October Newsletter l Volume 8 l Issue 6

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Division 34 North Region 17 CA- Nev-Ha

The Banana Chronicles October Volume 8 Issue 6


1 Messages




Amazing Apes

Leadership Showcase



Articles/ Visuals


District Newsletter




Club Summaries

Division Goals

Banana Points






Upcoming Events

Division Newsletter Editor 1

Happy October all! It is finally socially acceptable to start fall festivities! Although festivities this season may look different, please remember to comply with CDC guidelines. Welcome to all the new members that have joined us! Despite the unideal circumstances, I hope you all have had an enjoyable time so far! All of our members and officers have dedicated an extensive amount of creativity, thought, and time to planning these events to provide us all with volunteer opportunities and a chance to socialize. Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and meet other members of this organization, even if it is over Zoom :))) I highly encourage you all to unmute yourself during the breakout rooms and participate during the ice breakers with other key clubbers. I promise you won’t regret it! As usual, don’t forget to prioritize your health! I know with distance learning, it is so easy to sit in your room and continue your homework only to feel overwhelmed at the end of it. Remember to take breaks, prioritize your sleep, as well as to stay organized. If you ever need anyone to talk or rant to, I am always here to listen! Don’t be afraid to reach out to me:)) Before I wrap this up, don’t forget to submit your challenges on time. The instructions for these can be found on page … of this issue. If you have any questions, feedback on the newsletter, or ideas of what you would like to see in future newsletters, please feel free to contact me. Okay, peace out for now :)))


Amber Chia

Amber Chia Division Newsletter Editor amberchia1212@gmail.com

DNE Challenge: what has been the most difficult challenge of this school year, and how did you or are you going to overcome it?

Can you believe it’s already Fall?! I definitely can’t. I’ve never tried a pumpkin spice latte before, but maybe this year will be the time I will finally try it! With this new season in session, please don’t forget to focus on member recruitment! It is so important this year that we try to have as many dues paid members as possible in order to reverse the membership decline that the CNH District has been facing for the past few years. I believe in all of us! Don’t be afraid to bring your friends into Key Club, and even recommend friends from other schools to join their Key Clubs. If you need any specific tips, feel free to reach out! Also, I hope that everyone who attended Region Training Conference had a fun time! All of the slideshows (officer workshops, round robins, and the general session) have all been sent out, but if you need them again don’t hesitate to ask. I know that this year has been (and will continue to be) extremely different than years prior, but I want to thank you all for your flexibility and understanding as we move through this pandemic together. Don’t forget that there are so many people who are here for you (myself included), so you never have to walk alone. I hope to talk to you sometime soon!

Reaching for the stars of service,

Kristen Carpio

Lieutenant Governor

Happy Spooky Season Aqua Apes!

Kristen Carpio Lieutenant Governor d34n.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com

LTG Challenge: How did you first get involved in Key Club? What’s something you’ve learned from being in our organization?


Division Secretary

Hello there! I hope you guys are doing well, and had fun at all the September events! RTC was sadly online, but still, an amazing event, thank you to everyone who went! To all the seniors 2 months before UC applications are due, you got this! We all procrastinate, but always remember your goal at hand and do your best. Remember that your mental and physical health is the first priority. You might be feeling discouraged or burnt out, but you’ve made it this far and that’s very brave of you. Always feel free to reach out! School, extracurricular, on top of other priorities is a lot, but I know you can get through it. I can’t wait to see you at future events! Have fun and thank you guys so much for your hard work.

-Anni Zhang

Anni Zhang Division Secretary whs.kc.azhang@gmail.com

Executive Assistant

Hey there Keyuties!


