Leading Brands of Estonia

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An insight into some of Estonian strongest brands 2008



























Republic of


“With the manifest to all peoples of Estonia” the democratically elected assembly of representatives of Estonia – Maapäev, after having reached an unanimous decision, declared, together with the “Estonian political parties and organisations standing on the grounds of peoples governance, by supporting the right of self-determination of people” Estonia as an “independent democratic republic” within its historical and ethnographic borders. This happened in February 1918. And although the following 90 years have not been running in smooth development, our independence has had to go through the so called loss of state under the authority of totalitarian regime, the legal bases established then has remained unchanged. This gives us ground to look bravely in the future and tell the story of birth and

growing of our country from the beginning to today during the jubilee year. The 90 years of life of the Republic of Estonia become alive during the entire year, all over the country as well as in the foreign representations. The year has been divided into 12 thematic months, the topics of which stem from the constitution or are of high importance for the state of Estonia in some other way: the people; War of Independence; President of the Republic, Chancellor of Justice and National Audit Office, the Riigikogu, court, Bank of Estonia, local municipalities, exile, resistance and restoration of independence, school, nationalities of Estonia and Government of the Republic. An overview of everything that happened during the jubilee year can be found at the web page www.eesti90.ee



A Le Coq • Food processing


Balbiino • Food processing


Balteco • Manufacturing


Baltika • Manufacturing and retail


BLRT Grupp • Ship building and repairing


Delfi • Media


Eesti Ehitus • Construction


Estravel • Tourism


Kalev • Food processing


Kaubamaja • Retail


Leibur • Food processing


Liviko • Food processing


Lotte • Culture


Olde Hansa • Service industry


Olympic Casino • Service industry


Orto • Manufacturing


Rakvere Lihatööstus • Food processing


Saku Õlletehas • Food processing


Salon+ • Service industry


Tallink • Tourism and service industry


Tallinna Sadam • Transportation and logistics


Tartu Ülikool • Service industry


Tere • Food processing






10130 Tallinn, Estonia

· EU and legal consultations · Issu-

ECCI is the oldest and largest Esto-

Tel: +372 604 0060

ing foreign trade documents · Find-

nian representative organization of

Fax: +372 604 0061

ing co-operation partners · Contact


E-mail: koda@koda.ee

events · Training · Advertising servic-

Address: Toom-Kooli 17,

Web: www.koda.ee

es · Information services · Repre-


sentation at Köln and Stockholm


trade fairs · Issuing a catalogue and CD Estonian Export Directory, which introduces Estonian exporters in English, French and German.


Have you ever heard about goods or services Made in Estonia? Perhaps, yes, but most probably, no. The Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry is happy to introduce some of them to you. Leading Brands of Estonia brings you the cream of Estonian enterprises. Brands that were created in Estonia and have become remarkably well known on both domestic and export markets have been brought together in this book. These brands are not only recognised in their own niche, but are widely known and recognized because they actively work to promote themselves. One criterion for inclusion in this publication was that the brand was created and registered in Estonia in the Register of Trademarks. Similarly, the brand had to have a recognisable Estonian heritage, had to be widely recognised, targeted at the consumer and preferably targeted for export. The most important point is that the company itself positions its brand as an Estonian brand and actively works at branding. The book Leading Brands of Estonia intends to promote Estonia as an innovative country with an advanced economy, as well as to advertise the brands themselves. We hope that you enjoy the stories, the brands and show interest in their development

Siim Raie Director General Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry



What is



This small country welcomes you with unspoilt nature, rich traditions and history as well as modern entertainment facilities.

General Information Official name:

Republic of Estonia

Head of State:



passed on 28th of June 1992 (4.)


Parliamentary Republic, single chamber Parliament (Riigikogu) of 101 members


Eesti Kroon (EEK); 1 kroon = 100 sents. Pegged to Euro under currency board arrangement at rate 1 EUR = EEK 15.6466

National Day:

Independence Day, February 24th


1,342 million; in towns 70%, in rural municipalities 30%


45 227 square km


Tallinn (397 000) Estonia is divided into 15 counties, 202 rural municipalities and 39 towns

Time Zone:

GMT +2 hours


Estonian. Other languages such as English, Russian and Finnish are also widely spoken.

Main Religion:


Major Natural Resources:

Timber, oil shale, phosphorite, peat, limestone, dolomite




Estonia is a diverse country that ought to suit the taste of even the most pretentious visitor. There are ancient defensive walls, medieval fortresses and cobbled streets coupled with leafy parks, romantic coasts, deep forests, sandy beaches, wooden windmills, modern hotels, luxury restaurants and tourist farms. 7



After centuries of Danish, Swedish, German and Russian rule, Estonia attained independence in 1918. Forcibly incorporated into the USSR in 1940, it regained its freedom 1991, with the collapse of the Soviet Union. Estonia joined both NATO and the EU in the spring of 2004. As of 21 December 2007, Estonia is a part of the Schengen visa area. In 2008 the Republic of Estonia celebrates the 90th Anniversary. 11




16 14

1.-3. Timber is one of the most important building materials in Estonia



About 50% of Estonia is untouched nature


Old and new towers of Tallinn


The tradition of making thatched roofs is still alive in Estonia


The modern centre of the city – the Rotermann Quarter, a classic even before completion


Tallinn Old Town – UNESCO World Heritage Site


About 300 bears currently live in Estonia


Estonia’s national bird – the barn swallow


Tallinn’s skyline is regarded as one of the most beautiful in Europe


The beauty of Estonian women is also renowned worldwide


President of the Republic of Estonia – Toomas Hendrik Ilves




14.-16. Song and Dance Festival 17.

KUMU Art Museum was given the 2008 European Museum of the Year Award


Beijing Olympics 2008 gold medal discus thrower – Gerd Kanter


Estonians in Beijing


Medieval market in Tallinn’s Town Hall Square 20


It’s all about taste


AS A. LE COQ Address: Tähtvere 56/62


The two most popular soft drinks in

50050 Tartu, Estonia

A. Le Coq’s key brands are A. Le

the company’s product portfolio are

Tel: +372 744 9711

Coq, Fizz, Aura and Limonaad.

the traditional Limonaad and Kelluke,

Fax: +372 744 9775

The company’s largest product group

which we have sold for decades.

E-mail: info@alecoq.ee

comprises its beers, which are prin-

Web: www.alecoq.ee

cipally manufactured under the A. Le


Coq trademark. The Aura trademark

The company exports its products


represents non-alcoholic drinks, in-

mainly to Finland, Sweden, Denmark,

AS A. Le Coq is Estonia’s oldest brew-

cluding our juices, waters and healthy

the United Kingdom, Latvia and

ery and currently the country’s largest

juice drinks, which go by the name

Lithuania. Our main export sources

beverage producer. Its range incorpo-

Aura Active.

are beers, ciders, long drinks and

rates ten product categories: waters,


syrups, juices, juice drinks, soft drinks,

One of the best-known international

energy drinks and sports drinks and

trademarks in the company’s portfo-

three light alcoholic drinks: beers,

lio is Fizz, representing a series of nat-

ciders and gin long drinks.

ural fruit and berry-flavoured ciders.


HISTORY OF A. LE COQ The direct predecessors of Estonia’s oldest continuously operating brewery – A. Le Coq – in Tartu are the breweries that belonged to B. J. Hesse (1800) and J. R. Schramm (1826). In the course of time, a large enterprise Tivoli Ltd. was formed from these companies, the owner of which called it A. Le Coq Ltd. in 1913. A. Le Coq & Co., dealing with the beverage trade, was established in Prussia in 1807 by the family bearing the same name. In the 1820s, Albert L. J. Le Coq settled in London in order to trade with the products of the family’s wine manor. He soon started to bottle and export Russian Imperial Stout under his name. He ordered that special strong dark top-fermented beer from the big breweries in London where the drink was specially bottled taking Russian tastes into consideration. High customs duties levied in Russia and increasingly more frequent forging of the


utable trademark forced A. Le Coq & Co. (Russia) Ltd., which had been transformed into a private limited group in 1904 to move its headquarters and bottling plant from London to St. Petersburg. The owners of A. Le Coq looked for many years for a suitable brewery to manufacture Imperial stout in Russia, in the end Tivoli Ltd. in Tartu was chosen, where the company still operates today.




made in 1965, are the most popular. A. Le Coq has always followed an innovative line in its


A. Le Coq’s greatest strength lies in its many years of

product development and offered consumers only the

tradition, dating back more than two centuries. Its skill in

highest-quality products in terms of both form and

providing consumers with products they like – some-

content. It was the first Estonian company to launch

thing A. Le Coq was recognised for as the official sup-

embossed bottles and bottles with aluminium foil cov-

plier to the royal court of the Russian emperor – remain

ers, which have since become the market norm. The

to this day. The position the company enjoys as market

company has also developed a special glass bottle

leader in numerous categories is testament to this. The

with an in-built embossed bottle opener for its repre-

core values of the company in its operations include

sentative beer, A. Le Coq Special, and contributed to

being customer-centred, honest, responsible, loyal, pos-

product development in terms of content, launching

itive, open and constantly evolving.

the first near-water, ale, stout and dry beer products in

A. Le Coq’s success is the result of unceasing product

Estonia. The company launches around 15 new prod-

development and keeping up with changes in consumer

ucts in different product groups annually.

taste. Another of the company’s strengths is continual innovation in terms of both products and technology: it has introduced a number of unique product groups and


packaging to the market. Apart from high-level product development, its high-tech production equipment and

A. Le Coq’s biggest achievement is the market leader

fully automated logistics centre give the company even

position it has won and maintains in a number of drink

more of an edge on the market.

categories on the Estonian market. Most of the company’s prize-winning achievements have come in the product field, with several in the best


food product category: best non-alcoholic drink in 2003, 2004 and 2006; best Estonian health food

A. Le Coq’s range covers ten product categories,

product in 2006 and best alcoholic drink in 2008 for A.

being market leader in six of these – juices, sports

Le Coq Special.

drinks, waters, juice drinks, ciders and long drinks.

In the years since Estonia regained its independence,

A. Le Coq’s beer product group includes various dif-

the level of both the sales and quality of A. Le Coq’s

ferent types of both light and dark beers. A range of

beers was middling at best. But since significant in-

fruit and berry juices, nectars and juice drinks are pro-

vestments were made by our parent company Olvi Oyj

duced under the Aura label, and a series of waters

in A. Le Coq’s brewery and technology, the company’s

going by the same name features both carbonated

leading brand, A. Le Coq Premium, has gone on to

and still flavoured (fruits and berries) and unflavoured

become the most popular beer in the country. We also

waters. The Fizz series of ciders represent a leisure-

lead the market in super-premium beers with A. Le

time brand of effervescent fruit and berry-flavoured

Coq Special, which was launched to mark the com-

drinks produced using natural apple wine. Of the soft

pany’s 200th anniversary.

drinks the company produces, the traditional Limo-

Our logistics centre, which was completed in 2007, has

naad and Kelluke lemonades, the latter being first

also earned significant praise, winning the logistics deed of the year title for its automation of logistics processes.


Estonia’s largest producer of beverages –

A. Le Coq

It is arguably the most modern logistics centre in Estonia.

INTERNATIONAL PRESENCE The fact that A. Le Coq has been part of the Finnish beer company Olvi Oyj since 1997 provides the company with international horizons. In the Baltic States, Olvi Oyj’s holding company operates under the AS A. Le Coq Group, which also includes the AS Cèsu Alus brewery in Latvia and the AS Ragutis brewery in Lithuania. A. Le Coq’s principal export destinations are Finland, Sweden, Latvia, Lithuania and England, with our most popular products internationally being our Aura juices and waters and A. Le Coq beer. The best-known beer in England goes by the name Viru, which can be found in all of the bigger


pubs in London. In terms of imports, we work with the Dutch beer company Heineken and import the premium-class beer of the same name and the alcoholfree beer Buckler to the Estonian market.

HISTORY OF THE BRAND AND LOGO The A. Le Coq trademark comes from the name of one Albert L. J. Le Coq, who lived in Prussia and founded A. Le Coq & Co. in 1807. Emigrating to London in the 1820s, he began trading initially in products from the winery on his family’s estate. Soon he also began to bottle and



export Russian imperial stout, which eventually became the company’s number one product; in 1912 A. Le Coq was awarded the title of official supplier to the Russian imperial court.

Group: A. Le Coq AS

However, the high duties charged in Russia and the ever more frequent counterfeiting of the brand forced A. Le Coq & Co. (Russia) Ltd. to relocate its headquarters and bottling plant from London to St. Petersburg.

Year of foundation: 1800 Sector: Food processing industry

Brands: A. Le Coq, Fizz, Aura, Limonaad, Arctic Sport, Dynami:t

Turnover: 70.9 mln EUR (2007)

Website: www.alecoq.ee

In the end, his chosen location was Tartu in Estonia, where he took over the AS Tivoli brewery, and where the company continues to operate to this day. Over the last 200 years A. Le Coq has passed through the hands of many owners and many managers, but the trademark itself endures. During the Soviet era the company’s name was changed to Tartu Õlletehas /Tartu Brewery/, but it became A. Le Coq once again in 1997, when it was privatised by a Finnish brewery. Since then the A. Le Coq brand has been reintroduced and significant investments have made the company (and its trademark) one of the leading and most recog-

Employees: 388 (2007)



BALBIINO AS Address: Viljandi mnt 26,

Each year, Balbiino’s ice cream as-

Balbiino is also the representative in

11217 Tallinn, Estonia

sortment is updated, based on con-

Estonia for frozen food brands such

Tel: +372 651 5900

sumer preferences, and new and

as FarmFrites, Hortex, Marine and

Fax: +372 651 5901

interesting flavours are introduced. In


E-mail: info@balbiino.ee

addition to ice cream, Balbiino’s

Web: www.balbiino.ee

product portfolio since October 2004




AS Balbiino’s share of the Estonian


cheese bars and the company has

ice cream market is 35%. In Latvia,

Today, Estonian ice cream manufac-

achieved a noteworthy market share

where it has a local subsidiary,

turer Balbiino offers a selection of

in Estonia. Balbiino is also the home

Bal-biino has a 10% market share.

over 100 different products. Our ice

of Estonia’s first and still best-known

Bal-biino began activity on the

cream catalogue includes bulk ice

brand of frozen vegetables, Härma-

Latvian market in 2002. Balbiino also

cream, cone and stick ice cream,

vili. In this area, too, the selection has

sells to Lithuania (since 2002),

ice pops and ice cream multi-

become significantly wider over the

Germany (since 2003), Finland (since


years. In 2007, a new brand of frozen

2004) and Sweden (since 2006).



foods was launched – Culinare.


HISTORY OF BALBIINO AS Balbiino, a company based 100% on Estonian capital, was founded in 1995. The owner of AS Balbiino was Norma Group, which is today known as NG Investeeringud. To market its products in Estonia, Balbiino initially relied on Balbi, a distributor with a sales network spanning the entire country. In 1998, Balbi and Balbiino merged. The company’s first director was Aarne Solvak, and since 1998, Balbiino’s CEO has been Riho Niils. Balbiino entered the market with ice cream in a 1litre package. Balbiino’s assortment included seven kinds of family ice cream in 0.5 and 1litre cardboard containers and 1.2 and 5 litre plastic containers. In November 1996, Balbiino introduced an ice cream cake and three kinds of stick ice cream. Initially, the company’s production lines allowed it to produce, per shift, up to four tons of packages of ice cream, the same amount of stick ice cream and up to three tons of ice cream cake. Balbiino’s first products were the stick ice creams Pierrot, Arlequino and Magnifico; the Italian ices Corallina and Aurelia; and the family ice creams Foxtrot, Valss, Pasadoble and Charleston.




line of classic ice cream on a stick. In addition, their new Musi line of products has proven a


Product quality and consumer satisfaction are

great success among Estonian ice cream con-

priorities for Balbiino. The company’s continuing

sumers. Since 2005, Balbiino has been making

popularity is confirmed by the annual growth in

the popular stick ice cream Vanilla Ninja, deve-

sales, continuous process of product selection

loped in collaboration with the popular girl group

renewal and positive feedback from the market.

of the same name. The product has been a big

To find the flavours that are most to people’s lik-

success for Balbiino due to two reasons. First of

ing, Balbiino continues to use creative product

all, the product capitalized on the popularity of

development. Balbiino’s entire production line is

Vanilla Ninja among young people. The other rea-

based on domestic ingredients. Balbiino’s pro-

son is the wellknown fondness among Estonians

ducts are healthy and wholesome as the ice

for the pairing of vanilla and chocolate flavours. In

creams do not contain any artificial additives.

spring 2006, a special puck-shaped stick ice cream, called Hockey, was launched in honour of

In addition to its everyday operations, Balbiino

the World Ice Hockey Championships held in

has considered charity activity important for

Estonia and Latvia. The equipment used to make

years. The priorities naturally include children and

the Hockey ice cream was made precisely ac-

young people. Besides the SOS Children’s

cording to the measurements of a hockey puck.

Village, the Tallinn Children’s Hospital and Nukuteater (Puppet Theatre), company has supported

Balbiino’s best marketing channel in summertime

youth sports and cultural events. Balbiino’s mas-

is the mobile ice cream store Jätsiabi, a truck

cot – Yeti, the friendly snowman – is instantly rec-

that plies a weekly route covering all districts of

ognizable to almost all Estonian children.

Tallinn and Tartu, bringing ice cream right to people’s doorsteps.


2007 was a year of strong development for Balbiino. A total of 50 million EEK was invested

Balbiino keeps an eye permanently on product

in the company for its expansion on the Estonian

development and is on an ongoing quest to de-

market. In spring 2007, Balbiino opened the

velop new and exciting types of ice cream. Each

largest refrigeration logistics centre in the Baltics,

year, the company unveils an updated product

based in Tallinn. The refrigeration logistics cen-

assortment, in time for the beginning of the ice

tre, which was expanded by one-third, boasted

cream season.

7,700 berths for Europallets and spans an area of over 8000 square metres. The same year, the

Estonian ice cream lovers show a clear preference

company launched a new hardening tunnel that

for premium domestic ice cream, which is why

allows production capacity to be increased in the

Balbiino puts great importance on its line of

peak summer season by 30%. In autumn 2007,

five classic dairy ice cream. Balbiino's most

Balbiino purchased three new fully automatic ice

popular products are Vanilla Ninja, Trull and their

cream production lines. The new equipment increased capacity by 35% and allows new prod-





Balbiino exports its products to five markets abroad: Latvia, Lithuania,

The Association of Estonian Food Industry selects Balbiino’s ice cream

Finland, Sweden and Germany. In June 2008, AS Balbiino renamed its

cake as the first and the best domestic dairy product in Estonia.

