s GDP, in current prices, was 27 billion Euros. According to Eesti Pank, GDP grew by just over 8% to 30.6 billion euros in 2021. Estonia’s public finances are in a good state, as shown by its smallest public sector debt in Europe (19% in 2020). In 2004, Estonia joined the European Union. Estonia is also a member of the World Trade Organisation (WTO), OECD, World Bank, International Monetary Fund, and other international organisations.



Business environment Estonia’s business environment can easily be described under three phrases: simple, fast, and safe. Why is that? First, our legislation is entrepreneur-friendly. This does not mean that there is no room for improvement. However, the Estonian business environment can certainly not be accused of excess bureaucracy or not being transparent. For years, business reporting has been carried out using e-solutions. The implementation of cross-using data is currently underway. Suppose a company forwards data to a national authority. In that case, there is no need to forward the same data to another national authority, as the institutions will communicate with each other. Secondly, our tax system is simple and has minimal specifications. The system’s unique feature of enterprises not having to pay income tax if they do not withdraw profit encourages investments. The employment market in Estonia is efficient, and employment relations are flexible. Thirdly, our people; Estonian residents are well educated and speak fluent English, Russian, and many other languages. The business culture is one of punctuality, where things are done with precision. Estonians some­ times make jokes that they are even more punctual than the Germans. We value quality and we keep our promises. Decisions are made fast and if you need advice about something, we say the right person is only three phone calls away – as the population of Estonia is only 1.3 million, there is always someone who knows someone who is just the right person to help. Fourthly, e-solutions and e-society. Estonia is quite unique in its digital capabilities, and Estonians are among the most willing users of e-services in the world. We have also exported our experience in developing e-government and building e-services to dozens of interested countries. Estonia’s public sector is digital, which saves tons of paper and, most importantly – time. It’s worth mentioning that Estonia is the first country in the world to implement e-voting in a nationwide election. Estonian e-voting is internet-based and not dependent on location: if you have the option to use an ID-card or mobile-ID, you are ready to vote. We have been able to cast votes electronically since 2005 (local elections) – while the percentage of e-voters was less than 2% at the time, the percentage of e-voters in the 2019 Parliament elections was 43.8% and should account for the majority of the votes cast in the coming years. But that’s not all! We have been signing documents digitally for 20 years; a company can be established online in 5 minutes, with its tax declarations and payments made via e-solutions. Entrepreneurs who are not Estonian citizens can also enjoy these benefits once they have applied for the Estonian e-residency.


Join Estonian digital nation on

E-residency Estonia is the first country in the world to offer e-residency. The program was launched in December 2014 to give foreigners a chance to become Estonian e-residents and use our e-services. To this day, Estonia has over 80,000 e-residents who have founded over 16,500 companies. What are the key opportunities for e-residents? E-residents are issued a digital ID-card that gives them access to all the national e-services. For example, you can establish a company online, give digital signatures, do online banking transactions, file tax declarations or your company’s fiscal annual report online, and so forth. In conclusion, e-residency allows to do business conveniently from anywhere in the world.




Almost 90% of the Estonian citizens – 1.1 million people – are Internet users. The country has one of the best Internet connections in the world.

Estonia is the fastest country to fill out the income tax return. Since 2000, income tax returns can be submitted electronically. Also, the system automatically calculates everything you need to know about your taxes.

The whole territory is covered by 4G network. The possibilities of using the 5G network are also expanding rapidly.

Estonia is one of the leading countries in high-tech; our e-possi­ bilities are something unique in the world. Estonia has: • e-tax board (2000), • e-school (2002), • digital signature (2002), • ID bus ticket (2003), • e-land registry (2003), • e-voting system (2005), • e-police (2007), • e-health system (2008), • e-prescription (2010), • e-residency (2014), • e-notary (2020).

E-tickets validator in a bus. 30

Veriffs biometric facial recognition, integrated with the e-notary.

99% of prescriptions are digital. ESTONIAN EXPORT DIRECTORY


Export and import Estonia has a population of only 1.3 million, which makes for a tiny internal market. Therefore, it makes sense that the export of products and services represents almost three-quarters of Estonia’s GDP. The lion’s share of total exports is accounted for by the industrial sector. Around 70% of the goods produced in Estonia are exported to Europe. Our main export partners are our neighbouring countries like Finland, Sweden, and Latvia; and countries that are further away, such as Germany and the USA. Estonia’s biggest exports are electrical equipment (including high-tech products), mineral products, wood and wood products, machinery, and mechanical appliances. The biggest exports of services include transportation and storage services, and information and communication services. The sales of information and communication services doubled in 2014–2019. A majority of the countries that send their goods to Estonia are from Europe, accounting for over 70% of Estonian imports. In 2021, Estonia’s largest importers were Finland, Russia and Germany. The biggest import items are machinery and electrical equipment, mineral products, and vehicles. The biggest imported services are in the fields of transportation, storage, and manufacturing industries.


Finland is the most important foreign trade partner

Main foreign trade partners of Estonia, 2021 (share, %)

Source: Statistics Estonia

Exports Imports












UK 3









The Estonian chemical industry: unique in many ways

The history of the Estonian chemical industry dates back 130 years. Today, about 150 enterprises are active in the sector with an annual turnover of over 700 million euros. These companies produce construction and consumer chemicals as well as oil shale chemical products including shale oil. The smallest subsector of the industry is the pharmaceutical and ­cosmetics­industry. Estonia is also known for its unique and rare feature – it has one of the few factories, NPM Silmet, that produces rare earth metals outside China. The list of strengths of the Estonian chemical industry is long: the companies here are successful in niche markets and have unique knowledge and skills in the field of rare earth technologies as well as oil shale chemistry. We have considerable oil shale reserves in Eastern Estonia for the production of shale oil and fine chemicals. The lion’s share of the shale oil produced in Northern Estonia is exported. Shale oil by-products such as fine chemicals and phenolic products are used in the perfume and electronics industries, making the sale of these successful in foreign markets. Our good logistical location is essential for exporting companies. The sector is a good exporter with about 85% of all production going to foreign markets. The supporting factor for exports is the fact that several Estonian manufacturers belong to international groups. Belonging to a group leads to extensive exports within it.

Rare earth metals do not come just from China The global demand for rare earth metals is growing and the biggest supplier of these metals is China. However, one of the few factories producing rare earth metals outside China is located in Estonia. NPM Silmet, which has been operating in Sillamäe, Northern Estonia for decades, accounts for several percent of the world’s rare earth metal production. Niobium and tantalum make up nearly half of Silmet’s metal production.




The biggest shale oil factory in the world is the Viru Keemia Grupp and one of the few rare earth metal producers outside China is NPM Silmet.

Estonia is the world’s third-largest producer of one-component polyurethane foams.

From shale oil to construction chemistry Large, established companies operate in the oil shale chemistry sector. For example, the Viru Keemia Grupp which produces shale oil and phenols, the liquid fuel producer Eesti Energia Õlitööstus, and the shale oil producer Kiviõli Keemiatööstus. The list of large and important players also includes Eastman Specialties, part of the Eastman Group (USA), which produces benzoic acid, sodium benzoate, and plasticisers. The largest manufacturers of construction chemistry (insulation foams, sealants, and construction adhesives) are Henkel Makroflex and Krimelte. Akzo Nobel Baltics, Tikkurila and Eskaro are the three largest manufacturers of paints, varnishes, and other finishing materials.



million euros is the annual turnover of the chemical industry.

A RAPIDLY GROWING COSMETICS INDUSTRY Estonia has a long tradition of manufacturing consumer chemicals and cosmetics. The first chemical manufacturer, the Mayer plant, founded in the 1880s, today mainly produces household chemicals marketed in the Baltics and Scandinavia. The oldest cosmetics company in Estonia is Orto, founded in 1932, which currently produces mainly household cleaning products and cosmetics for the domestic market. As for cosmetics, the use of natural raw materials is a visible trend in both Orto’s history and companies established today. Smaller producers of natural cosmetics such as Joik, Lumi, Turbliss and others are worth mentioning here. Chemi-Pharm, a company with a 25-year history, is one of the most prominent and largest companies in the consumer chemicals and cosmetics sector, exporting disinfectants and cosmetics under the D’Difference brand to more than twenty countries. A successful exporter is also Eurobio Lab whose Natura Siberica, Natura Estonica and many other brands of cosmetics and household cleaners have found their way to stores in nearly 70 countries.




CORPORATE DATA Company name: Chemi-Pharm AS Date established: 15.04.1997 Field of activity: disinfection and cleaning agents Turnover: €18,479,000 Employees: 80 Brands: Chemi-Pharm

CONTACT DATA Website: Address: Tänassilma tee 11, 76406 Tänassilma küla, Estonia E-mail: Phone: +372 677 8806

Company description: Chemi-Pharm AS develops, produces and sells allergen-free disinfection agents, cleaning and maintenance products, and luxury skin care line. Products are exported to 27 countries; the company’s main customers are in medical sector. The company follows international quality standards ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and EN ISO 13485. Our product development and production aims for the highest standards – maximum safety for our skin and respiratory systems, user friendliness and environmental safety. We are also dedicated to developing infection control management system to prevent the spread of infectious diseases. “Hospital infections are the fourth biggest cause of death after malaria, tuberculosis and AIDS, killing approximately 7 million people a year. Strict rules have to be established to eliminate bacteria and microbes in health premises. With the help of these rules and an effective infection control system, we can and will save tens of thousands of lives each year”, says Ruth Oltjer, the founder of the company. Export Countries: Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, Greece, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden.


Products and services: Antiseptics, skincare, cleansing, disinfection of medical instruments, disinfection of surfaces

Achievements: • Enterprise and Innovator of the Year 2021, awarded by Enterprise Estonia and the Estonian Employers’ Confederation. • THE EUROPEAN RESPONSIBLE CARE® AWARDS 2020 – CARING IN COVID-19 TIMES: Category 1: “Upholding and reshaping production lines” by The European Chemical Industry Council. • Estonian Successful Company AAA-rating (excellent) in 2015, 2016 and 2017 by Credit Info (belongs to Experian Group); Strongest in Estonia 2015-2021 certificate in 2021.

Corporate social responsibility: AS ChemiPharm’s aim is to satisfy the needs of our customers, employees, owners, and to guarantee constant development of the company. Our aim is achieved by: • offering products which are high quality and safe if used in accordance with safety regulations • flexible customer service • highly qualified employees • safe working conditions • avoiding environment pollution (attention on ground-water, soils and atmosphere).

Ruth Oltjer, the owner and CEO of ChemiPharm was also nominated Estonian EY Entrepreneur of the Year in 2012.




CORPORATE DATA Company name: Chemi-Pharm AS Date established: 15.04.1997 Field of activity: cosmetic industry (skincare) Turnover: €18,479,000 Employees: 80 Brands: Chemi-Pharm, D’DIFFERENCE, Medihex

CONTACT DATA Website: Address: Tänassilma tee 11, 76406 Tänassilma küla, Estonia E-mail: Phone: +372 677 8806



Our brand Created by a medical doctor and formulated by chemists in its internal laboratories, D’DIFFERENCE is produced with cold-mixing technology and 100 percent natural active ingredients. We take pride in the fact that our products are supported by science and clinical studies, they meet ISO 9001 & ISO 14001 production standards. Our credo: radiant skin from minimum ingredients delivering maximum impact. Hidden Gem Of The North The Nordic region is known for its pure air and pristine nature, around 55 percent of Estonia is covered by forest; people have strong admiration and appreciation for all things natural. Nordic’s love of nature is an integral part of D’DIFFERENCE’s philosophy, we choose the simplest, purest approach to skincare – our products offer everything the skin needs and no more, living simply and purely is to live well. Our skincare products are tested on people of various skin types, in different climates, urbanized environments across all continents.

Our products and production Chemi-Pharm AS was founded in 1997 and has moved to a brand new, ultra modern production facilities in 2019. On 5000m² of space we create and manufacture skincare and disinfectants that don´t contain harmful ingredients, are skin-and respiratory system friendly. We currently export to 27 countries. The story The story of D´DIFFERENCE brand started in mid 2000`s when the founder of the company Ruth Oltjer, M.D. faced a challenge to create safer skin lotions for both doctors and the patients treated in the hospitals. She wanted a product that could prevent acute skin problems before severe damage to skin happens. “Those products were so successful that I wondered if I might create something for home use: If I could help sick skin so much, imagine what I might do for the healthy skin!” – Ruth Oltjer, M.D. D’DIFFERENCE stands firm in its entrepreneurial mindset. We have created a brand forming a category that sets the standard for BEAUTY 2.0 – SCIENTIFIC, NATURAL AND CLEAN, giving the nicest sensorial experience to its consumers. The product line covers a full range of ultimate care products for face and

body and its allure is best experienced in premium beauty and department stores. We never use parabens, SLS, silicones, mineral oils, PEGs, or synthetic colors. The products are dermatologically tested and vegan. Products and services: 4 lines for women and 1 line for men. Each line meets the specific needs of a particular skin type or concern: • Natural Beauty • Royal Beauty • Cell Innovation • For Men • White Beauty Achivements: • Enterprise and Innovator of the Year 2021, awarded by Enterprise Estonia and the ­Estonian Employers’ Confederation. • The European Responsible Care® Awards 2020 – Caring In Covid-19 Times, category 1: “Upholding and reshaping production lines” by The European Chemical Industry Council. • No 1 brand in major retail chains. Corporate Social responsibility: We offer products which are high quality, our employees are highly qualified, we value safety and environment (particular attention on ground-water, soils and atmosphere).



The construction sector: creating comfortable living environments

Private houses and apartment buildings, office buildings and warehouses, roads and bridges – today, these are all built faster than ever before, made possible due to the developments in the construction industry. The activity of Estonian construction companies forms approximately 6% of the country’s gross domestic product. This combined with the real estate sector accounts for approximately 16% of the GDP. Construction companies employ 60,000 people – a little less than 1/10th of all employees in Estonia. As in other sectors, most companies in the construction sector are SMEs – 90% of companies employ from one to nine people. The larger international companies are Nordecon AS, Merko Ehitus Eesti AS, and the Finnish group YIT. The largest companies for road and bridge construction are Tallinna Teede AS, TREF AS and TREV-2 Grupp AS. Estonian construction companies build both at home and abroad for an average of 3–3,6 billion euros a year. Construction business targets the domestic market, although some services are exported; in recent years, the share of total turnover from exports has been about 5–6%. The lion’s share of export activities targets nearby markets, mainly Finland (more than 60%). However, some exports go to Sweden, Norway, Latvia and Lithuania. The productivity of the Estonian construction sector has been rapidly increasing in recent years but is still below the European average. An important keyword in the industry is digitalisation. Digitalisation is a priority for both the government of Estonia and the construction sector. The organisation of electronic procurement is worth highlighting; the public procurement process is transparent and managed through an e-procurement platform. The electronic procurement system has also reduced administrative burdens and costs. As the profit of construction companies comes mostly from the domestic market, the general economic development of the country affects the progress of the construction sector. While the total volume of the construction market reached its highest level in a decade before the COVID19 crisis, the uncertainty caused by the pandemic reduced construction volumes both at home and abroad. However, the decline was temporary; 2021’s volumes exceed those of 2019 as the construction of living spaces and the amount of renovation work increases. The growth in construction volumes was also supported by the construction of facilities.





billion euros worth was built both at home and abroad in 2021.


Estonia is Europe’s largest exporter of wooden houses.

The start-up Ekotekt designs and builds houses using a largescale 3D robotic printer. Instead of cement, oil shale ash is used, considerably decreasing the environmental footprint of the houses built.

The victory of digital solutions is exemplified by the first paperless construction object designed by Nordecon in 2018.




CORPORATE DATA Company name: Kodumaja AS Date established: 6.11.1995 Field of activity: Construction Turnover: €43,000,000 Employees: 449 Brands: Kodumaja slogan: We are building sustainable future. Name of trademark - KODUMAJA

CONTACT DATA Website: Address: Puidu tn 2, Tartu, 50411 Tartumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: +372 738 5999

Company description: Kodumaja is group of companies acting under trademark KODUMAJA. Kodumaja as a whole is a BUILDER. Building method in use – construction MAINLY conducted at the factory. The companies in Kodumaja group of companies are independent legal entities, bearing full responsibility for their actions and undertaken obligations. Main field of activity and competence - Design and construction of prefabricated wooden frame buildings. Kodumaja is established on 19.05.1994, Kodumaja birthday is 06.11.1995 when first house was assembled at building site. First export 1996, since then more than 97% of turnover is made abroad. Products and services: Kodumaja produces and builds mainly: • apartments in multi-storey apartment buildings • apartments in small buildings • apartments for assisted living of elderly people and people with disabilities • apartments in other buildings for permanent use (student apartments, hotels, etc.)


Export countries/markets: Finland, Norway, Sweden, The Netherlands. Achievements: 2014 – 2015 – Construction of the world’s tallest wooden building (14 floors, 52,8 m high) – Bergen, Norway Company and Exporter of the year 2015 of Estonia 2019 – record breaking turnover 72 MEUR 2020 – Kodumaja 25 Kodumaja has built 9376 apartments as of 31.12.2021

Interests: Strategic markets – Norway, Sweden, Finland, The Netherlands. Potential strategic markets – Denmark, United Kingdom, etc. Customers – companies whose main activity is: real estate development and/or construction project management and/or main contractor.

Corporate social responsibility: Mission – To provide confidence and enjoyable cooperation in building of sustainable future. Final goal of cooperation – Satisfied customer, who recommends Kodumaja to his friends and associates also after end of warranty period. Kodumaja core values: • PROFESSIONALISM & RELIABILITY • RESPECT & CARE • DEVELOPMENT & INNOVATION • AMBITION & COMMITMENT • KODUMAJA QUALITY




CORPORATE DATA Company name: Finnlog OÜ Date established: 12.08.2003 Field of activity: Construction Employees: 20

CONTACT DATA Website: Address: Järvevena tee 9, Tallinn, 11314 Harjumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: +372 622 5845


Company description: Finnlog OÜ mainly focuses on the development of high-quality individual laminated log houses and their sales activities in Estonia, Finland and Germany. Products and services: Finnlog designs, sells and builds wooden, eco-friendly living homes and cottages according to our clients’ wishes. We have been operating successfully in our home markets of Estonia, and our main export markets have been Germany and Finland. Export countries/markets: Finland, Germany, Russian Federation.


CORPORATE DATA Company name: Maru Ehitus AS Date established: 12.12.2000 Field of activity: Construction Turnover: €46,500,000 Employees: 131

CONTACT DATA Website: Address: Järvevana tee 5, Tallinn, 10112 Harjumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: +372 657 5850

Company description: An experienced and reliable partner for design and construction. Maru Ehitus is a subsidiary of the MARU holding company established in 1991. Our expertise includes general contracting, project management and design services. We have a long-term experience in design and construction of different types of buildings and structures throughout Estonia and Europe. Our wide array of construction services is based on the existence of an experienced design unit within the company. Reliable management systems in combination with modern design software help us in detecting any problems during the design phase, thereby saving time and money in the construction phase. In-house completion of the entire design process further prevents any discrepancies between different parts of the project, allowing us to choose among the most optimal engineering solutions. In addition, the building services are supported by subsidiary Maru THM, which executes erection work in buildings and steel structures, cladding works. Products and services: Construction, Design, Real Estate Development Export countries/markets: Finland, Latvia.