Happy October aqua apes! Wow, 2020 is flying by so fast. Hopefully you guys didn’t have too overwhelming of a first month of school. You’re all amazing hard workers and I know you guys can get through anything you put your mind to! Thank you to everyone who attended RTC, it was great seeing our division there and getting to know all of you! Now it’s time to get ready for PTP week and a bunch of other events in October! I know last month was crazy with all the events but it’s always so great seeing your faces there and talking with you guys! Don’t forget to take time to focus on and take care of yourself, your health and wellbeing is super important! (Especially with school starting up and homework consuming everyone) You can always reach out to me if you need someone to rant to, ask questions, study, or just vibe with <3 Good luck with school and anything else you are pursuing and I can’t wait to see you guys at future events!!

-Courtney Tai

Courtney Tai Executive Assistant ahskc.pres@gmail.com

It’s almost the end of the year already, that’s pretty intense! But RTC is coming up and I hope to see you guys there! Even though we are stuck having to host events online it’s great to see a lot of you guys attending club and division events! I hope we can keep in touch with each other and stay positive! As always if you have any questions or just want to talk feel free to contact me! Take care of yourselves <3

- Sanjna Sood

Sanjna Sood Executive Assistant sanjna1sood@gmail.com

Executive Assistant

Hi, Key Clubbers!

Hey guys!

- Landon Lee

Landon Lee Executive Assistant landon.lee@gmail.com

Executive Assistant

How is it already October?? Hopefully,the first month of school hasn’t been putting too much on you yet. I’m so proud of how active our division has been so far and keep up all the hard work that you guys put in! 116 of you guys at Operation Gratitude was insane and I hope you had fun going to other division events. Despite it being over zoom, I’ve met and gotten closer to a lot of you and could not be any happier! I hope you all enjoyed RTC and the Kahoot fundraiser because I know I certainly had fun at both. Be on the lookout for more events in the future. I love seeing you guys at events but make sure to allocate time for yourself as there were countless events in September and putting yourself first is what’s important! As always, feel free to contact me with any questions and don’t hesitate to reach out especially if any of you guys want to run a few games of Among Us :))


Amazing Apes Apes Member of the Month: Gael Lee (South City):

Gael reached out to her club first and immediately started attending meetings and service events. She attends nearly all events and has been zooming in hours lately. She has a deep passion for service and her club is excited to see what she does in the future!

Officer of the Month:

Kristi Xia (Notre Dame): Kristi completes all her tasks thoroughly and on time, and even sometimes early. She has great communication skills and attends every division event possible while staying on top of her work and responsibilities. She has shown her dedication to Key Club and her board knows that they can always count on her.

Club of the Month:

South San Francisco: South City has extremely active officers and members who consistently attend division events and also host club level events. Earlier this month, they hosted the largest attended service event on 9/11 with a total of 117 attendees.

Advisor of the Month:

Rachel Shanley (Notre Dame):


Rachel has been a great advisor as she is constantly in communication with the club she oversees. She plays an active role in the division and this month she provided the Zoom for the 9/11 service project when we needed it at the last second. She’s overall super encouraging and always willing to give feedback!

Leadership Showcase

Interested in obtaining a leadership position in the future? Leadership positions are a great way to immerse yourself into Key Club, build friendships, and develop valuable leadership skills that will be applicable in your future! Every month, various members who hold a leadership postion will introduce themselves and explain their responsibilites. These leadership positions could be division or club level positions!

THIS MONTH: D34N PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE Fun Fact: My favorite show is criminal minds. Main responsibilities: My main responsibilities include making graphics for service projects, posting graphics on the division ig, and leading monthly meetings for PR Committee. Favorite aspect: My favorite part of being a public relations coordinator is working with the DLT and clubs. Everything planned by DLT members needs to be posted on our instagram, so I get to work closely with them. Everyone is super fun to work with and I’ve become closer friends with them along the way. I’ve also had the chance to meet Key Clubbers whose clubs were hosting division events, which is awesome because I love meeting new people and getting to talk to them.

Michelle Li D34N Public Relations Coordinator

Fun Fact: A fun fact about me is that I have an Instagram art account where I post digital Art, canvas, and watercolor pictures. Main responsibilities: My main responsibilities shift each month. I either post district and region posts on the feed, choose the member of the month in the division and promote amazing apes, make the DCM graphic and post division material, or I make a monthly graphic for the email that Kristen sends out.