Latvian subsidiary, Margota, as SIA Balbiino. Balbiino bought Latvian ice cream manufacturer Margota in early 2007. The name change allows


Balbiino to offer its products throughout the three Baltic markets under

Balbiino is awarded BRC international food quality standard certifica-

a single brand name.

tion. BRC certification covers Balbiino’s production of ice cream, foodgrade ice, and chocolate glazed cheese bars as well as wholesale trade

The products marketed abroad vary slightly from domestic product lines.

and warehousing of refrigerated and frozen products. The company’s

In each country, Balbiino takes local tastes into account. Often the pack-

conformity to the BRC standard was audited by an internationally certi-

aging design ends up being a crucial factor, as the sales success of an

fied auditor from the Swedish headquarters of EFSIS (European Food

identical ice cream depends on the name and package. For example,

Safety Inspection Service).

the Star line of stick ice cream and the family ice cream line Cremeto were made specially for the Latvian market. On the Finnish and Swedish


market, the ship-shaped ice cream Boat and Raks cookie ice cream are

Balbiino’s rye-bread yoghurt ice cream is recognized at Estonia’s Best

enjoying sales success

Food awards in 2006, and received first prize from the Tallinn City Department of Enterprise.

2007 The Estonian Chamber of Agriculture and Commerce gives Balbiino’s five classic dairy ice creams. Approved Estonian Taste quality labels – the swallow symbol. The following classic cream ice creams win recogni-



tion: lingonberry with toffee, vanilla, chocolate, pear with chocolate cream and vanilla with maple syrup and walnuts.


Group: Balbiino AS

Musi single-serving containers of ice cream receive an honourable mention at the Association of Estonian Food Industry competition, in the category “Best Dairy Product 2008”.

Year of foundation: 1995 Sector: Food Industry Turnover: 26.0 mln EUR (2007)

Employees: 200 (2007) Brands: Musi, Trull, TOPs, Vanilla Ninja, Yeti Website: www.balbiino.ee




BALTECO AS Address: J채lgim채e,


vative products.

76401 Harjumaa, Estonia

Balteco is a leading manufacturer of


Tel: +372 671 8237

high quality hydromassage baths in

Balteco has export partners in more

Fax: +372 671 8236

Northern Europe. In addition to hy-

than 20 European countries such as

E-mail: sales@balteco.ee

dromassage baths, Balteco also pro-

Russia, Ukraine, Sweden, Denmark,

Web: www.balteco.com


Finland, Norway, Iceland, Nether-


regular cabins,


bathtubs, panels,

lands, Belgium, Switzerland, Germany,

steam cabins and minipools. Techni-


Poland, Latvia, Lithuania and smaller

cal innovation, internationally recog-

dealers in other countries.

nized design and high quality have been the solid bases for Balteco's continued success. We are commited to maintaining the high quality of our products and devoted to the continuous advancement of our inno-



HISTORY OF BALTECO AS Balteco was started as a private company in 1990. The main factory is located in Kivitammi, 40 km from Tallinn, and the administrative building and development centre are located in Jälgimäe, near Tallinn. Balteco’s success is based on the constant development of new designs and innovative functionality. The development centre employs a team of highly qualified and experienced professionals working both on new products and the continuous advancement of our existing products.


ACHIEVEMENTS Balteco was one of the first companies in Europe


to start offering backmassage systems in its hydromassage baths. Today, backmassage is a


Balteco aims to be the first choice for its part-

standard feature in most hydromassage baths

ners and clients, and our objective is to be a

sold in Europe, yet Balteco offers more in this valu-

manufacturer of trademark products acknowl-

able massage function. Based on customer feed-

edged in our industry. We are committed to

back and many perfomance tests our engineering

being a creator of valuable product standards. In

team concluded that close range hydromassage

addition to the manufacturing, marketing and

intensity must always be adjustable to maximize

sales of high quality innovative products with a

user wellbeing and comfort. Each Balteco bath

modern design, we offer professional service

can, according to individual customer preferences,

both before and after sales. Our strengths are:

be additionally fitted with a back massage system

patented original designs, unique functions, in-

with adjustable intensity ABM™. Also, with the in-

novative technical solutions, a wide range of

creasing number of jets used in larger hydromas-

products, high quality, and a choice of high qual-

sage baths, it is technically difficult to provide

ity components and materials.

effective hydromassage with one pump system. In order to provide larger hydromassage bath models with maximum effectiveness, Balteco


Development Centre engineers have designed a hydromassage system with two powerful pumps

Balteco hydromassage baths: original award

DHP™. These are just a few examples of the valu-

winning designer hydromassage baths are avail-

able technical innovation that the Balteco engi-

able in three different design series Basic, Relax

neering team has been able to achieve.

and Forma. The in-house R&D Centre provides services from product design to tooling and moldmaking. Also,


all Balteco electronic control systems are custom designed at Balteco R&D Centre. Balteco

Balteco sets the trends in product development

annually registers the design of its new products.

among hydromassage bath manufacturers. We

In addition to its competence in product design,

have dealers in twenty two countries, and today

Balteco has contemporary production facilities

we have over 100,000 satisfied customers all

and well-trained experienced personnel to en-

over Europe.

sure high quality production.

Balteco uses only high quality components from

Balteco installs only electronic control panels for

selected European and American suppliers. All

its baths and does not offer any pneumatic con-

Balteco baths and massage systems meet all EU

trols. The original EVO series panels were

quality and safety requirements and standards.

launched in 2007, and EVO+ series panels in

AS Balteco quality system has been ISO 9001

2008. Both control panels and bath systems

certified from 1999. All Balteco products are CE

were developed by the engineering team at the

approved; our current quality and safety testing

Balteco R&D Centre.

partner is SEMKO (Sweden).


HISTORY OF THE BRAND AND LOGO The brand, Balteco, has been with the company from 1990, and is registered throughout the EU and many other European countries. The new unified corporate identity (launched in 2006) is extremely important, being an inseparable part of reflecting our products and the company. In creating Balteco's new logo, different related visual motives have been used and we may distinguish between two main thematic levels. First,


the logo embraces the purest and most initial figure among all natural forms. The shape of an egg is the symbol of beginning and consistency in many cultures and a distinctive symbol of undamaged, perfect beauty and health. The purity and freshness of the logo is clearly communicated using the colors of water

Group: Balteco AS



Year of foundation: 1990

Brands: Balteco

Sector: Manufacturing

Innovative new products within last two years: 16

Turnover: 10.5 mln EUR (2007) Employees: 108 (2007)

Website: www.balteco.com



AS BALTIKA Address: Veerenni 24,

The Group operates four retail con-

5 p.m. Mosaic also offers quality,

10135 Tallinn, Estonia

cepts: Monton, Mosaic, Baltman and

easycare and comfortable fashion

Tel: +372 630 2731

Ivo Nikkolo.

clothes for 2 – 10-year-old children.

Fax: +372 630 2814

The Group employs 1,900 people.

The Mosaic collections are charac-

E-mail: baltika@baltikagroup.com

Since 1997 listed on OMX Tallinn

terized by a harmony of different de-

Web: www.baltikagroup.com

Stock Exchange.

tails and garments that provide easy combinations.


Baltman is a prestigious lifestyle


Monton is a fast fashion brand with a

brand for men, offering stylish, clas-

The Baltika Group is a rapidly growing

unique style and well-focused quality

sic and high-quality clothing and per-

fashion retailer in the Baltic States,

range. The brand is targeted at fash-

sonalised services in a comfortable

Central and Eastern Europe and is

ion-conscious men and women who

shopping environment.

currently present in Estonia, Latvia,

are socially active and desire to differ

Ivo Nikkolo is a designer fashion

Lithuania, Ukraine, Russia, Poland

from conventional dressers.

brand for ladies allowing the cus-

and the Czech Republic.

Mosaic is an international brand of-

tomer to express her own individual-

fering contemporary stylish apparel

ity and complement her lifestyle.

for feeling good in the office and after


HISTORY OF BALTIKA 1928 Gentleman established in Tallinn as producer of raincoats 1959 Company is restructured and renamed Baltika, producing formal menswear 1988 Production of ladieswear begins 1991 Baltika is privatised 1991 First menswear collection, Baltman, launched 1991 First store opened in Estonia 1993 First ladieswear collection, Christine Collection (CHR), launched 1993 First store opened in Lithuania 1994 First store opened in Russia 1995 Evermen collection launched 1996 First store opened in Latvia 1997 Baltika listed on the Tallinn Stock Exchange, owned by OMX today 2000 First stores opened in Ukraine and Poland 2002 Strategic turnaround as a vertically integrated fashion retailer begins 2002 Monton brand launched in five markets 2004 50.1% holding acquired in the Russian retail operations 2005 Exit of a long-term strategic shareholder; management becomes largest single shareholder 2005 Strategic turnaround completed 2006 CHR and Evermen concepts rebranded as Mosaic 2006 Baltika opens its 100th store 2006 Baltika acquires well-known Estonian designer brand Ivo Nikkolo 2007 Baltika nominated as finalist in two categories in the European Business Awards 2007 Mosaic childrenswear launched 2007 First store opened in the Czech Republic



VALUES AND STRENGTHS • Latest fashion with its unique style and well focused quality range for the target customer • Good service and innovative communication Monton brand values • Self-confident


• Open-minded • Fashionable • Independent • Positive • Innovative

MONTON – Baltika Group’s Biggest Brand

PRODUCTS AND INNOVATION Monton offers smart casual and formal wear both for men and women. In addition to clothing, there are accessories, footwear, lingerie/underwear and beachwear in the collection. Designers, manufacturers and technologists cooperate intensively in order to provide good-fitting quality clothing. Monton has 12 collections a year, delivering new products to shops every week. The clothes in the shop are divided into colour worlds that enable customers to easily combine different garments. Our products are constantly being developed; in 2006 lingerie and beachwear were added to the collection, in 2007 Monton started offering footwear and a special jeans collection, Spiced M, was also launched. Often customers are being offered novel and exciting products – e.g. T-shirts specially designed for Valentine’s Day or men’s underwear with a pocket for a condom. In October 2008, the special Monton Fusion collection was launched that was specially designed by Anu Samarüütel-Long.




Monton provides clothing for the Estonian and Latvian Olympic delega-

Monton operates in the Baltic States, Central and Eastern Europe and

tions. Monton is the official sponsor of the Estonian Olympic Committee

is currently present in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Russia, Poland

and creator of parade clothing. Monton has provided clothing for the

and the Czech Republic.

Estonian delegation three times so far – at the 2004 Summer Olympic Games in Athens (designed by Jana Varkki), 2006 Winter Olympic Games in Turin (designed by Kaire Kivari) and 2008 Summer Olympic Games in Beijing (designed by Kaire Kivari). In 2006, Monton established the Olympics Hope Stipend and gave the profit gained from selling the



Olympic collection to the most promising young Estonian athletes Ebe Reier, Kaire Leibak and Georgi Ladõgin.

The Monton brand was launched on the 5th September 2002. Thirtyone stores were opened in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and

In the 2008 Summer Olympic Games in Beijing, the entire Latvian

Ukraine. In 2002, the collection was created for 250 m2 of stores, now

Olympic delegation was wearing Monton, including both athletes and

more than 500 m2 of stores. In 2004, Monton shops were opened in

the officials accompanying them. In all, Monton provided clothing to

Russia; in 2007 Monton was launched in the Czech Republic. Today

more than 100 Latvian representatives in Beijing. The Latvian Olympic

Monton has 52 shops in 7 countries

parade clothing was designed by Monton designer Piret Puppart. Awards won by the Monton brand: • The best domestic clothing brand 2008, FHM; Estonia



• The best domestic clothing brand 2007, FHM, Estonia • The best domestic clothing brand 2006, FHM, Estonia • The most practical men’s fashion brand 2005, FHM, Lithuania • The best domestic clothing brand 2005, FHM, Estonia

Group: Baltika Group

• Silver Egg in photo category 2005, Estonia • Choice of the Year in Womenswear 2004, Ukraine • The most innovative brand 2004, Latvia www.montonfashion.com awards: • Bronze Egg 2007, Estonia • Gold in categories “Fashion” and “Visual Appeal”, W3 Awards 2006, USA • Bronze Egg 2004, Estonia • Cresta Awards 2003 finalist, international award • Golden Drum 2002 finalist, European countries • Golden Egg 2002, Estonia

Year of foundation: 1928 Sector: Retail Turnover: 73.6 mln EUR (2007)

Employees: 1983 (2007) Brands: Monton, Mosaic, Baltman, Ivo Nikkolo Website: www.baltikagroup.com



BLRT GRUPP AS Address: Kopli 103,

Products and markets

BLRT Grupp consists of 65 sub-

11712 Tallinn, Estonia

BLRT’s main areas of activity are:

sidiaries in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania,

Tel: +372 610 2408

shipbuilding, ship repairs, manufac-

Ukraine, Russia, Finland and Norway.

Fax: +372 610 2999

ture of metal structures, sale of met-

BLRT Grupp is based on Estonian

E-mail: bsr@bsr.ee

als, port and stevedoring services,

capital and has created around 4000

Web: www.bsr.ee

mechanical engineering, old metal

jobs internationally.

processing, car transport services and sales of medical and industrial gases.


HISTORY OF BLRT GRUPP The company was established in 1912 to supply the Russian Navy with ships, and three destroyers had already been built by 1916. The BLRT Grupp became the owner of the former Tallinn Sea Factory, which was founded by the world famous Nobel family in 1912. The company focused on repairing military vessels after World War II, and on repairing fishing vessels in the 70s and 80s. Nevertheless, the shipyard continued the tradition of employing only skilled specialists and using only state-of-the art equipment. In 1990, BLRT Grupp started the repair of tankers, cargo vessels and cruise liners. BLRT’s customer service is constantly improving, creating a highly competitive edge over other shipyards across the Baltic region. Following Estonia’s transition to a market economy, BLRT Grupp had to introduce new versatile production lines. Hence, the group now deals with ship repair, as well as shipbuilding, repair of rolling stock, heavy steel construction, port services, metal wholesale and many other fields. The company is currently operating in Tallinn on the Kopli peninsula, after having been privatized in 1996. In 2000, the BLRT Grupp became the owner of the former Tallinn Sea Factory. Subsequently, BLRT Grupp acquired a majority holding in a Lithuanian ship repair company, Vakaru Laivu Remontas, in 2001. Currently, BLRT Grupp is one of the largest industrial enterprises experienced in the building and repair of shipping vessels in Estonia, with shipyard locations in Tallinn (Estonia), Klaipeda (Lithuania) and Turku (Finland). It is widely recognized by local as well as foreign experts as a successful and rapidly growing company.




In the field of ship repair, we plan to increase the share of RoRo and RoPax cargo-passenger

BLRT is one of the biggest industrial concerns in

ships, cold storage ships, tankers, and container

the Baltic, our aim is to become the market

ships navigating the Baltic Sea, North Sea and

leader in all our activities.

Atlantic regions. Our aim is to attract more elite clients of category A by offering them the best quality service delivered punctually.

MISSION In the field of shipbuilding, we specialize in ferWe enhance the business of our customers by

ries, universal ships, freight and specialty ships.

providing them with complete services, industrial

Our plans include actively developing shipbuild-

products and materials. We are constantly evolv-

ing projects involving design engineering in co-

ing at organizational and technological levels to

operation with strategic partners, which will allow

better serve the needs of our clients and to con-

us to offer our clients a complete package – from

serve the environment better. Our priorities focus

concept and design to the finished product at a

on sea transportation, renewable energy and en-

highly professional level.

gineering industries. Our strategic aim is to


strengthen our leading position in our respective

In the field of metal construction and production,

markets and to ensure continued growth by of-

our development vision sees us producing off-

fering the best efficiency and reliability in serving

shore products for prospective energy markets.

our customers' needs. Besides making quality

Furthermore, fish farming and stainless steel

products, we also make the lives of our cus-

construction markets are being sought. In the

tomers comfortable and the lives of our employ-

metal trading sector our goal is to satisfy the

ees deserving.

growing needs of manufacturing and construction sectors via constant operational development in Eastern and North European countries,


and also by taking advantage of the new galvanization plant in Lithuania.

• Entrepreneurship – we are constantly searching for new markets and business opportunities.


• Efficiency – we aim to accomplish only

One of BLRT’s achievements is the operation

the best results.

of our ship repair and construction companies

• Reliability – we fulfill our promises.

in Klaipeda. The Western Ship-Building Yard has produced very pleasing results in terms of both turnover and profit, and the projects undertaken have been particularly interesting. In


May 2007, BLRT Grupp bought the Finnish ship repair company Turku Repair Yard, which owns one of the largest dry-docks in Northern

Market direction


• Shipbuilding and ship repair THE MOST COMPETITIVE INDUSTRIAL AND ENERGY ENTERPRISE 2008 Estonian Companies’ Competitiveness Ranking 2008

• Manufacture of metal constructions and machine building • Metal trading, metal prefabrication services,


scrap metal processing • Industrial and medical gases

The BLRT Grupp incorporates 65 subsidiaries,

• Transport and stevedoring services

mainly in Northern Europe. The companies

• Material and equipment sales

employ more than 4000 people in Estonia,

• Technical services

Lithuania, Latvia, Ukraine, Russia, Norway, and

• Investments, real estate






Group: BLRT Grupp

Turnover: 295.1 mln EUR (2007)

Brands: BLRT Grupp, Elme, Refonda, Elme Metall, Marketex, Tallinn Shipyard, Western Shipyard, Turku Repairyard

Employees: 3600 (2007)

Website: www.bsr.ee

Year of foundation: 1912



DELFI AS Markets

Address: 6 R채vala pst,


10143 Tallinn, Estonia


Tel: +372 680 7800

Forte.ee, Weekend.ee portals for all

Fax: +372 681 4719

Internet users. Search, maps, photo

E-mail: delfi@delfi.ee

and video services in Internet.

Web: www.delfi.ee

Wide range marketing and advertis-


ing solutions.


Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Ukraine Internet markets.



HISTORY OF DELFI The Delfi portal was launched on November 23rd 1999 in Estonia and a week later in Latvia. The Lithuanian portal followed in February 2000. Initially, Delfi was used as a cover brand for all internet businesses run by the largest IT company in the Baltics, MicroLink. Besides online media, ISP and web programming units were also using the Delfi brand. IT related divisions were later re-branded and Delfi concentrated on online media. Over 10 years, Delfi has grown from being a small internet portal to the main mass medium, which has a larger audience than the biggest daily newspapers in the Baltics. There are more than 2.5 million users in Delfi in the Baltics among a total regional population of 8 million.


DELFI – first choice in Internet!

Delfi is the leading Internet media company in the Baltics. Delfi operates

portant topics. In practice, the Delfi comment environment is the largest

12 portals in the Baltic countries and one in Ukraine. In Estonia we have

public tribune for people besides parliamentary elections. A number of

6 different web environments: news portals in the local language

written commentaries on hot topics can easily reach thousands. Statis-

(www.delfi.ee <http://www.delfi.ee>) and in Russian (rus.delfi.ee); en-

tics show that several hundred thousand people are writing comments

tertainment portals (www.publik.ee <http://www.publik.ee> and

in our portals. The readership of these comments reaches millions.

www.weekend.ee <http://www.weekend.ee>), a science and technology portal (www.forte.ee <http://www.forte.ee>) and a social network for

Delfi has been an internet advertising pioneer in the Baltics. For several

young people (www.kuut.ee <http://www.kuut.ee>). We have 600 000

years, Delfi has had above 50% market share in Internet advertising.

users in Delfi web portals in Estonia.