CORPORATE DATA Company name: Solarstone OÜ Date established: 20.09.2015 Field of activity: Electrical Equipment Turnover: €1,800,000 Employees: 27

CONTACT DATA Website: Address: Tartu tn 16-8, Viljandi, 71004 Viljandimaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: + 372 5631 6666

Company description: Solarstone has developed building-integrated PV solutions that replace traditional roofing materials and become an integral part of modern construction stan­ dards. Solarstone products are roofing material and solar panels at the same time. Solarstone patented Click-on kit for Tier 1 PV modules makes solar roofs resource- and cost-effective, resulting in highly aesthetic, natural, and visually appealing solar roofs. The company combines hardware and soft­ ware to provide the number one toolset for solar rooftop installers. Software enables installers to plan and quote customers with one click, using geolocation and satellite data. Products and services: • Tile interlocking modules • Full solar roof with Click-on kit • Standing seam steel roof modules • Solar carports and solar portal buildings • Off-grid solutions Export countries/markets: Austria, Denmark, Finland, France, Latvia, Germany, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Sweden, The Netherlands.



Company name: Agio Ehitus OÜ Date established: 21.01.2022 Field of activity: Construction Employees: 24 Website: Address: Vinkli tn 4, Tallinn, 12618 Harjumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: +372 565 1026


Company name: Nordic Contractors AS Date established: 5.01.1998 Field of activity: Finances Employees: 10 Website: Address: Liivalaia 13, Tallinn, 10118 Harjumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: + 372 627 2020


Company name: KLM Projekt OÜ Date established: 20.10.2004 Field of activity: Science and Technology Employees: 6 Website: Address: Siduri 3,Tallinn, 11313 Harjumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: + 372 514 4725



Electronics – the core of modern life

The Estonian electronics industry is considered to have begun with the telephone factory established in 1907. Now, more than a hundred years later, the electronics industry is still evolving at a youthful pace and is considered one of the most promising fields. Today, no industry or sector of the economy can do without electronics. The green transition is based on electronics and the electronics industry is creating solutions to automate and digitise production. These factors have made the industry one of the most important sectors in the economy. In Estonia, the total turnover of the sector reaches 2 billion euros a year and more than 12,000 people, from skilled workers to top specialists, work hard for it. In addition, the electronics industry creates a large number of indirect jobs in other industrial, logistics and wholesale sectors. Although most companies in the electronics industry are located in and around Tallinn, the sector is also an important employer outside Harju County. Large factories are located in Saaremaa, Pärnu, Elva and Ida-Virumaa, being important employers in these areas.

Continued success into the future In addition to the above, the Estonian electronics sector is seen as having great growth potential. The demand for smart products, digital solutions and environmentally friendly technologies is growing as all these solutions use electronics. Moreover, the worldwide spread of 5G supports the demand for network equipment and IoT components. The Estonian electronics industry should also benefit from the trend that has accelerated production from China to Europe as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic that has hit the world and made supply chains more local. At the same time, product batches have become smaller but their delivery is more frequent. Estonian companies have enough flexibility and outsourcing experience to meet these needs.


250+ companies 12,000 employees 85–95% exported production 11–12% of the country’s total exports




billion euros is the annual turnover of the electronics industry


The Estonian company Krakul developed the camera Electronics for NASA’s Moon Mission which was manufactured at the Incap plant on the largest island of Estonia (Saaremaa). The main contractor for the production of moon cameras was the Estonian company Crystalspace.

Starship robots are born in Estonia. Getting packages or pizza delivered by a human may soon become a thing of the past thanks to Starship Technologies’ self-driving robots. The little delivery machines on wheels have completed over 2 million autonomous deliveries in UK and US cities already.

The original spy camera Minox was designed in Estonia. At the time of its invention in 1936, it was the smallest in the world. Designed by Walter Zapp, the device was about the size of a finger and became popular with spies. It made an appearance in the James Bond film On Her Majesty’s Secret Service (1969), and remains a sought-after collectable among photography enthusiasts.


Large investments, wide product range More than 250 companies are operating in the electronics industry. Many larger companies are production units or service providers with international capital. For example, international groups like ABB, Ericsson, Enics, Ensto Ensek, Glamox, Eolane, Incap and others operate here. Foreign owners have also invested significant sums in Estonian production units, amounting to nearly 100 million euros a year. Investments have also increased productivity indicators year on year. Gross productivity, labour cost productivity and productivity per employee have also increased. The list of products in the sector is extensive. It mainly manufactures communications network equipment, industrial electronics, automotive electronics and wiring harnesses, technology for renewable energy solutions, medical technology, railway equipment, and aerospace and defence industry equipment and components. The sector is also characterised by a large share of production services. This means that the production of products and related activities are outsourced. At the same time, besides outsourcing, production partnerships where everyone develops key skills is also offered. There are also many companies in the electronics industry in Estonia that are moving towards increasing high added-value. In addition to production, participation in product development is also offered. Many companies are also able to offer product software, testing, component purchasing, logistics services, after-sales service, and more. Thus, a large portion of a product’s lifecycle is covered. As electronics is a key component in many products, it enables the electronics industry to create collaborative clusters with many other industries. Cooperation with the machine, plastics and other industries enables the creation of value-added complete solutions within the entire chain. With the participation of the Estonian electronics industry, it is easy to create clusters between companies, educational and research institutions and other partners.

Main export markets: USA and Finland Most of the electronics industry’s production is exported. The largest target market has become the USA as telecommunications companies there are rapidly building 5G networks. The equipment for this is manufactured in Estonia among other countries. Finland is another important export partner. If the production of electrical equipment is added to the electronics industry, the portfolio of product groups exported from Estonia to Finland broadens significantly. Transformers, power distribution equipment, parts for electric motors and generators, and cables are sent to Finland. Sweden, Russia and Germany. These are also worth mentioning as the most important destinations for the electronics industry. Almost 95% of computers and electronic and optical equipment sales are exported, and almost 85% of the production of electrical equipment is exported.




CORPORATE DATA Company name: Englo LLC Date established: 5.12.1991 Field of activity: Computer, Electronic and Optical Products Turnover: €620,000 Employees: 9 Brands: Englo

CONTACT DATA Website: Address: Akadeemia tee 21/1, Tallinn, 12618 Harjumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: +372 670 2444

Company description: An Estonian private company Englo LLC, the member of Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Tallinn Science Park Tehnopol, Estonian Defence Industry Association. Englo LLC is active in production of electronic and fine mechanical devices and measuring devices that are used in. • • • •

mines and military building and road construction area monitoring systems material length measuring etc.

Products and services: We produce blasting machines, electric detonator line ohmmeters, radiation measuring devices, levelling systems for graders and bulldozers, LWD deflecto­ meters, road pavement profilometers, vehicle crossing sensors, cable length measuring devices etc. Export countries/markets: Bangladesh, Czech Republic, Egypt, Finland, France, India, Indonesia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, The United Kingdom, USA (the United States of America), Vietnam.


Achievements: The international credit information company AS Creditinfo Eesti hereby certifies that Englo LLC has achieved a constant A-group credit rating over the past five financial years 2016–2020. This is proof of the contribution to the development of the Estonian economy and honest business culture. Corporate social responsibility: The devices conform to EU demands of present day, have passed the necessary quality tests, have CE label and type certifications wherever it will be

necessary. The company has ISO 9001:2015 for research and development, design, production and maintenance of mechanical and electronic devices. R&D is continuing constantly. Behind the high quality of our devices is the good cooperation with the customers as only together we may go on. Interests: We are looking for the companies or institutions interested in our products and willing to cooperate with us.




CORPORATE DATA Company name: Incap Electronics Estonia OÜ Date established: 10.03.2002 Field of activity: Electronics manufacturing Turnover: €17,200,000 Employees: 100

CONTACT DATA Website: Address: Tehnika tn 9, Kuressaare, Saaremaa vald, 93815 Saaremaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: +372 452 1723

Company description: Incap Estonia is part of the Incap Corporation, which is a globally operating electronics manufacturing service provider with factories in UK, Slovakia, India, sourcing team in Hong Kong and headquarters in Finland. Incap Estonia is logistically well situated to enable fast deliveries to the Scandinavian and Central European markets. Today our products are exported all over the world. Incap Estonia’s factory in Kuressaare with 100 professionals offers versatile, technologically advanced yet very cost-efficient production capacity close to the European markets. The factory has 7,300 square metres of total floor space. The modern factory building enables fast and flexible manufacturing of different types of products. Products and services: Prototyping & engineering, PCB assembly manufacturing, box build assembly, customised solutions, sourcing, purchasing and logistics, after sales services. Export countries/markets: Australia, Canada, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, India, Latvia, Norway, Slovakia, Sweden, Switzerland, The People’s Republic of China, The United Kingdom, USA (the United States of America), Vietnam.


Clean, fresh, and delicious Estonian food

Delicious and high-quality food start with carefully selected good ingredients. There is no shortage of high-quality raw materials in Estonia as the mild climate, clean nature, lush pastures, and good soil have created excellent opportunities for agricultural development. According to the World Bank, Estonia is one of the top countries in the world in terms of agricultural land per capita and the existence of sufficient clean water in Estonia is self-evident. Attention is also paid to environmental-friendliness; organic farming is increasingly practised year after year. 22% of all arable land in Estonia is organic – more than twice as much as elsewhere in Europe. Food and drink production cannot overcome the challenges posed by climate change, which will soon make farming impossible in some parts of the world. On the other hand, Estonia and our neighbours may be one of the few areas where the conditions for agricultural production will improve over time. Thus, both now and in the future, the Estonian food and beverage industry has access to high-quality domestic raw materials and the real and excellent taste of food and beverages is appreciated not only by Estonians but also residents of other countries.

Small producers and international groups Estonian food and beverage production is characterised by three keywords: tradition, modern production methods, and innovation. The production volume of the local food and beverage industry is over 2 billion euros, which accounts for 16% of all Estonian industrial production. This means that food and drink production is an important industry with more than 700 companies. Three-quarters of these are micro-enterprises with less than ten employees but international groups are also represented in Estonia. Let me list just a few. For example, the Norwegian Orkla owns Kalev, one of the oldest confectionery producers in Estonia as well as the Põltsamaa Felix juice and canning factory with its long history. The Finnish company HKScan owns HKScan Estonia, which is Estonia’s largest food industry company, raising both pigs and chickens and also operating a slaughterhouse and meat industry. The Danish beer giant Carlsberg is represented in Estonia with its two-hundred-year history through the Saku Brewery.




billion euros is the production volume of the food and beverage industry.

Milk and meat are the most important articles of merchandise For years, the dairy industry has provided the largest share of the Estonian food industry’s production; around 23% of the total production of the food and beverage industry, and about a quarter of the dairy industry’s production is exported. It is worth noting that in terms of milk production per cow, Estonia has the highest milk production in the European Union. The steady increase in milk production has been made possible by smart investments in production and improvements in animal welfare, livestock health, and feeding. In addition to an impressively large production – just over 10,000 kg of milk per year per cow – Estonian milk is also of very good quality. This allows both the export of raw milk and the production and export of excellent cheeses, butter, curds. and other dairy products. The meat industry is the second largest in terms of production volume, accounting for one-fifth of the total production of the food and beverage industry. Pork is the most widely produced meat in Estonia, followed by poultry and beef. The beverage industry accounted for 13% of the food industry’s sales revenue.

Estonian food in more than a hundred countries About a third of the production of the food and beverage industry in Estonia is exported. Milk production has the largest share in exports (almost 20%), of which raw milk, cheese, and curd take the first place. Estonian bread products, beer, and fish and fish products are also popular export items. Although food and beverages made in Estonia have found their way to more than a hundred countries, it goes without saying that 70% of the export volume still goes to the countries of the European Union. The majority of food and drink items goes to our neighbouring countries: Latvia Finland, Lithuania, and Sweden. Estonian companies also export food to distant countries like Iran, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, China, and elsewhere. Considering that consumers in both Europe and more distant countries are paying increasing attention to the naturalness of food and compliance with environmental requirements associated with production, the export prospects of the Estonian food and beverage industry are very good.



Estonia has a fast growing organic farming culture and tech-savvy minds. About a quarter of Estonia’s million hectares of agricultural land is farmed organically – we are in Europe’s top 3 together with Austria and Sweden.

Estonian ingredients have been used in the top-level cooking competition Bocuse d’Or, where Estonian chefs have participated for more than ten years and introduced clean and nuanced flavours of Estonian food. In autumn of 2020, the European round of Bocuse d’Or took place in Tallinn where chefs could use Estonian quail and catfish for cooking.

Lactobacillus fermentum ME-3, the bacteria discovered in 1995 by the University of Tartu research teams, led by professors Marika Mikelsaar and Mihkel Zilmer, are unique in the world because of their combination of antimicrobial and antioxidative effects. They protect human health by attacking harmful microbes and contributing to physical well-being. The ME-3 can be called the first Estonian probiotic lactic acid bacteria. The EU patent permits it to be used in the food industry in 15 European countries.




CORPORATE DATA Company name: A. Le Coq AS/Olvi Export Date established: 13.12.1901 Field of activity: Manufacturing Turnover: €71,000,000 Employees: 330 Brands: Premium; Alexander; Le Coq; Pure Spirit; G:N; Johan Freitag; Hoggy’s; Sherwood; Dynami:t

CONTACT DATA Website: Address: Laulupeo pst. 15, Tartu, 50050 Tartumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: + 372 744 9711

Company description: Olvi export belongs to Olvi Group. Olvi Group’s parent company is Olvi plc. The Olvi brewery is located in Iisalmi, Finland. Olvi has subsidiaries in Estonia (AS A. Le Coq), Latvia (JSC Cesu Alus), Lithuania (JSC Volfas Engelman) and Belarus (Lidskaje Pivo) and Denmark (Bryggeriet Vestfyen A/S). Olvi Group owns majority of the shares of Servaali Oy and The Helsinki Distilling Company. Olvi Group’s good development is attributable to strong market shares in the operating countries, innovative product development as well as continuous development of operational efficiency. Starting from 2020 Olvi Group has made great steps towards a better future for next generations: we use only green energy in all of the factories, in A. Le Coq we have started to decrease the CO2 footprint, consuming less of non-renewable resources, contribute to cleaner future, increase the reuse of materials and assume even greater responsibility in people’s health and wellbeing. We are an experienced export partner, acting for over 5 years and in 51 countries. Our mission is to be an accepted, loyal Partner to all our Partners by adding value through professional internal and external services! Products and services: Olvi Group export categories: beer, cider, long drink, energy drinks,


non-alcoholic beer, cider and cocktails and strong alcohol. We are also opened to private label products in the same categories, but as well in juice, juice drinks, water and soft drinks. Export countries/markets: Australia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominica, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Guadeloupe, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Korea, Macedonia [FYROM], Martinique, Mexico, Moldova, Montenegro, Netherlands Antilles, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russian Federation, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Serbia, Sierra Leone, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan (the Republic of China), The Netherlands, The People’s Republic of China, The United Kingdom, U.S. Virgin Islands, USA (the United States of America).

2021 - starting the “green jump” - 6 big steps towards a cleaner, better future

Corporate social responsibility: A. Le Coq and Olvi Group are taking great steps in developing corporate responsibility. All Olvi Group companies have common value to be responsible in our actions towards our workers, customers, environment and society overall. To read more about A. Le Coq’s actions in corporate social responsibility, please visit the page: https://www. Interests: We are interested in finding new partners in Asia, Africa and Middle-East. We are also opened to private label production.

Achievements: • 2006 - 2017„Most competitive Food industry enterprise“, awarded 12 times. In 2020, received 3rd place. • 2020 – A. Le Coq was nominated a second place in the competition of the most reputable company in Estonia • 2020 - switching to 100% green electricity




CORPORATE DATA Company name: Lunden Food OÜ Date established: 11.10.2006 Field of activity: Food Products Turnover: €22,000,000 Employees: 330 Brands: Chef Lundén; Chef Lundén Pro

CONTACT DATA Website: Address: Vahe tee 16, Loo alevik, Jõelähtme vald, 74201 Harjumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: + 372 602 5870


Company description: Lunden Food is established in 2006 and belongs to the group of OY Lunden AB which is a family company with 85year old history based in the Finnish capital. We have 330 employees and our factory has 7,000 m² of production space. We produce a total of almost 300 different products every day - we issue more than 3 million kg of products a year. The freshness and quality of the raw materials are extremely important to us, and if it is possible to use local raw materials, we will do so. In addition to the freshness of the raw materials, Lunden Food’s production is also subject to increased hygiene requirements, the products go through an X-ray scanning device and, of course, we also carry out daily quality control of the products. As a responsible company, Lunden Food cares about the environment as well as the community. We have invested in our water treatment plant while thinking about the environment, we use the heat energy generated by the operation of refrigeration equipment to heat utility rooms, and every step of the way we try to minimize the use of water and energy. Lunden Food owns a food safety certificate of FSSC 22000 since September 2019. We are working every day for taking the food safety

requirements and product quality applicable in production to a higher level. Our goal is to provide consumers with the cleanest and most delicious food possible. Products and services: Lunden Food produces more than 250 different names of ready-to-eat foods, almost 150 of which include several types of sandwiches. Our product assortment includes also salads, fresh pizza, sushi, stuffed cabbage rolls, ready meals, and many other products.

decided to abandon the use of caged chicken eggs in its products within the framework of sustainable and responsible business development and started using in its production cagefree chicken eggs. Interests: We are interested in finding new partners in Scandinavia and Baltic countries and we are open to private label production. We value long-term partnerships based on transparency, respect, and understanding.

Export countries/markets: Finland, Latvia, Sweden. Achievements: We create delicious tastes in different product categories in cooperation with our clients. The proof of this is that we have been chosen three times the Estonian best food industry. Our products have gained recognition in food competitions in Estonia. Corporate social responsibility: Since 2010 Lunden Food owns ISO 14001 environmental management system. In 2021, Ecovadis, the world’s largest and most reliable corporate sustainability rating auditor, awarded Lunden Food with a silver label. Lunden Food OÜ has




CORPORATE DATA Company name: BugBox Ltd Date established: 14.10.2015 Field of activity: Manufacturing Employees: 6 Brands: BugBox

CONTACT DATA Website: Address: Karl-Eeriku, Pangodi küla, Kambja vald, 62017 Tartumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: + 372 510 0889


Company description: BugBox is developing fully automated edible insect mass-rearing and production technology. It enables insect farmers to produce high quality protein derived from edible insects more effectively at large scale, while using fewer human resources in the standardised process. BugBox itself produces cricket protein powder as well. Products and services: BugBox produces cricket powder, which can be used in many ways. Insect protein-based foods offer a highly nutritious and sustainable alternative for animal-based proteins. Crickets contain protein, fibre, good fats, vital minerals and amino acids. Cricket powder is produced in Estonia.


CORPORATE DATA Company name: Eesti Pagar AS Date established: 15.08.1996 Field of activity: Food Products Turnover: €56,980,000 Employees: 280 Brands: 90% of export sales are done under Private Label.

CONTACT DATA Website: Address: Tööstuse tn 34, 72720 Paide, Estonia E-mail: Phone: +372 384 9260

Your reliable producer of frozen bakery products

Company description: Leading bakery in E ­ stonia with local market share of over 45%.Combining old traditions and modern technologies we have created a wide range of frozen bakery products that are being supplied to more than 20 countries all over the world. Assortment includes traditional rye and wheat breads, rolls and baguettes, sandwich buns, Bake Off pastries, cakes and desserts. Products are available in retail and Food Service packages, both branded and under Private Label. Products and services: • Traditional rye breads, toast breads and sandwich buns for retail and Food Service • Bake at home product range with over 30 different SKUs • No waste supply chain concept for breads and cakes • Sweet and Savory Bake Off products Export countries/markets: Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Hong Kong, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russian Federation, South Korea, Sweden, The Netherlands, USA (the United States of America).




CORPORATE DATA Company name: Liviko AS Date established: 25.09.1898 Field of activity: Manufacturing Employees: 264 Brands: Crafter’s gins, Vana Tallinn liqueur, Viru Valge Vodka, Hõbe Vodka, Bellingshausen Vodka, Kingsmill gin, Caribba rum, Cooler rtd, etc.

