Official Newsletter | Region 17 Vol 1 | Issue 8 | February 2014 The Ape Chronicles
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in this issue ltg greeting
district updates member recognition banana bonuses submission guidelines future events/div. goals featured service contact info . quote of the month
“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” ― Mahatma Gandhi
Aloha Aqua Apes! The year is slowly coming to a close, and it’s sad to say there are only a few more months of our term left. But do not fret! We still have time to accomplish many of the goals we set out in the beginning of our terms, and also revise a few. Have you been keeping track of your goals? How many of them have you reached? These are all things you should think about when reflecting upon your Key Club journey as it comes to a close. These upcoming months, we all should be focusing on transitioning. Elections should take place by the end of February, and you should give yourself enough time to train your elect for your position. Though the transition period is sad for many, just know that you are trying to leave a legacy behind with your elect. Make sure that you are hosting your elections, and training your officers! Their new terms begin the last day of DCON. Remember Aqua Apes, if you ever need someone to talk to, the Division Leadership Team is always here for you, as friends and as Key Clubbers. We are one big Aqua Ape Ohana, and we always support each other through the good times and the rougher ones. Thank you Division 34 North for all you do! Let’s finish this year strong! Going Bananas for Service, Jeremy Jimenez Division 34 North Lieutenant Governor
Challenge of the month
For this month, I would like you all to email/message me a position you are interested in running in! What leadership opportunities do you want to take up in the upcoming year? And for the seniors: email your favorite leadership opportunity you have taken up in Key Club. You might be featured in a future newsletter!
LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR GREETING Official Division 34N Newsletter | Region 17|CNH District |
UPDATES why go to DCON?
-Make new friends or reunite with other bees -Bond with your club and division members -Learn more about key club! -Get recognized for all of your service
On time registration: $178 per member
Deadline: 2/20/2014 in CNH District Office Late Registration: $218 per member Deadline: 3/15/2014 in the CNH District Office Hotel Fees: $170/ night x 2 nights = $88/ person (w/ 4 persons sharing) Date: April 11-13, 2014 Location: Sacramento Convention Center Theme: Your Golden Ticket Fundraising ideas: -Sell Baked goods -Pie an officer -Laser Tag -Sell bracelets Online Registration: http:/us.ootoweb.com/68thcnhdcon More information: http://www.cnhkeyclub.org/events/dcon
-Dance at the Governor's Ball! -Have fun with the alternate activities such as video games, card games, and board games! -Become a better, stronger leader
on-site judging
If you are interested in applying for On-site judging, you can apply here: http:// cnhkeyclub.org/downloads/Recognition/ contest/pdf/ CNH_DistrictJudging_Application_1314.pdf Deadline: March 1, 2014 Description: Judges will review contest
submissions and applications at the district level, and help select qualifying contestants and applicants based on the provided rubrics and criteria. Questions? Contact Carissa Yen at
SAA registration What is SAA? Sergeant At Arms
SAA Captain Applications are due February 2nd, 2014 at 6:00PM Description of an SAA captain: dedicated problem solvers who are interested in further serving their District and fellow members by ensuring that this year’s District Convention is safe, professional, and enjoyable. Apply here: http://goo.gl/PEqSTA Requirements: You must attend DCON 2014 and you must have a Kiwanis reference to serve as a recommender If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding this position, please do not hesitate to contact the SAA Coordinator Derek Chen at cnhkc.saa@gmail.com
3 | Official Division 34N Newsletter | Region 17|CNH District
r e b mem
n o i t i n g o c re
a Janu f o onth m e h t ring u d N OLDE G g ein For b
MARY KIM DELEMOS Officer of the Month
South San Francisco Key Club
Club of the Month
Ape of the Month Mills Key Club
Official Division 34N Newsletter | Region 17|CNH District |
bana na b onus es
MRF Early On T Bird: 3rd ime: of th Visu al Su 5th of th e month em bmis Early A onth = 75 po s ints rticle Su = 50 On T Bird: 7th ions bm Ea poin ime: of e very Serv ts O rly Bird issions 1 3 t h ic m n Tim : 7th o Goo e Hours of every onth = f eve e: 13 d Ho 25/ s mon r t h Grea o u urs: t h=1 bmis f the y month 1 C t 0 l s 0 u 0 ho m = io / sub b APE Hours: urs = miss n Earl Summa onth = 1 25 per s tasti 1 2 5 2 u i y on 0 po cH 5p ri Ho DCM ints p bmission On T Bird: 7th es Atte ours: 20 urs = 50 oints ime: er su of th Goo n 0 ho p bmis 1 e d: 2 d a n c e urs = oints 3 F M t u h nd s onth sion of th Ape 1 0 R 0 aise = 25 Grea e Mo s=2 p G o o i d n o p 5p nth = t: ts d o DCM Grea : $100 = APE 5 Apes = oints 50 p ints Host tasit 25 oints t: $ ing = c: 10 50 poin 20 p APEtas 200 = 50 points ts Ape tic: oints po s=1 00 p Club Mem $400 = 1 ints oints 0 ber of th of M 0 Points e Mo onth nth = = 20 20 p Sp e c poin oints ial A ts (OTC ttend , a 10 p RTC, FR nce oints N per , Concl av e mem ) ber
Aragon - 35 El Camino - 110 0 South San Francisco - 19 Lowell - 75 George Washington - 50
San Mateo - 0 Carlmont - 270 Sequoia - 0 Burlingame - 10 Mills - 170
5 | Official Division 34N Newsletter | Region 17|CNH District
g Are you havin les? e writing artic ps for a difficult tim rticle: re are some ti e H . it t d submit an a u n o a b a e y rit rr w o n w o 't rs n event, Do or another pe service at an lf g e in our rs o u d o r y e t b u b o y clu ing but also y rit ke helping r w e r u th o o y n a se e a to showc edia. If you se t only a way o n 's -Use social m It . it it m nd em to sub Be creative a ? y it n u m encourage th m o lp your c service. u done to he o y e v a hardwork and h t a h .W service events relate to - Review past fun service is! bers that can m w e o h m r b e lu th c o y of ke ere are show the rest xperience. Th e b lu c y ke le for an our who t? Ask others u o b a - Reflect on y e rit w want to ce! ent that your v e your experien n a to n e ry! Haven't be impactful sto Larot ontact Kayla m Questions? c ne@gmail.co d34n.cnhkc.d
trou b
le w ith arti cles ?