Maya Kornyeyeva D34N Public Relations Committee Member

Favorite aspect: My favorite part of being apart of the public relations committee is the people that I work with. Michelle (the PR coordinator) is really good at communicating, and it’s great to interact with people that have similar interests as me. Also, being a part of the DLT has gotten me a lot more immersed into Key club and has led me to meet a lot of incredible people from other high schools.


PROJECT SUNSHINE Westmoor’s Project Sunshine event was fun and simple. We started the event off with an icebreaker. During that time, we socialized a little bit, so it was nice to learn about others. We then got into the actual project, where I made two mad libs. I wanted my mad libs to have the theme of Disney princesses, so I wrote one about Cinderella and wrote another about Frozen. I was proud of my final results, since they looked sweet and bubbly. I would definitely like to do this event again. Darren Chen Westmoor

Project Sunshine was such a fun event! It was the first event during quarantine where we had individual projects that made one huge project and it was something that I have not done before! I did a coloring page and at first, I was confused on how it would turn out, but because the theme was fairy tales, I chose something along the lines of a castle hidden in the clouds! It was a fun event so huge props to Westmoor! Caroline Narciso South City


The Project Sunshine event hosted by Westmoor was really fun and creative! Everyone who attended chose between a variety of pages to make as part of one big D34N coloring book. The pages were made on google slides and were printed out and assembled by Westmoor afterwards. During the event, we were sorted into breakout rooms based on the page we picked to make and in there you could brainstorm and get ideas from others doing the same page template as you! The event was not only enjoyable but also nostalgic because of the fairytale theme with the coloring book. Overall, I really enjoyed the event and the idea behind it because I got to interact with other key clubbers while making a fun project that will later be enjoyed by kids! Courtney Tai Aragon

Project sunshine was a fun event for everyone who participated. There we all collaborated and made a division wide activity book. My role was to fill in the blank and it was fun talking in breakout rooms with those assigned to do that as well. Overall a fun project and would definitely do it again Landon Lee Lowell




For the August DCM, we did our service event which was the Love Letters for Literacy after the meeting part. Love Letters for Literacy is an organization that makes kits of 26 flashcards to help kids learn their alphabet in a fun and creative way. This was my first time working with Love Letters for Literacy and I really enjoyed the experience. Even though I could barely draw, the impact of the event and how cute the flashcards were moved me and really started to give me ideas on how I can help out more. Thank you Love Letters for Literacy and I hope to work with you again soon. Malia Malden Aragon

This DCM was my personal favorite as it was after Westmoor’s first general meeting and we had many brand new members attend their first division event. The cards were so fun to make, although it did take longer than I expected. I spent an extra 2 hours after the event ended to continue working on the alphabet cards. I’m not an artist and I can’t not draw, but I was proud of my cards. I was happy to learn this was a local organization focusing on the youth of my community. I was able to have a nice walk to the house and drop off these love letters of literacy. The next morning when my English teacher asked what was something fun you did over the weekend, I answered “I was able to create alphabet cards for kids with less resources in our community.” She continues to ask for further info about the steps and organization. Later on, she even created her own set of cards to give. I truly enjoyed this event and hope my cards help a child learn how to read. Anni Zhang Westmoor

At our August DCM, we made alphabet flash cards for Love Letters for Literacy. I cut index cards in half and labeled all 26 cards with the letters of the alphabet. On the back of each card, I drew objects that corresponded with the letter of the card. I had an awesome time thinking of things in nature that started with the letters of the alphabet and drawing them onto the index cards. The index cards were mailed to Love Letters for Literacy, and they will distribute these flash cards to students learning the alphabet. Michelle Li Lowell



of Hope Aragon x Carlmont x Jefferson x Lowell x Sequoia

Notes of Inspiration was a very heartwarming event to participate in. It was nice to write and draw on many birthday cards and inspirational letters to kids and teens. The cards that were made had many kind words and a lot of great drawings. Brian Khov Sequoia

The Cards of Hope Interclub Event was a really fun and relaxing experience. In the event, we individually wrote and drew out meaningful and unique birthday cards for hospitalized children; there were around 40 of us from all over the division who worked to brighten each kid’s day with the cards we dedicated our hours to. The club officers running the event helped make this process much more enjoyable and at ease, from answering any of our questions to playing soothing lofi music while we colored. The Cards of Hope was definitely a heartwarming moment that not only brought smiles to all of us, but also to the children receiving these sweet cards that were made with care.