Due to the rapid rise in the popularity of Internet advertising and the addition of new environments our market share is now below 50%, but we

We have 3 portals in Latvia: news portals in the local language

still hold approximately one third of the market.

(www.delfi.lv <http://www.delfi.lv>) and in Russian (rus.delfi.lv) and an


entertainment portal (www.mango.lv <http://www.mango.lv>). There are

Over 10 years, Delfi has grown from being a small internet portal to the

693 000 users of Delfi web resources in Latvia.

main mass medium, which has a larger audience than the biggest daily newspapers in the Baltics. There are more than 2.5 million users in Delfi

In Lithuania we have 3 portals: news portals in the local language

in the Baltics among a total regional population of 8 million.

(www.delfi.lt <http://www.delfi.lt>) and Russian (ru.delfi.lt) and an entertainment portal (www.klubas.lt <http://www.klubas.lt>). All together there are 636 902 users per week for all portals in Lithuania.


In Ukraine we operate a Russian language news portal (www.delfi.ua <http://www.delfi.ua>), which has 50 000 users.

Delfi is most known Internt brand in Baltics. We have over 90% brand awareness in every country among all Internet users. Delfi is also first

The Delfi portal was launched on November 23rd 1999 in Estonia and

choise of users in Internet and biggest portal by number of visitors. Delfi

a week later in Latvia. The Lithuanian portal followed in February 2000.

has biggest market share in Internet Advertising market in Baltics.

Initially, Delfi was used as a cover brand for all internet businesses run by the largest IT company in the Baltics, MicroLink. Besides online media, ISP and web programming units were also using the Delfi brand.


IT related divisions were later re-branded and Delfi concentrated on online media.

We have Delfi portals in local and russian language in every Baltic State. We also operate entertainment portals – Publik.ee and

The main driver of usage in the Delfi portals has traditionally been news

Weekend.ee in Estonia, Mango.lv in Latvia and Klubas.lt in Lithuania.

content. Delfi also introduced the opportunity to exchange opinions on

Besides content provision we have expanded into web-based servic-

current affairs by enabling users to comment on news articles. Through

es. We operate photo storage and sharing services, video portals and

these comments all users can participate in public discussions on im-

social network.


ACHIEVEMENTS The most important achievement has been creation of leading media channel in Internet despite of any connection or support from the traditonal media. Delfi has created also most effective business model in Media. Also we consider our achievment the creation of advertising market from zero in Internet being leading player on this market during last decade until today. All these three achievements are related not only Estonia but in all Baltic countries. Froma another fiel the Russian Internet Council has awarded Delfi as the best russian language internet site outside from Russi.

39 INTERNATSIONAL PRESENCE Delfi has created similar local presence in all over Baltic region. We do operate also in Ukraine.

HISTORY OF THE BRAND AND LOGO Delfi found own brand through the international contest. The arguments behalf brand where: • Delfi is technical name for brand whch doesn't mean anything in local languages in region; • historicl backround as being the place in Greek mytodology where was the center of the earth which is related with our ambition to be center in Internet;

CORPORATE Group: Delfi Group Year of foundation: 1999

• the legend about Delfi Oracles who can tell the future which is well related with news portal core business;

Sector: Media

• Delfi sounds like Dolphine in local alnguags and Dolphine is very smart animal with very positive backround

Turnover: 8.3 mln EUR (2007) Employees: 143 (2007)


Brands: Delfi, Publik, Forte, Mango, Klubas, DelfiTV, Weekend, Kuut Website: www.delfi.ee www.delfit.lv www.delfi.lt www.delfi.ua



AS EESTI EHITUS Address: Pärnu mnt 158,

Core competencies:

cipal activities take place in Estonia,

11317 Tallinn, Estonia

• General buildings

where the companies of the Group

Tel: +372 615 4400

(industrial, commercial, public)

are active in all of our core compe-

Fax: +372 615 4401

• Residential buildings

tencies. Starting from 2006, Eesti

Contact: Mr Jaano Vink

• Road construction and

Ehitus has expanded its activities into

E-mail: eestiehitus@eestiehitus.ee Web: www.eestiehitus.ee

maintenance • Hydro-technical structures (ports etc.)

Products • General construction contracting • Construction management • Production of concrete, asphalt

• Environmental structures (waste disposal sites etc.)

Latvia and Lithuania. In those two markets, the Group is active in general buildings and other infrastructure segments with strong prospects to widen the scope of operations in the

• Other infrastructure (underground

future. In addition to the Baltics, Eesti

water and sewage pipelines etc.)

Ehitus has had operations in the general building segment in Ukraine

Markets Eesti Ehitus is represented in all the countries of the Baltic region. The prin-

for more than 10 years.



HISTORY OF EESTI EHITUS The origins of AS Eesti Ehitus go back to the foundation of the Finnish-Soviet joint venture SRV Eesti Ehitus in 1988. In 1990 – 2000 the company operated mainly in the Estonian and Russian construction markets as a general contractor and project manager. SRV, a Finnish construction company and a major shareholder in the company, withdrew from the joint venture in 1996, which was renamed OÜ Eesti Ehitus. In 2002, the company was reorganized as a public limited company, AS Eesti Ehitus. The spring of 2006 was an important milestone in the history of the company – on 18 May 2006, the Tallinn Stock Exchange started to trade the shares of Eesti Ehitus.




As a construction company centred on general contracting and project management, our most

The company provides a wide range of products

important asset is know-how and we are con-

and services.

tinuously placing great emphasis on the preser-


vation and development of this area. We value

In residential and non-residential construction:

our employees, guaranteeing them a modern

• industrial premises and warehouses

work environment that encourages creativity and

• commercial buildings

a motivation system that appreciates enterpris-

• public buildings

ing spirit.

• residential buildings

As professional constructors we apply relevant,

In civil engineering:

well-considered work methods and technolo-

• road projects – road construction and main-

gies. We follow accepted quality standards in


order to provide our clients with complete solu-

• other infrastructure – hydro-technical and en-

tions at low total costs. We also care about the

vironmental structures (ports, waste disposal

environment and pursue sustainability.

sites, pipes and utility lines)

The most significant strengths, which define

We consider it important to keep up with inno-

Eesti Ehitus are: diversified and well balanced

vation in our principal activity as well as in our

revenue portfolio; a strong foothold in civil engi-

support units. Thus, the integrated intra-group IT

neering construction; turnkey solutions through

systems at Eesti Ehitus are among the best in

combined expertise and experienced person-

the construction market, making it possible to

nel; group wide project management and IT

observe activities on construction sites in real ti-


me, and manage costs, personnel and accounts. One of the strengths of the business of Eesti Ehitus is innovation. As proof, four certificates of utility models have been issued to Eesti Ehitus, which are related to hydro-technical constructions and the performance of works.

ACHIEVEMENTS 1997 – 1998 Eesti Ehitus acted as the main contractor for the Estonian Customs Board in the project to construct Luhamaa border station, the largest Estonian border facility thus far.


1999 – 2000 The company acted as the main contractor in building a


new 5th quay and passenger gangway for the Port of Tallinn, which remains the biggest hydro-technical construction project in Estonia built in

The activity of Eesti Ehitus in Ukraine is managed and developed by its

a functioning harbour.

subsidiary OÜ Eurocon, founded in 2004. The company has constructed buildings in Ukraine for more than 10 years and is acknowl-

1999 – 2000 The company was awarded the contract to build the first

edged in this market for our international background as well as

stage of a container terminal in the Port of Muuga, which involved build-


ing a technologically advanced and unique construction of 50m x 200m on steel piling over the sea. The company received the Estonian “Con-

• In Latvia operation started in 2006 – SIA Abagars

crete Building of the Year, 2001” award for this construction.

• In Lithuania operation started in 2007 – UAB Eurocon LT

2001 – 2003 The company was awarded the contract to build the Galvex galvanization plant, the largest green-field investment made in


Estonia to date. The logo that joins the companies of the group has been used since the 2001 – 2004 The company acted as the main contractor in building the

establishment of the company. In 2002, the logo was given its current

Eurox Office Building, a class A office building in the central part of Tallinn.

form. The logo is an internationally registered trademark and joins all companies belonging to the Eesti Ehitus group

2003 – 2007 The company with its subsidiary, ASPI, have both been lead contractors in different stages of the decommissioning of a radioactive waste disposal site at Sillamäe, which is a unique project in terms of its size and nature in Eastern Europe. 2003 – 2005 Eesti Ehitus acted as the main contractor building the first


stage of the Port of Sillamäe in North-Eastern Estonia, the only entirely


new cargo port built in Estonia since independence. 2004 – 2005 The company was awarded the contract to build a distill-

Group: Eesti Ehitus Group

ery in Tsherkassi, Ukraine, which is the largest project by Eesti Ehitus in Ukraine to date.

Year of foundation: 1989

2005 ASPI participated in a consortium that reconstructed a part of the Tallinn-Narva highway between Jõelähtme and Maardu. The TallinnNarva highway is one of the major transportation routes in Estonia. This

Sector: Constrution

was one of the largest road reconstruction projects in Estonia since it regained its independence. 2005 – 2007 Eesti Ehitus reconstructed and built a number of borderguard stations on the north-eastern and south-eastern borders, such as at Luhamaa, Mustvee and Narva-Jõesuu.

Turnover: 239.8 mln EUR (2007)

Employees: 1 100 (2007) Brands: EE, EUROCON Website: www.eestiehitus.ee




ESTRAVEL AS Address: Suur-Karja 15



10140 Tallinn, Estonia

Estravel offers outgoing and incom-

The main market for outgoing prod-

Tel: + 372 626 6201

ing travel services to both corporate

ucts is Estonia, where over 60% of

Fax: + 372 626 6202

and private customers:

our business comes from corporate

E-mail: ikontor@estravel.ee

flight tickets, accommodation, boat

customers. Estravel's incoming divi-

Web: www.estravel.ee

tickets, cruises, rail tickets, vacation

sion acts in foreign markets under the

packages and incoming services. In

registered trademark Baltcoming pro-

Estravel has 12 sales offices in

addition to these main travel services

moting the Baltics together. The main

Estonia (4 of them in Tallinn) and

special corporate services including

markets where Estravel’s incoming

subsidiaries in Latvia and Lithuania.

conference- and incentive products

products are active are Finland,

Estravel’s call centre serves custo-

are offered to corporate customers.

Sweden, Norway, Germany and

mers 24/7.

Besides traditional customer serv-


ices, Estravel has its own online booking centre Travelshop.



HISTORY OF ESTRAVEL Estravel was founded in Tallinn in August 1988 by a group of private persons as an incoming agency. As the next step, tourist groups were taken to Europe and sales of flight tickets began. This was the beginning of outgoing travel. Estravel became the market leader in Estonia in 1994 and has kept this position since. In 1995, the majority of shares were acquired by Finnair and the same year Estravel became the representative of American Express in Estonia. Subsidiaries in Riga and Vilnius were opened in 1996 – 1997. Since 2000, FTB (Finnish Travel Bureau) has been the owner of 70% of Estravel's shares. Estravel opened the first office outside Tallinn in Tartu in 1996, and now has offices in all major cities in Estonia. Besides traditional travel agency services, Estravel opened its online-booking centre Travelshop in 2005 and redesigned the website in 2007.



over 35 thousand Kuldkaart owners for today. To corporate customers are offered special con-

As the market leader Estravel wishes to be a

ference- and incentive products. Personal travel-

travel agency with the best and most personal

manager takes care of company´s needs and

service for all customers.

combines the best solution. Estravel also publishes its own magazine,

Company values:

Estraveller. Estraveller is the biggest and the

• Respect

most popular travel magazine in Estonia with

• Reliability

circulation of 15 000 copies. For 9 years it has

• Professionalism

conquered readers’ hearts among readers for its

• Openness to changes and learning

bright travel impressions and always has been

• Friendliness

giving good tips, in-time news and representing

• Balance

new travel products. In 2005 Travelshop (www.estravelshop.com) was

Estravel is the oldest travel agency in Estonia, es-

launched. It is an online travel- store, where you

tablished in 1988. For that reason we have re-

can book flight tickets and hotel rooms. After

spectable amount of experience and wide range

two years this service has become popular –

of knowledge in the tourism- field. Estravel is the

more than 5% of all bookings have been made

best choice as a partner in travel services, be-

in TravelShop.

cause: • Friendly and professional staff • Secure financial background


• International experience and network


• Use of advanced technology

In July 1995, American Express and Estravel

• Highest purchase volumes with hotels and

signed a franchising contract.

suppliers • 100% compliance with legislation

In December 1999, Estravel opened the first sales office in the Baltic states which is located in flightterminal and opened 365 days. In 2005 an online travel- store Travelshop


(www.estravelshop.com) was launched, where you can book flight tickets and hotel rooms. In October 2006, 24h Call Center was opened. It

Estravel offers outgoing and incoming travel

is located in Tartu and deals with clients all over

services for both corporate and private cus-

the world.

tomers: flight tickets, accommodation, rail and

2007 was the best year ever for the company –

boat tickets, cruises and vacation packages. In

for the first time, the gross sales of Estravel ex-

addition to these, Estravel has many bonuses

ceeded one billion Estonian kroons.

and special programs for clients. For private customers Estravel has especial loyEstravel´s own magazine, Estraveller, is the most popular travel magazine in Estonia.

The holders of Kuldkaart may choose among a great number of partners offering various benefits.

alty program with the customer card Kuldkaart.


It is one of the oldest in the Estonian market and considered a valuable asset to the company. The

After achieving the market leader position of

holders of Kuldkaart may choose among a great

Estonia in December 1994, Estravel decided to

number of partners offering various benefi ts.

enter into two other Baltic states markets. In Riga

Owners of the golden card are especially impor-

(Latvia), sales office opened in 1996, in Vilnius

tant to Estravel and we try to offer them the best

(Lithuania) in 1997. It was the beginning of Es-

and the fastest service and information about the

travel´s Baltcoming - a registered trade name of

cheapest and most interesting traveling possibil-

Estravel Ltd., the leading travel agency and des-

ities. With this card you can get several perma-

tination management operator in the Baltic

nent discounts. They include travel services,

States. Since 1995 Estravel is a proud member

beauty and health service, catering, car service

of the Finnair Group and also representative of

and other purchase discounts. There are already

American Express.


HISTORY OF THE BRAND AND LOGO Corporation identity of Estravel was changed in the beginning of 2008. The company was trading under the same brand for 20 years, but nowadays the company itself is more developed and has changed a lot. The brand needed some refreshment too. The main reasons and aims of changing image were to modernize brand and break the stereotypes that Estravel is an expensive business trip bureau. Internal changes in company are already going on – we are trying to sell more emotions and nice experiences and work with customers in warm and open atmosphere. Also the new logo of company should have such keywords like warmth and friendliness. A new logo will consist of flower petals that show different directions of the world. This motive shows the movement and traveling everywhere you can and do this with the help of Estravel. But this is also like a compass where in the centre there is a circle as a location mark, where all the


adventures start. Blue color has been symbolic for company from the very beginning. That’s why it was saved also now

Estravel´s new logo (above) has more warmth and friendliness than the old one (below).



Group: Estravel AS Year of foundation: 1988

Employees: 222 (2007)

Sector: Travel industry

Brands: Estravel, Baltcoming, Kuldkaart, Estraveller magazine

Gross sales: 64.0 mln EUR (2007)

Website: www.estravel.ee






Põrguvälja tee 6, Lehmja,

• Chocolate confectionery products

• Estonia

Rae vald, 75306 Harjumaa, Estonia

• Sugar confectionery products

• Latvia

Tel: +372 607 7710

• Flour confectionery products

• Lithuania

Fax: +372 607 7725

• Finland

E-mail: kalev@kalev.eu

• Russia

Web: www.kalev.eu



HISTORY OF KALEV Together with distilleries and bakeries, confectionary is one of the oldest branches of the food industry in Estonia. The birth of the Estonian confectionery industry dates back to 1806, when confectioner Lorenz Caviezel opened his business on Pikk Street in Tallinn, on the site where the Maiasmokk cafĂŠ is situated today. In 1864, the confectionery, which had changed hands many times, came into the possession






marzipan figurines and handmade chocolates were in demand even amongst the Russian Imperial Family. The best-known predecessor of the Kalev Chocolate Factory, Kawe, was founded in 1921, and 20 years later when Estonia was occupied by Russia, nationalization brought several confectionery producers together under the Kawe brand name. Later, for political reasons Kawe was renamed the Kalev confectionery factory.


PRODUCTS AND INNOVATIONS The product range at Kalev Chocolate Factory consists of over 260 chocolate, sugar and pastry products, and each year new brands are introduced to the market. Our product development department is constantly working to find


new innovative taste combinations, and the results of their work are indeed easy to see.

Being trustworthy and caring for our employees, customers, partners and society in general are our main values. Kalev Chocolate Factory is a strong


market leader and one of the best-known brands


in Estonia. According to research conducted in

Since 1973, Kalev products have regularly been

2008, about 96 per cent of the Estonian popula-

presented at international fairs. In 1973, the

tion recognize the Kalev brand name.

chocolate "Tuljak" won the gold medal at the In-

The strengths of the Kalev Chocolate Factory are

ternational Fall Fair at Leipzig, while the "Ro-

its diverse product portfolio, competitive price pol-

manss" gift box of chocolates won the gold

icy and developed production base. The product

medal in Bulgaria.

portfolio consists of chocolate, sugar and pastry

This year, Kalev's praline tiramisu flavoured

products. Our strong sales team supports a suc-

sweets won the prize for the best confectionery

cessful presence in various sectors of the food

product. In 2006 and 2007, this prize went re-

market. New modern production facilities were

spectively to white chocolate with popped rice

constructed for the Kalev Chocolate Factory in

and blueberries and to milk chocolate with cook-

2003. Our production volume is now sufficient to

ies and plums.

satisfy both the local market and the expansion of

The products from Kalev Chocolate Factory have

our commercial presence in the region.

also been awarded with the Acknowledged Taste Clover Symbol and the Acknowledged Estonian Taste origin and quality label.

INTERNATIONAL PRESENCE While most of the products are sold on the Estonian market, the company is also actively engaged in export activities. The main foreign markets are those of the Baltic States, Scandinavian countries and Russia. We are focusing on sales of chocolate bars, soft candies and boxed chocolates on foreign markets. White, dark and milk chocolates with various berries are especially popular on foreign markets, the most successful product being white chocolate with popped rice and blueberries.