CONTACT DATA Website: Address: Masina 11, Tallinn, 10144 Harjumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: +372 667 8000


Company description: Liviko is a rapidly developing international group specializing in premium alcohol, selling its own products on 60 markets and representing the world’s leading premium brands in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Products and services: Liviko produces more than 70 alcoholic and nonalcoholic beverages. Our best-known products, Vana Tallinn and Crafter’s, are represented in the trendconscious and demanding duty-free and travel retail sector, and sold in Europe, America, Asia and Oceania. Export countries/markets: Andorra, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Canada, Cyprus, Dubai, Finland, Germany, Great Britain, Hong Kong, India, Israel, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Malaysia, New Zealand, Poland, Romania, Russian Federation, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, The Netherlands, Turkey, Ukraine, USA (the United States of America), Vietnam


CORPORATE DATA Company name: M.V.Wool AS Date established: 30.04.1994 Field of activity: Manufacturing Turnover: €20,000,000 Employees: 112 Brands: M.V.Wool

CONTACT DATA Website: Address: Angerja tee 32, Hüüru küla, Saue vald, 76911 Harjumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: +372 5690 0400

Company description: family-owned company AS M.V.Wool has become one of the biggest fish production and sales companies with the longest traditions in Estonia. The company deals with fresh and frozen fish production as well as sales of various fish products and has a leading position in chilled fish and fish product market in Estonia, also exports its products to international market. M.V.Wool is IFS Food certificated company and have the Kosher, ASC and HACCP certificates.

M.V.Wool has 2 processing plants: Harku plant has a capacity of about 5000 tonnes of goods produced per year. This includes 1500 tonnes of cold smoked salmon, 2000 tonnes of fresh salmon fillets, 1000 tonnes of hot smoked salmon and a smaller quantity of marinated (graved) salmon. Vihterpalu plant has a yearly capacity of about 2000 tonnes of goods produced. M.V.Wool uses fresh Norwegian Salmon and dry salting method in order to guarantee the best taste and quality of the products. In the production of the cold and hot smoked fish M.V.Wool uses crushed beech wood, as it keeps the amount of benzapyren in the fish significantly lower than the required standards. The production has fully automatic smokers. Products and services: we make Private Label and different recipes according to our clients need: • Salmon fillet both chilled and frozen. Different trims A,B,C,D,E • Cold Smoked Salmon and Trout • Salted Salmon and Trout • Gravad Salmon and Trout • Salmon and Trout portions • Hot Smoked Salmon and trout Export markets: Finland, France, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Switzerland.




CORPORATE DATA Company name: Saku Õlletehase AS Date established: 13.12.1901 Field of activity: Manufacturing Turnover: €70,000,000 Employees: 350 Brands: Saku; Kuld; Karl Friedrich; Rock; Saku on Ice; Kiss; Vichy

CONTACT DATA Website: Address: Tallinna mnt 2, Saku alevik, Saku vald, 75501 Harjumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: +372 650 8400

Company description: Saku Brewery is the oldest and largest brewery in Estonia, producing not just beer but also wide range of other soft alcoholic drinks and non-alcoholic drinks. Saku Brewery is part of the Carlsberg Group and also an export partner for 20 markets in the world. The company attaches high importance to educating people in the sphere of drinking culture and responsible consumption of alcohol. Products and services: Beer, cider, near water, soft drinks, still and carbonated water Export countries/markets: Australia, Cyprus, Finland, Germany, Georgia, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russian Federation, Spain, The United Arab Emirates, Ukraine.



CORPORATE DATA Company name: Vipis OÜ Date established: 23.01.1992 Field of activity: Manufacturing Turnover: €830,000 Employees: 11

CONTACT DATA Website: Address: Veldi tee 2, Soodevahe küla, Rae vald, 75322 Harjumaa, Estonia E-mail:

Company description: We manufacture and sell food supplements, cosmetic products and offer subcontracting services for the same types of products. Our product portfolio includes sprays, tablets, juices, oils, tinctures, nasal drops and syrups. Types of our products: • Tinctures • Oils • Nasal drops and gel • Tablets • Vitamin sprays and drops • Juices and syrups • Cosmetics • Intimate hygiene • CBD products We can offer following manufacturing solutions for food supplements, cosmetics and CBD products: • Product development and registration • Filling solutions • Tablet manufacturing • Packaging and labeling




Company name: Atria Eesti OÜ Date established: 31.08.2010 Field of activity: Manufacturing Employees: 260 Brands: Maks & Moorits; Wõro; VK Website: Address: Metsa tn 19, Valga linn, Valga vald, 68206 Valgamaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: + 372 767 9900


Company name: Subland OÜ Date established: 12.07.2002 Field of activity: Manufacturing Turnover: €9,756,597 Employees: 3 Website: Address: Peterburi tee 2F, Tallinn, 11415 Harjumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: + 372 603 0709


ICT sector in top form

Estonia has a reputation of being a successful e-country with an ICT sector in top form. The Coronavirus crisis has brought about new and increasing business opportunities: automation, digitalisation and virtual products/ services. The technology field is becoming increasingly important, with more start-ups being created. The information and communications sector is extensive and includes publishing, feature films, sound recordings, radio and TV programmes, electronic communications, information technology, wholesale of information and communication appliances, etc. Other important fields are cloud services, smart devices, smart internet (sensors, Internet of Things, smart devices and networks), and services. Programming companies make up more than half of this field’s turnover, forming 60% of the sector. The largest are Bolt Operations, Pipedrive, Playtech Estonia, Helmes and Nortal. The second-largest sector concerning turnover is telecommunication enterprises, earning 1/3 of the total turnover. The largest in this field are Telia Eesti, Tele2 Eesti and Elisa Eesti.

The rise of technology companies For Estonia, the information and communications technology (ICT) sector, with almost 7000 companies, has been an important leader in economic growth. This sector also includes a fast-developing sub-sector; Estonia has an increasing number of establishing the technology companies. The annual growth of start-up companies in Estonia has been 20–30%, whether measuring revenue, the number of employees or the amount invested. If this growth of approximately 25% a year continues, more than 50,000 people will be employed in the technology sector in Estonia by 2030. That is 8% of the total number of employees in Estonia. If the growth continues with the same efficiency, the technology sector would contribute 10 billion euros a year to the Estonian economy -which would be an impressive 30% of Estonia’s GDP.

The success story of export continues The success story of the Estonian ICT sector’s exports began in 2016. Since then, the sales of services in foreign markets has been stably growing by 18% a year. Revenue from telecommunications services has also been going slightly upward. In conclusion, the rapid development of the sector has made information and communications the fourth largest sector in Estonia. In terms of volume, it surpasses the transport, warehousing and construction sectors. At the moment, the ICT sector forms more than half of the additional value created by the traditional manufacturing and processing industry.




The share of the number of people employed in business: 5.8%. The added value created in business: over 8%. The share of total taxes paid by Estonian enterprises: 6.6%. Export shares: 10.1%.

Rise of internet services The ICT sector is the one field the coronavirus crisis had a positive effect on. The restrictions related to the virus forced people to find new solutions in all areas of life. In many cases, virtual work made it possible to continue with business. This brought about growth in the sector as new business opportunities emerged. Many enterprises started working remotely, increasing the sales of computers. The need for conference calls emerged, secure access had to be created for systems, e-commerce solutions had to be developed and the availability of internet with adequate speed had to be provided. ICT companies partnered up with aviation, e-commerce, transport and logistics, and manufacturing companies to develop new solutions. Even after the end of the coronavirus pandemic, it can be expected that our former way of life will no longer fully re-emerge and the volume of ICT developments will continue to grow. The changes in the way of life caused by the coronavirus pandemic also had a positive effect on mobile and telecommunications companies. The crisis led to the more active use of home offices. According to Statistics Estonia, the number of people working from home during the waves of the virus increased to 1/3 of all working people. This brought about a significant increase in internet use. In 2020, for example, call volumes on Telia’s mobile network increased by 16% and the use of mobile internet increased by 32%. On some days, the data consumption on Elisa’s cable network increased by 50%. The use of cloud services has increased remarkably in recent years. While in 2019, only one in ten companies had purchased cloud services, in 2020, 57% of companies used them. These services are comprised of main­ly financial or accounting software that is purchased as a cloud ­service, or office software and e-mail services. However, only 9% of companies deal with big data. Similarly, the use of robots is modest. According to a survey by Statistics Estonia, 3% of




billion euros is the annual turnover of the ICT sector

The world’s first call using a 5G network was between Estonia and Finland in 2018. It was a call made by the Estonian and Finnish Ministers of Economic Affairs through the Elisa network.

Estonia has most startups per capita in Europa and has been referred to as Europe’s Silicon Valley.

Estonia is number 1 in Europe (and probably in the world depending on methodology for counting) in number of unicorns per capita. 10 unicorns (and they are world-famous) are founded by Estonian or/and in Estonia: Skype, Playtech, Wise (former TranserWise), Bolt, Pipedrive, Zego,, Gelato, Veriff, Glia.

Estonia was the first country to use blockchain technology at a government level. The world’s largest blockchain company, Guardtime, was created in Estonia, and offers its services to the US and Thai Governments, as well as American telecommunications conglomerate Verizon.

enterprises use industrial robots and only less than 1% of enterprises use service robots. The use of the Internet of Things is more popular than the use of robots, IoT being used by 16% of companies. 38% of them use the Internet of Things to improve customer service and more than 1/3 of companies use it to optimise energy consumption. More than half of IoT consumers use it to track the movement of vehicles and goods.




CORPORATE DATA Company name: Helmes AS Date established: 7.03.1991 Field of activity: Information and Communication

CONTACT DATA Website: Address: Lõõtsa 6, Tallinn, 11415 Harjumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: +372 610 6100

Company description: We are an experienced digital innovation partner. We help companies to build the software they need to grow their business. Our unique methods and team models guarantee world-class service and efficiency. • 30+ years of experience • 61 NPS • 500 customers • 1000+ experts • 10+ offices and development centres Our clients are the leading telecom operators, banks, insurance companies, logistics corporations, healthcare providers and government institutions: Telia, Kühne-Nagel, Solera, Audatex, OECD, e-estonia and many others. Our customers trust us with the design, development, maintenance and aftercare of their most business-critical software solutions and complex system integration projects. Products and services: Our main service: world-class product teams. We specialize in: • Custom software solutions and consulting • Enterprise system integration, incl. IOT • Business consulting and digital trans­formation • Data-driven and real-time economy solutions • Tailor-made machine learning implementation


Export countries/markets: Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Norway, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, The United Kingdom, USA (the United States of America). Achievements: Our key customers see Helmes as their best external development partner. Our Net Promoter Score 61 doubles the software industry benchmark NPS, indicating outstanding customer satisfaction. Through the products we develop we improve lives of more than 100 000 000 people on daily bases. We have been selected as one of top employers in IT in the market for 10 consecutive years.

Helmes was founded in Estonia, the world´s most digital society. Around 30% of e-Estonia is powered by Helmes. Corporate social responsibility: Main principles of Helmes’ social responsibility policy: • We understand that we empower our customers´ impact on the world, and we choose our customers based on our values and company culture. • We are a dedicated supporter of and partner to charity projects focusing on improving physical health and mental well-being and solving environmental problems. • We aim to choose the most impactful way of supporting these projects, be it a direct donation or a charity software solution project.




CORPORATE DATA Company name: Proekspert AS Date established: 06.04.1993 Field of activity: Information and Communication

CONTACT DATA Website: Address: Sõpruse pst 157, Tallinn, 13417 Harjumaa, Estonia (EU) E-mail: Phone: +372 651 8700


Company description: Founded in Estonia in 1993, Proekspert is a professional IT services company. It provides full-cycle customized software services for established enterprises and is a digital partner for device- and machine manufacturers. The company’s strength is developing accurate and reliable products from the ground up, helping manufacturers turn ideas into objects that make human lives easier and better. With embedded software engineering, Proekspert improves existing products and develops new ones with sensors and connectivity to make use of resources in novel, efficient ways, driving the transformation to a greener tomorrow. Proekspert connects all sorts of devices to the cloud, making products cloud-accessible 24/7, and lays the foundation for developing modern interconnected services on top of products. It enhances products with smart digital services that customers value to create new revenue streams. The company’s experience runs from bacteria to space. Proekspert is more than a software company, having worked on clever machines and industrial automation, smart screws, production lines, complex device integrations, banking

backbones, and management automatics – in short, advancing the new industrial revolution. The company’s code makes elevators move and heating systems run. Their software helps to grow useful bacteria and make business decisions. It analyzes satellite images and provides self-service to millions of its clients’ customers. Products and services: Proekspert provides custom software development services through four different technology layers: user interfaces, backend services, data infrastructure, hardware, and firmware.

Proekspert’s vision is a world without digital waste – the total elimination of the inefficient ways of doing things through the creation of new and better human-centric digital solutions. Interests: The company has four offices in Estonia, yet 70% of its turnover comes from 15 international markets. Its primary markets are Denmark, Sweden, Finland and the US. Proekspert delivers next-gen product- and digital services development projects for multiple global electric equipment manufacturers like Danfoss, Stiebel Eltron Group, and Alliance.

Export countries/markets: Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, USA (the United States of America). Proekspert exports to Corporate social responsibility: 15+ countries. Our dream: a world without digital waste. When end-users are not consulted, or a digital product is created based on some “gut feeling,” the final product that is delivered leads to failure – resulting in digital waste: waste of time, money, talent, and potential.




CORPORATE DATA Company name: Bamboo Group OÜ Date established: 31.01.2006 Field of activity: Information and Communication Brands: Bamboo Group, Bamboo Apps, Bamboo Agile.

CONTACT DATA Website: contacts/ Address: Kentmanni 4-2k, Tallinn, 10116 Harjumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: + 372 634 6294

Company description: Bamboo Group is a privately owned group of technology companies with a focus on digital products and services for automotive & mobility, telecom, educational, healthcare, and other businesses. The company provides support for its portfolio in a variety of ways: investments and financing of promising projects, making improvements in operational processes, product management, go-tomarket and monetization strategies; by offering its tech and industry expertise and top-notch specialists. Bamboo Group’s portfolio companies cooperate with clients from 22+ countries, being trusted partners to leading brands, including Jaguar Land Rover, Škoda, NOBE, Rinspeed, A1 Telekom Austria Group, Mobile Telesystems, Orange, Axiata, Telia Sonera, and others. Bamboo Group is listed on NASDAQ OMX. Products and services: • IT audit & technical due diligence • Software development • UX/UI Design • Application modernization • Investments Export countries/markets: UK, United States, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Germany, Luxembourg, France, UAE, Kuwait, Kenya.



CORPORATE DATA Company name: Cybernetica AS Date established: 11.05.1997 Field of activity: Information and Communication Employees: 177 Brands: SplitKey, Sharemind, Unified eXchange Platform

CONTACT DATA Website: Address: Mäealuse tn 2/1, Tallinn, 12618 Harjumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: + 372 639 7991

Company description: Cybernetica has nearly 25 years of experience in building future-proof technologies that rely on research and development. Our unique expertise ranges from secure data exchange like the X-road to digital identity, i-voting, information security and more. Our technologies are used in 35 countries all over the world. Products and services: Cybernetica offers the SplitKey Authentication and Digital Signature Platform, Sharemind privacy preserving technology, and Unified eXchange Platform interoperability platform. We also provide naval and aerial awareness systems, and border surveillance technology. Export countries/markets: Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Germany, Greenland, Japan, Malaysia, Namibia, Switzerland, Tunisia, Ukraine, USA (the United States of America).




CORPORATE DATA Company name: Datel AS Date established: 10.12.1990 Field of activity: Information and Communication Turnover: €10,847,263 Employees: 98 Brands: Sille.Space brings a new level of visibility to ground, infrastructure and real-estate deformation detection and monitoring that opens completely new capabilities for the insurance, infrastructure, energy, real estate and telecoms industries.

CONTACT DATA Website: Address: Endla 4, Tallinn, 10142 Harjumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: + 372 626 3000


Company description: Active on three continents, Datel Group empowers smart communities from the United States to Asia. Through delivering multiple e-government systems, Datel has enabled the transformation of traditionally analogue and manual services to digital and efficient systems across continents. Our clients include Large Private Corporations, Public Sector Companies and Government institutions from different business sectors: Defence structures, Educational and Research institutions, Engineering and Manufacturing Companies and many others including European Space Agency, US Federal Emergency Management Agency, The White House, Eastman Chemical, Schnabel Engineering, Estonian Land Board, Enterprise Estonia, Estonian Road Administration, Estonian Ministry of the Environment, Tallinn City. Products and services: Custom software solutions with technology components of Electronic Mapping (GIS), Big Data Visualization, Real-Time Interoperability, Situational Awareness. Clients are offered end-to-end solutions including project lead and hardware components.


CORPORATE DATA Company name: IB Krates OÜ Date established: 27.11.1997 Field of activity: Industrial Automation and Software Development Turnover: €200,000 Employees: 5 Brands: Schneider Electric; AVEVA; Mitsubishi Electric; Siemens

CONTACT DATA Website: Address: Mäealuse 4, Tallinn, 12618 Harjumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: +372 680 5600

Company description: IB Krates OÜ is a software developer and systems integrator in the field of industrial automation, remote monitoring and embedded systems. We help our customers to make their business processes more effective and safe. IB Krates OÜ was one of the main developers of the Gene-Auto code generator. Products and services: PLC-based process automation integrated to SCADA systems from design to implementation: • industrial assembly lines • packaging machines • concrete mixing and recycling plants • asphalt mixing plants • embedded systems, applications on custom-made hardware Export countries/markets: Finland, France, Germany, Sweden.



we turn dreams


CORPORATE DATA Company name: Net Group OÜ Date established: 13.10.1999 Field of activity: Computer Programming and Consultancy Employees: 120 Brands:,,,

CONTACT DATA Website: Address: A.H. Tammsaare 92, Tallinn, 13423 Harjumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: +372 664 4355

Company description: It’s amazing what smart technology can do for people. And what smart people can do with technology. We have been in the IT business for more than 20 years so we talk from experience. From e-commerce to e-governments, from infrastructure to innovating corporations we have dreamt and built it all. Yes, not only do we write great code, but we understand what drives users and your business. We are there for you at every step from consulting to the final product. To put it simply – we turn your dreams into solutions and ideas into value. We have empowered digital transformation for governments, local municipalities as well as big corporations and start-ups in EMEA region and our NPS score is 85. Products and services: • Business process consultancy • Digital transformation roadmaps • Custom software development • eCommerce digital solutions • Financial sector digital solutions



CORPORATE DATA Company name: Nortal AS Date established: 14.03.2000 Field of activity: Information and Communication Employees: 1100

CONTACT DATA Website: Address: Lõõtsa tn 6 C, Tallinn, 11415 Harjumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: + 372 610 1990

Company description: Nortal is a leading digital transformation company that brings together world-class strategic consulting, software engineering, data and design practices to create meaningful impact for our customers and shape the future together. Nortal has planned and implemented over 40% of Estonia’s digital disruption, which means we have the unique experience of building a digital, seamless society. Moreover, Nortal knows how to successfully export this knowledge and expertise. Today, we help world-leading governments, healthcare institutions and businesses, some of which top the Fortune 500 list, transform their organizations in Europe, North America and the Middle East. Be it through better tax systems, improved healthcare or more convenient services. We build strong local companies part of a global network reaching both sides of the Atlantic. Working with Nortal, our customers always get the best of our global team of over 1000 experts.