Hunter Black Aragon

At the Card of Hope event we made cards for children’s foster care. We got to make birthday cards for them and wished them a Happy Birthday! We also made cards to encourage the kids to stay strong. This was a very fun event and I got to make various types of cards and decorate with markers and pens. I hope we can do this event again and help more people. Alice Liang Lowell On August 20th, Carlmont Key Club participated in Braid Mission’s Cards of Hope service event, alongside Aragon, Lowell, Jefferson, and Sequoia’s Key Clubs. We created birthday and encouragement cards for kids in the foster systems of San Francisco, who received them through their social workers. Each card was filled with drawings and stickers, complete with a little note wishing the child well. I thought this event was super important since most of these kids never receive birthday or holiday cards, and it was nice that we could be that for them. Overall, this event was super fun and it was nice knowing that these kids would receive the cards and feel a little more loved. Marrisa Chow Carlmont


KINDNESS ROCKS On Sunday, August 16th, Mills key-clubbers collected rocks, leaves, wood, or anything they could find in the environment and used them to paint positive messages. We all met on zoom and painted our kindness rocks/objects for an hour and half, listening to music and chatting about the start of school. Some rock designs that were produced during our painting session included: a rock head with a mask on, a rainbow, a chicken delivering a positive quote, anime characters, and so many other cute designs. When we were done, we placed them back into the environment around our neighborhood where people could see (and hopefully smile from). We also came up with a map of where our rocks were placed so other key-clubbers could go search for them if they wanted to! I had a great time hosting with my board members, and we enjoyed every bit of the service project. The inspiration of painting rocks came from the organization Kindness Rocks that I found, and have been following, since freshman year of high school. I am so glad to have finally participated in the movement they have started. Kaelyn Fung Mills


Carlmont Stuffed Animal Drive This month we had the stuffed animal drive, which was basically collecting toys we had at home to wash and then donate. The number of hours was counted by the amount of time it took to collect the toys, put them in the wash, deliver them to the drop off location, etc. (In the end, this added up to a substantial amount of time.) This event was not very time consuming or difficult. It was very different from the other events I have been to though, where we make cards or draw for service. This event is a good chance to give away something you don’t want anymore to help others! Overall, this event was a very easy and fun way to complete service and is something I would definitely participate in again. Britney Fong Carlmont


Thanks to... Anna Abelgas (Aragon) Courtney Tai (Aragon) Crystal Chu (Aragon) Evan Yang (Aragon) Sophia Cohen (Aragon) Britney Fong (Carlmont) Lisa Ngyuen (Carlmont) Jasmine Bao (Lowell) Michelle Li (Lowell) Kaelyn Fung (Mills) Alicia Kim (Jefferson) Elizabeth Wang (Jefferson) Jessica Lam (Jefferson) JR Robles (Jefferson) Junxian Liu(Jefferson) Nicole Su (Jefferson) Oscar Lei (Jefferson) Alex Burrows(San Mateo) Danielle Richards (San Mateo) Caroline Narciso (South City) Anni Zhang (Westmoor) Darren Chen (Westmoor) Florence Thwe (Westmoor) Marcela Zaragoza

DNE LTG Challenges

For participating in the challenges :)

How to Submit a Challenge: Participating in the Newsletter Challenges will give you an opportunity to earn banana points. For every question answered, you will receive 5 banana points for your club! 1. Email your answers to me at d34n.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com and CC Kristen at d34n.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com 2. Subject line: Month DNE/LTG Newsletter Challenges. ex. October DNE/ LTG Newsletter Challenges. 3. Answer the prompts! Answer lengths may vary as long as they answer the question.