Group: Kalev Ltd

The Kalev Chocolate Factory brand comes from the chocolate and sweet factory, Kawe, founded in 1921. At the beginning of 1940, several

Year of foundation: 1806

confectionary factories were brought together under Kawe’s brand name, and on 1 April 1948, Kawe was renamed Kalev confectionery factory for political reasons. The consolidation of the confectionery industry was complete by 1962, and a new trademark was adopted to mark this event. The logo depicting a boat sailing with the wind was changed in 2000. The new logo attempted to recreate the traditional image of the company: a stylish calligraphic name and the old boat logo represent a link with the past

Sector: Food Industry Turnover: 28.9 mln EUR (2007)

Employees: 487 (2007) Brands: Kalev, Draakon Website: www.kalev.eu



TALLINNA KAUBAMAJA AS Address: Gonsiori 2,

• The Selver chain of supermarkets


10143 Tallinn, Estonia

and hypermarkets consisting of

The market share of the Group has

Tel: +372 667 3200

31 stores in 16 Estonian towns

grown quickly in Estonia during re-

Fax: +372 667 3205

and cities (as of 30 September

cent years, reaching 11% in 2007

Contact: Mr Raul Puusepp


(exc. fuel and cars).

• KIA Auto AS; OÜ Ülemiste auto-

The Kaubamaja Group is planning

keskus, Kia Auto UAB and KIA

active expansion into the other Baltic

Automobiles SIA – a group of en-

States in the near future: the expan-

terprises active in imports and

sion of Selver into Latvia will begin at


wholesale of KIA cars in the Baltic

the end of 2008, the I.L.U. chain of

The main field of activity for Kauba-


beauty stores will open in Latvia in

E-mail: kaubamaja@kaubamaja.ee Web: www.kaubamaja.ee

maja is retail sales. The Tallinna Kau-

• I.L.U. chain of beauty stores (the

2009 and the development of the

bamaja consolidated group includes

first store will open in spring 2009);

stores of ABC King and Stepper in

• The chains of footwear stores

the Baltic States is continuing. KIA,

ABC King, Nero, Suurtüki and

ABC King and Stepper are currently

Stepper – with 35 stores in Esto-

active in Latvia and Lithuania.

the following units: • The Kaubamaja department stores in Tallinn and Tartu;

nia and Latvia.


53 HISTORY OF KAUBAMAJA 1960 Tallinna Kaubamaja was opened as a state enterprise on 21 July 1966 Tartu Kaubamaja was opened on 20 December 1973 Extension to Tallinna Kaubamaja (B-building) was opened 1994 Tallinna Kaubamaja was privatized 1996 The stock of TKM was listed on the Tallinn Stock Exchange – since 1997 in the main list 2000 Kaubamaja became a member of IGDS (Intercontinental Group of Department Stores) in October 2004 Tallinna Kaubamaja thoroughly reconstructed and extended to Viru Keskus opened on 15 April; the number of Selver stores increased from 11 to 20 2005 New Tartu Kaubamaja was opened in September, three times larger than before 2007 Acquisition of KIA Auto AS, entry into car business 2008 Acquisition of footwear chains



home decoration, also providing information about new brands and upcoming events in


Kaubamaja bases all its activities on the following

Kaubamaja. Every issue of “Hooaeg“ aims to

principle: Our goal is to add joy and colour to

offer readers fresh ideas for improving their

people’s lives. To this end, we create inspiring

lifestyles. Hooaeg has more than 125,000 read-

city centres and meeting places where we offer

ers, being the most widely read monthly/quar-

experiences, goods and services that excite

terly magazine in Estonia. “Hooaeg“ has a beauty

people and where they can become happier,

supplement published 3-4 times a year.

wiser and more beautiful.

Of course, the people working in Kaubamaja are

Since 1960, Kaubamaja has been known as the

just as important. We make every effort to ensure

favourite shopping place for the Estonian peo-

that our employees are well-educated, high-level

ple, with a reputation as an expert in beauty and

sales attendants who love their job. This is the

fashion. In order to preserve such a valuable rep-

only way to offer the best for our customers.

utation, we co-operate closely with leading fash-

In more than forty years of business, Kaubamaja

ion experts and the media in Estonia.

has gathered invaluable experience in retail trade,

It is safe to say that Kaubamaja is one of the

and has always been among the more success-

symbols of Estonia, and its main building on

ful enterprises in different times.

Kaubamaja Street in Tallinn is one of the landmarks in Tallinn for many Estonians and tourists. Due to its central location in the heart of the city,


both those visiting Estonia and those living here come to Kaubamaja.

As Kaubamaja is a trade enterprise, so our prod-

In addition, there are 31 well-known Selver super-

ucts are the brands that we sell. Kaubamaja – this

markets and hypermarkets in our group, strategi-

is a mid-market oriented department store, cater-

cally located throughout Estonia and offering a

ing to the needs of tens of thousands of locals and

wide assortment of food and everyday goods.

tourists daily. Departments include fashion (men’s,

Kaubamaja could not exist without its people –

women’s, young people), children, beauty, home,

people are its biggest asset. In 2007, Kaubamaja

sports, technology and food. Kaubamaja carries

had more than 300,000 loyal customers; this is

several world renown fashion brands in its fashion

nearly a quarter of the total population of Estonia.

departments such as Hugo by Hugo Boss,

We are continually paying attention to our loyal

Strellson, Gerry Weber, s.Oliver, Mexx, French

customers with both innovative and traditional

Connection, Calvin Klein, Tommy Hilfiger, Replay,


Guess, and so on; in its accessories and beauty

Every month, loyal customers get an e-mail with

departments there are many luxury brands such

the hottest news about Kaubamaja, including in-

as Furla, Gianfranco Ferre, Francesco Biasia,

formation about new brands, fashion events, dis-

Chanel, Dior, Elizabeth Arden, Lancome and so

counts, etc. The magazine “Hooaeg” (“Season”)

on. The Kaubamaja department stores have been

delivers the hottest news about Kaubamaja to its

beacons of Estonian retailing for almost 50 years,

loyal customers four times a year. With 120 – 150

constantly evolving and bringing international

pages of content it provides a comprehensive

retailing trends to this small Baltic state.

overview of new trends in fashion, beauty and

Selver is also a mid-market oriented supermarket and hypermarket concept that offers its cus-


tomers a wide selection of groceries and FMCG products, as well as

tive in Latvia and Lithuania.

some apparel and home items in the larger stores.

The expansion to the other Baltic States comes as a result of a strate-

The footwear chains occupy a combined position as market leader in

gic change, with which the company redefined itself as an international

Estonia, offering a choice of footwear for every taste and every foot, in-

retail group. The strategy sprung from the belief that the group was

cluding well known brands like Kenzo, Lacoste, Lloyd, Vagabond, Ecco,

strong enough in its home market and was ready to export its retail

etc The I.L.U. beauty stores will be rolled out in spring 2009, introducing a

know-how to neighbouring Latvia and Lithuania. Some of the expan-

new way of shopping for beauty products in the Baltic States. These stores

sion has been undertaken by means of acquisitions, others, like the ex-

will be larger than anything else that has been seen in either Estonia, Latvia

pansion of Selver into Latvia, are “green field“ projects.

or Lithuania. They will include 300 – 600 square metres of floor space, featuring a wide array of international cosmetics, skincare and haircare products and fragrances with beauty studios integrated into the stores.


Kaubamaja’s loyal customer programme that is currently applied to all business segments and all stores was one of the first in the country after

The corporate identity of Kaubamaja has always stayed in step with the

the collapse of the Soviet regime. Customers have been able to take

times – this is the only way to preserve the co-ordination of content and

advantage of the benefits offered by the Partner programme since 1996.

form that is necessary for success. Until 1999, the face of Kaubamaja

The Partner Credit Card was launched as the latest addition to the pro-

was the logo inspired by one of the most well-known and special build-

gramme in November 2006, with over 11 000 cardholders to date.

ings in Tallinn’s Old Town – the “Three Sisters“. On the eve of the coming jubilee year it was recognised that the Kaubamaja logo needed to be co-ordinated with this event – and so the blue Kaubamaja logo was


born, in the 1960s style and with an air of retro and nostalgia. In 2003, when Kaubamaja’s renewal plans had become more certain, a distinc-

2004 – Best personnel project

tive change of the visual identity became necessary – the new logo is

2004 – Service Action of the Year, 2nd place

more modern, warmer and friendlier than the previous one

2007 – Successful Estonian Enterprise certificate with the rating of „excellent”. This certificate was issued by Krediidiinfo AS (a subsidiary of the world’s leading credit information enterprise Experian) on the basis



of the economic results for 2006 2007 – Trade Action of the Year, 2nd place Over the years, Kaubamaja has achieved high positions in the retail trade top lists prepared by Estonia’s leading business newspaper “Äripäev”. In addition, we consider it an achievement in itself to be continually held in high regard by our customers as evidenced by the regular customer satisfaction studies.

INTERNATIONAL PRESENCE The Kaubamaja Group also has plans to expand to the other Baltic States in the near future: the expansion of Selver into Latvia will begin at the end of 2008, the I.L.U. chain of beauty stores will open in Latvia in 2009 and the development of the stores ABC King and Stepper in the Baltic States is continuing. Currently KIA, ABC King and Stepper are ac-

Group: Tallinna Kaubamaja AS Year of foundation: 1960

Employees: approx. 3,000 (2007)

Sector: Retail trade

Brands: Kaubamaja, Selver, I.L.U., ABC King, Stepper, Nero, Suurtüki

Turnover: 375.4 mln EUR (2007)

Website: www.kaubamaja.ee




LEIBUR AS Address: Kadaka tee 76a,



12618 Tallinn, Estonia

The long-term experience and skills

Since 1993 Leibur has belonged to

Tel: +372 650 4777

at Leibur have provided the company

the Vaasan & Vaasan Group.

Fax: +372 672 0293

with the opportunity to guide the de-

At the end of 2005, the largest and

E-mail: leibur@leibur.ee

velopment of bakery products by

most powerful production line in the

Web: www.leibur.ee

bringing new wheat and rye bread

Baltic States was opened in Tallinn,

products to the market and develop-

initiating the export of toast bread.

ing existing favourites. Sweet and

In January 2006, Leibur began the

sour rye bread “Tallinna peenleib”, rye

systematic export of its products to

bread “Toolse leib”, portion bread

Latvia and Lithuania.

“Rukkipala”, white bread “Kirde sai”, toast bread “Kuldne röstsai” and our whole grain range “Viljakas” – are but a small selection of the bakery products provided by Leibur to consumers all over Estonia.



HISTORY OF LEIBUR On 2 November 1762, the baker Julius Valentin Jaeksch purchased a plot of land with a two-floor building in the Old Town of Tallinn and established a bakery there. This date is considered the birth-date of industrial bread making in Estonia and also the birth of Leibur. During the Soviet era, there were altogether 5 factories and 4 smaller bakeries functioning in Tallinn. The construction of the new factory in Kadaka Street began in 1970. In 1976, the company was called “Leibur�. In 1991, the state stock exchange company Leibur was founded. The company was privatised in 1993, and since then Leibur has belonged to the Vaasan & Vaasan Group. Today Leibur has its main bakery in Tallinn and a production unit also in Tartu.



According to the data from the AC Nielsen market research company, many of these products


Leibur is successful in the Estonian market re-

belong in the TOP 10 in the Estonian bakery

gardless of growing competition. In 1990, there

market in 2008. In the rye bread category the

were 18 competing bakeries in Estonia alto-

best-selling products are “Tallinna peenleib” and

gether; today this number is around 150. The net

“Toolse leib”, in the wheat bread category “Kirde

sales of Leibur have increased from 2 million to

sai” has the first position (AC Nielsen, June – July

371 million Estonian kroons (23.7 million EUR);


the number of employees has decreased from

Leibur pays much attention to the modernization

921 to 330.

of its technology: the implementation of techno-

The mission of Leibur is to produce and sell high-

logical innovations, the automation of production

quality, tasty and healthy bakery products to sat-

processes, the improvement of equipment relia-

isfy the needs of clients and consumers.

bility and increases in production capacity.

The most important values at Leibur are custo-

In 2007, Leibur produced 25 million kilograms of

mer success, personnel, competence, integrity,

bakery products. Leibur comprises 35% of the

sustainable development and cooperation.

Estonian bread market. During the last decade,

Today, Leibur is the leading and oldest bakery in

Leibur has invested 300 million Estonian kroons

Estonia, the oldest in the Baltic States and most

in its development. The biggest investment in

probably in the entire Nordic region. Leibur car-

Leibur’s history – 100 million kroons (6.4 million

ries on and develops Estonian bread traditions

EUR) – was made in 2005, when the most pow-

by linking centuries of experience with modern

erful production line in the Baltic States was

skills and technology. The result is bread that has


long been familiar to our customers, but also innovative products that guide the market and consumer habits.

ACHIEVEMENTS As the leading bakery in Estonia, Leibur finds it


important to promote healthy eating habits and an active lifestyle in the Estonian population. For years, Leibur has valued and supported health-

When asking Estonian consumers to name the

care, sports and culture.

bakeries they know, Leibur is the first to be men-

In the social sphere, the most significant coop-

tioned. The Leibur brand belongs to the best-

eration has been with the Tallinn Children’s Hos-

known brands with a recognition level of 92%

pital Foundation. As a golden donor to the

(TNS EMOR 2006).

hospital, Leibur financed the acquisition of nec-

Consumers have described Leibur products as

essary medical equipment in 2003 – 2005.

tasty, safe, high-quality, always fresh, healthy

Since 2006, Leibur has sponsored the Keila SOS

products at a reasonable price.

Children’s Village with a daily supply of bread.

Leibur produces almost 50 different products.

In order to raise the awareness of the importance of rye bread in our daily diet among the younger


generation, Leibur has taken part in events organised by the Estonian Association of Bakeries such as Bread Week, visiting schools and kindergartens,




process in our factory and introducing different sorts of bread to our children. In sport, the biggest project has been our cooperation with the Club Tartu Marathon. The club’s main aim is to organize the Tartu Marathon (cross-country skiing marathon), Tartu Running and Nordic Walking Marathon, Tartu Cycle Rally and Tartu Mountain Bike Race.


Food experts have also often highly praised Leibur’s products. The Association of Estonian Food Industry annually organises the “Best Food Product” competition, and over the years many Leibur products have been chosen as the best bakery products: “Tallinna teraleib” (2006), “Rukkileib” (2005); “Rukkipala” (2004), “Porgandi-Pille” (2003), etc.



At the end of 2005, the largest and most powerful production line in the Baltic States was opened in Tallinn, initiating the export of toast bread. In January 2006, Leibur began systematic exports of its products to Latvia and Lithuania.


Group: Vaasan & Vaasan Group Year of foundation: 1962 Sector: Baking industry

In 1975, an internal competition was announced to find a new brand for the bakery that had already functioned since 1762 – and “Leibur” was created. A public competition was announced in 1976 to find a logo for Leibur and the winning work of art that characterises the company even

Turnover: 23.7 mln EUR (2007)

Employees: 330 (2007) Brands: Tallinna peenleib, Kirde sai, Rukkipala, Kuldne röstsai Website: www.leibur.ee



AS LIVIKO Address: Masina 11,



10144 Tallinn, Estonia

Production, wholesale, retail, export

Liviko exports 30% of its production

Tel: +372 667 8000

and import of strong, light alcohol

to foreign countries.

Fax: +372 667 8002

and carbonated alcohol drinks.

The main export markets are Finland,

E-mail: liviko@liviko.ee

Norway, Denmark, Germany, UK,

Web: www.liviko.ee

USA, Sweden, Russia, Ukraine, Latvia, Lithuania and Belorussia. The main export articles are Vana Tallinn Liqueur and Viru Valge Vodka. Liviko has been exporting different vodkas to the US market for more than 15 years; our American partner has exclusivity rights for the state of California. In 2007, Liviko also started to export liqueurs to the USA.


HISTORY OF LIVIKO At the end of the 19th century, Estonia, as part of the Russian Empire, proclaimed the State Vodka Monopoly Law. As a result of that, the cornerstone of the State Spirit store in Tallinn was festively laid by order of the Russian Czar on September 25, 1898. This date is regarded as the birthday of AS Liviko. In 2007, Liviko expanded its business into Latvia and Lithuania, becoming a pan-Baltic group. Today, one hundred and ten years later, Liviko is the leading alcohol producer in Estonia and one of the largest alcohol companies in the entire Baltic region.

ACHIEVEMENTS Viru Valge Vodka and Vana Tallinn Liqueur have won some of the most prestigious awards: • Estonian Spirit Challenge 2006 Competition: Viru Valge – gold medal • Estonian Spirit Challenge 2007 Competition: Viru Valge – bronze medal • International Wine & Spirit Competition 2006: Vana Tallinn – silver medal (the best in its category) • International Wine & Spirit Competition 2006: Vana Tallinn Cream – bronze medal • The Best Alcoholic Drink in Estonia 2007: Vana Tallinn Chocolate Cream • International Wine & Spirit Competition 2007: Vana Tallinn Chocolate Cream – bronze medal • San Francisco World Spirits Competition 2008: Vana Tallinn – silver medal (in liqueur category) • ISW International Spirits Award



VALUES AND STRENGTHS Liviko – established in 1898 – is an Estonian national alcohol producer uniting more than one hundred years of Estonian alcohol production and the demanding taste of today’s clients. Our most well-known brands, Viru Valge Vodka and Vana Tallinn Liqueur, symbolise steady quality on the domestic market, lasting from one generation to the next and withstanding the challenges of different eras and conceptions.


Liviko – starting more than a hundred years ago as a local distillery – has in the course of time developed into an alcohol producer operating with a wide product portfolio on many export markets, its prominence and reputation extending beyond local markets. Approximately one-third of Liviko’s production is marketed on 15 different export markets worldwide. Liviko’s sole shareholder is NG Investeeringud OÜ, an Estonian investment company. NG Investeeringud has a major ownership in several companies in industry, the retail trade and real estate management. Many visitors to Estonia from distant places differentiate Tallinn from other Baltic capitals thanks to Liviko products. We do not debate whether this is good or not, but we are proud of it at Liviko. In the development of our products and in choosing our strategy we firstly and foremostly consider the feedback provided by our partners – our clients and partners dictate our development and our product range. In recent years, Liviko has gone through strong development, changing its profile by developing other directions besides the production of highquality strong alcoholic beverages. In addition to entering the low-alcohol beverage market segment, one of the most important steps in Liviko’s recent history has been the creation of its own import portfolio. The sales volumes of today’s import range consisting of more than 250 products are rapidly increasing and Liviko has established a short-term goal of gaining the position of market leader.

PRODUCTS The most well-known brands are Viru Valge Vodka and Vana Tallinn Liqueur. Viru Valge is the oldest and most trustworthy quality Estonian vodka, having witnessed all the events that have been important to


Estonia and its people for almost half a century. It is distilled from high quality grain spirits and specially processed water, which give the product its soft, pure taste and fragrance. Vana Tallinn is a strong rum flavoured liqueur made of natural ingredients. The recipe is a well kept secret handed over from one liqueur master to another. Vanilla pods, orange, lemon and bitter orange oils mixed with Jamaican rum give the drink its unique velvety and exotic taste. A hint of cinnamon adds an exiting, slightly bitter aroma. Today, the Vana Tallinn product range includes liqueurs of different strength (40%, 45% and


50%) and the Vana Tallinn Cream liqueur.