CORPORATE DATA Company name: Positium OÜ Year of foundation: 07.02.2003 Sector: Information and Communication Employees: 24

CONTACT DATA Website: Address: Soola tn 8, Tartu, 51004 Tartu maakond, Estonia Phone: +372 7 341 144 E-mail:

Company description: Positium is the leading expert in mobile positioning data analytics for official statistics in tourism, mobility and population. Products/services: Positium provides high­ quality methods and processing tools to transform mobile positioning data into valuable insights – the Positium Data Mediator suite of products. The company also offers analysis, consultancy and GIS expertise. Market: Positium mainly works with governmental institutions around the world for statistics production in the fields of tourism, mobility and population. International presence: Positium works in some of the biggest and smallest countries in Europe, Asia, the Middle East and Africa. Positium’s expertise is valued by international organisations like the GSMA, the UN Statistics Division, ITU, WTO, Eurostat and the OECD. Values and strengths: We strive for the future where every country in the world benefits from mobile positioning data for the good of society. Clients value our love for data, understanding of their processes and focus on quality.



CORPORATE DATA Company name: VEERA OÜ Date established: 22.07.2016 Field of activity: Information and Communication Brands: VeeRa

CONTACT DATA Website: Address: Kastani 42, Tartu, 50410 Tartu maakond, Estonia E-mail: Phone: + 372 656 5000

Company description: VeeRa is a cloud based software for financial planning and budget monitoring. A perfect tool for local municipalities, governments, medium and large size companies. VeeRa help organisations and financial departments to focus their main tasks and to improve work efficiency. Compared to the expensive tailor-made solutions, the VeeRa application is ready to use, affordable and fully integratable with the different ERPs and Microsoft Power BI for example. VeeRa’s information security system has been audited and found to meet the requirements of international standard ISO 27001:2013. VeeRa is helping the best-run local governments and businesses make the world run better! Products and services: Cloud based software (Software as a service) for financial planning and budget monitoring for larger organisations.



With a strong grip: Estonia’s machine and metal industry

The machine and metal industry in Estonia has a long history and the importance of this sector is clearly reflected in its economic indicators. Specifically, the machine and metal industry employs almost 20,000 people, which is about 1/3 of those employed in the Estonian industrial sector over­ all. Added value and productivity indicators outperform other industries. The product range of the Estonian metal and machinery industry is wide. It ranges from metal packaging and containers to forest and construction machinery, as well as metal structures and elevators. The total annual turnover of the metal and machinery industry is 2.4 billion euros and 2/3 of the production is exported. However, the export volume of the machine and metal industry differs by economic activity – the machine industry is more export-oriented (about 3/4 of the turnover) than the metal industry, for which foreign and domestic markets are equally important. The machinery industry has the largest share of exports in motor vehicle and trailer manufacturing (over 90% of production is exported). The Estonian metal and machinery industry is positively affected by the trend to bring production back to Europe caused by the corona pandemic, given that long supply chains are risky. In particular, Estonian companies have the opportunity to participate in the supply networks of European companies. At the same time, even closer supply chains in the metal and machinery industries will not avoid disruptions, which will increase the prices of production inputs and semi-finished and finished products. In addition to shortening supply chains, Estonia also has another advantage over China – local companies offer the opportunity to manufacture small series and tailor-made products. The third trend powering the machinery industry is digitalisation across all industrial sectors to increase production efficiency. The increase in the production of industrial robots due to digitalisation may bring new orders to the sector.


billion euros is the total annual turnover of the metal and machinery industry



A large-scale metal industry The Estonian metal industry is one of the largest manufacturing industries after the wood industry and the food industry. Nearly 1,500 companies manufacture machinery and equipment and process metal, employing about 14,000 people. The metal industry is concentrated in Tallinn and its vicinity (60% of employees) and Ida-Virumaa, Pärnumaa and Tartumaa (about 1/10 of the workforce). The largest companies are AS Metaprint, which manufactures aerosol containers, AS Estanc, which manufactures non-pressure tanks, LNG storarage tanks etc, Hanza Mechanics Tartu AS, AS Favor, AQ Lasertool OÜ process metal, and OÜ Marketex Offshore Constructions and AS AXIS Tech Estonia, which manufactures metal constructions. Exports of metal products increased despite the pandemic. Almost half of the metal industry’s production is sold to the Nordic countries. The biggest export market is Finland, which accounts for about 30% of exports.

Diverse machinery industry There are about 200 mainly small and medium-sized manufacturers of machinery and equipment in Estonia with a total of about 4,000 employees. It is a growing industry that manufactures technologies, equipment and services for all other industries and end-users. The machinery industry’s output is also exported across the Atlantic, but the biggest export market is Finland. The largest companies in the Estonian machinery industry are AS ­Hekotek, which manufactures wood processing equipment, and OÜ Palmse Mehaanikakoda and Oniar OÜ, which manufacture forestry trailers and log lifts, and AS Sami, etc., which manufactures construction hoists and forestry machinery. Larger companies are located in Tallinn and Harjumaa but the machinery industry is represented in almost every region of Estonia.



In the second decade of the 20th century, submarines were built at the Noblessner shipyard in Tallinn. One of the owners of the factory was Emanuel Nobel, nephew of Alfred Nobel, the chemist and founder of the Nobel Prize.

In 2019, the BLRT Group, the largest industrial group in the Baltics, mainly engaged in shipbuilding, repairs, and metal production and processing, built a 1100-tonne floating system also known as a loading berth for a Norwegian company to pump offshore oil products. In 2021, a unique lifting tower was built for underwater diamond mining in Namibia.

The world’s first autonomous hydrogen vehicle, created by the Estonian enterprise Auve Tech in cooperation with University of Tartu researchers, was presented to the public in 2021. The driver­less hydrogen vehicle is an environmentally friendly alternative to personal cars. The hydrogen used in the hydrogen cell makes it possible to produce the electricity needed to run the vehicle inside the vehicle, and the only by-products are vaporised water and heat.




CORPORATE DATA Company name: AIM Production OÜ Date established: 16.12.2011 Field of activity: Manufacturing Turnover: €4,300,000 Employees: 50

CONTACT DATA Website: Address: Kesk tee 17, Jüri alevik, Rae vald, 75301 Harjumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: + 372 506 7778

Company description: AIM Production aims to be the No. 1 partner in the European industrial sector by offering the manufacturing of high-quality and functional products. Our strength is in the high quality welding and finishing. We are focusing on stainless steel and aluminium products. We see our clients as challenges and help them find solutions to even the most complicated issues and focus on their products. Products and services: • Project management and procurement • High quality welding • 15085 CL 1 welding • Wet painting • Mechanical assembly • Pneumatics assembly • Hydraulics assembly • Electrical assembly • Functional testing • 3D scanning Export countries/markets: Denmark, Estonia, Faroe Islands, Finland, Germany, Norway, Sweden.



CORPORATE DATA Company name: HANZA Mechanics Tartu and Narva Date established: 22.03.1996 Field of activity: Manufacturing Turnover: €60,000,000 Employees: 500

CONTACT DATA Website: Address: Puiestee 2, Tartu, 50303 Tartumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: + 372 511 2308


Company description: HANZA is a global knowledge-based manufacturing company that modernizes and streamlines the manufacturing industry. Through production facilities with various manufacturing technologies grouped into local clusters as well as advisory services, we create shorter lead times, more environmentally friendly processes and increased profitability for our customers. This means we are contributing to a better and more sustainable future. The company was founded in 2008 and today has sales exceeding SEK 2 billion, with operations in Sweden, Germany, Finland, Estonia, Poland, Czech Republic and China. Among our clients you find leading companies such as ABB, Epiroc, Getinge, Oerlikon, Saab and Siemens. HANZA Cluster Baltics is a multifunctional manufacturing cluster with a broad range of machines, equipment and appliances to meet your needs. We have two production sites in Estonia. HANZA Mechanics Tartu offers complete manufacturing solutions for various sectors, including medical equipment and appliances for food industry. In sheet metal production, we perform cutting, bending, punching, welding and powder coating. Our machining services include milling, turning, grinding, EMD and surface

treatment. In cabling, we perform cutting, crimping, marking and assembly. We are able to assemble fully functional and tested products. HANZA Mechanics Narva provides manufacturing solutions in heavy mechanics. Our customers come from the mining, energy, material handling and mechanical engineering sectors. We also offer assembly services, which includes final assembly and testing of systems. We have ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 3834-2 certified factories. Products and services: We offer complete manufacturing solutions: sheet metal, cable harnesses, turning, milling, heavy mechanics, surface treatment, powder coating, welding, assembly, testing and more. Export countries/markets: Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Norway, Spain, Sweden, The Netherlands, The United Kingdom

and “2020 Supplier Recognition Award” by PerkinElmer HANZA Mechanics Tartu “Supplier award in a fight against Covid-19” by Getinge

Interests: We are looking potential customers who are a low or medium volumes producer OEM, willing to outsource part or full range of production with a growth potential of more than 5 MEUR per annum with us. We are producing low and medium volume very complex and more simple products with yearly volumes from 1 pc if needed. Our goal is not a “sell-buy” relationship, but we are seeking long-term partnership which is based on mutual understanding of the nature of the business and also the needs of the customer and the end-market. We value trust, transparency and respect of our partners.

Achievements: Awards: • HANZA appointed Supplier of the year by 3M (2019) • HANZA Mechanics Tartu “Supplier Excellence Award in a fight against Covid-19”




CORPORATE DATA Company name: Zircon Group OÜ Date established: 30.07.2009 Field of activity: Toolmaking company Employees: 43

CONTACT DATA Website: Address: Ampri tee 1, Lubja küla, Viimsi vald, 74010 Harjumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: +372 620 5900


Company description: The Zircon Group OÜ is one of the leading tool making companies in the Baltic Countries. The company offers full range support and help in product development from vision to finished mass-product: engineering, product design, part optimization, prototypes, moulding/ stamping tools, part manufacturing (injection moulding, stamping) and secondary operations & assembly. Zircon has a reputation for manufacturing quality, efficient tools with high production stability. Our aim is to establish a close working relationship with all our customers. Therefore we recognize the need for a high level of service which most importantly includes, meeting tight deadlines and delivering quality products at competitive prices. Our ability to offer the best price and quality ratio is proved by long-term cooperation with such companies as OSRAM, ABB, Tyco Electronics and many others. The Zircon Group has extensive experience in manufacturing dies and injection moulds for car industry in the European, United States and Mexican markets (General Motors, Volkswagen USA). Our main export markets are the European Union (40%), United States (25%) and Russia (25%).

Zircon applies the management system in the line with EN ISO 9001:2015 standard. Zircon owns memberships in Estonian Plastics Association, Federation of Estonian Engineering Industry, The International Special Tooling & Machining Association and The Estonian Special Tooling Association. Products and services: Design and production of dies and moulds, precision engineering (high-precision parts), injection moulding and stamping from trial series up to large projects. Achievements: The company uses a wide selection of equipment from simple lathes to complex CNC processing centers. Recently Zircon

Group invested in to two new machines (linear erosion machine and 5-axis machining centre) that ensure the best quality and gives the ability to decrease overall lead time of our customer’s finished product! Corporate social responsibility: The devices conform to EU demands of present day, have passed the necessary quality tests, have CE label and type certifications wherever it will be necessary. The company has ISO 9001:2015 for research and development, design, production and maintenance of mechanical and electronic devices. R&D is continuing constantly. Behind the high quality of our devices is the good cooperation with the customers as only together we may go on.





CORPORATE DATA Company name: Afterone OÜ Date established: 29.04.2004 Field of activity: Manufacturing Turnover: €1,600,000 Employees: 22 Brands: AIXON®; AFTERONE®

CONTACT DATA Website: Address: Lembitu tn 8, Tartu, 50406 Tartumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: +372 5622 4706

Company description: Afterone Ltd. is an ISO9001 certified company offering high-level CNC-turning and milling services. The Company management team believes that manufacturing excellence can only be achieved by the whole production team’s focused effort on quality and productivity and by intelligent planning and process analysis. Constant investments into contemporary machine tools and maximum focus on quality have made Afterone one of the most valuable subcontractors in Estonia. Products and services: CNC-turning and milling services, 5-axis milling, multiaxis milling, AIXON® products development, AIXON® jaws, AIXON® products Export countries/markets: Finland, Germany, Latvia, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland.



CORPORATE DATA Company name: Danival MW OÜ Date established: 11.03.2008 Field of activity: Manufacturing Turnover: €4,308,776 Employees: 24

CONTACT DATA Website: Address: Silikaltsiidi 7, 11216 Tallinn, Estonia E-mail: Phone: +372 5191 9920

Company description: Danival MW OÜ’s main field of activity is in execution of various types of metal work. Our product portfolio includes both single details and finished products. We handle the bending and rolling of tubes and profiles, as well as various types of welding work. Depending on the client’s specifications, we can finish ready-made products by means of hot-dip galvanising or powder coating. Products and services: The main areas of metalworking are tube bending on a mandrel bender, profile bending, tube material laser cutting, sheet metal processing, welding, profile cutting and assembling. Export countries/markets: Denmark, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Norway, Sweden.




CORPORATE DATA Company name: ELME Metall OÜ Date established: 31.05.2001 Field of activity: Wholesale and Retail Turnover: €230,000,000 Employees: 500 Brands: ELME METALL

CONTACT DATA Website: Address: Vana-Narva mnt 24a, Maardu, 74114 Harjumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: +372 610 2554

Company description: Elme Metall was founded in 2001. The company has branches in 6 European countries: Estonia, Finland, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Russia. Elme Metall offers products and services to companies whose main areas are: • Shipbuilding and ship-repair • Mechanical engineering and metalworking • Industrial, civil and infrastructure construction • Manufacturing of steel constructions • Energy, including oil and gas sector, wind energy (off-shore and on-shore) Products and services: • Focus on Value-Added Processing • Prefabrication of Flat products • Prefabrication of Long and Tubulars products • Prefabrication of reinforcing bar and wire products • Surface treatment and HDG coating Services Export countries/markets: Finland, Germany, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Russian Federation, Sweden, Ukraine.



CORPORATE DATA Company name: Estanc AS Date established: 14.01.1992 Field of activity: Machinery and Equipment N.E.C Turnover: €25,000,000 Employees: 200

CONTACT DATA Website: Address: Põrguvälja tee 5a, Pildiküla, Rae vald, 75308 Harjumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: +372 614 5400

Company description: Estanc AS is a manufacturer of process equipment. Estanc products are found worldwide in energy, petrochemical, hydrogen, carbon capture, pulp & paper, marine, water treatment, and mining sectors. Business sectors: • Nuclear power • Carbon capture • Oil&Gas • Hydrogen • Pulp & Paper • Energy / Power • Petrochemical • Marine • Water treatment • Mining Main products: • Pressure Vessels • Heat exchangers & Tube bundles • Scrubbers • Feedwater tanks • Chimneys • Pipe modules • Non-pressure tanks etc Export countries/markets: All over the world.




CORPORATE DATA Company name: Hallberg Mechanics Tartu AS Date established: 13.08.2010 Field of activity: Manufacturing Turnover: €5,000,000 Employees: 40

CONTACT DATA Website: Address: Tööstuse tee 7, Tõrvandi alevik, Kambja vald, 61715 Tartumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: +372 5565 5266

Company description: Hallberg Mechanics Tartu AS is a Swedish contract manufacturer located in Tartu, Estonia. The company was established in 2010 and belongs to HSF Group whose roots go back for one hundred years. In Hallberg Mechanics Tartu AS we are specialized in fine mechanics, but we do also bigger parts. Most of our customers are international high-tech companies. Our technical scope, resource optimization and capacity to manage large volumes are our three most important competitive advantages and as part of HSF Group it gives us unique opportunities to use resources efficiently. We can always direct production and assembly between the factories in Estonia and Sweden that will give our clients the best results. Services: • CNC turning • CNC milling • CNC stamping and bending • Assembly Export countries/markets: Belgium, Finland, France, Latvia, Norway, Slovakia, Sweden, The Netherlands, USA (the United States of America).



CORPORATE DATA Company name: Mammaste Metall OÜ Date established: 24.10.1990 Field of activity: Other Manufacturing Employees: 11

CONTACT DATA Website: Address: Metalli tee 3, Mammaste, Põlva vald, 63211 Põlvamaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: + 372 799 4068

Company description: Metal constructions from ferrous, stainless metal. Cutting, welding and bending work. Machinery building production. Products and services: Please check our website Export countries/markets: Finland, Norway, Sweden.




CORPORATE DATA Company name: Meiren Engineering OÜ Date established: 20.02.2003 Field of activity: Manufacturing Employees: 18 Brands: Meiren – snow plows and rotary brooms; Humus – tractor trailers, buckets and grapples

CONTACT DATA Website: Address: Väike-Männiku 7, Tallinn, 11216 Harjumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: + 372 5649 9190

Company description: Meiren Engineering OÜ is one of the leading snow plow producers in Northern Europe. Meiren products are mainly known as professional and innovative tools for high quality snow removal. Meiren products are well known and acknowledged in Nordic and Baltic countries. Products and services: Snow removal equipment for trucks, tractors, wheel loaders and SUVs. • • • • • • • • • •

Diagonal snow plows Side wing snow plows Under body snow plow/ scraper V- snow plows Airport snow plows W- snow plow Rear snow plow/ scraper Rotary broom Hydraulic control system for trucks HUMUS products

Export countries/markets: Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Slovenia, Spain, Slovakia, Sweden, Switzerland, The Netherlands.



CORPORATE DATA Company name: Metaprint AS Date established: 8.11.1995 Field of activity: Manufacturing Turnover: €75,000,000 Employees: 257

CONTACT DATA Website: Address: Suur-Sõjamäe 30, Tallinn, 11415 Harjumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: + 372 617 7850

Company description: Established in 1891, Metaprint is a modern and innovative aerosol packaging manufacturer with a long history. Using our extensive experience, we help our customers package millions of liters of various products every day. Metaprint is one of the biggest manufacturers of technical aerosol containers in Europe. Products and services: We produce threepiece steel aerosol containers with or without printing. Metaprint’s selection of products includes aero­ sol containers in various diameters and sizes. We produce necked-in and straight-side aerosol containers in diameters of 52 mm, 57 mm or 65 mm, from 100 ml to 1,000 ml. Export countries/markets: Belarus, Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, India, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Russian Federation, Sweden, Switzerland, The Netherlands.




CORPORATE DATA Company name: Palmse Metall OÜ Date established: 19.02.2002 Field of activity: Manufacturing Turnover: €9,000,000 Employees: 48 Brands: Palmse Trailer, Robus

CONTACT DATA Website: Address: Võsupere küla, Haljala vald, 45405 Lääne-Viru maakond, Estonia E-mail: Phone: + 372 326 0290

Company description: Palmse Metall OÜ is a manufacturing enterprise which operates based on Estonian capital and which is the owner of the “Palmse Trailer” trademark. Palmse Metall OÜ started producing trailers in 2005 in Lääne-Viru County. The Palmse Metall OÜ production plant is located in Palmse, in Haljala Parish. The total surface area of the production complex is about 10000 m2. The modernisation of the production technology began in 2007, during the course of which the production building was renovated and an office with nonwork rooms was built. The production rooms are divided according to the activities that take place within them and in a logical working order. At the end of 2008, the shot blasting and painting room was completed, allowing us to provide a significantly better product quality than in the early years. Products and services: Manufacturer of agricultural and road construction trailers. Export countries/markets: Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, The Netherlands.



CORPORATE DATA Company name: Plekikeskus OÜ Date established: 26.02.2016 Field of activity: Manufacturing Turnover: €650,000

CONTACT DATA Website: Address: Järveotsa tee 21-37, Tallinn, 13520 Harjumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: + 372 521 5672

Company description: Plekikeskus OÜ was established in 2016 with the purpose of manufacturing custom made sheet metal products with very short deadlines. Today our product range has divided into four different segments: facades and ceilings, ship building, roofing, custom made products. All the products are manufactured from various sheet metal materials, such as steel, aluminium, stainless steel, copper, brass, titan zinc, anodized aluminium, etc. The company manufactures bent profiles from sheet metal and other products according to the customer’s wishes. We are very flexible and offer very short deadlines for all the products. Products and services: Sheet metal products for facades and ceilings, ship building, roofing & vide selection of custom made details. Export countries/markets: Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Sweden, The Netherlands.