Submissions are due by the last day of every month! Feel free to contact me with any questions you have! Have fun :)

Read the

District Newsletter

Click here to read!


dne Challenge: When is it appropriate to start using pumpkin spice products or eating pumpkin spice flavored food?


Club Summary


For the month of August Aragon hosted the Origami Bookmark Service event which went super well. Everyone made fun and creative bookmarks. We also participated in the August DCM where we made alphabet flashcards for the organization Love Letters for Literacy. A few of our members also went to the UCLA Webinar and they thought it was very informative. We went to the division-wide service event, Project Sunshine, where we made coloring pages for kids and that was a lot of fun. We also had an interclub event with Carlmont, Lowell, Jefferson, Sequoia where we made cards for foster kids. At the beginning of August, we had a small general meeting with our members and now we are just planning our meetings for the school year.

- Anna Abelgas


Over the past month of August we held bimonthly club meetings and service events at the end of each meeting. For one event, we hosted a virtual letter writing event to our local senior center, San Carlos Elms, to send letters of hope. We also held an interclub event with Aragon, Lowell, Jefferson, and Sequoia and we’ve also been attending all of the division events, love letters of literacy, project sunshine, operation gratitude, and kindness rock project and had an amazing time! And lastly, we’ve just started a PTP service project/fundraiser by making and selling PTP bracelets. And we can’t wait to attend RTC with everyone :))

El Camino:

- Ashley Zheng

In the past month of August, El Camino has participated in many service projects and events and had several general club meetings. El Camino has hosted service projects, such as Toilet Paper Upcycling and Face Mask Making, and attended various division-wide service events, such as Operation Gratitude and Love Letters for Literacy. During club meetings, there have been a handful of members, but it’s expected to have more members after club rush recruitment. We are also letting members know how and when to pay their dues. Additionally, I’m glad to say Advisor George has offered to advise El Camino as our Kiwanis advisor. In the coming months, El Camino will continue to roll out service projects and advertise for new members.


- Alex Quemuel

This month, Hillsdale Key Club had our first general meeting of the school year. We saw many familiar faces, but also a handful of new ones too! Even though we didn’t get the chance to advertise at our school’s club fair day, we managed to get ~30 people total at our first meeting. Currently, we are getting ready to attend RTC, collecting the information we need in order to register, and giving the details to those who were interested. This month, we’re hoping to retain the members who attended our first meeting and get them engaged with the club! Lastly, we are looking to add more variety in the service opportunities we’re presenting to our members and get more people involved with our service projects.


- Gwendolyn Arzaga

Jefferson: August marked Jefferson Key Club’s first month back to school. We are so proud of all the new faces at our meetings and events. We are ecstatic knowing that there are going to be plenty of first-time members this year! Our treasurer has begun collecting dues and the secretary has begun preparing to update the roster. However, we must not forget about the dedicated and loyal returning members. Some have been with the club for years now, and their veteran presence is greatly appreciated at our events. In addition to positive membership attendance, our officer board has worked really hard this month. With the unknowns of a new school year and college around the corner on top of dealing with a new year for our club, our officers have a lot to balance. Nevertheless, every one of our officers exceeded the monthly minimum goal we set for ourselves. We have continued our dedication to expanding our club, and we cannot express how excited we are for a new year with plenty of new faces!


- Luis Solidum

During the month of August, Lowell focused on member recruitment and preparing for the new school year. We attended division events such as the Origami Bookmark Service Event and Personalized Note Cards. Lowell also hosted the Cards of Hope interclub with Carlmont, Aragon, Jefferson, and Sequoia. We held our info meeting and also redistributed our member interest form. This September we have Notes for the Homebound coming up along with other events planned including an interclub with Saint Ignatius. We’re looking forward to attending the Regional Training Conference and numerous other events this month.