INTERNATIONAL PRESENCE Vana Tallinn is the flagship brand of Estonia’s oldest alcoholic beverages manufacturer, AS Liviko. It is one of the best selling liqueurs in Scandinavia and the Baltic countries, as well as in Russia and the Ukraine. In ranking the Nordic countries in the travel trade, Vana Tallinn is listed among the top five trademarks among spirits. Vana Tallinn is also exported to the US and many EU countries. Vana Tallinn has over the years become one of the most symbolic icons


of the city and one of the most well-known trademarks associated with Estonia. Thus, it is a very popular gift to offer business partners and friends from Estonia.

HISTORY OF THE BRAND The Vana Tallinn liqueur captures the essence of the rich history of the Estonian capital Tallinn and its picturesque Old Town. In this sense, Vana Tallinn comprises the skills of masters through the centuries. The history of the Vana Tallinn liqueur dates back to the beginning of the 1960’s. The liqueur masters at Liviko created a new and unique taste with the main flavours being rum and citrus. The exact recipe of this drink is a secret to this day. Next, a name was chosen for this exciting new liqueur. The name Vana Tallinn, which literally means “Old Tallinn”, united the drink and its birthplace

Group: Liviko AS Year of foundation: 1898 Sector: production, wholesale, retail, export and import of strong, light alcohol and carbonated alcohol drinks.


Turnover: 80.0 mln EUR (2007) Employees: 208 (2007) Brands: Viru Valge Vodka, Vana Tallinn Liqueur Website: www.liviko.ee




character design, backgrounds, lay-


10611 Tallinn, Estonia

outs, animations, in-betweens and

Eesti Joonisfilm is an internationally

Tel: +372 677 4228

clean-up, working with ANIMO Cam-

known animation studio. Its films are

Fax: +372 677 4122

bridge Animation System worksta-

loved by animation film festivals and

E-post: info@joonisfilm.ee

tions (ScanLevel, Ink&Paint, Compo-

animated film audiences around the

Web: www.joonisfilm.ee

siting, Special Effects, Rendering),

world. In 2007, their films were shown

3ds max and film editing (HD). In ad-

at over 100 international film festivals

dition to arthouse films, the Eesti

and events in over 40 countries. In

Joonisfilm Studio also makes ani-

addition, the adventures of Lotte, the


mated films for children among them

cheerful and adventurous girl-dog,

Eesti Joonisfilm produce short and

the largest animated film project from

have been sold for cinema and DVD

feature-length animated films and

the Baltics, Lotte from Gadgetville

distribution in more than 45 territories

provide animation-related services in-

(2006). The studio also produces

in the world. This is unprecedented in-

cluding film development, art design,

commercials for various customers.

ternational success for an Estonian film.



HISTORY OF JOONISFILM Animated films have been made in Estonia since the early 1930's. The first animated film was The Adventures of Juku the Puppy (1931, director Voldemar P채ts, art director Elmar Janim채gi). The Tallinnfilm Studio created its animated film department on the initiative of Rein Raamat in 1971, laying a strong foundation for the regular production of animated films. Thus, one of the most interesting centres for animated films from the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe began to take shape. After Estonia regained its independence, the Eesti Joonisfilm Studio was created in 1994 from the animated film department at Tallinnfilm Studio.




In addition to the films and books, the Lotte brand was extended to include a wide variety of games and items for children. Two different puz-

The Lotte character was created with a clear statement in mind – “No!”

zles and one memory game made by the German company

to violence. The most important principle that the filmmakers Janno

Ravensburger are now being sold in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Nor-

Põldma and Heiki Ernits promote with Lotte is that of strong family val-

way. There is a Lotte wall calendar and official Lotte postage stamps

ues. They advocate a warm home environment and a strong, support-

created by Estonian Post.

ive family where children feel good and their parents are concerned

Lotte has also found her way into several events – a stage play Lotte’s

about their education. The filmmakers also want to emphasize friendship

Journey South was produced by the Vanemuine Theatre in Tartu and

and respect for the elderly. This message is promoted by Lotte’s cheer-

they are now working on a musical set to premiere in December of 2008.

ful, friendly disposition, which also carries into all other aspects of the

Thanks to Lotte’s introduction of the sport of judo in the film, there is

brand – the colourful clothing, the fun, interesting games and nutritious

now an international judo tournament for children held in Tallinn.

snacks. The message is also the strength behind the Lotte brand, and

Other Lotte products include garments for children ages 2 – 10, plush

the key to what makes her so accessible to children in all corners of the

toys, shower products, and various food products.


Therefore, Lotte is the most widely spread brand to come out of an Estonian audiovisual production, and perhaps one of the best-known Estonian brands in the world overall.

PRODUCTS AND INNOVATION The Lotte films and television series are at the forefront of a very successful


brand of items. DVDs and VHS cassettes of the films Lotte from Gadgetville and Lotte’s Journey South continue to sell successfully. A

In addition to being the catalyst for a well-known and loved brand, Lotte

multi-language website was made to coincide with the release of the films,

from Gadgetville is also a respected and admired full-length animation

www.lotte-film.com. After the films, two Lotte books were written as well –

film. It has had an extraordinary amount of success locally and interna-

a soft cover book intended for preschool children and a hardcover book

tionally, especially for an Estonian film.

intended for school children. These are both richly illustrated with Heiki

Lotte from Gadgetville is the most-watched children’s film in Estonia in

Ernits as their art designer and Andrus Kivirähk (well-known Estonian

the last 15 years. It has also participated in over 34 international film fes-

writer) as their author. The first edition of the books came out in Decem-

tivals, beginning with the Generation KPlus competition section of the

ber 2006 with a run of 8000 books and the second came out in March

Berlin International Film Festival. It is the first time that an Estonian

2007 with a run of 6000 books. There are also Lotte exercise and colour-

film has competed in this A-category film festival. The film received

ing books for children, as well as an audio book and CDs in the making.

the Award for the Best Film of 2006 from the Ene and Tõnis Kask


Foundation of the Estonian Cultural Endowment and has won four prestigious awards at international film festivals. Subsequently, the film has


also been sold to more than 45 territories.

INTERNATIONAL PRESENCE Lotte from Gadgetville and the accompanying products are not only important as a sales and export item, but also because their main principle, that of peace and family values, is an essential message to spread. Recognizing this is also the reason so many festivals and international distributors have been interested in the film. The more than 30 film festivals that have screened the film are located all over Europe, in the United States, as well as more exotic locations, such as South Korea,



Uruguay and Argentina. The film’s rights for cinema, television and video/DVD distribution have been sold to more than 45 territories around the world, which includes territories in Europe, the Balkans, the Middle East, Asia and the Americas. Lotte has thus made her way to just about

Group: Eesti Joonisfilm

every corner of the world.

Year of foundation: 1993

Brands: LOTTE, arthouse films

HISTORY OF THE BRAND AND LOGO The characters in Lotte from Gadgetville are based on a successful television series, which was also sold to 30 territories in Europe, Asia and South-America. Since the late 1980s, the creators of the series, Janno PĂľldma and Heiki Ernits, have been directing short films and attending festivals with them. After this, they decided to make their first feature film that reflects the choices facing children today, stressing the importance of non-violence, creativity and learning in life

Sector: Culture (Visual art) Employees: 35 (2007)

Website: www.joonisfilm.ee www.lotte-film.com



STARMAKER OÜ Address: Vene 1,


products, as well as spices and

10123 Tallinn, Estonia

• Olde Hansa Tallinn’s Medieval

herbs and medieval clothing

Phone: +372 627 9020 Fax: +372 627 9021 E-mail: reserve@oldehansa.ee Web: www.oldehansa.ee

items. Olde Hansa Collection, is

Restaurant • Olde Hansa Krambude Medieval

masters and handmade ceramics

shop • Olde Hansa Sweet Almonds


Products mercial and service enterprise.

500 years ago and delivered to the present by the designers of Star-

Web Shop: www.oldehansa.net Starmaker OÜ is a catering, com-

inspired by the European glass

• Olde Hansa – Tallinn’s medieval

• Olde Hansa Sweet Almonds – precious almonds, flavoured with

restaurant (AD 1400) • Olde Hansa Waggehus restau-

various spices and sugars.

rant – Tallinn’s medieval restaurant Markets

(AD 1400) • Clazz Restaurant & Club

Olde Hansa operates in the local

• Olde Hansa Krambude offers it’s

market. Olde Hansa's sweet almonds




glassware, wooden and leather

are also available in Scandinavia and the Baltic States.


HISTORY OF OLDE HANSA Olde Hansa was established in honour of the Hanseatic League and our ancestors. In 1997, Olde Hansa restaurant was established in a 700-year-old packhaus. Over the years Olde Hansa has become an inseparable part of Tallinn’s Old Town, supporting all Estonian medieval and Hanseatic events, also partaking in similar enterprises of its immediate neighbours. In 2005, Olde Hansa Krambude was opened in the same building as the restaurant, in the Old Market Place. Krambude offers authentic utility articles made on the basis of examples dating back several centuries: stoneware ceramics, glassware, leather products, silver jewellery and medieval clothing. All goods sold in the shop have been made in cooperation with the chief artist at Olde Hansa, Martin Mikson, and using acknowledged Estonian artists and handicraftsmen. From 2008, a wide selection of Krambude products has also been available on the Internet store www.oldehansa.net. Since 2002, Olde Hansa has offered sweet almonds from medieval almond carts in Tallinn’s Old Town. These are made with various sugars and spices according to ancient traditions. From 2008, the sweet almonds of Olde Hansa have also been available in the local retail as well as Scandinavian and Baltic



VALUES AND STRENGTHS Both restaurants and medieval shop Krambude are located in the heart of the Old Town of Tallinn, in the immediate vicinity of the Town Hall Square. Olde Hansa and Waggehus does not just serve historically authentic fare made from carefully researched recipies, they provide visitors the experience using a combination of live medieval music played by Olde Hansa Musicus, candlelight, waiters in period costumes using a vocabulary and manner characteristic of the Middle Ages. OĂœ Starmaker has a high-level of service quality, including an informal and friendly approach to each guest. At Olde Hansa, every visitor experiences a Hansa merchant's home from the 15th century through the servant's performances and their antiquated language coloured with humour and period clothing. Olde Hansa and Clazz both have a unique niche and style located in the heart of the Old Town. At Olde Hansa the staff are driven by a motivation to make the customers happy. The strengths include the atmospheric detail and the experience; medieval wall paintings, candle lighting, old beams, surfaces and detailed medieval replicas. At the initiative of a member of the board, the Olde Hansa Guild was born in 1997. The coat of arms for the guild is a threelegged bowl with ship's rope and underneath the bowl, a flaming heart. The main task of the guild is to ensure its members support each other, and to take care of the social life, entertainment and spiritual welfare of the household. The members of the Guild represent our values. Clazz restaurant and club, is a place in Tallinn where good food, good music and wonderful people come together. Clazz offers first-rate international cusine accompanied by great live music as well as warm, friendly service. Clazz is a completely unique place in Tallinn, as a popular spot for music lovers and musicians. There is live music six nights a week, various international or top local musicians play jazz, blues, reggea or Latin music. In 2008, Clazz started a co-operation with Jazzkaar and PĂ–FF festivals, which has improved even more the variety of musical events. There is no such place in Tallinn, where visitors in addition to dining can enjoy high-level international music, movie nights and dance or take a part of a workshop.


BRAND HISTORY AND ACHIEVEMENTS Olde Hansa started as a family enterprise in 1997 in a property with ties to the Hanseatic League and a history that stretches back 500 years. An authentic medieval atmosphere has been painstakingly and faithfully reproduced in the building. A well-known local historian, Jüri Kuuskemaa, was an active member of the development team along with craftsmen, artists and musicians. Another field of development was the creation of the menu. Very few original recipes are available, and at the same time current tastes as well as the preferences of many different nationalities had to be taken into account. Special elements in the menu include the spices: exotic tastes brought via the silk route from China and India, like ginger and sahram. In 1998, the interior as well as other conceptual issues (e.g. choreography) were ready. Travel agencies in Estonia, Finland and elsewhere began broader co-operation with Olde Hansa and it soon became the number one restaurant in the country even gaining international recognition. Among others, articles in newspapers like Frankfurter Algemeine and Conde Nast Traveller rated it among the 12 top restaurants in Eastern Europe. Nowdays Olde Hansa is the world´s leading medieval restaurant, visited by over 300 000 guests yearly from all the parts of the world. It is a mecca of medievaldom where visitors experience an authentic part of Estonian history and lean more about Hansaeatic times. In 10 years, Olde Hansa has been a successful pathfinder and leader in Tallinn restaurant business and culture, and has raised the average qual-

Group: Olde Hana International


Year of foundation: 1997

Olde Hansa Sweet Almonds Olde Hansa Collection Clazz

ity and service among restaurants in Tallinn. In 2002, Olde Hansa started with one medieval almond carriage, to sell warm sugar-coated almonds. Within the last 6 years this has grown into a large

Sector: Catering and service

business, offering the almonds in different local trade companies and for the export market. These sugar-coated almonds support many local and international events as a product that gives a taste of Tallinn’s Golden Age.


Brands: Olde Hansa

Website: www.oldehansa.ee

Turnover: 8.0 mln EUR (2007)

www.oldehansa.ee/mandlid www.styleseduction.eu www.clazz.ee

Employees: 130 (2007)

Webshop: www.oldehansa.net

The story of the Olde Hansa collection dates back 500 years to the European glass and ceramics masters and is delivered to the present by the designers of Starmaker. This medieval inspired collection brings the warmth into anykind of setting of modern design and is easely mixed with the latest fashion of tableware





the excellence of its name and repu-

10124 Tallinn, Estonia

Operating mainly under the Olympic

tation. The company’s vision is to be

Tel: +372 667 1250

Casino brand name the Group is the

a global casino and resort operator

Fax: +372 667 1270

leading provider of casino entertain-

with a passion for service excellence.

E-mail: info@oc.eu

ment in the region, employing around

Web: www.olympic-casino.com

4000 people. The Group is a full


member of the European Casino

The company operates casinos in

Association (ECA) and is operating in

Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus,

compliance with the quality manage-


ment standard ISO 9001.

Slovakia. Shares of the Group are

The Group’s mission is to give its

traded in the Main List of the Tallinn

guests a customer orientated, secure

Stock Exchange and the Warsaw

and safe environment with the finest

Stock Exchange.

design and craftsmanship, unparalleled in the industry and supported by





HISTORY OF OLYMPIC CASINO The first Olympic Casino opened its doors in Estonia at the Tallinn Olympic Yachting Centre in 1993. In 1997, Olympic Casino created its first vision – to become the best and the biggest casino operator in Estonia. When expanding into Lithuania in 2001 and Latvia in 2002 a more ambitious vision was developed – to be the number one casino operator in the Baltics. In 2004, Olympic Casino entered the Ukrainian market, and new ambitions were defined – to become the biggest casino operator in Central Europe and to operate in at least 10 countries by 2010. Listing of OEG shares on the Tallinn Stock Exchange in 2006 was an important milestone. In the same year, the company opened its first casino in Belarus and in 2007, after expanding into Poland and Romania, OEG shares were listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. In 2008, after starting its operations in Slovakia, the Group had expanded to 8 European countries. With further development the Group has now defined its new vision – to be a global casino and resort operator with a passion for service excellence.



Olympic Casino – the best service in Estonia 74 THE MOST COMPETITIVE SERVICE ENTERPRISE 2008 Estonian Companies’ Competitiveness Ranking 2008

VALUES AND STRENGTHS Olympic Entertainment Group, primarily operating under the brand name Olympic Casino, is the leading casino chain in Eastern Europe. The ISO standard already credited to the company in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania years ago proves its excellence in organization and management. In Estonia, Olympic Casino with its 34 gaming locations is the number one casino and market leader recognized for high-quality service and high level of social responsibility. Many others have shared the success of Olympic Casino obtained in the last 15 years. Already since 2001, the company has been the main sponsor of the Estonian Olympic Committee. As its most important recent charity program, Olympic Casino supported Maarja Village, which is a home for 50 mentally handicapped young people. In addition, Olympic Casino paid the state more than 100 million EEK in gambling taxes in 2007, from which support is provided for sport, culture, youth, education as well as several other fields. Headed by Olympic Casino, the casinos in Estonia are among the most secure and law-abiding companies. Casino entertainment creates more options for people to spend their leisure time. In addition, it is an important source of income for the government, but also advances tourism and employs many people.

PRODUCTS AND INNOVATION Olympic Casino provides a unique gaming environment with various thematic interiors, well-developed entertainment programs and atmospheres, lot of campaigns, a wide variety of the most modern games from the world’s top manufacturers and a wide selection of casino halls in the best locations. Company is dedicated to being highly innovative and using the most advanced IT-systems. For example, Olympic Casino was the first in Europe to introduce the coin and cash free system EZ-Pay. In addition, the company uses the most up to date casino operation systems including EndX and CasinoLink. Olympic Entertainment Group believes that the future of the gaming industry in the world is in resorts – holiday destinations with hotels, various options for entertainment and plenty of additional services. That is why Olympic Entertainment Group set its new vision as being a global casino and resort operator with a passion for service excellence.

ACHIEVEMENTS Proving that Olympic Casino not only has the best service in its own sector, but in Estonia in general, the company won the title of the most competitive service enterprise in Estonian Companies´ Competitiveness Ranking in September 2008. In 2006, Olympic Casino was awarded an Estonian Quality Award for excellence in organization management. In addition, Olympic Casino was given the maximum five stars from the European Foundation for Quality Management. Reputable international poker magazine Bluff Europe listed Tallinn in the TOP 3 destinations for poker tourism along with famous poker cities like Monaco and


Barcelona. That was delightful recognition because Olympic Casino is the only casino in Estonia where poker is played. The service in Olympic Casino has been widely recognized. For example Olympic Casino’s barmaid Krista Meri won the World Barmen’s Championship in 2007 outperforming top barmen from 49 countries. Furthermore, Intan Pragi, the show-dealer at Olympic Casino, established a world record in his field making it to the Guinness Book of World Records.


INTERNATIONAL PRESENCE Today, Olympic Entertainment Group operates casinos in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine, Romania, Poland and Slovakia. OEG shares are traded on the main lists of the Tallinn Stock Exchange and the Warsaw Stock Exchange. All together the company operates effectively more than 120 Olympic Casinos in Europe. As an example of international success, the company’s entry into Poland was recognized with an award naming Olympic Casino Poland the most successful newcomer in 2007. The award emphasized the successful entrance to the Polish market, effective debut on the Warsaw Stock Exchange and excellent business results achieved in a short period.