CORPORATE DATA Company name: Radius OÜ Date established: 16.03.2005 Field of activity: Manufacturing Turnover: €8,000,000 Employees: 85 Brands: Radius Machining; Radius Hydraulics; Radius Linder

CONTACT DATA Website: Address: Sära tee 8, Peetri alevik, Rae vald, 75312 Harjumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: + 372 5556 8268

Company description: Radius is a contract manufacturing company with three business units that provide CNC turning and CNC milling services, hydraulic tube and hose assemblies and hydraulic cylinders for the OEM sector. We produce over 2 500 000 mechanical parts per year for various industry sectors such as – industrial machines, energy & logistics. We strive to be the first choice for entrepreneurs and original equipment manufacturers. Radius Group is efficient in manufacturing high quality products and being a reliable innovative partner for our customers. Everything in our radius – from a single component to the complete system! Products and services: • CNC Turning • CNC Milling • Assembly • Hydraulic tubes & assemblies • Hydraulic hose sets & assemblies • Production of custom made hydraulic cylinders Export countries/markets: Austria, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland.



CORPORATE DATA Company name: Terasman OÜ Date established: 29.05.2001 Field of activity: Manufacturing Turnover: €4,500,000 Employees: 37

CONTACT DATA Website: Address: Osmussaare Str 8, Tallinn, 13811 Harjumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: + 372 53 421 660

Company description: Terasman OÜ is a metalworking and mechanical engineering company based in Estonia. We have excellent skills and experience in producing custom-made conveyors, belt feeders, silos, hoppers, platforms and structural steel. We can provide full design solutions or fabricate according to customers drawings as a subcontractor and work with projects in various levels of maturity. Our engineers work with most common file formats and programs like DWG, NC, STP, IFC, AutoCAD, Inventor, Tekla etc. Terasman OÜ has all the necessary ISO certificates for production. We have separate facilities for assembly, sandblasting and painting. Materials we are experienced with, include carbon steel, stainless steel and steels of special grades. Export countries/markets: Finland, Sweden, Norway, Germany, United Kingdom.




CORPORATE DATA Company name: Toci OÜ Date established: 27.01.2006 Field of activity: Manufacturing Employees: 60

CONTACT DATA Website: Address: Tehnoringi tee, Kõrveküla, Tartu vald, 60512 Tartumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: + 372 5660 4111

Company description: Toci OÜ is one of the leading Baltic manufacturers of profile and sheet metal products used in the engineering industry. At Toci’s metal works unit, products are made from aluminium, stainless steel, and carbon steel. We specialise in manufacturing products for large orders, while still remaining flexible enough to fulfil single special orders as well. Our everyday work includes manufacturing various marine navigation elements, wind turbines, machines, industrial equipment, metal parts for the electricity and electronics industry, and different construction products. Toci OÜ operates in compliance with the strict requirements of standards ISO 9001, ISO 14001, EN1090, and Achilles. The enterprise employs specialists in the fields of production, automation, quality, and production control. Export countries/markets: Finland, Germany, Norway, Sweden, The Netherlands.



CORPORATE DATA Company name: Torm Metall OÜ Date established: 6.03.2008 Field of activity: Manufacture of fabricated metal products Turnover: €18,000,000 Employees: 200

CONTACT DATA Website: Address: Sepa 15 C, 50113 Tartu, Estonia E-mail: Phone: + 372 731 0999

Company description: Torm Metall OÜ offers a wide range of production services. Although a relatively young company, Torm has a comprehensive range of in-house capabilities. The main capabilities include laser and waterjet cutting of sheet metal; laser cutting of tube and profile; bending; welding; powder coating and much more. The main materials used are mild steel, stainless steel and aluminum, but we also assemble products with components made of wood, plastics, leather etc. Torm is a trusted supplier to many well-known large industrial companies and also a full-service production partner to companies that don’t have their own production. The high level of quality management has made it possible for Torm to be a trusted supplier to customers in highly demanding customers in automotive and energy sectors among others. Also, Torm produces consumer products that have high demands on visual appearance that are fully assembled and packaged by Torm ready for delivery to the end customer.

ISO 9001 ISO 14001 ISO 45001

BUREAU VERITAS Certification




CORPORATE DATA Company name: Windak OÜ Date established: 8.04.2004 Field of activity: Manufacturing Employees: 50

CONTACT DATA Website: Address: Treiali tee 3, Peetri, 75312 Harku vald, Estonia E-mail: Phone: + 372 655 9411


Company description: Windak is the leading provider of material handling and packaging solutions for the wire, cable, tube, hose, and automotive industries. Products and services: We produce high-speed rewind lines, fully automatic spooling lines, versatile coiling lines, a multitude of palletizers, and breakthrough coiling solutions. Export countries/markets: Argentina, Aus­tralia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Costa Rica, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Israel, Italy, Ivory Coast, Kazakhstan, Laos, Latvia, Lithuania, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, New Zealand, Norway, Oman, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Qatar, Romania, Russian Federation, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, The Nether­lands, The United Arab Emirates, The United Kingdom, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, USA (the United States of America), Uzbekistan, Venezuela.


CORPORATE DATA Company name: Volume Design OÜ Date established: 1.08.1995 Field of activity: Manufacturing Turnover: €5,500,000 Employees: 55

CONTACT DATA Website: Address: Reti tee 5, Peetri küla, Rae vald, 75312 Harjumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: +372 655 5161

Company description: Our 4,000-square-meter illuminated advertising production plant is located in Jüri Tehnopark, Estonia. The team of Volume Design OÜ consists of more than 50 specialists in their field, whose professional knowledge and skills ensure a high-quality end product for our customers. All stages of production are managed and controlled in accordance with the ISO standard and the products comply with the CE mark. This ensures that all our products comply with the health, safety and environmental protection requirements of the European Union, and ensures that the product is of high quality and has a long service life. Products and services: • Channel letters • Illuminated boxes • Advertising pylons • Volumetric letters • Portals Export countries/markets: Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden.




Company name: APL Production AS Date established: 31.12.1992 Field of activity: Manufacturing Turnover: €13,630,373 Employees: 141 Website: Address: Kvartsliiva tn 4, Tallinn, 11216 Harjumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: + 372 679 9300


Company name: Clyde Bergmann Eesti AS Date established: 31.07.1993 Field of activity: Manufacturing Turnover: €6,920,000 Employees: 83 Website: Address: Mustamäe tee 5 A, Tallinn, 10616 Harjumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: +372 625 9570


Company name: I&T Metall OÜ Date established: 30.06.1994 Field of activity: Machinery and Equipment N.E.C Turnover: €1,900,000 Employees: 21 Website: Address: Vitamiini 5, Tartu, 51014 Tartumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: +372 504 1575



Company name: Cleveron AS Date established: 24.07.2007 Field of activity: Manufacturing Employees: 180 Brands: Cleveron, Cleveron Mobility Website: Address: Reinu tee 48, Viljandi, 71020 Viljandimaa, Estonia E-mail:


Company name: Elsorel OÜ Date established: 1.10.1995 Field of activity: Electrical Equipment Employees: 7 Website: Address: Kopli 35B, Tallinn, 10412 Harjumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: +372 672 9707


Company name: K.Met AS Date established: 22.10.1991 Field of activity: Manufacturing Turnover: €4,250,000 Employees: 75 Website: Address: Kõmsi tee 17, Kõmsi küla, Lääneranna vald, 90102 Pärnumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: + 372 477 5380


Company name: Monik OÜ Date established: 8.02.1998 Field of activity: Manufacturing Employees: 80 Website: Address: Suur-Sõjamäe 30/5, Tallinn, 11415 Harjumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: + 372 616 5660


Company name: Ojala Estonia OÜ Date established: 24.04.2013 Field of activity: Fabricated Metal Products, Except Machinery and Equipment Employees: 70 Website:;https:// Address: Harku tee 63, Tabasalu alevik, Harku vald, 76901 Harjumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: + 372 622 8063


Company name: Tammsalu EPT AS Date established: 13.10.1950 Field of activity: Manufacturing Turnover: €2,166,770 Employees: 52 Website: Address: Tehnika tn 2, Tamsalu, Tapa vald, 46107 Lääne-Virumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: + 372 323 0560



There is no gold nor silver…

The Estonian mining industry has a long history. The sector’s products have found their way into homes and offices in Estonia and across the world as building and heating materials. One of the industry’s products, peat soil, also finds its way into many gardens. A well-known Estonian song says: “there is no gold nor silver found in our country“. That is true – Estonian soil holds no gold or other precious metals. However, Estonia is rich in a number of essential minerals. Today, oil shale, peat, and natural construction materials such as sand, gravel, limestone, dolomite and clay are mined in Estonia. Other mineral resources are not mined like phosphorite, granite, graptolitic argillite, and iron ore. Estonia has mineral resources in an area that makes up more than 10% of the country’s total span. The annual turnover of the mining industry reaches nearly 400 million euros.

The oil shale industry is in the midst of changes The history of the Estonian oil shale industry dates back more than a hundred years. The oil shale industry plays a crucial role in energy production and as a direct and indirect employer. The oil shale mined in Ida-Virumaa is primarily used for electricity production. Moreover, it is also used as raw material by oil shale producers such as the state-owned energy producer Eesti Energia and the world’s biggest shale oil producer, Viru Keemia Grupp. The lion’s share of the shale oil produced in Northern Estonia is exported. The green transition is about to change the oil shale industry significantly. The first steps for this have already been taken. For example, the state-owned energy producer Eesti Energia plans to stop using oil shale for electricity production by 2030. By 2045, the company plans to stop the production of shale oil; factories will start producing polymers for the chemical industry from plastic waste and tires. Not only Eesti Energia but the whole oil shale industry is increasingly turning its face to chemical production and one way is to start recycling plastic waste into oil and gas.

Digital transition underground and on the ground Digitalisation has found its way into the everyday life of the Estonian mining industry. New information technology solutions and automation have led to the use of self-driving mining machines and drones. This means that more work is done on the ground as mining processes can now be managed from control panels at ground level.




million euros is the annual turnover of the mining industry.

PEAT FROM ESTONIA IS SOLD IN 120 COUNTRIES Estonia’s tradition of peat production and use dates back hundreds of years. Peat, a valuable mineral resource, covers more than a fifth of Estonia’s area. However, mining is only done in a small percentage of peatlands. Peat is used for both heating and horticulture, and it is also a valued absorbent in pollution responses. There are approximately 35 companies in Estonia that mine about 700,000–900,000 tonnes of peat a year. The annual turnover of the sector is 100 million euros, of which 90% makes up exports. Peat products manufactured in Estonia are sold in 120 countries all over the world. Although the export of peat reaches many different countries, Europe still accounts for 90-95% of exports. The largest countries for export are Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium. Among the more distant places where Estonian peat is exported are Mexico, China, the Middle East and Africa.



Considering the area of peatlands, ​​ Estonia ranks third in Europe after Finland and Sweden.

10% of global peat products are produced in Estonia.

Although there is both oil shale and phosphorite in Estonia, technological dolomite can be considered our most valuable mineral. The magnesium content of technological dolomite must not be less than 18%, but this percentage is more than 20 in Estonian dolomite. Estonian dolomite can be used to produce high-priced metallic magnesium on the world market, which is needed by the automotive and aircraft industries.




Company name: Eesti Turbatooted AS Date established: 31.03.1993 Field of activity: Mining and Quarrying Employees: 23 Website: Address: Turba tee 14, Ramsi alevik, Viljandi vald, 71101 Viljandimaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: + 372 434 0243


Company name: Elva E.P.T. AS Date established: 18.07.1991 Field of activity: Mining and Quarrying Employees: 40 Website: Address: Kirde põik 6, Elva linn, Elva vald, 61506 Tartumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: + 372 735 6386


Company name: Tootsi Turvas AS Date established: 21.07.1937 Field of activity: Mining and Quarrying Turnover: €22,700,000 Employees: 33 Brands: Tootsi Turvas Website: Address: Büroomaja 1, Papiniidu 5, Pärnu, 80010 Pärnumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: + 372 447 1530


The plastics industry: from seals to baths

The Estonian plastics industry has a century-long history and its products are used in numerous fields. The local plastics industry supplies both domestic and foreign markets with various packaging, furniture, vehicle fittings, pipes, hoses, building components and much more, and the turnover of the sector is almost 500 million euros. About 60% of the products from the Estonian plastics industry are sold across the border, almost half of exports go to Sweden and Finland. A few hundred mainly small and medium-sized companies operate in the Estonian rubber and plastics industry. For the most part, these are processing companies for which the required raw materials are mainly imported from Europe or the Atlantic Ocean and, to a lesser extent, from developing countries. Among the larger manufacturing companies are Aquaphor International for water filters, Pipelife Eesti for plastic pipes, Estiko-Plastar for films and plastic packaging and Balteco, the largest bath manufacturer in Northern Europe. All the main plastic processing technologies are represented in E ­ stonia – injection moulding, extrusion, blow moulding, rotational moulding, vacuum moulding, machining, etc. 3D printing and 3D scanning of plastic parts are also used. Local companies are typically flexible as they can fulfil smaller batches and special orders. The plastics industry has steadily increased investments over the past five to six years, except during the difficult 2020. Investments have been made in production buildings, machinery, equipment and digitization. More­over, production has become more complex and tasks that require more labour are gradually being replaced by machinery.


million euros is the annual turnover of the plastics industry.




Hiiumaa, the second largest island in Estonia and a popular tourist destination, is also called a plastic island; there are almost ten plastic factories there and the plastics industry is the largest employer on the island.

Estonia also recycles plastics. For example, Dagöplast manufactures used plastic into plastic bags and Neular manufactures patio tables, noise barriers, flower pots and garden accessories. However, plastic bottles find their way into textile production through recycling – Wendre uses them to make mattresses, pillows, and other textile products.

The large-scale production of wood-based, fully recyclable plastic might soon become a possibility in Estonia. Tallinn University of Technology are working out how make plastics from wood residue, turning cellulose into bioplastic, and how to recycle it enviromentally friendly.


The green transition in the European Union and the need to reduce the environmental impact of the economy have not left the plastics industry untouched. Some important points here are creating the preconditions for reusing packaging and moving to a circular economy. According to the Estonian Plastics Industry Association, Estonia is one of the few countries in Europe where there are both the knowledge and technology for the chemical recycling of plastic packaging waste that has not yet been recycled. Extensive development in this area has been carried out, for example, by the state-owned company Eesti Energia, which has the necessary expertise to chemically process plastic waste as well as pyrolysis technology to produce plastic oil suitable for new raw materials.




CORPORATE DATA Company name: Sealvalue Europe OÜ Date established: 19.12.2012 Field of activity: Manufacturing Turnover: €3,000,000 Employees: 12

CONTACT DATA Website: Address: Liivalao tn 11, Tallinn, 11216 Harjumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: + 372 5350 7528


Company description: Leader in the manufacture of security seals and security systems. Unique plastic seals & metal seals marking technologies with R&D department located in Singapore. We supply patented security seals products for the world wide security market. Highest quality plastic seals and metal seals are manufactured by the world’s first fully automated production line. Our European factories guarantee the fastest and most comfortable security seals deliveries all over the world. Products and services: As manufacturers we have a wide range portfolio of security seals products. Our unique, patented marking technology gives a superior result on the security seals including plastic seals, metal seals and security labels with tapes. We offer security seals with straps, sealable fasteners, metal clips, security labels and tapes for postal and logistics organization. Top efficiency and versatility of our security seals products and our team has attracted customers from all over the world in industries such as food, banking and cash-in-transit, maritime and air and land transport, utilities, textile, chemical, agriculture, livestock and fishing, forestry, wholesale and retail, oil extraction, automotive, online sales, postal and courier services, public bodies etc.

Export countries/markets: At present SealValue Europe OÜ company has grown into a network of over 150 distributing partners, serving thousands of customers all over the world Achievements: SEALVALUE EUROPE OÜ has the AAA (Highest Creditworthiness) credit rating since 2017.




CORPORATE DATA Company name: Aquaphor International OÜ Date established: 03.0.2006 Field of activity: Manufacturing Turnover: €83,000,000 Employees: 600 Brands: AQUAPHOR®; AQUAPHOR Professional

CONTACT DATA Website: Address: Kadastiku 33A, 21004 Narva, Estonia E-mail: Phone: + 372 648 5799

Company description: The AQUAPHOR corporation is a leading technology developer and manufacturer of drinking water purifiers, water softeners, and reverse osmosis systems. The company is an expert in both in-home and commercial water filtration. AQUAPHOR unites R&D and manufacturing sites in Estonia, the United States, Israel, and China. All key technologies are intellectual property with 130+ patents globally. The entire production is completely under the control of the company. Products and services: Design and production of water filters & sorbents. The AQUAPHOR corporation is an expert both in-home and commercial water filtration. Powerful RO filters for HoReCa, agriculture, independent laboratories, FMCG production, and cosmetics. Export countries/markets: Bulgaria, Côte d’Ivoire, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Morocco, Norway, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, The Netherlands, Turkey, Ukraine, USA (the United States of America), Vietnam.



CORPORATE DATA Company name: Dagöplast AS Date established: 1.05.1998 Field of activity: Manufacturing Turnover: €16,000,000 Employees: 90 Brands: BioBag; GreenPolly

CONTACT DATA Website: Address: Spordi 4, Käina alevik, Hiiumaa vald, 92101 Hiiumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: + 372 463 6800

Company description: The product range of Dagöplast AS includes various biodegradable, compostable and polyethylene products. In cooperation with our customers, we manufacture exclusive and customized products for many industries. Biobag products are an alternative to traditional film products with their complete compostability and biodegradability. Biobag products are used for food waste collection, hygiene production, and agriculture as mulch film. The products under the GreenPolly brand are made from recycled plastic or a renewable source - CO2-neutral green plastic produced from sugar cane. The products are as strong and durable as conventional polyethylenes, with a much smaller ecological footprint. Even in situations where the production of pure polyethylene is unavoidable, we can offer a solution. Our production lines can produce LD, LLD, MD, and HD polyethylenes. Our production meets the requirements of ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and ISO 22000 standards. Products and services: Biodegradable, compostable, and polyethylene films, garbage bags, handle bags, tire bags, plastic tubes, cable protection tapes, warning tapes, film aprons, and pipes.




CORPORATE DATA Company name: Estiko-Plastar AS Date established: 15.12.1991 Field of activity: Manufacturing Turnover: €39,000,000 Employees: 170

CONTACT DATA Website: Address: Tehase tn 16 C, Tartu, 50107 Tartumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: + 372 730 8340

Products: Flexible packaging – doy bags, top & bottom films, flow films, stand-up bags, ­vacuum bags Services: • Tailor-Made Packaging Solutions • 24/7 Order Placement & Status Overview • Printing Preparation & Repro Works • Packaging Education & Consulting • Sustainability Audit Service • Warehousing of Ready-Made Goods • VMI


Company description: Estiko is one of the leading flexible packaging solutions providers in Scandinavian region. We value partnerships with companies operating in food and other industries aiming for innovative solutions. Thanks to our broad expertise together with 100+ years of innovations and know-how, we enable our customers to deliver their products in safe, sustainable, and superior quality packaging solutions. From the launch of our sustainable packaging alternatives to earning the ISCC certificate, we have always been committed to improving sustainability in all actions we do. All our packaging solutions made in-house are produced with 100% renewable energy. What’s more – we have joined CEFLEX to make all flexible packaging in Europe fully recyclable by 2025. We’re committed to being the supplier of choice for our personalised approach, flexibility, and high quality of packaging.

