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Kay Li

Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Asian designer Kay Li uses a distinct style to create future-oriented womenswear. She draws inspiration from humanity to architecture, environmental issues to current affairs, translating her philosophical beliefs into urban, contemporary and edgy aesthetics. The essence of her eponymous label, “Kay Li”, is to produce innovative pieces that express and accentuate individuality. Traditional patterns are distorted and reconstructed to create new form that transform the natural silhouette of a body. With her flair in textile design, she creates original fabrics that is a perfect complement to her origami-inspired designs. Mixing form, fabrics, and designs in a new manner, “Kay Li” aims to capture the character and emotions of a distinctive woman. For more details, go to


AW17 Lookbook

May 27, 2017

Look book AW16

April 11, 2016

Lookbook ss16

July 4, 2015

Media kit AW15

February 26, 2015

AW 15 Lookbook

February 9, 2015

SS15 Lookbook

October 26, 2014

Lookbook highres

October 26, 2014

Kay li media kit ss15

September 27, 2014

SS14 look book

October 17, 2013

Kay Li AW13-14

May 28, 2013

Kay Li SS13 Look Book

February 21, 2013