HISTORY OF THE BRAND AND LOGO The first Olympic Casino opened its doors in Estonia at the Tallinn Olympic Yachting Centre in 1993 – this is also where the company got its name. As the main visual element of the Olympic Casino brand, the logo holds the name of the company on a silky blue background with golden stars. The Olympic Casino brand has become extremely strong and known. According to research by Estonian research agency Faktum & Ariko in spring 2008, awareness of the Olympic Casino brand in Estonia is far ahead of its competitors – the company’s position has grown 7% reaching 42% of the whole sample last year. Spontaneous awareness of the brand is also first place in the sector reaching 57% and aided awareness is even 80%, which is close to the statistical maximum

eri M a t s Kri en’s

Barm World hip 2007 ions Champ


CORPORATE Group: Olympic Entertainment Group AS Year of foundation: 1993 Sector: Entertainment


Employees: ca 4000 (2007) Brands: Olympic Casino, Bumerangs Website:

Turnover: 159.0 mln EUR (2007)




AS ORTO Address: Suur-Sõjamäe 30,


increase the skin's protection

11415 Tallinn, Estonia

• Puhas Loodus – A range of cos-

against ultraviolet radiation. These

Tel: +372 616 4180

metics and personal hygiene

creams also contain a number of

Fax: +372 616 4181

products for the care of your hair,

vitamin and mineral-rich compo-

E-mail: info@orto.ee

face, body and feet, where all

Web: www.orto.ee

components originate from tested

nents. • Puhas Kodu – Orto's own range

health-giving medicinal plants.

of domestic chemicals for all

• Plix – Mosquito repellents and ex-

household tasks. These include

tracts, sprays and creams for alle-

products for washing dishes,

viating the effects of insect bites.

glass, floors, toilets, bathrooms,

• Solar – Sun creams at a range of different protective levels to

wastewater pipes and lime scale.



HISTORY OF ORTO From establishment to the Second World War Since its establishment in 1932, Orto’s task has been meeting the requirements of the local market. The company has developed four directions: everyday chemicals, home chemical products, industrial chemicals and perfumery. Orto was a processor, a manufacturer as well as a distributor as from 1937.

From the Second World War to this day During the Second World War the company mainly produced washing powder and clay soap. In the period of extensive production, Orto expanded its produce. Company’s products were new and unique in the primitive market of the Soviet Union: gluing paste "Ortofiks", synthetic detergent "Sünteetika", washing paste with bio-additives "Bio", face cream.



In 2000, the company purchased the first bottlingclosing device for plastic and laminated tubes in

Orto is a trend-conscious production company

the Baltic States, which makes it possible to bot-

that manufactures cosmetics, including natural

tle products into tubes in an atmosphere of inert

cosmetics and domestic chemical products.

gas. Modern technology guarantees the microbiological purity of the produce, thereby ensuring

Orto considers its experience of three-quarters of

the safe use and long service life of products.

a century to be of indispensable value. The first

Several leading international cosmetics compa-

products included soap, washing soda, wheel

nies use the same technology.

grease and boot polish. The produce was sold


mainly through consumer association stores. In

Fat-like components form the “cream founda-

autumn 1936, a cosmetics department was es-

tion”, which soothes, moistens and vitalises the

tablished, which initially produced toothpaste,

skin. Furthermore, they play another important

cologne, perfume and creams. In 1939, the com-

role – they deliver active substances into the skin.

pany employed 60-70 people, and in addition to

Active components make the cream effective by

the aforementioned, it also manufactured lubri-

improving skin structure. To that end, Orto mainly

cating oils, watercolours, torch batteries, flower

uses local plants – for example, the Puhas

gel, ink, paper glue, textile dyes, flypaper, green

Loodus range of cream owes its moisturising

soap, household and toilet soap, etc.

and toning effect to hazelnut and sea buckthorn oil and Vitamin C contained in rose-hip. Cream

In the transitional period, the former large com-

ingredients are listed in decreasing order on the

pany changed into a compact company due to


the collapse of former markets and increasing competition. Since 2001, Orto’s market share in our product groups has constantly grown. As a


result of new technology, product development and intensified marketing communication, Orto

• Puhas Loodus – Cosmetic products provid-

is among the leaders in the cosmetics market in

ing care for hair, face, body and feet, all the

face care products, rising into the market's top

ingredients of which originate from tested and

three with its quality series of cosmetics.

invigorating herbs. • Plix – Gels, sprays and creams for repelling annoying mosquitoes in summer and sooth-


ing insect bites. • Solar – Creams increasing the skin’s protective capacity against UV radiation with effec-

Investments made in recent decades have con-

tive UV filters.

siderably improved the quality of our products.

• Puhas Kodu – Home care products by Orto

Emulsions and gels are manufactured using a

to help every household. These include:

high-tech reactor-homogenisor, which enables

cleaning devices for washing glass, surfaces,

oxygen-free production of emulsions with an av-

sanitary rooms, bathroom, pipes and for re-

erage particle size below 10 μm.

moving lime scale.


• Puhas Limpa – skin and hair care products for children. • Ortomed – these creams increase the moisture content in dry and sensitive skin; help during follow-up and intermediate treatment for psoriasis and atopic dermatitis, acknowledged by skin doctors. These products do not include any odorants or colorants.

INTERNATIONALITY Orto participates in a voluntary program


“Hoolime ja vastutame” (Responsible Care) led by the Estonian Association of Chemical Industry and supported by the European Chemical Industry Council (CEFIC). In cooperation with the Estonian Association of Chemical Industry Orto also belongs to COLIPA (European Cosmetic, Toiletry and Perfumery Association), CEFIC and A.I.S.E. (European Soap, Detergent and Maintenance Products Industry Association) Orto acquires its raw material from all around the


world – mostly from Europe, but also from New Zealand and Australia.

TRADEMARK HISTORY In 1932, the Joint Health Insurance Fund in Tallinn united three employees of the integrated chemical installation of the Estonian Central Consumers Union. The company has born the name

Group: AS Orto


Year of foundation: 1932

Employees: 23 (2007)

Sector: Manufacturing chemical products and cosmetics

Brands: Puhas Loodus, Ortomed, Solar, Plix, Puhas Kodu, Viks

Turnover: 1.4 mln EUR (2007)

Website: www.orto.ee

Orto since 1937, after joining the industrial commercial private limited company Estonafta. The name originated from the Creek word “orthos” (straight, correct). From 1937 to this day, the Orto trademark has remained stable, retaining its original and visual form



AS RAKVERE LIHAKOMBINAAT Address: Roodevälja, Sõmeru vald,

goods for cooking and also products

Baltics – Ekseko – focusing on pig

44207 Lääne-Virumaa, Estonia

for making sandwiches. Rakvere has

production and is an important link for

Tel: +372 322 9221

several strong trademarks in its port-

guaranteeing a solid backup in the raw

Fax: +372 610 7641

folio, but the best known among these

material supply line. One hundred per-

E-mail: info@rakvere.ee

is Rakvere, which is also among the

cent of all the pork used in Rakvere

Web: www.rlk.ee

TOP 4 leading brands in Estonia.

meats is of Estonian origin, providing

The main production of Rakvere is lo-

excellent quality to Rakvere's prod-


cated in the North-Eastern part of Es-

ucts. In Estonia, approximately 65% of

Rakvere Meat Processing Plant is the

tonia. Rakvere has also two subsidiary

pigs and close to 50% of beef cattle is

largest manufacturer of meat products

enterprises in the Baltics that are fo-

grown in Rakvere.

in the Baltic States. Rakvere is a

cused on sales and marketing – Rigas

Rakvere exports its products to

strong market leader both in the fields

Miesnieks in Latvia and Klaipedos

countries ranging from Latvia to An-

of fresh meat and meat products in

Maisto Produktai situated in Lithuania.

gola, our products are mainly sold in

Estonia. In Rakvere's range you can

Furthermore, Rakvere also possesses

Latvia, Lithuania, Russia, Ukraine,

find fresh meat products, convenience

the largest pig-breeding farm in the

Sweden and Finland.


HISTORY OF RAKVERE MEAT PROCESSING PLANT 1890 The history of Rakvere Meat Processing Plant dates back to 1890, when the first slaughterhouse was opened in Rakvere. 1905 The slaughterhouse is rebuilt to meet new standards. 1944 Rakvere Lihakombinaat is formed based on the city slaughterhouse and Baumann & Schenkel’s meat houses. 1960 The factory is renovated. 1963 Kohtla-Järve and Narva meat factories are merged with Rakvere Lihakombinaat. 1987 A contract is signed with “Suomen Rakennusvienti” for the construction of a new factory. 1990 A new start for Rakvere Lihakombinaat. 1995 Rakvere Lihakombinaat is privatised. 1996 AS Rakvere Lihakombinaat obtains a majority holding in the pig-breeding farm AS Ekseko and Ekseko becomes a subsidiary company of Rakvere. 1997 Rakvere expands to other Baltic States: Rigas Miesnieks in Latvia and Klaipedos Maisto Produktai in Lithuania. 1998 HK Ruokatalo obtains a majority holding in AS Rakvere Lihakombinaat.




changing market trends, Rakvere has highlyqualified product developers who collect and ex-

AS Rakvere Lihakombinaat is the largest, best

change ideas across the world with colleagues,

known meat processing company in Estonia and

and who also co-operate with the Estonian

the Baltic states. Rakvere is characterised by the

Association of Chefs.

high quality of products achieved using state of the art equipment, strict hygiene standards, qualified personnel and continuous flexibility towards


our customers. The mission at Rakvere is to offer its consumers the enjoyment and satisfaction of

Rakvere Lihakombinaat was first among the

good delicious food, making use of our knowl-

Estonian meat industry to apply an integrated en-

edge, experience and local high quality raw ma-

vironmental and quality management system

terials. All the raw materials used at Rakvere

and receive the international ISO 14001:1996

come from Estonian farms that provide the high-

and ISO 9001:2000 quality certificates. Rakvere

est quality to Rakvere products.

was the first meat company in Estonia to receive EU approval. Rakvere is also an important em-

Rakvere values:

ployer as there are approximately 1200 people

• Innovative thinking so that we are a step

working in the Rakvere Meat Processing Plant

ahead of consumer expectations, competi-

and subsidiary enterprises, making Rakvere one

tors’ plans and partners’ needs

of the largest employers in Lääne Viru County.

• Flexibility so we can react to changing circumstances and see the world with bright eyes



• Keeping our promises so we never bargain on quality

As mentioned in the introductory section, Rakvere exports its products to countries ranging from Latvia to Angola. Our main focus so far has been


the Baltic States – Latvia and Lithuania – where Rakvere's products are accepted very well by local consumers whether it's our frankfurters,

Rakvere is the leader in product innovations in

cooked or smoked sausages. From August

the Estonian meat industry. In Rakvere's portfo-

2008, we launched a new line of frankfurters that

lio you can find fresh meat products, conven-

enables us to produce 15 000 t of frankfurters

ience goods for cooking (frankfurters, paris

per year, and therefore, to be an even more at-

sausages, barbeque sausages, minced meat

tractive partner to markets such as Russia,

products, dumplings etc.), but also products for

Poland or Ukraine where the population is large

making sandwiches (cooked/smoked sausages,

and the demand for production is very important.

smoked meat, pates etc.). According to AC

As different markets need different products and

Nielsen's market research, Rakvere is the mar-

tastes, Rakvere has managed to be flexible and

ket leader in several product groups in Estonia

meet everybody's demands. For example, today

(cooked sausages – 49% of market share, frank-

we produce 20 different frankfurter recipes in

furters – 55%, minced meat products – 43%,

80 different packaging types.

hams – 20%, pates – 27% and marinated meat products – 40% of market share). Every year, Rakvere launches 20-25 new products in order to meet consumer demands. Two times a year


in summer and in winter, Rakvere surprises its customers with special seasonal products

Rakvere has several strong trademarks in its

whether it's ribs or marinated meat and bar-

portfolio, but the best known among these is

beque sausages for outdoor grilling or black

Rakvere, which is also among the top 4 leading

sausages and oven-baked meat for the Christ-

brands in Estonia after Hansapank, Kalev and

mas season. In order to create and follow up



The Rakvere trademark was redisigned at the end of 2002. Rakvere is enjoyable, friendly and caring. Rakvere offers long-lasting impressions, inspiring cooking and makes eating an amazing experience! Why did Rakvere choose the oak-tree as its trademark? • Authentic Estonian. Producing our products from local pork and beef is very important. The oak is a symbol of Estonian nature in the same way the Rakvere frankfurter is a symbol of Estonian food. • Reliability and strength. In the same way that the oak tree is strong, Rakvere can always be trusted. • Long life span. Rakvere also has a long history going back to 1890 that provides strong know-how and knowledge to ensure a bright future. • The oak has new fruit every year. Rakvere


surprises consumers with new products every season. • Slogan – Sensations for every day! Rakvere offers consumers sensations with new products, tastes, packages and recipes. But Rakvere is not the only trademark in its portfolio. At the beginning of 1998, Rakvere united its value for money products under one brand name - Valla. Valla is a trademark with a wide selection of products including cooked sausages,


hams, pates, hamburgers and other meat products. Valla is a genuine Estonian product – natural, simple, down-to-earth, tasty and suitably priced.

Group: HK Scan Group / AS Rakvere Lihakombinaat

In Estonia the consumption of poultry meat products has increased rapidly over the last few years due to the fact that poultry meat is now perceived as a health food. Poultry products are presented in Rakvere's portfolio under the Järlepa brand

Year of foundation: 1995 Sector: Meat production Turnover: 1,376.0 mln EUR (2007)


Employees: 1200 (2007) Brands: Rakvere, Valla, Järlepa Website: www.rlk.ee



SAKU ÕLLETEHASE AS Address: Tallinna mnt 2,


Market share and markets

Saku, Harjumaa 75501, Estonia

Saku Õlletehas as a part of the

According to the market research

Tel: +372 650 8400

Carlsberg Group renewed its corpo-

company ACNielsen, Saku is the

Fax: +372 650 8401

rate logo in 2007, aligning it with the

leader of the Estonian beer market in

E-mail: saku@pruul.ee

business strategy which foresees

terms of summarised retail sales of

Web: www.saku.ee

shifting the focus from the beer mar-

own brands. In the middle of 2008,

ket to the beverage market.

the market share of Saku beers was


Saku Kuld, Saku Originaal, Rock,

46.0% in quantitative terms and

Saku produces and distributes over 10

Saku On Ice, Saku Hele and Saku

47.8% in monetary terms.

different beer brands, cider, long

Tume, KISS, SIN, ZIP and Vichy Clas-

Majority of output is sold in the do-

drinks, mineral water and non-carbon-

sique and Vichy Viva Fresh. Distribu-

mestic market, approximately 15% is

ated flavoured water. Saku Õlletehase

tor of the products of Sinebrychoff.


AS is also the Estonian distributor of

The main export markets are the

the products of the well-known Finnish

Baltic States and Finland, but also Ire-

beverage producer Sinebrychoff.

land, Canada and the USA.


HISTORY OF SAKU Beer has become the main drink for Estonian farmers since the beginning of the 16th century. Beer was always brewed for bigger holidays and family events like wedding, baptisms and funerals. All kind of beer songs and jokes relating to it were very popular among the common people. Today there are seven breweries in Estonia. The biggest and oldest of them is Saku Brewery. The origins of Estonia’s largest and oldest brewery – Saku Õlletehas (Saku Brewery, Saku) – can be traced back to 1820 when the first beer was made in a small brewery founded by count Karl Friedrich von Rehbinder, the owner of Saku manor. Backed by tradition and the experience of almost two centuries, Saku Brewery continues to flourish. For the past decades, the company has been the leader of the Estonian beer market and the leading brewery in the country. In 1991 joint venture Saku Õlletehas was established. The share capital of Saku Brewery of 80 million Estonian kroons is made up of 8 million registered shares with the nominal value of 10 EEK. Today 100% of the shares are owned by Carlsberg Estonia Holding OÜ which is 100% owned by Carlsberg Group. Since January 27, 1998 the shares of Saku Brewery were traded in the list on the Tallinn Stock Exchange. On September 20, 2008, the shares of Saku Õlletehase AS were delisted




Saku has been committed to product and brand development. In 2007, Saku extended premium

• Passion to win

cocktail line Sin, launched Vichy Classique Ice

Saku requires performance from themselves

Tea and innovative long drink Zip, and supple-

as well as others, acts responsibly and sets

mented Kiss line with strawberry and peach

an example for others and know the com-

flavoured ciders. In addition Saku Õlletehas

pany's peculiarity.

launched domestic energy drink Traffic, attained

• Honesty and openness

dramatic growth in the water market through

Saku respects themselves and others, keeps

strong sales of Vichy Viva Fresh and re-launched

their promises, creates and sustains a posi-

Zip Grape which contains natural juice.

tive working environment. • Teamwork

Saku opened Carlsberg Baltic`s product devel-

People of Saku are working to achieve a com-

opment centre complete with lab equipment and

mon goal.

highly qualified experts, which has already

• Costumer oriented

yielded several product innovations for Estonia,

Customers' desires and needs are important

Latvia and Lithuania. The centre in Saku has de-

to Saku.

veloped Sin cocktails, beer drink DLight, Vichy

• Social responsibility

Ice Tea and Viva Fresh flavoured waters whose

Saku is ethical and observes accepted busi-

sales are expanding in all Baltic countries.

ness trade practices, contributes to the de-

• Saku was the first in Estonia to implement

velopment of their domicile and society and is

new generation multi-pack technology – the

environmental friendly.

first plastic-based wrapping system for both cans and bottles.


As the leader of the Estonian beer market, Saku

• Saku was the first in Estonia to implement

Õlletehase AS is committed to contributing to the

new generation ring pull cap technology for

development of the Estonian society by supporting

both beer and cider packaging.

sports and culture as well as various national initiatives. Saku has continuously invested in national

Saku Originaal is a light high-quality beer with a

projects and projects that increase our self-pride,

mild taste and pleasant aroma, which Saku

such as co-operation with the art museum KUMU,

brews of its own yeast, water, and selected malt

athletes and Viljandi Folk Music Festival. It is also

and hops. Saku Originaal is Estonia’s first on

known that Saku is the most important co-opera-

beer of the new era, which came on sale in 1993.

tion partner of the Estonian Skiing Association.

With its innovative attitude, Saku Originaal has always been an active player in the Estonian beer market, a creator of new packaging and taste


trends. The leading local beer is today the most popular beer brand in Estonia, “The Right Estonian Beer, Friends` Stuff” , which expresses the

The product portfolio of Saku Õlletehase AS in-

characteristics, life and dreams of Estonian men.

cludes the most popular Estonian beer brand Saku Originaal, the first domestic premium beer

Saku Kuld – a modern classic, the absolute elite

Saku Kuld and other strong brands in each beer

of Estonian beers, a combination of Saku’s hun-

segment. In addition to strong domestic brands,

dreds-of-years-old brewing traditions, and the

the company distributes the well-known interna-

newest technology. With a rich taste, foam, and

tional beer brand Carlsberg. The product range

aroma, a delicate balance of freshness and mild-

also includes the KISS line of ciders, the SIN line

ness characterizes the taste of Saku Kuld. The

of premium long drinks, the ZIP line of main-

freshness comes from Nordic oat malt and vel-

stream long drinks, as well as premium table

vety smoothness is added to the refined bouquet

water Vichy Classique and still flavoured water

by Hallertau hops. In addition, Saku Kuld is char-

Vichy VivaFresh. Since 2007, Saku Õlletehase

acterized by a clear colour and thick firm foam.

AS has been distributing the products of the

Saku Kuld is sold in unique bottles with a relief of

Finnish beverage producer Sinebrychoff.

the Saku arms.