Export countries/markets: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Sweden, Netherlands, United Kingdom.


CORPORATE DATA Company name: Krah Pipes OÜ Date established: 21.03.2007 Field of activity: Manufacturing Turnover: €9,190,000 Employees: 44 Brands: Krah Pipes

CONTACT DATA Website: Address: Gaasi tee 11, Lehmja küla, Rae vald, 75306 Harjumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: + 372 684 1050

Company description: Krah Pipes is a production and engineering company. The main products in our portfolio are large diameter plastic pipes and different tailor-made products to customer specification. The latter includes tanks, chambers, separation and treatment units, pumping stations, ventilation applications, marine outfall pipelines etc. Our team of engineers helps our customers to find out the best possible solutions for even the toughest challenges, incorporating static calculation of pipes and chambers according to ATV-DVWK-A 127E and Finite Element modelling. We are experts in turning concrete applications to plastic solutions. Our company has up to 15% of domestic sales and exports of more than 85% of our production. Products and services: PE pipes, electrofusion and rubber gasket connection ID500 - ID3000mm (wastewater, rainwater, road culverts, protection pipes, ventilation, outfalls). • Bends, branches, manholes. • Rainwater tanks, chemical tanks, drinking water tanks. • Pumping stations for wastewater and rainwater. • Special solutions




Company name: Talent Plastics Tartu AS Date established: 25.10.2000 Field of activity: Manufacturing Employees: 50 Website: kontor-tartu Address: Tööstuse tee 4, Tõrvandi alevik, Kambja vald, 61715 Tartumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: + 372 742 0760


Company name: Vesmaco OÜ Date established: 7.04.2000 Field of activity: Manufacturing Website: Address: Katusepapi 6, Tallinn, 11412 Harjumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: + 372 641 8550


The printing industry: a leader in the digital revolution

The history of the Estonian printing industry dates back 400 years – the first printing house in Estonia was established in 1631 in Tartu. The organisation of today’s printing houses has changed a lot; the new keyword is smart production as many activities have been automated and more digital printing equipment is used. Recycling and environmentally friendly production have become self-evident – many companies have FSC® and PEFC™ certificates and many own European and Scandinavian eco-labels. There are about 450 active enterprises in the printing sector, among them, 360 printing houses and over 60 companies that produce paper, packages and labels. The annual total turnover of the sector is approximately 500 million euros and the companies employ about 4000 people. The selection of products is wide; printing houses produce books, magazines, newspapers, promotion leaflets, catalogues, product labels, etc. Package producers make packages from film, cardboard and corrugated fibreboard. More than half of the production and three-quarters of produced packaging material is exported mainly to Scandinavian countries, Latvia and Russia. As in other sectors, the majority of companies in the printing and packaging industry are small and medium-sized enterprises. This means that cooperation is needed to fulfil larger and specialised orders. On the other hand, however, small companies allow for more flexibility. After all, uniqueness among competitors in marketing goods and services is of primary importance to companies today. Estonian printing and packaging companies satisfy this need by offering individual and dedicated solutions and smaller quantities. In other words – we offer tailored solutions, not mass production.

Market changes lead to developments Like the European printing industry overall, Estonian printing companies have been affected by the shrinking volume of printed literature (both media and books) and the triumph of digital media. Despite this, the Estonian printing and packaging industry is doing quite well. Based on an analysis conducted by the Association of Estonian Printing and Packaging Industry, this has been ensured by continuous investments in technology, the availability of qualified staff and modern working methods. The water to the mill of the printing industry is also the fact that although the circulation of books is decreasing, the number of printed titles is increasing. For example, in Finland, Sweden, Norway and Denmark where the lion’s share of Estonian printing industry exports go, self-publishing is very popular – many people write and want to publish their own books.




million euros is the annual turnover of the printing and packaging companies

New technologies allow increasingly flexible and affordable solutions. With digital printing, a handful of books at an affordable price can be printed and the field is only growing. The fact that printing books and magazines will be moved back from China to Europe to shorten supply chain deadlines also allows Estonian printing houses to find new customers in Europe. According to the Association of Estonian Printing and Packaging Industry, the market for label and package printing is gradually growing. Development work is underway to find new materials and technologies that will save material while maintaining the properties needed for packaging. Green transitions also set goals to find new environmentally-friendly solutions – instead of plastic, cardboard packaging is becoming more popular. The growing popularity of e-commerce also gives rise to the use of more cardboard. It is also worth noting that packaging industry products are becoming “smarter”. Smart packaging, smart labels and printed electronics are certainly an evolving market – still expensive for the manufacturer today but their rapid growth and widespread use increasingly avail new opportunities.



Räpina printing house is one of the oldest manufacturers in ­Estonia, founded in 1728. Allegedly, the paper made in Räpina also reached the desk of the Russian czar.

Estonians spend on average more time reading books than any other nation in the EU. In a country of only 1.3 million people, one can find bookstores in any large shopping centre. Even more puzzling is the number of publishers in Estonia, estimated at almost 900.

Over 75% of printed packaging products are being exported out of Estonia. The main export countries are Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark.




CORPORATE DATA Company name: Kroonpress AS Date established: 26.03.1990 Field of activity: Manufacturing Employees: 267 Brands: Box’n’Bag Factory;;

CONTACT DATA Website: Address: Tähe 133, Tartu, 51013 Tartumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: + 372 730 5100


Company description: Packaging products, publication printing Products and services: Production of food packages, cups, boxes, bags etc. Publication printing 2021 Kroonpress launched new brand Box’n’Bag Factory to promote just started packaging production. Two single pass flexo presses for carton, digital label press combined with modular converter, paper bag machines as well as 12 units of paper cup machines were the phase 2. investments in addition to already acquired

Bobst diecutter and folder gluer. Accompanied with window patching and carton erecting machine, B’n’B F offers wide variety of different fibre-based packaging products from 4 corner boxes to hamburger clams. B’n’B F is FSSC 22000 certified from Feb 2022. We also produce wide range of paper cups, bowls and bucketsas well as paper bags, flat and bottomed. Kroonpress has launched CO2 calculator to offer our customers precise cradle to gate carbon footprint calculations for their packaging products. QR code on the package can be scanned by normal mobile phone camera for getting access to its environmental

data. Calculator behind is based on ISO 16759 standard and verified by Bureau Veritas. Export countries/markets: Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden, The Netherlands.




CORPORATE DATA Company name: Paar OÜ Date established: 1.11.1992 Field of activity: Manufacturing Turnover: €1,374,000 Employees: 22

CONTACT DATA Website: Address: Ilmatsalu 3 G, Tartu, 51014 Tartumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: + 372 716 8151

Company description: Every client is important to us. We are ready to help and advice if the client has an idea, but does not know how to accomplish it. We always put the client’s wishes and demands first in order to achieve the best match of the design and the printed result both in the price and the quality. Our yearslong experience and professional help is available to our customers for designing the printed matter as well as the selection of the materials. Environmentally friendly production is extremely important to us. We were the first in Estonia to start using the Suprasetter A74 for producing chemicalfree printing plates. Since 2010, we are one of the few printing houses in Estonia to be granted the FSC Chain of Custody certification. We print with naturefriendly plantbased printing inks and since November 2015, we have been using 100 percent green energy. We acquired the ISO 9001:2015 quality management system certificate. Products and services: Offset printing, digital printing, soft cover books, staple binding, Wire-O binding, all kind flyers, perforating, calendars and so. Export countries/markets: Austria, Finland, Latvia, Norway, Sweden.



CORPORATE DATA Company name: Tallinna Raamatutrükikoja OÜ Tallinn Book Printers Ltd Date established: 15.03.1985 Field of activity: Manufacturing Turnover: €7,300,000 Employees: 120

CONTACT DATA Website: Address: Laki tn 26, Tallinn, 12915 Harjumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: +372 650 9990

Company description: Over more than thirty years of operation, we have established a solid foundation preserving the traditions of book-printing and book-binding. We fulfil three thousand orders a year with the total print run of 5 million copies. The share of export orders exceeds 60 percent of printing turnover. Our customers are from all over Europe, but also from other regions of the world. We use certified, high-quality materials that are environmentally friendly and we are committed to sustainability. We are socially responsible enterprise, having obtained management and environmental certificates ISO9001, ISO14001 and FSC. Products and services: All kind of books, formats A6 up to B4 in different binding types. Offset printing, max sheet size 740x1040 mm. Several post processing possibilities, such as foil stamping, varnishing, laminating, debossing, among others. Export countries/markets: Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, The Netherlands, USA (the United States of America).




Company name: Librix Print OÜ Date established: 17.09.2007 Field of activity: Printing and Recorded Media Turnover: €679,906 Employees: 13 Brands: Wabrix Website: Address: Vabriku tn 6, Tallinn, 10414 Harjumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: + 372 600 9082


Commerce: a vital service sector

Economic analysts say that regardless of what happens, the commerce sector will survive. The proof of this is the Estonian commerce sector; the continuous growth of sales volumes was not influenced by the coronavirus pandemic. The value created in the commerce sector is one of the largest in the economy; the annual turnover of retail commerce is almost 8 billion euros with an added 10–13 billion from wholesale. Commerce is the second-largest economic sector in Estonia after manufacturing, with 18% of economic added-value is created. The commerce sector is also the second-largest employer. More than 80,000 people work in the sector’s 17,000 plus enterprises, meaning that almost every tenth employee in Estonia works in the commerce sector.

The retail sector – an important employer The commerce sector is particularly important in rural areas. In almost every county, it is the largest or second-largest employer. This is mainly due to Coop, the largest retail chain in Estonia. In 2021, Coop employed 6,000 workers in more than 330 stores, most of which are located in rural areas. Regarding turnover, the largest retail chain in Estonia is the Tallinna Kaubamaja Group, whose shares are publicly listed on the Tallinn Stock Exchange. The Kaubamaja Group includes the Selver retail chain, several car sales companies in Estonia and other Baltic countries, as well as department stores in the centre of Tallinn and Tartu. The third-largest retailer is Maxima with more than 4,000 employees. The budget chain Lidl has pressured the local market by opening its first stores in the spring of 2022. IKEA also plans to open its first full-scale store in the autumn of 2022 (currently only an ordering and delivery centre is present in Estonia). The Swedish furniture group plans to invest 23 million euros in its first fullscale Estonian store with plans to hire more than 300 employees. The Estonian retail sector has been among the strongest three in the European Union, with an average growth rate of 3% in recent years. During the coronavirus pandemic, the growth of retail commerce in Estonia took on the dimensions of the boom years. Starting from the autumn of 2021, the retail sector’s monthly turnovers have set all-time records. It is noteworthy that this large growth was achieved during the pandemic when no foreign tourists were visiting the country. In the years before the pandemic, the share of non-residents’ expenditure in private consumption was almost 12%.


Extra money for merchants The growth of the sales volume of retail companies in Estonia has been supported for many years by the rapid growth of people’s wages and purchasing power. Google’s mobility report shows that following the larger restrictions of the coronavirus pandemic, people’s traffic to malls has surpassed the pre-pandemic levels. A couple of special developments have also helped bring customers’ money to the commerce sector. As the pandemic led to uncertainty about the future, people tended to postpone consumer decisions. As a result, household deposits in Estonia increased by 1.2 billion euros in 2020. This money was spent on goods and services later on. The travel restrictions also resulted in more money remaining in the Estonian economy. Since September 2021 and as a result of the pension reform (fundraising for retirement was made voluntary), almost one billion euros withdrawn from the second pension pillar reached the economy. This is 8% of the annual private consumption. The withdrawal of pension savings was immediately reflected in the figures for retail sales. In September 2021, the sales of Estonian retail companies set an all-time record of 790 million euros. New sales records were set in the following months as well, amounting to more than 800 million euros. The money is mainly spent on used passenger cars. The sales of construction materials and household appliances are also doing well.

The pandemic has changed the wholesale business The growth of retail sales has also increased the revenues of wholesale companies. The sales revenue of this sector with an annual turnover of more than 10 billion has been moving upwards since the third quarter of 2020. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the fields of the most successful wholesalers have changed as well. In 2018, the top sellers in wholesale were resellers of metal, metal ores, motor fuels, timber and wood-based products, grain, unprocessed tobacco, seeds and animal feeds. The coronavirus has changed the game. Due to people’s changed consumer and behavioural habits, the largest revenues were seen by wholesalers of medical drugs and equipment.

8,6 152

billion euros is the turnover of retailers, wholesalers add over 13 billion


6,000 e-store domains a total turnover of 2.5 billion euros average monthly turnover of 208 million euros customers paid 1.1 billion euros to foreign e-stores and 1.4 billion euros to Estonian e-shops e-commerce forms 15% of the entire retail sector 60% of purchases were made with cell phones bank links were used for 76% of purchases 80% of e-purchases were ordered with parcel machines 12,06 million packages were ordered with parcel machines

Life without e-commerce has become unimaginable The mobility restrictions imposed during the pandemic resulted in thousands of new e-shops being established. According to the Estonian E-Commerce Association, there are approximately 6,000 e-stores in Estonia. Many international e-commerce platforms such as Boozt, Zalando and Aboutyou also operate in Estonia. However, Estonians prefer local e-stores for shopping. In the fourth quarter of 2021, 58% of all e-purchases in Estonia were made from local e-stores. However, shopping carts from international stores are more expensive – the value of an average shopping cart from abroad was 44 euro, while the average Estonian shopping cart amounted to 40 euros. The turnover of e-shopping increased by 50% in 2021, reaching 2.5 billion euros. 1.4 billion euros were spent in local e-shops and 1.1 billion euros in foreign e-shops. The use of e-commerce in Estonia has reached levels similar to Western Europe. It is estimated that 76% of the population makes e-purchases. Finland (78%) and France (78%) are at the same level, and we are well ahead of Latvia (63%). Elderly people are also increasingly using e-commerce to reduce contact and stay healthy. People have started to buy goods from e-stores that were not typically ordered online in the past - for example, food and medical drugs.



CORPORATE DATA Company name: Avektra OÜ Date established: 16.04.2000 Field of activity: Wholesale and Retail Turnover: €12,533,029 Employees: 56

CONTACT DATA Website: Address: Punane 72A, Tallinn, 13619 Harjumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: + 372 602 4777

Company description: Avektra OÜ was founded in Tallinn, Estonia in 2000 and quickly became one of the largest fish producers in Estonia. We focus on manufacturing high quality products of mainly Atlantic salmon and Trout. Our products are exported to many different countries around the world. Our mission is to supply our customers with fresh, safe and healthy products. We build our relations with customers based on co-development and a trustful and fair partnership. Our goal is to achieve long term mutually beneficial cooperation with our customers. Products and services: We offer you a wide range of Salmon and Salmon trout products. Export countries/markets: Belarus, Hong Kong, Moldova, Spain, Sweden, The People’s Republic of China, USA (the United States of America).



CORPORATE DATA Company name: KB Auto Eesti OÜ Date established: 09.10.2007 Field of activity: Wholesale and Retail Turnover: €46,687,446 Employees: 59

CONTACT DATA Website: Address: Kooli tn 10, Rummu alevik, Lääne-Harju vald, 76102 Harju maakond, Estonia E-mail: Phone: +372 588 486 88

Company description: KB Auto Eesti OÜ was founded in 2007. KB Auto Eesti OÜ subsidiaries are located in Norway (KB Auto Norge AS), Sweden (KB Auto Sweden AB), Finland (KB Auto Finland OY) and Estonia (Bronline OÜ/Bronline. eu, Rummu Invest OÜ/ KB Auto Group main activity is purchase and sales of heavy equipment: trucks, buses, construction machinery, all over up to 2000 units a year. Additionally we are dealing with parts and superstructures for heavy equipment. KB Auto has always been a valued partner for their customers from all over the world. The goal of KB Auto Group is to become one of the largest heavy equipment trading companies in the region. Products and services: Company deals with the purchase and sale of used heavy vehicles and construction machinery and spare parts. Export countries/markets: Afghanistan, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Bolivia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Dubai, Egypt, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Lithuania, Moldova, Montenegro, Morocco, Nigeria, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine.



CORPORATE DATA Company name: MASS AS Date established: 1.10.1991 Field of activity: Wholesale and Retail Turnover: €10,000,000 Employees: 30

CONTACT DATA Website: Address: Kalda tn 3, Tallinn, 11625 Harjumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: + 372 657 7170

Company description: Market leader of veneer and solid wood in Estonia Certificates: FSC, PEFC, ISO 9001:2015 Our goal is to be the best partner to everyone who value high quality wood material. We value the customer, our partners and our team as well the whole company by working together. We working on the principle – everything from one place, while focusing on the customer, keeping our promises and constantly evolving to improve better results every day. We love wood! Products and services: Hard wood, veneer, veneered boards, edge glued solid wood panels, decking material and edge materials. Brands: Product range also includes board materials and design products. Our warehouses are modern and comply with the best storage conditions. We always keep in stocks our bestselling articles. We are partner for many architectural bureaus, furniture producers and designers. Export countries/markets: Finland, Latvia, Lithuania.



CORPORATE DATA Company name: Mikskaar AS Date established: 2.01.1994 Field of activity: Horticultural peat moss and substrates Employees: 38 Brands: Mikskaar, Helioflor, Garden28, OMsubstrate

CONTACT DATA Website: Address: Katusepapi tn 4/1, Tallinn, 11412 Harjumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: + 372 610 1730

Company description: Mikskaar is an Estonian family company and one of the largest peat producers in the country. 40 people work in our company at different locations in Estonia. Our peat fields are well chosen and cared for, far from any pollutants and free of weed. Mikskaar bogs are in different locations all over Estonia thus enabling us to make optimum mixes for any customer. Different peat types are needed depending on the technology, use, climatic region, crop and several other circumstances and the different bogs make it possible to make peat mixes according to the customers’ needs and wishes. Products/Services: In our factories we produce a wide variety of peat-based products since almost 30 years. Mikskaar has a wide variety of peat substrates for germination, tray cultivation, repotting, hydroponics, landscaping. All products are produced on order, are fresh and ready for use. Choose MXS for germination, MXL for repotting. Peat moss for soil improvement. Logistic services available. Markets: Mikskaar substrates are used by greenhouse growers, nurseries and landscapers all over the world, we export to 60 countries in Far-East, Middle-East, Australia, Europe, Africa and the Americas.



Company name: Baltfish Trade OÜ Date established: 9.09.1994 Field of activity: Fishing and Aquaculture Turnover: €350,000 Employees: 2 Address: Tildri 21-18, Tallinn, 12916 Harjumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: + 372 501 9199


Company name: NNRepair OÜ Date established: 27.06.2016 Field of activity: Other Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities Turnover: €600,000 Employees: 1 Website: Address: Tartu mnt.56-1, Tallinn, 10115 Harjumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: + 372 5462 6802


Company name: SNM Mööbel OÜ Date established: 1.06.1991 Field of activity: Wholesale and Retail Employees: 4 Website: Address: Narva mnt.13, Tallinn, 10151 Harjumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: + 372 614 3012



Company name: Lignator Timber OÜ Date established: 14.07.2005 Field of activity: Wholesale and Retail Employees: 4 Website: Address: Hallivanamehe tn 4, Tallinn, 11317 Harjumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: + 372 651 8323


Company name: Nordefood OÜ Date established: 5.05.2014 Field of activity: Wholesale and Retail Website: Address: Pargi tee 5, Peetri, 75312 Harjumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: + 372 5451 4100

Transport and logistics: a promising sector


billion euros is the annual turnover of transport companies, most of which comes from road transport

The transport sector is one of the most promising areas of activity in Estonia. After all, we are located on the eastern border of Europe by the Baltic Sea – a great geographical location for participating in international transit trade. Considering the trends of the world economy, the volumes of transit trade are moving upwards. The Estonian transport, logistics, and warehousing sector are characterised by rapid technological development. Intelligent transport systems and luggage robots have become common, and the time is not far when self-driving vehicles will be the same. Several companies in Estonia are developing these. The introduction of alternative fuels to save the environment as well as the electrification of transport also offer new opportunities for the transport sector. The prospects for warehousing may be supported by the trend of larger stocks due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the rapid growth of international e-commerce platforms. Almost 6,000 companies are operating in the field of transport and logistics in Estonia, employing about 45,000 people or 7% of all employees. The largest company in the entire transport sector is Tallink Grupp, which is engaged in the maritime transport of passengers and goods. An important provider of port services is Tallinna Sadam, which manages five ports. DSV Estonia, Smarten Logistics and DHL Logistics Estonia are the leading logistics companies in freight transport. The largest company in the air transport is Nordic Aviation Group. The largest company in the postal and courier service is Omniva.