- Jasmine Bao

In August, Mills Key Club has attended division service events like the origami bookmark-making, personalized note cards, the August DCM/love letters of literacy, and project sunshine. We have also hosted a service project for members called “Kindness Rocks,” where we took rocks from outside and painted them with positive messages and cute designs. We then returned them outside, where we placed them all around our neighborhood for people to see. The board also met twice to discuss back-to-school plans for our club, and we hosted two general zoom club meetings, as well. We are currently planning a fundraiser for PTP and club funds that will hopefully be available for the whole division to participate in. One of the aspects of our fundraiser is that we will be hosting a sticker design competition, where the winning designs will be available to buy.

Notre Dame:

- Kaelyn Fung

During the month of August, NDB Key Club participated in Division level events and planned for service projects. Club members attended Division Wide Service Projects such as Project Sunshine and made coloring pages, which was very fun and engaging! We also attended the August DCM. August was also a month full of planning; the board met several times to plan a Division Wide Service Event, The Kindness Rock Project. In the future, we will be having meetings at least bi-weekly and continue to recruit new members. We hope to plan more service projects at the club and division levels.

- Alyssa Enriquez


San Mateo: This month our club held weekly meetings in the first two weeks of August. Once school started in mid-August, we slowed down our meetings so our members could get adjusted to school. In the meantime members from our club have attended division-wide events such as Aragon’s Bookmark Making, Jefferson’s Personalized Notecard, and Westmoor’s Project Sunshine. We also attended the August DCM. Our officer board was also reaching out to the school in regards to the new parameters for clubs this year and when we can hold meetings. We even got a new faculty advisor this year and planned an informational meeting for early September.

-Danielle Richards


For the month of August, Sequoia Key Club participated in the August DCM, which was a lot of fun just being able to be a part of it! Our club also made back-to-school care packages. We know that the pandemic is not easy for anybody, so we took the liberty of creating these packages that were filled with back to school materials such as paper, highlighters, pens, folders, etc. The packages were distributed to incoming students and students who needed supplies overall. Our club board members continued to have weekly meetings and plan for our first school-wide meeting.

- Sharon Portillo

South San Francisco:

For the month of September, South City has been doing multiple things! At the beginning of the month, we hosted Operation Gratitude on September 11th in commemoration and appreciation for 9/11, first responders on the front lines of COVID-19, and firefighters fighting the fires along the West Coast! Furthermore, we had an increase of 10 members from our informational meeting last month as a result of our announcements on our school announcements! We have been doing weekly meetings and also been posting regularly on our Instagram page! We had an interclub with Carlmont and El Camino on the 18th and it was super fun making cards for cancer patients! We also had our virtual club rush via Google Slides and made our slide super pretty to hopefully attract more members! For the future, we are currently planning to attend the Kahoot Fundraiser and the Patch Project! For October, we will be doing the UNICEF Trick or Treat Boxes, and we will be planning more events surrounding UNICEF as well.



- Caroline Narcisco

For the past month, we have been adjusting to school life, and at the same time attending every event you can. We just had a past event Project Sunshine, and it was pretty successful. We had over 80 RSVPs and 70 participants, and together we made over 100 slides for pediatric patients. We now have bi-monthly general meetings and every month we have a service event after one meeting and a social event after another. This is so we can still get to know our members, but also provide them service opportunities. August we had a Kahoot then a card meeting project. In September, we are doing an escape room and a bracelet making event. We got 14 so far to attend RTC, which we are excited to attend. And, we have introduced dues to our members and have begun collecting them. We hope to pay early-bird dues like last year. It’s been exciting working with new members and I can’t wait for what’s to come.