Saku Kuld mild special brew. To commemorate the 90th anniversary of the Republic of Estonia, on August 2008 Saku Õlletehas launched special Saku Kuld Mild, an exclusive premium brew that is characterised by a glowing golden colour, a balance between a distinctive beer aroma and mellowness and a thick long-lasting head. An embodiment of longstanding brewing traditions and state of the art technology, Saku Kuld Mild is crème de la crème of Estonian beers.

GOALS AND ACHIEVEMENTS As the oldest Estonian brewery, Saku has positioned itself as the leader of the Estonian beer market both in terms of quality and product development. Their longterm objective is to develop the whole market. For this, they intend to gain and maintain the leading position in various categories of beer and different types of packaging although Saku’s

Most popular beer brand Saku Originaal has been introduced as “The Right Estonian Beer, Friends´ Stuff”

main focus will remain on the premium segment.

all over Estonia in 2008

Saku will continue expansion in other beverage markets which are profitable for them. To date, Saku has successfully penetrated and is strengthening its positions in the cider, long drink, table water, energy drink and ice tea markets. In September 2008 Saku was awarded as the Most Competitive Food Industry Enterprise 2008 in Estonian Companies’ Competitiveness Ranking 2008.


INTERNATIONAL PRESENCE In 2007 Saku began exporting their premium beer Saku Kuld to the Finnish market where it is carried in the product portfolio of the largest local brewery Sinebrychoff. Saku also launched exports to Ireland and Germany and increased exports to Canada and the USA. Saku was the first in Estonia to be granted the right to produce an international brand – Scottish & Newcastle awarded us the rights to produce international cider brand Strongbow.



Group: Saku Õlletehas, Garlsberg Group

Employees: 340 (2007)

Saku's vision is to attain and hold the leading position in any beverage category where it decides to compete with its own brands. The development of the new corporate brand took three quarters of a year and cost 6 million kroons, half of which was spent on the enhancement of Saku Originaal, the biggest beer brand of Estonia. The slogan 'Refreshing experience' entails Saku's mission to provide the consumers with refreshment and new experiences. The year 1820 is the date when the brewery was first mentioned and golden sheaves and hop bines refer to Saku's extensive brewing expertise and experience. “Part of the Carlsberg Group” confirms the strongness and wider expertise of Saku being a part of the international beer manufacturer

Year of foundation: 1820


Sector: Food Processing Industry

Saku Kuld, Saku Originaal, Rock, Saku On Ice, Saku Hele and Saku Tume, KISS, SIN and ZIP. Distributor of the products of Sinebrychoff.

Turnover: 59.0 mln EUR (2007)

Website: www.saku.ee



SALONSHOP BALTIC AS Address: Ehitajate tee 114,

tries. The chain is comprised of 24

clients new and professional solutions

Tallinn 13517, Estonia

beauty salons.

in the field of beauty services. We also

Tel: +372 677 7328

Salon+ salons offer a complete range

put a lot of stress on making our

Fax: +372 671 0922

of hair care products from the leading

clients feel comfortable in our salons,

Contact: Mrs Helena Lõhmus

brands of the world – TIGI, Joico,

and we consider it important that our

E-mail: info@salonplus.ee


salons are situated at convenient

Web: www.salonplus.eu

Label.M. and Balmain.

locations on the main streets of a city

In addition to clients being able to

or in large trading centres.





choose from a wide range of hair care

Salon+ is a trademark of Salonshop

products, the salon+ salons are char-


Baltic Ltd – a company based on

acterised by a choice of beauty serv-

Salon+ salon chain has 13 salons in

Estonian capital. Salon+ is the biggest

ices with added value. The salon chain

Estonia, 3 in Latvia, 7 in Lithuania and

beauty salon chain in the Baltic coun-

considers it very important to offer its

1 salon in London.


HISTORY OF SALON+ In 1993, Maie Lõhmus, the mother of the present owners of the company, opened a hair care salon bearing her own name in central Tallinn. In the midst of the rapid development of trading centres in the 1990s, the idea to establish new salons in the largest and most modern trading centres and on the main streets of cities was born. The “+” sign, symbolising the company’s rapid expansion and development, became an important component of the new trademark salon+, created in 1996. In 2004, the salon+ franchise system is created, and by 2008, 5 salons have become members of this system, taking part in the common management, marketing and training program. Professional client consultation, high standards of service, conveniently located salons, and representation of the world’s top hair care brands have made our brand successful, and today the salon+ trademark incorporates 24 beauty salons.




understand us and share our values.

ACHIEVEMENTS The most important components of the business conception at salon+ are:

Salon+ salon chain also includes a training centre and an Artistic Team. In the training centre

• conveniently located beauty salons, situated on the main streets of cities or in the largest


trading centres; • salons with a modern interior design and a pleasant environment; • high quality and modern hair care services; • pleasant and professional service, active consultation; • the largest range of quality hair care products from the leading brands of the world – Tigi Bed Head, Tigi Catwalk, Tigi S-factor, Tigi Hardcore, Joico, Alterna, MOP, American Crew, Label.M and Balmain. Between one third and half of each salon's territory is allocated for the sale of products; • professional personnel and regular hair care and service related courses are delivered at the salon+ training centre.

there are 5 stylist-instructors responsible for providing the employees of salon+ with top-level knowledge in the fields of hair care and service. The company organizes regular training sessions at its training centre. These training sessions are related to new products as well as to modern trends in hairdressing. The Artistic Team is responsible for representing the salon+ salon chain in the media. The task of this team is to compile overviews of new hairstyles and to introduce new work and the services offered by salon+ salons in the media. Once a year the salon+ photographic collection is published in cooperation with top photographers and stylists. Parts of this collection are used in marketing and advertising. The salon+ Artistic Team also actively presents its work in the fashion columns of magazines and at various fashion events.

The main strengths of salon+ are: • 15 years of experience in the field of beauty


services; • internationally recognized trademark and the

Today the salon+ chain is represented in all the

only beauty salon chain that is active in all the

Baltic countries and in London, UK. In Estonia

Baltic countries as well as the UK;

salon+ has 13 salons altogether, located in Tallinn,

• training system, which focuses on developing

Tartu, Pärnu, Narva, Rakvere, Haapsalu and

the professional skills and methods for advis-

Jõhvi. In Latvia there are three salon+ salons (all in

ing clients and actively consulting with them;

Riga), in Lithuania, 7 salons – in Vilnius, Klaipeda,

• a unified brand concept that helps our clients

Panevežys, Kaunas, Utena and in Šiauliai. In


2007, the first salon+ salon was opened in the


UK. The salon is located in the centre of London.

HISTORY OF THE BRAND AND LOGO The salon+ trademark was created in 1996 in order to unite the beauty salons under a common management, marketing and training system, (i.e. to create a common brand). The slogan of the salon chain – THE WORLD IS MINE – reflects the expansion of the company in different countries, its wide experience in the field of beauty services and the professional level of its hair care services. This slogan also indicates that salon+ is a trend setter. Salon+ is a hair salon chain intended for people who live a fast and dynamic life and who value quality. Salon+ is

CORPORATE Group: Salonshop Baltic Ltd, salon+ salon chain management


Employees: 168 (2007)

appreciated for its availability, quality products, good service and trend awareness. The mission of our brand is to “fight against gray conformity”

Year of foundation: 1993

and our vision is that salon+ will change people’s attitudes towards bold self-expression, making the hair service broadly available and inspiring

Sector: Beauty Services Turnover: 3.9 mln EUR (2007)

Brands: salon+, salon+ Artistic Team Website: www.salonplus.eu



AS TALLINK GRUPP Address: Tartu mnt 13,

cargo services on selected routes.


10145 Tallinn, Estonia

Tallink offers broad transportation,

Tallink operates on various routes

Tel: +372 640 9800

leisure and retail products: complete

between Sweden-Estonia, Finland-

Fax: +372 640 9810

mini-cruise and hotel & spa pack-

Estonia, Finland-Germany, Sweden-

E-mail: info@tallink.ee

ages, city-break day trips, conference

Latvia and Finland-Sweden. Our pas-

Web: www.tallink.com

cruises, high-speed ferry and cargo

sengers and corporate clients are


from all over the world. Although Fin-


In addition, Tallink offers convenient

land, Sweden, Estonia, Latvia and

Tallink is a leading provider of high-

and practical accommodation and

Germany are the main markets, a

quality mini-cruise and passenger

conference services in three Tallink

large proportion of our customers are

transport services in the Northern

branded hotels in Tallinn. For high-

also from Western Europe, Russia

Baltic Sea region, as well as of ro-ro

quality taxi services, the Tallink Taxi

and Asia.

service is also available.


HISTORY OF TALLINK The history of Tallink dates back to 1989. The company started back then with just one vessel and has grown to the largest sea travel provider in the Baltic Sea. A major highlight was when the brand new cruise ferry Romantika was delivered in 2002. Since then, Tallink has upgraded almost its entire fleet and expanded to several new lines. After an IPO in November 2005, Tallink was listed on the Tallinn Stock Exchange. The acquisition of Silja Line in 2006 was another milestone, which added passenger traffic and vessels between Finland and Sweden and nearly doubled the company’s size. This acquisition extended the company’s experience and know-how by more than 50 years. Today Tallink provides services to more than 7 million passengers annually.





Estonian Companies’ Competitiveness Ranking 2008

Estonian Companies’ Competitiveness Ranking 2008

ACHIEVEMENTS Tallink was voted the best Estonian company and the most competitive Estonian company in 2007 by the Estonian Chamber of Commerce & Industry and the Estonian Employer’s Confederation. In 2008, Tallink was awarded the most competitive Estonian company and the most competitive Estonian tourism operator. Additionally, according to the survey by TNS Emor, Tallink was voted one of the best employers in Estonia in 2007 and 2008. In gaining an ISO 14001:2004 environmental certificate in 2008, Tallink also proved to be very responsible towards the environment.



The company’s vision is to offer excellence in leisure, entertainment and


travel services in every market where we operate. The company’s mission is to provide an enjoyable and memorable travel experience that

The company’s headquarter is in Estonia, sales offices are present in all

exceeds customer expectations simply by doing more.

neighbouring countries and through a network of agents, Tallink covers

The strength of Tallink is the ability to always be a step ahead of expec-

most of Europe and even Asia. Due to its business concept and wide

tations and adapt well to developments in the markets. Behind that is a

range of services, Tallink is a large employer in six countries for over

good team of professionals on land as well as on our ships. A compet-

6500 employees, and a cooperation partner for many companies and

itive business model with a wide range of tourism services (i.e. new high-

organizations across the world.

quality vessels, many shipping routes, selection of hotels and a taxi

The company’s loyal customer program, Club One, unites hundreds of

services) help guarantee continuous and positive development, which

thousands of families in many countries and offers them special oppor-

offers the most to our customers.

tunities for travel. Being a public company listed on the Tallinn Stock Exchange, Tallink also provides investment opportunities for known and less known investors all over the world.

PRODUCTS AND INNOVATION Tallink’s fleet consists of 19 vessels, which operate under the brands Tallink and Silja Line. The fleet of the company has constantly been upgraded and improved reflecting the growing demand in the market and the overall development of the shipping industry in the region. Tallink is one of the leading ferry companies in Europe not only in terms of the size of its fleet, but also the number of new buildings. One of the most important ideas in the renewal of the fleet is to protect the sea environment by using modern technology and equipment. A good example is the Tallinn-Helsinki traffic, where Tallink ushered in a new era in 2007 when they launched the new high-speed Tallink Shuttle service. These new-generation high-speed ferries are almost as fast as the older high speed crafts, but do not create the wash that damages the coast and are more fuel-efficient. This also made Tallink the first and only company to provide an all-year-round high-speed service on this route.


HISTORY OF THE BRAND AND LOGO The history of Tallink’s brand and logo date back to 1989. The format has not changed much over the years and is now a strong symbol of passenger shipping in general in Estonia as well as in surrounding countries. The innovative strategy of expanding the route network, renewing the fleet and developing other tourism services within the group, have all contributed to the strong values in the brand and carry a positive message. Tallink’s logo consists of two wave symbols and the name. The logo symbol embodies the essence of the sea with all its diversity; Tallink’s home port and the word “link” meet in the word “TALLINK”. The name in the logo is written in italics, which expresses speed and innovation. The Tallink brand colours are blue and red. Blue is a colour infused with stability and peace, and symbolizes constancy and traditionalism. Red is a positive colour filled with vitality, symbolizing our openness, boldness and readiness to accept challenges.


The duality of the logo demonstrates Tallink’s ability to adapt and be a trustworthy partner for our customers. It doesn’t matter whether one is a company manager travelling home from work or a backpacker discovering the world – Tallink takes care that you get to the destination safely and timely. Being in constant motion, Tallink does everything to ensure that distance does not separate, but rather brings people together. Tallink keeps a steady course so that the journeys are care free, comfortable and safe

Group: AS Tallink Grupp Year of foundation: 1989 Sector: Marine transportation Turnover: over 760 mln EUR (2007) Employees: 6500 (2007)



Passengers: over 7 mln annually Brands: Tallink, Silja Line, Club One, Tallink Hotels, Tallink Takso Website: www.tallink.com



TALLINNA SADAM AS • Old City Harbour – passengers

Address: Sadama 25,

The Port of Tallinn is the biggest port

15051 Tallinn, Estonia

authority in Estonia, and in terms of

(regular lines and cruises), Ro-Ro

Tel: +372 631 8555

both cargo and passenger traffic it is

• Paljassaare Harbour – general

Fax: +372 631 8166

also the biggest port on the shores of

E-mail: portoftallinn@portoftallinn.com

the Baltic Sea. It is a limited liability

Web: www.portoftallinn.com

company with the Republic of

general cargo, dry and liquid bulk

Estonia owning 100% of its shares

• Saaremaa Harbour – passengers

and the Ministry of Economic Affairs

(cruises and pleasure yachts).



cargo, dry and liquid bulk • Paldiski South Harbour – Ro-Ro,


these shares.

All harbours are navigable all the year round and easily approachable with

The Port of Tallinn consists of 5 con-

depths of up to 18 meters enabling

stituent harbours:

them to receive all vessels able to

• Muuga Harbour – containers, Ro-Ro,

pass the Danish Straits.

dry and liquid bulk, general cargo



HISTORY OF THE PORT OF TALLINN Estonia is a sea country – the length of its coastline (3,800 km) is about six times longer than its mainland border. Therefore, it goes without saying that seafaring and ports have had a long history and a major impact on the entire country. The current Port of Tallinn Ltd was established in 1992 and underwent a complete restructuring process in the mid 1990s – developing from a service into a landlord style port. In 1999, the last cargo handling operations were finally placed in the hands of private companies. Today, the company operates as a landlord with no cargo handling operations of its own. It maintains and develops the infrastructure of the port and leases territories to terminal operators through building titles, giving the operators an incentive to invest in superstructure and technology.



All port facilities have security plans approved by the national maritime authority that are compliant with ISPS requirements.


The vision of the Port of Tallinn is to provide the highest possible value

The harbours possess a varied infrastructure offering the potential to

to the seaside space. Its mission is to create a logistics environment for

handle practically every type of cargo – general cargo, containers,

the smooth movement of people and cargo.

Ro-Ro, bagged goods, dry bulk cargo, liquid cargo etc. An extensive free zone in Muuga Harbour grants more flexible customs

The Port of Tallinn values:

procedures for companies rendering transit and distribution services.

• Courage

Simplified customs procedures, easy transfer of ownership rights and

• Resourcefulness

value-added operations allowed in the zone are designed to foster the

• Persistence in its employees

development of distribution centres. No import VAT is applied to goods imported temporarily to be processed and exported in due time from

Courage means the boldness to take initiative, think big, take calculated

Estonia. The Port of Tallinn develops industrial and logistics park areas

risks and make decisions. Resourcefulness means an openness and

in both Muuga and Paldiski South Harbours for companies to whom it

healthy curiosity and valuing non-traditional options and solutions. Persist-

is important to operate in the direct proximity of the port. In terms of

ence means dedication to goals, persistent activity and maintaining course.

land availability for extension, the Port of Tallinn possesses the greatest

The Port of Tallinn is determined to pursue the highest quality and envi-

development potential in the entire region.

ronmental standards to ensure the well-being of all its stakeholders. Lloyds Register Quality Assurance has declared the management system at the Port of Tallinn to be in compliance with the requirements of


the international quality management standard ISO 9001:2000 and the environmental management system standard ISO 14001:2004.

TNS Emor conducted an awareness and image survey among large enterprises in Estonia in spring 2008. According to this survey, the Port of Tallinn was the number one large state-owned company – with the best


image. Since August this year, the Port of Tallinn has been a member of Eco-

The Port of Tallinn administers the infrastructure of the harbours (land,

Port, a prestigious European inter-port environmental protection organ-

quays, etc.), looks after its development, receives vessels and sends

ization. Being a member of EcoPort shows that activities at the Port of

them onto the roads and ensures safe navigation in port waters. The

Tallinn related to the environment comply with all international require-

port superstructure or in other words everything that enables cargo to

ments – the everyday activities of the company focus on environmental

pass through the port gate remains in the realm of the operators.

sustainability and at every development, the port evaluates environ-

A full range of services is offered by the services of the port community

mental aspects related to its activity to decrease its impact on the nat-

including shipping agency services, chartering of ships, freight forward-

ural environment.

ing, customs clearance and insurance services.

Besides the developments in cargo, the number of passengers has in-

Loading and discharging services are offered 24 hours a day.

creased remarkably in the past 15 years from 1.4 million in 1992 to


over 7 million today. Besides regular liner traffic an upward trend can


also be observed in servicing cruise vessels. The number of cruise passengers visiting Tallinn has increased year by year. Most of the cruise

Estonian Companies’ Competitiveness Ranking 2008

lines touring in Northern Europe have included Tallinn in their itineraries. More than 370,000 cruise passengers received per cruise season in Tallinn is an achievement remarkable in the whole of Europe.


The Port of Tallinn was announced as the Most Competitive Transportation and Logistics Enterprise in the Estonian Companies’ Competitiveness Ranking in 2007 and 2008.

INTERNATIONAL PRESENCE The hinterland of the port reaches beyond the borders of Estonia – the port serves Estonia's own exports and imports; major shippers from Russia, and increasingly further to the East with fast terminals and deepwater berths; and also major West-European ports with a connection point to the Baltic, Russian, CIS and Scandinavian markets providing



fast service for short sea shipping lines. Our clients include all major shipping lines in the world, for instance Mann Lines, K-Line, Transfennica, Tallink, etc. Also, large terminal op-

Group: Port of Tallinn Ltd.

erators including Royal Vopak, Mittal, Akron, etc belong here.