Maritime transport Estonian transport companies make the most shipments via maritime transport. Muuga, one of the largest cargo ports in the Baltic Sea, is located near Tallinn to serve cargo flows and cargo volumes even increased there slightly in 2020 despite the pandemic. Historically, Estonian ports have been a transit gateway for oil products. Russia is also vigorously developing its own ports and the Baltic ports that export oil products are increasingly being relegated to the background. Nevertheless, the main group of goods transported by sea in Estonia remains coke and refined petroleum products. They mostly move in transit and make



up a third of all goods handled in Estonian ports. Another large group of goods is chemicals and chemical, rubber, and plastic products that also move mainly in transit and account for a fifth of goods passing through ports. However, the transport of sea containers – which has been on an upward trend from year to year – has been hit by the pandemic and decreased by 11% in 2020. 215,905 TEUs of sea containers were moved to Estonian ports.

Road transport Estonian road transport companies mainly operate domestically – 80% of transport is carried out within Estonia. On average, goods are transported 77 kilometres in Estonia and 660 kilometres in international transport. All in all, this means that 2/3 of the mileage of Estonian freight vehicles still passes in international transport. Closer trade takes place in road transport with Finland, Latvia, Russia, and Sweden. Metal ores and other mining and quarrying products are mostly transported by road, accounting for about a third of road transport. Paper products, printed matter and recordings as well as agricultural, hunting, fishing and forestry products are also important commodity groups for road transport companies.

Rail transport The railway has been quite an important link in Estonian freight transit in the transport of oil products imported from Russia to ports. However, freight transport by rail in Estonia has been declining for a long time. Most rail transport is transit goods. Most chemicals, chemical products, man-made fibres, rubber, and plastic products are transported in transit.

Passenger transport Passenger transport in Estonia takes place by air, land, and sea. Road transport, i.e., bus transport, predominates in passenger transport and



Due to commuting between Tallinn and Helsinki, Tallinn Passenger Port is one of the largest ports in Europe – Tallinn is surpassed only by the ports of Helsinki and Dover.

Tallinn Airport is one of the few airports located almost in the heart of the city; the Old Town is only four kilometres away.

the largest bus company in the Baltic States, Lux Express, founded by Estonians, also operates here. We are in regular and direct contact with more than ten European countries through Estonia’s main air gateway, Lennart Meri Tallinn Airport. The nearest large and busy hubs to Tallinn are Riga and Helsinki. There is heavy traffic between Tallinn and Helsinki by sea. The boat trip from the Estonian capital to the Finnish capital takes only two hours and there are dozens of departures a day in both directions. Tallinn also has a passenger ship connection with Stockholm and several other Baltic ports. Additionally, Tallinn is the home port of Tallink, the largest passenger ship company in the Baltic Sea. Passenger transport by rail currently takes place only domestically. A passenger train connection to Central Europe should be possible in 2030 when Rail Baltic will be completed, connecting Tallinn and other Baltic states with Warsaw. Freight transport will also take place on the same route.




CORPORATE DATA Company name: Alekon Cargo OÜ Date established: 27.12.2007 Field of activity: Transportation Turnover: €1,564,210 Employees: 27

CONTACT DATA Website: Address: Saha-Loo põik 4, Maardu, 74114 Harjumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: + 372 638 8990

Company description: Alekon Cargo LLC – is a subcompany of Alekon Property Ltd., founded in 2008, which successfully operates in the field of transport and logistics, offering cargo insurance and international forwarding services with all means of transport, handling of goods (incl. heavy and oversized) – loading, storage and warehousing service, as well as customs and other documents. The activities of our company in the implementation of the project are characterized by a competent and personal approach based on the experience and professionalism of the employees. We guarantee quality service at the level of European standards. We always carefully find out our client’s preferences and needs. Products and services: Alekon customs warehouse owns several warehouses and a vast territory (50 000 m²) and offers the following services: unloading/loading and storage of different types of cargo (oversized and goods under veterinary control), sorting, weighing, winding, labeling, customs clearance, container depot. Export countries/markets: Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan.



CORPORATE DATA Company name: Kaarlaid OÜ Date established: 1.08.2000 Field of activity: Transportation Employees: 30

CONTACT DATA Website: Address: Aruküla tee 51, Jüri alevik, Rae vald, 75301 Harjumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: + 372 600 0200

Company description: If you are looking for a reliable organizer for special transport – whether it be oversized, heavy or technically complicated – you have found the right address! We are the engineers and transport managers of multimodal special transport and heavy-lift transport solutions, your partner in logistics and the conductor of your projects. We organize single transport, as well as difficult and time-consuming projects. Special transport is a well-executed chain of different actions. The additional work involved with special transport can be several times as time-consuming as the performance itself. The loading schemes, selection of equipment, route, loading, transport permits etc. must form a consistent whole. Our experience allows us to choose the correct methods and necessary procedures so that your risks are minimized, loads are delivered, and the contracts are fulfilled on time. Call us, send us an e-mail or visit us for consultation regarding special transport!




CORPORATE DATA Company name: Silsteve AS Date established: 22.07.2007 Field of activity: Transportation Employees: 90

CONTACT DATA Website: Address: Kesk 4, Sillamäe, 40231 Ida-Virumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: + 372 392 9200

Company description: SILSTEVE is a multifunctional cargo handling terminal in the port of Sillamäe; situated in proximity to main railway lines (1520mm) and highways, only 25km from European Union – Russian border. The port of Sillamäe is the second largest port in Estonia. The territory of the port of Sillamäe is a Free Zone of control type 1, which makes it possible to transfer ownership of goods with a 0% VAT rate and to perform storage of cargo transshipped in transit through Estonia with no taxes and duties having to be paid. SILSTEVE offers full logistic solutions including: • loading and discharging of bulk, general, roro, project cargo and containers transported by sea, road, and -railway transport • storage of cargo (more than 110 ha of open storage areas and 79,000 m2 of covered warehouses) • customs and shipping documentation services • freight forwarding by road, rail, and sea • cargo packing, sorting, marking, and other value-added services. AEO, GMP+, ISO 9001, ELEA, Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry



CORPORATE DATA Company name: Transocean Eesti OÜ Date established: 11.02.1993 Field of activity: Transportation Turnover: €35,000,000 Employees: 12

CONTACT DATA Website: Address: Ahtri 12, Tallinn, 10151 Harjumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: + 372 611 6001

Company description: Transocean Eesti OU, maritime logistics company, established in 1993, located in Tallinn. Branch offices in Latvia, Lithuania. We provide wide range of multimodal logistics services. Official Liner Agents for ONE, Samskip Multimodal, Atlantic Container Line (ACL) and NYK RoRo. Products and services: • global container-, RoRo transport • oversize/project cargo transport • airfreight/railfreight/roadfreight • loading, lashing services in ports • customs clearance for import/export/transit • transport insurance Export countries/markets: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, China, Finland, Germany, Great Britain, Iceland, India, Ireland, Israel, Japan, Korea, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Russian Federation, South Africa, South Korea, The Netherlands, The People’s Republic of China, The United Arab Emirates, The United Kingdom, USA (the United States of America).




Company name: Creafin Forward OÜ Date established: 25.08.2005 Field of activity: Transportation Turnover: €10,776,214 Employees: 8 Website: Address: Osmussaare 8-B308, Lasnamäe Ärimaja, Tallinn, 13811 Harjumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: + 372 674 3430


Company name: FFC Logistics OÜ Date established: 13.12.2009 Field of activity: Transportation Turnover: €4,000,000 Employees: 6 Website: Address: Kauba 3D, Kohtla-Järve linn, 30328 Ida-Virumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: + 372 337 2000



Company name: DSV Estonia AS Date established: 26.04.1994 Field of activity: Transportation Employees: 178 Website: Address: Pärnu mnt 535, Jälgimäe küla, Saku vald, 76401 Harjumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: + 372 659 9999


Company name: Maritime Cargo Logistics Eesti OÜ Date established: 30.06.1997 Field of activity: Transportation Employees: 4 Address: Valge 13- 23, Tallinn, 11415 Harjumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: + 372 602 8115

Wood industry: the valuer of the Estonian forest

Few countries in Europe are as rich in forests as Estonia with more than half of its territory covered in forests. Therefore, there are good preconditions for wood industry development in Estonia. The growth of the sector is also bolstered by the fact that due to the green transition, explosive growth in the use of wood as a building material is foreseen. The strength of the Estonian timber sector is its local value chain that does not depend on the import of raw materials. The local resources in Estonia, i.e., the forestry sector, reduce raw material risks of the timber industry compared to industries based on imported raw materials. Recent studies show that there are more than 30,000 jobs in the Estonian timber and forestry sector. Therefore the sector is important for rural areas in Estonia as it provides employment outside larger settlements. The wood industry as a separate entity is one of the largest employers in the manufacturing industry, among which we also find one of Estonia’s largest industrial companies – Stora Enso Eesti – of Finnish origin. A total of 1,100 companies operate in the wood industry, employing 18,000 people and the annual total turnover of the industry is over 2.7 billion euros (does not include forestry and furniture production). The wood industry’s product range is very wide, ranging from the production and processing of lumber to the manufacture of wooden houses, windows, and doors. Almost two-thirds of the production goes beyond the border – export reaches about two billion euros a year. New product groups are also increasingly being introduced. For example, the share of wood chemistry in packaging production is increasing, which allows wood fibres to be used in a new and more comprehensive way. When erecting wooden houses, more and more engineering solutions are used where entire sections of the house are completed in factories and complete houses are assembled on construction sites in a short time. The goal of the Estonian wood industry is to promote the valorisation of paper wood, which is currently mainly exported as a round log. However, increasing the value of wood equals a growing need for labour. Moreover,


billion euros is the annual turnover of the wood industry, together with forestry and furniture production the turnover reaches over 4 billion.




About half of Estonia’s territory is covered by forests.

Estonia has been the largest exporter of wooden houses in Europe for more than ten years.

The world’s largest Disney store, recently opened in Shanghai, was built with Estonian cladding made by Thermory. Company started as a simple sauna materials manufacturer, but soon focued on thermally modified wooden material like cladding, decking and flooring. Thermory exports to over 50 countries and has 8 factories in Estonia and Finland combined, plus two warehouses in the United States.

the wood industry in Estonia is increasingly being automated. In order to stay competitive in global markets, the trend of automation continues, increasing productivity and reducing the need for additional manpower.

Production and exports There have been no major changes in the production volume of the wood industry in recent years and even in a difficult year like 2020, investments were still made. Investments have significantly increased the production of plywood and the sale of wooden windows is also going well. For years, the turnover of the Estonian wood industry was increased by the production of wooden houses, most of which were exported. 2020’s COVID-19 pandemic caused a major setback regarding this, with travel restrictions preventing installation teams from moving freely and several projects being put on hold. Fortunately, the setback was temporary. Exports account for almost two-thirds of the wood industry’s sales and wood-based products are the most important commodity group balancing the foreign trade balance for Estonia; exports of wood products exceed imports almost three times. Exports are dominated by higher value-added products: prefabricated wooden buildings, sawn timber, wooden building components, wooden furniture, and parts thereof. In recent years, the export volume has grown significantly in the product group of wooden construction components. Estonian wood products are mainly sold to Nordic countries, where Sweden and Finland are at the top of the list in export rankings. More than two-thirds of exports go to the European Union but Estonian wood products are also sold to distant places such as China, Japan, and the USA.


FURNITURE PRODUCTION: a field with longstanding traditions Furniture production in Estonia has a longstanding history. Furniture companies are important employers in rural areas that add value to domestic raw materials. The annual total turnover of the furniture industry is 600 million euros. There are 800 companies active in the field employing approximately 7,000 people. The largest manufacturers are upholstery producers OÜ Fleming, OÜ Bellus Furniture and AS Antsla Inno, office furniture is produced by AS Standard, and furniture details by Flexa Eesti AS. Wooden furniture is produced by Gomab OÜ and bedroom furniture by Delux Production OÜ. Slightly more than half of all furniture production is exported. The most important target markets are those nearby. The largest export market is Scandinavia, accounting for almost three-quarters of the export volume. However, products are also sold to the largest furniture markets in Europe – in Great Britain and Germany. Similar to the timber industry, the furniture Industry is dealing with automation and digitalisation in order to ensure better production management, increase efficiency and reduce waste.




CORPORATE DATA Company name: Baltic Fence OÜ Date established: 1.04.2002 Field of activity: Manufacturing Turnover: €1,464,000 Employees: 30

CONTACT DATA Website: Address: Kaare 35, Türi, 72213 Järvamaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: +372 385 7184

Company description: Baltic Fence designs and produces quality softwood products for outdoor living and garden design. Our product range includes modular garden buildings, gazebos, summerhouses, fencing element systems, trellises, garden furniture, planters and gardening accessories. We use Nordic softwood sourced from responsibly managed sources. Products are developed to meet higher expectations on easy assembly, quality and longevity. Products and services: Our most popular products are wooden storages, children playhouses, fencing systems and trellises. Also we have made different types of binstore. Export countries/markets: United Kingdom, Nordic countries, Iceland, Finland, Ireland, France and other EU countries.



CORPORATE DATA Company name: Baltic House Factory OÜ Date established: 18.06.2007 Field of activity: Manufacturing Turnover: €3,200,000 Employees: 32 Brands: BALTIC HOUSE - High Grade Log Houses

CONTACT DATA Website: Address: Vasara 50, Tartu, 50113 Tartumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: +372 712 2060

Company description: BALTIC HOUSE designs and manufactures environmentally friendly log cabins, log houses from square milled logs, massive and glue lam woods. Also production of custom-made prefabricated wooden panel houses. The walls of our log houses are in wall thicknesses 40 mm (massive wood) to 240 mm (glue lam log). Products and services: • Garden houses, Garden buildings , Cottages, Saunas, Garages, Sheds • Dwelling houses • Custom-made houses • Wooden doors, windows, stairs. Export countries/markets: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, The United Kingdom.



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CORPORATE DATA Company name: Boardic Eesti OÜ Date established: 21.06.1995 Field of activity: Manufacturing Turnover: €7,000,000 Employees: 46 Brands: Boardic EasyUp Std; Boardic EasyUp Clip; Boardic EasyUp Loop; Boardic E-box-S; Boardic E-box-T

CONTACT DATA Website: Address: Valgu tee 3, Libatse küla, Põhja-Pärnumaa vald, 87202 Pärnumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: +372 442 7923

Company description: We are an Estonian subsidiary to a Swedish company Boardic AB. We began by supplying wood-based boards to different companies, but soon started to develop packaging for transporting. Over the years we have improved our solutions, developed several unique designs for different purposes of transport: one-way, reusable, sea transport, heavy goods, special support frames, etc. Our clients are machine, electronics and medicine industries but also food processing and furniture companies. We have developed extensive knowledge of packaging construction for most purposes. In 2021 we joined our forces with one of the biggest wood industries in Sweden - AB Karl Hedin. Now with a bigger mother company we can widen our grasp on the packaging market. Products and services: • Plywood and wooden boxes • Plywood, OSB and hardboard lids and spacers • Plywood frames, supports and special details Export countries/markets: Germany, Sweden.



CORPORATE DATA Company name: Ilmre OÜ Date established: 15.03.1991 Field of activity: Manufacturing Turnover: €5,000,000 Employees: 32

CONTACT DATA Website: Address: Raba tee 5, Ilmatsalu alevik, Tartu, 61401 Tartumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: +372 749 9252

Company description: Ilmre OÜ has specialized in the production of wooden packaging. We manufacture both standard and customerspecific pallet collars. We also offer various solutions for packaging, storage and transportation of goods. Products and services: Pallet collar, Pallet, Compost box, Collar, Wooden crates, Wooden pallets, Pallet box, Garden box, Wooden box, Storage box, Pallet collar display, In-store display Export countries/markets: Estonia, Finland, Germany, India, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Romania, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, USA (the United States of America).




CORPORATE DATA Company name: Jalax AS Date established: 4.10.1996 Field of activity: Manufacturing Turnover: €17,000,000 Employees: 162

CONTACT DATA Website: Address: Tootmisbaasi, Mündi küla, Paide linn, 72762 Järvamaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: +372 383 8400

Company description: Jalax is producing a wide variety of details and components according to the client’s requirements. Jalax can produce details from sheet metal and tube profiles, weld these into frames and powder coat all products. Jalax has modern Trumpf machineries for producing details with high quality and efficiently. Jalax has also remarkable quantity of continuously operating welding robots in production in Estonia. Our in-house powder painting technology makes it possible to ensure a powder coating that meets the requirements of the C4 environment. After painting products will be assembled and packed according customer expectations. We can provide to key customers VMI storage solution for rapid consumption of high volume products. Our skilled team of engineers is preparing all drawings and tooling for our production department. Our produced details are in use in following business sectors: • Healthcare • Home and office furniture • E-commerce lockers • School furniture Export countries/markets: Denmark, Finland, Germany, Poland, Sweden, The United Kingdom.



CORPORATE DATA Company name: Kehra Puutööstus OÜ Date established: 16.11.2012 Field of activity: Manufacturing Employees: 26

CONTACT DATA Website: Address: Tallinna mnt 34, Aruküla alevik, Raasiku vald, 75201 Harjumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: + 372 506 1321

Company description: A professional cooperation partner since 2012. We manufacture finger-jointed laminated timber panels, wooden components for windows and doors manufacturers and staircase elements. Our main partners are furniture, window and door manufacturers and wood shops. We also serve smaller wood shops with special orders. All products are manufactured based on the clients’ specification. We only use slow grown Nordic pine for raw material which ensures the exceptionally good quality and durability of our products. Our aim is to serve as the best partner for our clients who can always be relied on – from the perspective of the quality and price offered by us, as well as timely completion of orders. Products and services: • AA laminated timber panel – defect-free all sides • BB laminated timber panel – sound knots all sides • End-jointed laminated timber elements • Various furniture elements Export countries/markets: Denmark, ­Finland, Italy, Latvia, Norway, Sweden, The United Kingdom.




CORPORATE DATA Company name: Merianto OÜ Date established: 5.01.2004 Field of activity: Furniture Turnover: €4,700,000 Employees: 20 Brands: MeriantoMedical

CONTACT DATA Website:; Address: Siduri 3, Tallinn, 11314 Harjumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: + 372 504 8700

Company description: Merianto OÜ is a company involved in the management and implementation of furniture and interior design projects. We offer complete functional high-quality solutions for planning and manufacturing furnishings for a variety of public spaces and environments. Merianto has considerable experience providing complete solutions for furniture and furnishings in hospitals, medical centres, pharmacies, hotels, museums, schools, kindergartens, office buildings, offices and homes, in Estonia, Finland and elsewhere. Our main clients are large construction companies. We take full responsibility for the entire design chain from consultation and planning, all the way to the delivery and installation of ideal interior design solutions. Products and services: • hospital furniture • kindergarten and school furniture • kitchens and wardrobes • partition walls and doors • products from composite • stainless steel products Export countries/markets: Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden.