- Anni Zhang

Division Goals Service Hours 4,042.31 hours served 7,000 hours wanted Top 3 Lowell

571.2 hours

Carlmont 1659.04 hours

funds raised $875 raised $6,000 wanted

Jefferson 510.62 hours



Made by PR Coordinator Michelle Li

Banana Leaders 3322 3283 2512 1 3 2 Jefferson Carlmont Westmoor

Aragon South San Francisco Lowell Mills Notre Dame San Mateo Hillsdale El Camino Sequoia Burlingame Saint Ignatius

1965 1775 1432 909 897 755 570 490 185 160 48


g n i m o c p U nts e v E

Patch Project Service Event Join Carlmont in creating patches for Enchanted Makeovers. Patches created will be donated to single mothers and children living in shelters!

Date: Friday, October 2, 2020 Time: 4:00 p.m - 6:00 p.m. RSVP Link: bit.ly/d34npatchproject

Together We Rise

Join Carlmont in creating patches for Enchanted Makeovers. Patches created will be donated to single mothers and children living in shelters!

Date: Saturday, October 10, 2020 Time: 2:00 p.m - 4:00 p.m. RSVP Link: bit.ly/d34nencourage

Games for Gains

Join Carlmont in creating patches for Enchanted Makeovers. Patches created will be donated to single mothers and children living in shelters!


Date: Friday, October 17, 2020 Time: 2:00 p.m - 3:30 p.m. RSVP Link: bit.ly/D34NUNICEF

october 2020 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

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Upcoming Events

Anni Zhang

1 8 15 22 29

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3 10 17 24 31


May Cho





Amber Frankel

Hillsdale 10/10

Maahika Samudrala

Westmoor 10/27


Lieutenant Governor:

Kristen Carpio (NotreDame) phone: (650) 868-5301 email: d34n.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com

Executive Assistants:


Courtney Tai (Aragon) phone: (650)-740-9749 email: ahskc.pres@gmail.com Landon (Lowell) phone:Lee(415) 830-6688 email: landon.lee@gmail.com Sanjna Sood (Carlmont) phone: (650) 862-4993 email: sanjna1sood@gmail.com

Division Newsletter Editor:

Amber Chia (Carlmont) phone: (650) 542-1383 email: d34n.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com email: amberchia1212@gmail.com

Division Secretary:

Anni Zhang (Westmoor) phone:(415)770-8777 email: whs.kc.azhang@gmail.com

Public Relations Coordinator: Michelle Li (Lowell) phone: (415) 638-3030 email: michli0926@gmail.com

Service/Fundraising Coordinator:

Lisa Nguyen (Carlmont) phone: (650)- 454-7114 email: lisatnnguyen2003@gmail.com

Spirit Coordinator:

Luis Solidum (Jefferson) phone: (650) 425-0438 email: vp.jeffersonkeyclub@gmail.com


Club Presidents Aragon:

Courtney Tai phone:650-740-9749 email: ahskc.pres@gmail.com


Johanna Lazaro phone:(650) 346-6844 email: johannamlazaro@gmail.com


Ashley Zheng phone: (919) 537-1281 email: 799303@seq.org


Serena Choi phone: (650) 680-6478 email: 22chois92@stu.smuhsd.org

Notre Dame: Alyssa Enriquez phone: (650) 696-0853 email: aenriquez21@ndhsb.org

Saint Ignatius: Luke McFadden phone: (415) 367-5670 email: mcfaddenluke99@gmail.com

El Camino:

San Mateo:




South San Francisco:



Alex Quemuel phone: (415) 374-4945 email: alexexqu5120@gmail.com

Gwen Arzaga phone: (650) 452-9904 email: gwendolyn.arzaga@gmail.com

Jessica Lam phone: (415)-699-4177 email: president.jeffersonkeyclub@gmail.com

Jasmine Bao phone: (415) 629-1733 email: jasbao777@gmail.com

Danielle Richards phone: (650)-437-4735 email: danielle.r.258@gmail.com

Sharon Song phone: (650)-520-8682 email: 798754@seq.org

Caroline Narciso phone: (650) 822-4121 email: ssfhskc.president@gmail.com

Anni Zhang phone: (415)770-8777 email: whs.kc.azhang@gmail.com

26 @d34naquaapes

@d34n2021 to 81010

Key Club D34N Aqua Apes

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