Year of foundation: 1992

HISTORY OF THE BRAND AND LOGO The Port of Tallinn is presented under the brand name Tallinna Sadam (Port of Tallinn) using the slogan Laevade lemmik (the port that ships love). A new logotype was developed in 2000. The company promotes brand awareness mainly through sponsorship projects. Each year we use up to 1.5% of our group's past 3 years average consolidated profit for donations and sponsorship – 60% of this sum goes to sports, 20% to environmental projects and the remaining 20% to other projects supporting our goals

Sector: Port, transportation, logistics Turnover: 74.3 mln EUR (2007)

Employees: 553 (2007) Brands: Port of Tallinn – the port that ships love Website: www.portoftallinn.com


UNIVERSITY OF TARTU The University of Tartu (UT) is Estonia’s leading centre for education, research, and innovation. UT is rightfully regarded as the national university and one of the most venerable education and research institutions in north-eastern Europe.

TARTU ÜLIKOOL Address: Ülikooli 18, 50090 Tartu, Estonia Tel: +372 737 5100 Fax: +372 737 5440 Contact: Mrs Sirje Üprus E-mail: info@ut.ee Web: www.ut.ee

Products Education: Full-time degree studies on the bachelor, master and PhD level with a total of 200 different programmes · International full-time and semester programmes instructed in English · Open University distance degree and continuing education · International Summer University Research: Fundamental and applied research in a broad range of disciplines · Research as foundation for education · Consulting, research and advisory services · Transfer of knowledge into economy and society · Commercialisation of university research: patents, spin-off companies · Popularisation of science

Markets Recruiting every year a quarter of all Estonian high school graduates continuing in higher education, UT has the leading position on the national educational market. Internationally UT attracts students from over 30 countries. The majority come from Finland, Russia, Germany and other parts of Europe. Students from North America favour UT’s short-term programmes. UT scientists are internationally published in the most influential scientific journals, they participate in many networks and associations worldwide, and develop cooperation with corporate giants like Philips and Samsung.



The Main Building of the University of Tartu, which has become a national symbol of education and studies.

HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF TARTU One of the best-known and oldest universities in north-eastern Europe, UT was founded in 1632 by the Swedish King Gustavus II Adolphus. After being closed for almost the entire 18th century as a result of war and upheavals, the university was reopened in 1802 by Russian Emperor Alexander I as the Im-

perial University of Dorpat. As the only German-language university in the Russian Empire, it served as an intellectual bridge bet





Russia and Western Europe, making many valuable contributions to science, especially in medicine and the natural sciences. Since the early 19th century, the university has also been a well from which the ranks of the intellectual Estonian elite have been rejuvenated. Modern building of the Faculty of Medicine.

Statue of Gustavus II Adolphus, the founder of the University of Tartu.

In 1919 the Republic of Estonia reopened the university as its own Estonian-language uni-



ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE „Without the spiritual refinement created by the University, we would never have become a civilised nation.” Toomas Hendrik Ilves, President of the Republic on the Festive Assembly of the 375th Anniversary of the Foundation of the University of Tartu on 5 October 2007

The University’s Assembly Hall.


for Invention” for discovering the health-promoting lactic acid bacteria ME-3 and preparing it for use in dairy products. A European patent has


UT provides high-quality, competitive, research-based education, bring-

been granted to a combined bone fixator for long bone fractures – a

ing together diverse research fields in a broad range of interdisciplinarity.

good start for a product development project with Orthopaedic Innova-

UT is an international organisation hosting many international students

tion Ltd in the UK. The university’s cooperation with its spin-off compa-

and professors every year and actively participating in international uni-

nies has led to several success stories. Myometer – the only device for

versity networks. Researchers at UT attract foreign research funding, work

non-invasive and painless measurement of biomechanical properties of

with colleagues and develop cooperation with businesses worldwide.

biological tissues – was invented and patented by Dr. Arved Vain. Now

UT as the national university is the centre of academic spirit, national cul-

it’s a CE-certified medical device, Myoton, used worldwide for sports

ture and high-tech innovation as well as the key development hub for the

medicine, ergonomics, rehabilitation and research purposes. The spin-

academic elite who reflect and contribute to global culture. Nationally, the

off company Aqua Consult Baltic is a good example of multilateral

UT research base is key to Estonia’s sustainable future, though the uni-

scientific and commercial cooperation – scientists and businesspeople

versity’s research links are truly global. Consisting of ten faculties, five re-

from Tartu, Bremen and Hannover have joined to develop a technology

gional colleges and eight research and development institutions, UT is the

to use bio waste as a source of alternative energy.

only broad-based classical university in the country.

ACHIEVEMENTS PRODUCTS AND INNOVATION Throughout history many UT graduates and scientists have taken their The main spheres of activity engaged in at UT are studies and research.

rightful place in the international hall of fame: Friedrich Struve (Astro-

UT has widened the choice of international degree programmes and

nomy), Karl Ernst von Baer (Embryology), Moritz Hermann Jacoby

year on year the International Summer University (ISU) welcomes

(Physics), Wilhelm Ostwald (Chemistry, Nobel Prize 1909), Yuri Lotman

more participants. UT’s international Applied Master’s programme in

(Semiotics), and Paul Ariste (Finno-Ugristics) to name a few.

Measurement Science was awarded a high-ranking EU quality label

Today UT exceeds the world’s 1% impact threshold of publications in

“Euromaster in Chemistry“. Two programmes to be opened in 2009, in

the fields of Clinical Medicine, Plant & Animal Science, Environmental

Semiotics and Software Engineering, have been awarded the national

Sciences and Ecology (according to the ISI Web of Science). UT is par-

quality award for international programmes.

ticipating in six out of seven national Centres of Excellence for research,

UT has twenty-nine inventions granted with six Estonian and thirty-two

maintaining strong links to international partners and providing an out-

foreign patents, and an additional thirty-three are pending. Several in-

standing environment for doctoral studies.

ventions have obtained international recognition. Professor Marika

About 100 doctoral degrees are defended in UT annually, which makes

Mikelsaar has received important awards – in 2007 the “European Union

two-thirds of the total number in Estonia. Over 3000 scientific articles are

Woman Inventor and Innovator” award and in 2008 “The Golden Prize

published annually by UT researchers.


Professor Marika Mikelsaar, the discoverer of lactic acid bacteria ME-3.

Monument to world-famous semiotician Yuri Lotman.

Gaudeamus – Baltic Student Song Festival.

INTERNATIONAL PRESENCE UT has been an international institution since its foundation. Today, in addition to 400 Erasmus agreements (the European Union’s programme for


academic exchange), UT has over 40 bilateral institutional partnership agreements with universities around the world. UT is an active member of international associations such as the European Universities Association, the Utrecht Network, the Baltic Sea Region University Network, and the Coimbra Group of Universities – an association of long-standing and internationally recognised European research universities where Tartu is the only member from the Baltics. UT also hosts numerous international scientific conferences each year. The number of international students is increasing with every year.

Founding document of the University of Tartu from 1632.



HISTORY OF THE BRAND AND LOGO In 2007, UT celebrated its 375th anniversary. Therefore, UT as a brand is significantly older than the brand concept as such and it has had a

Group: University of Tartu

bright and turbulent history. Different historic époques have brought changes to the university’s conduct, statutes and locations. This was accompanied and reflected in the symbolic changes in the university’s

Year of foundation: 1632

name, to mention just a few: Academia Dorpatensis, Kaiserliche Universität zu Dorpat, Imperatorskij Jur’jevskij Universitet, University of Tartu. The university’s history and names signify that its brand has been truly international from the very beginning. In 2009 the Main Building of UT turns 200 years old. This neoclassical building, engineered by Johann Wilhelm Krause, has become a national symbol of education and studies in Estonia. Its six white columns stand for universitas, professores, gloria, historia, genius loci & traditio

Sector: Higher education and research

Employees: 3517, incl. 1717 academic staff (2007) Students: 17 048, incl. 630 international students Website: www.ut.ee



TERE AS Address: Pärnu mnt 139e,

Emma, Kohuke and Black Mama. In

mark in Estonia. On 19 June 2006,

Tallinn 11317, Estonia

addition to our own products, Tere

the legal name of the company was

Tel: +372 6 509 113

also markets Joya soya drinks in

changed from Tallinna Piimatööstus

Fax: +372 6 509 200

Estonia. The production of all our

to Tere AS according to this well-

E-mail: tere@tere.eu

products is in compliance with na-

known trademark.

Web: www.tere.eu

tional legislation, the ISO 9001:2000


standard and the requirements of

Market share


good production practice.

According to data from retail market surveys (Nielsen December-January

Tere’s trademark

2008), Tere has a 44% market share


Tere’s trademark was established

of the dairy product category (by

The product portfolio at Tere includes

more than ten years ago – in 1996.

volume). According to a survey

more than 160 high-quality products.

Tere was the first dairy trademark for

conducted by TNS Emor in 2008

Our most well-known trademarks are

the new era. Today, it is the most

brand recognition of Tere AS among

Tere, Dr. Hellus, Fit!, Haps, Merevaik,

well-known and preferred dairy trade-

Estonian consumers is 82%.


HISTORY OF TERE In 1893, the predecessor of "Tallinna Piimatööstus", a steam dairy, was established by Daniel Callisen. In 1904, Callisen expanded the dairy, merging it with a yeast factory that was modified for dairy production. The new processing company was named Keskmeierei (Central Dairy) or Zentralmeierei. During the Soviet era the company continued as "Tallinna Piimatoodete Kombinaat". In 1962 the production was moved to new larger premises on Pärnu Road, milk has been processed and dairy products have been produced there to the present day. Production premises, warehouses and laboratories have been added to the company and equipment replaced with more powerful models. In 1994, the company was privatized. The national factory became "Tallinna Piimatööstuse AS". The production company changed to include both production and sales. In 1996, a national network of sales representatives and a marketing department was established. Part of the production activity was moved out of "Tallinna Piimatööstuse AS". To this end, "AS Kohuke” was established, to produce cheese curd products. The Tere trademark was created in 1997. In 1998, as the first dairy factory in the Baltic States, we certified the quality management system of the company according to the ISO: 9001 standard. In keeping with the most famous trademark of the company, its legal name was changed




Tere is a trademark that accompanies a cheerful morning, routine-free weekday and excellent


TERE AS is a company with great traditions and

health. The red packaging with clouds is cool

long-term experience in the field and pursues in-

and eye-catching that makes people standing

novation and efficiency in all its daily activities.

in front of the dairy counter reach for the prod-

Tere AS is a modern sales and production

ucts without hesitation. The bold and sincere

company with a wide but efficient product port-

nature of Tere took the trademark into a rapid

folio, having developed from a dairy processor

whirlpool of development to the delight of dairy

into a well-organized innovative dairy industry.

lovers. New ideas and products have been cre-

The mission of Tere AS is to offer products and

ated at a rapid pace over the years, with the al-

services that comply with the needs of the con-

ready familiar Tere clouds decorating the

sumer via innovative and healthy products, and


to develop an awareness of the importance of

In 2006, Tallinna Piimatööstus became Tere AS.

a healthy and active lifestyle.

The Tere trademark had so actively conquered

The main business at Tere AS involve the pur-

the market over a period of ten years that the

chasing of crude milk, and the production and

only logical step seemed to be to make the

sale of dairy products. To improve our product

producer’s name the same as its most suc-

portfolio, we also market sauces, soya drinks

cessful brand. At the same time, the Tere logo

and other non-milk-based products produced

changed as well – the cloud became more ob-


viously a speech bubble, as Tere has many sto-

The production units at Tere are located in Tallinn,

ries to tell all of us – about active life, uncomp-

Viljandi and Kose. Two subsidiary companies are

romised quality, local taste, willpower and

also located in Paide and Põlva. TERE AS is


based 100% on Estonian capital. The company employs approximately 360 people. As the first dairy factory in the Baltic States, Tere AS certified the quality management sys-


tem of the company according to the ISO: 9001 standard in 1998.

Product development is an important issue for

We highly value domestic crude milk and tradi-

Tere AS. Healthy and successful products have

tion, at the same time being innovative and

been created together with scientists from

open to new directions. Knowing the expecta-

Tartu University. The functional Dr. Hellus and

tions of consumers, we use new technologies

Fit! dairy products contain healthy additives

and develop healthy products, offering vitality

such as the probiotic bacteria Lactobacillus fer-

and satisfaction to people of all ages. The pro-

mentum ME-3®, Omega-3 fatty acids, natural

duction at TERE AS is totally based on high-

fibres or calcium.

quality local material – fresh Estonian milk.

Lactobacillus fermentum ME-3® is a new

Tere AS covers 44% of the Estonian dairy prod-

unique probiotic bacteria discovered by

ucts market (Nielsen December-January 2008).

Estonian scientists from Tartu University and

The main export markets are Finland, Latvia

patented in several countries. It could be said

and Lithuania. The other countries of the Euro-

to be Estonia's first probiotic lactic acid bacte-

pean Union are also supplied by special con-

ria, moreover it is the only known high antioxy-


tantive probiotic in the world. The Dr. Hellus and Fit! product series is a good example of how an achievement in science has


become a product and reached the consumer. In developing products, we have achieved our

Tere means „Hi” or „Hello” in Estonian. Tere is

ambition of not only proposing new fascinating

Estonia's first dairy trademark, established in

tastes, but also adding a healthy spark to

1996. According to different studies, Tere is the

the consumers' favourite desserts. This can

first choice among consumers and the best-

be seen in several awards our products have

known dairy trademark in Estonia.





Tere products have won or been nominated for prizes in many domestic and international food awards. Here are some from recent years: 2008 The Dr. Hellus curd snacks and yoghurts selected among the trendiest and most innovative products in the world at the SIAL food fair in Paris. 2008 Dr. Hellus kefir – Best Health Food (Association of Estonian Food Industry). 2006 Tere cereals yoghurt with red plum and linseeds – Approved Estonian



Taste quality label (Association of Estonian Food Industry). 2005 Tere AB Rye bread yogurt – The Best Estonian Product and The

Group: Tere AS

Employees: 618

Year of foundation: 1893 Sector: Dairy industry

Brands: Tere, Dr. Hellus, Fit!, Haps, Merevaik, Emma, Kohuke, Black Mama

Turnover: 115.0 mln EUR (2007)

Website: www.tere.ee

Best Dairy Product (Association of Estonian Food Industry). 2004 Tere AB yoghurt – Healthiest and most delicious dairy product for weight-watchers (Association of Estonian Food Industry). 2004 HAPS sour milk drink – Approved Estonian Taste quality label (Association of Estonian Food Industry). 2004 Hellus butter milk drinks – Approved Estonian Taste quality label (Association of Estonian Food Industry)


The Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry called together a panel consisting of specialists we would like to introduce to you today:

Siim Raie has been working for the Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry since 1996, and for the last six years as Director General. He is also Chairman of the Board at the Estonian Centre for Standardisation; Chairman of the Council of the Estonian Institute of Economic Research; Chairman of the Board of the National Defence Development Foundation; Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board of The Credit and Export Guarantee Fund KredEx; Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board of The Estonian Qualification Authority; Member of the Board of the Open Estonia Foundation; Member of the Board of Directors and Budget Commitee of The Association of European Chambers of Commerce and Industry; and Vice President of the Baltic Sea Chambers of Commerce Association. Community activities: Member of the Board of UNICEF Estonia; Member of the Advisory Chamber of Estonian Business School; Council of the Baltic Sea States, Member of the Business Advisory Council.

Urmas Oru has been the CEO of Kanal 2 – Estonia’s leading TV station since 2000. Next to Kanal 2, which is Estonia’s favourite TV channel, Kanal 11, which is targeted at women, is also led by Urmas. He is also in charge of various rapidly developing online projects such as reporter.ee, etc. AS Kanal 2 belongs to the Eesti Meedia group that incorporates different media fields, and the owner of the enterprise is the Scandinavian media company Schibsted ASA. Before entering the media, Urmas Oru worked as the marketing director for the Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and he has also been a freelance copywriter in the advertising industry. Urmas graduated from Tartu University with a degree in economics.

Erki Peegel majored in International Economics and Marketing at Tallinn University of Technology and has worked in the field of marketing and communications since 1996. Prior to joining Enterprise Estonia www.eas.ee (EAS) in June 1995 as Director of the Marketing and Communications Unit, he worked at the State Chancellery as a Media Consultant. He has also worked as a Strategic Consultant at the PR Company Corpore and as the Communications Director at Eesti Energia. Peegel has also served as the Public Relations Manager at the Estonian Investment and Commerce Development Agency (predecessor of EAS) and at the Estonian Savings Bank.


Marek Reinaas established Vatson&Vatson/Y&R in 1992, which was one of the first advertising agencies in Estonia. In 1996, another agency was born, Zavod BBDO, where Reinaas still works as creative director. He has played an important role in the foundation of several leading marketing communications companies, such as Mediapool Vizeum, KPMS & Partners, Baltic Sales Promotion Agency and ProMaMa. Marek Reinaas has served several terms as President of the Association of Estonian Advertising Agencies, he has repeatedly been Chairman of the Jury for the Golden Egg AD Festival and been a jury member at several international ad festivals (e.g. the Kiev AD Festival, Caucasus AD Festival and the Eurobest AD Festival).

Inga Jagomäe coordinates the work of the Government’s Communication Office, sets objectives and is responsible for the results. Inga advises the Prime Minister regarding questions in the field of communication and provides the public with information about the work of the Government and the Prime Minister. The Communication Office prepares and dispatches press releases regarding the work of the Government and the Prime Minister, organises the Government’s and Prime Minister’s press conferences, answers reporter’s questions regarding the Government and the Prime Minister, forwards preliminary information from Government Institutions to all media channels and the public, and develops and maintains the State Chancellery and Government web pages.

The panel selected brands according to the following criteria:

Considering these criteria, the panel selected the following brands:

Regio, Delfi, Eesti Ehitus, Merko Ehitus, Eesti Energia, Salon+

The brand has to have been created in Estonia and registered in the Estonian Register of Trade Marks.

, Orto, Sportland, Kaubamaja, Baltika, Arco Vara, Ülemiste City, Estonia Klaverivabrik, Laulupidu, Standard, Thulema, Balteco,

The brand has to be of recognisable Estonian origin. It has to be widely known and export-oriented.

Neoqi, CV-Online, EMT/Elion, Skype, Sangar, Ilves Extra, A. Le Coq, Liviko, Saku, Rakvere Lihatööstus, Balbiino, Kalev, Leibur, Tere, Tallink, Estravel, Reval Hotels, Tartu Ülikool, Olympic Casino, Teeme Ära 2008, Lotte, AudeS, Olde Hansa, Tallinna Sadam, Balti Laevaremonditehas, Estonian Air. The invited companies could decide for themselves whether they wanted to be included in the book or not. Not all the companies selected decided to participate or were unable to participate in the current book.

We would like to thank everyone who approves of our choice.

Leading Brands of Estonia Publisher: Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Editor: Translation bureau re:finer Design: Disainikorp Text: The companies presented and Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Type-setting and printing: Tallinna Raamatutrßkikoda Print run: 700 Date: November 2008 ISBN: 978-9985-857-31-1 Copyright Š Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise), without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner/publisher of this book. All of the companies who own the brands featured in this publication have given consent for the brand name, logotype and photographs to be shown. Any enquiry regarding the specific brand should be made to the relevant company. Certified brand Leading Brands of Estonia is registered trademark belonging to Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

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