CORPORATE DATA Company name: Nefab Packaging OÜ Date established: 23.11.2009 Field of activity: Manufacturing Turnover: €23,880,000 Employees: 246 Brands: EdgePak Straw; Fiberflute; ExPak and ExPak XL; PlyPak; RePak

CONTACT DATA Website: Address: Killustiku 6, Lagedi, Rae vald, 75303 Harjumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: + 372 634 9800

Company description: Nefab saves environmental and financial resources by optimizing supply chains. We do this by innovating together with our customers to create smarter packaging and logistics solutions while always respecting people and high ethical standards. This contributes to a better tomorrow for our customers, for society and for the environment. With more than 70 years of experience combined with competence and presence in more than 30 countries, we offer global solutions and local service worldwide to companies in industries such as Telecom, Datacom, Energy, Vehicles, Healthcare, Aerospace and Lithium Batteries. Products and services: Nefab offers packaging solutions that reduce supply chain cost and environmental impact. Our offer includes all packaging needed to protect your product, but also packaging and logistic services. All solutions are custom made to fit product supply chain. Export countries/markets: Europe.




CORPORATE DATA Company name: Nett AS Date established: 16.03.1998 Field of activity: Manufacturing Turnover: €10,000,000 Employees: 81

CONTACT DATA Website: Address: Tähe tn 13 A, Viljandi linn, 71012 Viljandimaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: + 372 433 3586

Company description: Nett AS is a manufacturer of interior and exterior wooden doors. Our output is around 200,000 doors per year. Our products are made of spruce, pine, oak, western hemlock, MDF, HDF, accoya and tricoya. We offer to our customers an opportunity to buy from us “white label” products, which are manufactured to customer’s standards and specifications and branded with their own branding. Products and services: • Exterior doors • Interior doors • Sliding doors • Garden gates • Garage doors • Door frames and door linings • Delivery service door-door Export countries/markets: France, Germany, Norway, Sweden, The United Kingdom.


More time for living


CORPORATE DATA Company name: Nordic Houses KT OÜ Date established: 28.02.2002 Field of activity: Manufacturing Turnover: €7,500,000 Employees: 25 Brands: NORDIC HOUSES, BUEN

CONTACT DATA Website: Address: Sauli, Kuusalu vald, 74608 Harjumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: + 372 602 5300

Company description: Nordic Houses core business is design, production and delivery of timber-frame buildings. The company has 20 years of experience in various export markets and the group of companies’ collective aim is to promote an enjoyment of life through the value chain. Products and services: Pre-fabricated timber frame cabins and houses for local distributors, main contractors, real estate developers. Engineering, production, delivery for B2B customers. Export countries/markets: Finland, Norway, Sweden.



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CORPORATE DATA Company name: Palmatin OÜ Date established: 11.05.1995 Field of activity: Manufacturing Turnover: €5,000,000 Employees: 37

CONTACT DATA Website: Address: Tammi tee 40b, Rannamõisa küla, Harku vald, 76906 Harjumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: + 372 605 4895

Company description: Palmatin’s mission is to create an ecologically healthy living enviroment and guarantee the satisfaction of our customers. Our vision is to ensure a resistant and durable living environment for future generations, by building log homes using historically inherent principals and the best opportunities provided by modern technologies. Palmatin Ltd is a family business, 100% based on Estonian private capital. Palmatin has been active in log house designing, manufac turing and building since 1995. The project managers are experienced and multilingual – they are fluent in English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Italian and Russian. Palmatin has professional manufacturing, engineering and budgeting teams, who have years of experience in their fields. Products and services: • Log houses • Prefabricated timber houses • Wall, ceiling, roof elements • CE certied construction timber • Glued laminated timber Export countries/markets: Austria, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, South Korea, The Netherlands, USA (the United States of America), Sweden.



CORPORATE DATA Company name: Skan Holz Helme AS Date established: 18.06.1992 Field of activity: Manufacturing Employees: 79

CONTACT DATA Website: Address: Linna küla, Tõrva vald, 68619 Valgamaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: + 372 767 9260

Company description: For more than 30 years we have been offering our many satisfied customers a large selection of garden houses, pavilions, patio roofs, carports, wooden garages and canopies made of high-quality wood of the best quality at attractive prices. Products and services: Cabins, cottages, pavillions, garages, saunas and sheds. Export countries/markets: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Korea, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, The Netherlands, The United Kingdom.




CORPORATE DATA Company name: Thermory AS Date established: 26.09.1997 Field of activity: Manufacturing Employees: 835

CONTACT DATA Website: Address: Peterburi tee 44, Tallinn, 11415 Harjumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: + 372 606 2903

Company description: Thermory is the largest thermally modified wood producer in the world by sales revenue with 20 years of experience in thermal modification process and technology. Our goal is to create real wood solutions that shape a valuable and sustainable living environment. We are the force that brings together a variety of companies and their brands specializing in wood modification and sales. As the world’s leading manufacturer of sauna materials and ready-made saunas we also hold a leading position in the sauna and spa sectors. 90% of our production is exported to more than 50 countries. Products and services: Our product assortment includes decking, wall panelling, cladding and floorboards made of thermally modified wood as well as industrially painted wooden products for indoor and outdoor use. Brands: Thermory – Sustainable and durable wood products; Siparila – Modern Nordic exterior and interior solutions; Auroom – Premium tailor-made designer saunas


Element and modular buildings


CORPORATE DATA Company name: Timbeco Woodhouse OÜ Date established: 23.08.1996 Field of activity: Manufacturing Turnover: €24,000,000 Employees: 160

CONTACT DATA Website: Address: Tõdva tee 41, Tõdva küla, Saku vald, 75508 Harjumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: + 372 673 7700

Company description: Timbeco is an Estonian capital based company, focusing on manufacturing of prefab wooden buildings We specialize in producing tailor-made energy-efficient wood frame elements, elemental houses and modular buildings. We export 95% of our production to the markets of Finland, Sweden, Norway, Switzerland and Iceland. Our clients are small and medium-sized companies dedicated to the development of residential real estate in Scandinavia and Central Europe. Products and services: Timbeco prefab solutions are designed for the construction of prefabricated element and modular buildings. We offer a standard solution (Timbeco Modular System) or tailor-made projects. Our buildings are based on modularity and can be customized as your needs change. Export countries/markets: Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland.




CORPORATE DATA Company name: Vara Saeveski OÜ Date established: 3.09.1999 Field of activity: Manufacturing Turnover: €22,614,761 Employees: 68 Brands: Woodwell Group

CONTACT DATA Website: Address: Vara saeveski, Vara küla, Peipsiääre vald, 60426 Tartumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: + 372 731 5843

Company description: Sawn timber has been produced historically at Vara for over 100 years now. Vara Saeveski OÜ has been operating since 2000. Our main activity is producing sawn timber from small diameter softwood logs. We aim to provide our lumber for highest added value. For our production about 240 000m3 fresh pine & spruce sawn logs are purchased annually and measured using our most modern log sorting line. Board sorting is based on the Nordic quality standards. All boards are individually evaluated by visual grading using finest 3D technology. Goods are kiln dryed considering the specific needs of our clients. We collaborate with partners who ensure legal sources and sustainable forestry. Vara Sawmill is part of the Estonian Forest and Wood Industries Association as well as Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Products and services: Softwood sawn timber production and sales. Saw dust and wood chips sales. Purchasing of soft wood logs. Export countries/markets: Algeria, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Egypt, France, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, South Korea, The Netherlands, The People’s Republic of China.



Company name: Alpek OÜ Date established: 7.01.2008 Field of activity: Furniture Turnover: €7,680,000 Employees: 32 Brands: Sedac Meral; Dürkopp Adler; BeA fasteners; SABA adhesives; DanaLim; OKE Website: Address: Hoidla tee 9, Vaida, 75302 Harjumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: + 372 518 1715


Company name: Hekotek AS Date established: 26.02.1992 Field of activity: Manufacturing Turnover: €40,000,000 Employees: 125 Brands: Hekotek Website: Address: Põrguvälja tee 9, Jüri, Rae vald, 75306 Harjumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: + 372 605 1450


Company name: Mainerplus OÜ Date established: 26.07.2010 Field of activity: Manufacturing Employees: 25 Brands: OLIVE Website: Address: Ahtri 12, Tallinn, 10151 Harjumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: + 372 658 9120


Company name: Erapuit AS Date established: 25.10.1996 Field of activity: Wood and Cork Products, Except Furniture; Straw and Plaiting Materials Turnover: €2,000,000 Employees: 12 Website: Address: Võibla küla, Tartu vald, 60540 Tartumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: + 372 5858 7838


Company name: Lotus Timber OÜ Date established: 16.03.2011 Field of activity: Manufacturing Employees: 103 Brands: Trademark: Lotus Timber. Most of export sales are done under Private Label. Website: Address: Vana-Narva mnt 31, Maardu linn, 74114 Harjumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: + 372 5356 1333


Company name: Matek AS Date established: 4.02.1998 Field of activity: Manufacturing Turnover: €10,000,000 Employees: 1000 Brands: Matek Modules - just Plug&Play! Website: Address: Pärnu mnt 158/2 (Estconde Ärimaja), Tallinn, 11317 Harjumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: + 372 622 0077




Company name: Vesset OÜ Date established: 6.04.1995 Field of activity: Manufacturing Turnover: €4,500,000 Employees: 25 Website: Address: Põllu tn 33, Kärdla, Hiiumaa vald, 92414 Hiiumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: + 372 462 2456


Other important sectors




CORPORATE DATA Company name: STARMAKER OÜ, Olde Hansa Date established: 13.05.1997 Field of activity: Food Service Employees: 140 Brands: Starmaker OÜ is the holding company of the Olde Hansa brand which includes the outlets of the Olde Hansa restaurant, the retail store of Shoppe, and the tavern of Kolmas Draakon.

CONTACT DATA Website: Address: Vana turg 1, Tallinn, 10140 Harju maakond, Estonia E-mail: Phone: +372 627 9020

Company description: Olde Hansa lives according to the old Hanseatic customs which are expressed in every act and little detail of the servants- the current dwellers of the house. Everything that you see, hear, taste or touch is inspired by the role models of the 15th century, so the travelling visitor entering the house will find themselves in the wheel of time, led by ordinary servant folk as their guides to complete the medieval experience. Olde Hansa Restaurant is dedicated to bringing you all the wonders of the medieval kitchen and spirits that the drink masters have created. Olde Hansa’s cuisine is well-known in particular for its game meat dishes. Aromatic delicacies are made under the watchful eye of our head chef Emmanuel Wille, who attaches great importance to the balance of flavours. Sweet, salty, sour, bitter and umami must be present in each combination of flavours of a dish. Bear stewed in red wine sauce and the elk tenderloin with wild mushrooms and truffle oil are considered the crown jewels of the restaurant. The three floors of Olde Hansa with its 300 seats is definitely a dining spot worth discovering! Products and services: Olde Hansa Restaurant and Shoppe offers a genuine medieval


experience and culinary devotion to original medieval recipes. In addition to the à la carte menu a variety of feasts is available accompanied by medieval troubadours, theatre etc. Export countries/markets: Estonia Achievements: Olde Hansa Restaurant and Shoppe has more than 20 years of experience and we have had the honour of welcoming millions of guests from all over the world. Many people say that the road takes them back to Estonia time after time to revisit Olde Hansa. We have had the pleasure of hosting numerous delegations from various nations and honourable visitors from many diverse fields of life. Corporate social responsibility: Olde Hansa feels empowered to stand for fair taxes in the restaurant industry. In addition, we want to make certain that individuals working in our house are cared for and work in a field they are truly passionate about. We put great effort into honouring the medieval spirit of Tallinn Old Town, protected by UNESCO World Heritage, by educating both our staff and visitors about the days of old, and restoring the details of our centuries-old house as precisely as possible.




CORPORATE DATA Company name: Buchen Industrial Services Baltikum OÜ Date established: 4.01.2006 Turnover: €3,243,423 Employees: 44

CONTACT DATA Website: Address: Kapteni tee 5, Soodevahe küla, Rae vald, 75322 Harjumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: + 372 600 8915

Company description: BUCHEN is a provider of high-quality industrial services with decades of technological experience. Thanks to our decentralised structure with locations all over Europe, we guarantee the greatest possible proximity to our customers as well as a quick, flexible and efficient execution of work with qualified representatives on-site. BUCHEN is one of the leading industrial services companies in Europe and has its headquarters in Cologne. Successful certifications in the areas of quality management (ISO 9001), safety management (ISO 45001) and environmental management (ISO 14001) ensure compliance with the strictest standards. Products and services: • Industrial cleaning • Waste and chemical disposal • Power plant services • Remediation • Silo cleaning • Turnaround management • Tank service Export countries/markets: Belarus, Belgium, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Russia, Sweden, The Netherlands.



CORPORATE DATA Company name: Granitop OÜ Date established: 24.01.2017 Field of activity: Manufacturing Employees: 40

CONTACT DATA Website: Address: Põldmäe tee 18, Vatsla küla, Saue vald, 76915 Harjumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: + 372 5556 2992

Company description: Granitop is a company (factory) located in Estonia that manufactures and sells granite, marble and composite stone worktops. We manufacture worktops for kitchens and bathrooms, stone details for fireplaces and window sills. Our main goal is the best product quality plus reliable and fast service. We have local partners and showrooms in Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland. Products and services: We have extensive experience in manufacturing stone worktops. Our specialists are best in the field, with their knowledge and precise work you get your dream kitchen, result that is impressive, if not stunning. We also offer a broad selection of Blanco kitchen sinks and -taps – it’s a one stop shop! Export countries/markets: Denmark, Finland, Germany, Norway, Sweden, The United Kingdom.




CORPORATE DATA Company name: Majorel Estonia OÜ Date established: 20.01.2006 Field of activity: Administration Employees: 281

CONTACT DATA Website: Address: Jalgpalli 1, Tallinn, 11312 Harjumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: + 372 610 0300


Company description: Majorel came into being in January 2019 when Bertelsmann and Saham joined hands to create a leading customer experience organisation. Our vision is to be our clients’ trusted longterm partner for customer engagement in a constantly changing world. Creativity, Excellence and Respect drive everything we do. This ensures success for our partners and allows us to thrive as one team. We serve customers across the world through our 66,800+ people based in 31 countries across 5 continents with 60 languages. We support your customers at any time, through every device and in the manner they expect of their brands. We speak their language wherever they are and whatever their culture. We started in Tallinn in 2006 as Arvato. Today we offer our services to well-known companies in fashion, mobility, services and tourism industries in 6+ different languages. Success results from every single one of us giving our best. But it is our joint effort that will let us reach our ambitious goals. We create amazing customer experiences that people value and we are proud of. By combining talent, data and technology we deliver real impact for our partners. We are driven to go further.


CORPORATE DATA Company name: Valley OÜ Date established: 23.07.1992 Field of activity: Manufacturing Employees: 50

CONTACT DATA Website: Address: Vihtra tee 1 A, Vändra alev, Põhja-Pärnumaa vald, 87701 Pärnumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: + 372 444 7780

Company description: Valley OÜ is an Estonian carpet factory that has been making hand-tufted carpets and rugs for over 25 years. We put a lot of love and care in our products so that each item would be of the highest quality. Valley carpets and rugs can be ordered for private residences as well as large-scale projects. Each item is hand-crafted to complement your home or office. We have manufactured carpets for the presidential palaces of various countries as well as hotel chains across Europe. As can be guessed from the name of the technology, the production process relies on manual labour. Excellent results can only be achieved with professional craftsmanship and quality materials; therefore, we use natural high-quality linen, wool from New Zealand and TENCEL®. Products and services: We have developed different yarn types to meet our client needs and exceed them with high quality products. We offer you a choice from 5 different yarn collections, each of them with their own special characteristics. Export countries/markets: Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Sweden.




Company name: Maidiga OÜ Date established: 18.08.1997 Field of activity: Wearing Apparel Employees: 45 Website: Address: Paldiski mnt 25, Tallinn, 10612 Harjumaa, Estonia E-mail: Phone: + 372 520 5411



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LIST OF RESOURCES USED Briefly about Estonia • A small but fast-growing and flexible economy • • Statistics Estonia. The Estonian chemical industry: unique in many ways •, • “The Review of Estonian Economy in 2020“. Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications, Ministry of Finance, Tallinn, 2021. The Construction Sector: Creating comfortable living environments • “Long-Term View on Construction 2035“ by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications, 2021. • • Electronics – the core of modern life • Source: Estonian Electronics Industry Association. • • “The Review of Estonian Economy in 2020“. Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications, Ministry of Finance, Tallinn, 2021. Clean, fresh and delicious Estonian food • the reviews of the Ministry of Rural Affairs “Overview of Agriculture, Fisheries and the Food Industry 2020” and “Overview of Agriculture, Fisheries and the Food Industry, I half-year of 2021”. ICT sector in top form • Statistics Estonia. • ulevaade-kuidas-on-koroonakriis-mojutanud-eesti-teenuste-eksporti. • • vaikese-riigi-ikt-sektor-plaanib-kumne-aastaga-kumnekordset-kasvu. • “The Review of Estonian Economy in 2020“. Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications, Ministry of Finance, Tallinn, 2021. With a strong grip: Estonia’s Machine and Metal Industry • “The Review of Estonian Economy in 2020“. Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications, Ministry of Finance,, Tallinn, 2021. • Terje Kaelep, Anneli Leemet: “Tulevikuvaade tööjõu- ja oskuste vajadusele: masina- ja metallitööstus.“ Tallinn, SA Kutsekoda, 2016.



• •

Tõnu Mertsina, Swedbank: “Metalli- ja masinatööstusele jagub lähiajal nii tagant- kui vastutuult.“ 21.10.2021. Sigrid Sõrmus, Eesti Päevaleht: “Masinatööstus, meie kõige tootlikum tööstusharu.“ 23.08.2018.

There is no gold nor silver… • it-digipoore-maetoostuses. •,,; • silmet-haarab-tukki-haruldaste-muldmetallide-turust-mida-valitseb-hiina. The Plastics Industry: From seals to baths • • “The Review of Estonian Economy in 2020“. Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications, Ministry of Finance, Tallinn, 2021. The Printing Industry: A leader in the digital revolution • • “Printed in Estonia“. The newsletter of the Association of Estonian Printing and Packaging Industry, 2020. Commerce: A vital service sector • Estonian E-Commerce Association. •; • jaekaubanduse-mahukasv-on-votnud-buumiaastate-mootmed. • pensioniraha-kulutatud-mis-edasi. • pandeemia-ajal-e-ostude-maht-huppeliselt-suurenenud-26012022. • “The Review of Estonian Economy in 2020“. Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications, Ministry of Finance, Tallinn, 2021. Transport and logistics: promising sector • Foresight Centre, SA Kutsekoda, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications, Statistics Estonia. Wood industry, the valuer of the Estonian forest • ; “The Review of Estonian Economy in 2020“. Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications, Ministry of Finance, Tallinn, 2021. • “Metsa- ja puidutööstus 2020.“ Estonian Forest and Wood Industry Association, 2021. • Leoma, R., Ungro, A. “Tulevikuvaade töötleva tööstuse ametialagruppide tööjõuja oskuste vajadusele. Uuringu lühiaruanne.“ Tallinn, SA Kutsekoda, 2020.

208 THE BATH FACTORY Design & Engineering & Manufacturing Est. 1990

THE BATH FACTORY gn & Engineering & Manufacturing Est. 1990

Kristo Viksi Export Sales Manager +372 671 8239


ISBN 9789949686650




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