Did nt you wa e all of tur to feau e in the n rvic your se letter? And a s w tured in are next ne y to be feau bers unit ll mem ns for articles A ? y opport e rk io H cybe ubmiss or the CN ed to make s elines f id u g ge e m rag f 3 /4 p a c o encou ls. Here are so m u axim in .do ua ries a m d summaries and vis a m m : s an sions nd su s submis ticles a ke the article r a ted e article ll h la a t e f r e a o k b r a m o -M y clu utho mber t and ke redit to the a e t ia - Reme r p ec pro format ls must be ap nd visuals, giv ries. summa d n - Visua oth articles a he visuals a s ticle - On b ner of t opic for all ar w o e h et ls to and t creativ d visua n a r a d s d le A rtic _Autho d BEE il.com a _ a ll e m a m g d a an bn ne@ - Sen ve fun ail: Clu nhkc.d d34n.c ct line on em yla Larot] - Ha a - Subje : Mills_K the le p m a 13th of [ Ex e h t y ! b e ue creativ s are d n io s is m ns -All sub bmissio u s n le mo th ic t ar ual and ayla Larot, is v h t o m K -B sent to mail.co g e @ b l e il n w nhkc.d d34n.c
bm iss
inf o
Official Division 34N Newsletter | Region 17|CNH District |
s t n e v e e r u t fu February 8, 2014 - Conclave
February 20th, 2014 - Kiwanis Cali-Nev-Ha Foundation Scholarship DUE February 20th, 2014 - DCON Registration DUE March 15th, 2014 - Division 34 North Banquet
April 11-13, 2014 - District Convention (DCON)
PTP Goal: $1,800/$2,000 George Washington: 78 - 16 (-62) Eliminate: $500/$1000 Lowell: 44 - 70 (+26) Service Hours: 4,500/9,000 Mills: 29 - 47 (+18) Membership: 417 San Mateo: 15 - 18 (+3) Membership GROWTH from last year Sequoia: 24 - 25 (+1) Aragon: 16 - 30 (+14) South San Francisco: 14 - 39 (+25) Burlingame: NEW CLUB +17 Carlmont: 90 - 99 (+9) El Camino: 80 - 56 (-24)
div. goals update
Date: February 8th, 2014 Time: 1:00 - 6:00 PM Cost: $5 On-Time, $7 Late ***All attendees must Pre-Register! No registration may be completed on site. Registration Link: https://docs.google.com/forms/ d/1i6nC4dmxoGCNfGVQvBSWzPtLtEW3723ve5ImdlVBowY/viewform Conclave is an event where the clubs in the division you serve elect your next Lieutenant Governor! It is really important that every dues paid club sends two delegates to vote. Delegates represent the club at Conclave, and cast the votes. Region 17's Conclave theme is Go for Gold! Olympic themed, and Division Judging is also held here. Contact D34N Lieutenant Governor Jeremy if you have any questions.
region 17 conclave
7 | Official Division 34N Newsletter | Region 17|CNH District
breakfast w/ sa nta On Decembe r 14, 2013, I pa event, which took
rticipated in th e
place at the Sa
center from 9a m-1p
n Carlos Adult
es included p a
articipated in
m. At the com munity center, 13
Carlmont key clubbers and Ip of these activ iti
Breakfast with
many activitie s.
rticipating in se t up for the eve nt as well as coord inating the art s and crafts st ation. Some ke y clubbers acted as waite rs and waitress es, taking care of the guests. At the arts and craft station, we ha d 4-5 tables se t up with 2 ke y clubbers at each table . Each table w as set up with an ornament craft that the kids could make followin g simple instru ctions that we re provided. After they ma de the ornam ent, they cou ld move on to the next table and make an ornament the re until they w ent through a ll the stations. It was really fu n helping the kids out. I enjo yed being ab le to be there for the kids if th ey needed he lp. Another th ing I participa ted in was helping with th e set up for th e event. I help ed with setting the tables and making su re there were enough utensi ls at each tab le. Kids and families could also take pictu res with Santa in the main lo bby. I really enjoyed this fu n event and h ope to particip ate in it next ye ar.
-Tara Ebrahim p
Official Division 34N Newsletter | Region 17|CNH District |
Jeremy Jimenez Lieutenant Governor
Kayla Larot Facebook group
Newsletter Editor
https://www.facebook.com/groups/ D34Naquaapes/
Rachel Wong
Division Reflector
Executive Assistant
https://groups.google.com/forum/? fromgroups#!forum/d34naquaapes
Mary Kim Delemos Executive Assistant delemosmarykim@yahoo.com
www.keyclub.org http://www.cnhkeyclub.org