D34N September 2015 Newsletter

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Aqua Ape Bananews Region 17 | Division 34 North September 2015

Volume 3 Issue 3,3,Page Volume 3 Issue Page 11

Table of Contents Table of Contents —————————————————————— page 2 Lieutenant Governor’s Message ————————————— page 3 Ape-tastic Club Events —————————————————-—- page 4 August Division Council Meeting —————-—-———-— page 6 Division Recognition ——————————————————-— page 8 Event Calendar: October ———————————————-—- page 9 Division Leadership Team Intros————————————- page 10 Contact Information ———————————————————- page 12


Aragon Burlingame Carlmont El Camino George Washington Hillsdale Lowell Mills Saint Ignatius San Mateo Sequiao South San Francisco Wallenberg Westmoor 0





Volume 3 Issue 3,3,Page Volume 3 Issue Page 22

Lieutenant Governor’s Message Aloha Aqua Apes, I hope you’re enjoying your first weeks back in school! Remember to stay organized and make the most of your school year. Whether you’re an incoming freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior, the new school year means new experiences, friends, and learning curves. In terms of Key Club, September is the prime time for member recruitment. Try to corral as many freshman as you can and encourage all your friends to sit in on a meeting! I challenge you all to try to get at least 2 new members into Key Club this year. Not only is it exciting to see new faces at Key Club events, but you will also be giving someone the chance of a lifetime to take part in Key Club International. Looking forward to the fall, I will be honest: it will be a stressful time. Things often get very hectic and time crunched and Key Club is no exception. Even with this in mind, there are still lots of upcoming events I am so excited to tell you about. Look forward to Region 9 & 17 Training Conference on October 3rd, Fall Rally North on October 24th, Key to College on November 14th, division spirit gear, and more! I am so ready and ecstatic to make new memories and share some of my favorite experiences with my aqua ape babies. Remember throughout the fall and the rest of the term, myself and the new Division Leadership Team will always be here for you. Whether you have Key Club questions, need a shoulder to lean on, or even homework help, never hesitate to reach out and contact us. With a quarter of the term already over, I am disappointed I haven’t been able to speak to more Division 34 North members. I will try my best to meet as many member as I can personally and I only ask for you to do the same as well. Latsly, I hope you all enjoy Division Newsletter Editor Hannah’s first issue of The APEtastic Post. She put in a lot of time and effort so please give her a big round of applause. Thank you for reading and I will speak to you soon! --

APE crazy for service,

Shu Yang Division 34 North Lieutenant Governor Region 17 | Cali-Nev-Ha District Key Club International Call/Text: (650)-504-15 Email: d34n.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com

Volume 3 Issue 3,3,Page Volume 3 Issue Page 33

Ape-tastic Club Events South City Garage Sale This past weekend, South City's Key Club held a garage sale. We collected items to sell and raise funds for our club and PTP! We had a blast bonding while advertising out garage sale to our neighborhood! It was also nice to see Key Clubbers from our division stop by and support our event! This event was an opportunity to advertise Key Club throughout our community as well. Crystal Wong SSF Key Club President

After participating in a student exchange with Sister Cities to Omura, Japan, Carlmont President Brandon Lee (left) takes a picture with his host family and other Sister City students.

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Carlmont Members Jack and Naomi working hard to package cans at Second Harvest Food Bank.

Aragon School Supplies Drive Aragon Key Club hosted a school supplies drive in conjunction with the Mid-Peninsula Boys and Girls Club this July. The first day of the drive, we walked around neighborhoods in Foster City and placed flyers in mailboxes to advertise for the drive and encourage people to contribute. Two weeks later, supplies were collected from families who donated. In all, we donated about $800 worth of supplies. Kelvin Yang Aragon Key Club President

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August Division Council Meeting Executive Assistant Kelvin Yang, Division Newsletter Editor Hannah Higdon, and San Mateo Secretary Max Chen clean up after being pied for PTP.

August Division Council Meeting The August DCM consisted of bonding, education on member recruitment, and pieing-an-officer. From playing fun icebreakers to watching the late arrivals sizzle like bacon, the DCM was APEtastic! It was nice to see old and new faces at the DCM including the faces covered in pie! Crystal Wong South City High School

Executive Assistant Kelvin Yang gets pied by fellow member to support the Pediatric Trauma Program. Congratulations Apes! We raised a total of $35 for PTP!

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August DCM: Member Recruitment Tips and Tricks for Recruitment * Make sure any materials used are built into club budget * Remember to engage EVERYONE in the club, not just officers * Recruitment does NOT stop after August * Keep new members involved and busy

Recruitment Presentation Summary I. Introduction * Avoid being toxic when advertising Key Club II. Ice Breakers * Honey I Love You, I Love My Neighbor Who‌, Ships and Sailors III. Free Advertising Materials * check Kiwanis and Key Club cyber links * Trick or Treat for UNICEF boxes IV. Club Rushes * represent Key Club positively and to EVERYONE; not just Freshmen V. Show Your Spirit * wear Key Club shirts/spirit gear, Ape Suit, Inflatable Banana VI. Stand Out * put a vegetable on your desk and direct curious classmates to your Key Club meeting VII. Advertise * overhead announcements, posters, social media, word of mouth VIII. Retainment * keep meetings fun and engaging! bring food!

Volume 3 Issue 3,3,Page Volume 3 Issue Page 77

Apes Who Have Gone Above and BEEyond Member of the Month: Max Liu

Max has only become more and more involved since the beginning of this term. He has attended various DCMs and always participates in his home club’s service projects and fundraisers. He has amazing potential and works hard during service projects even if it meant ruining his new shoes in the sand bark.

Officer of the Month: Alex Hunsader

Alex has worked extremely hard planning events for his home club and staying in contact with his fellow officers. Beyond home club, he has also offered to be a coordinator on the division level, taking his officer duties BEEyond just his home club. Alex is always extremely responsive to messages and any means of contact, an extremely valuable quality found in officers.

Club of the Month: Westmoor

Westmoor High School Key Club was chosen because their communication truly strengthened during August and they worked hard planning the DCM.

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Save the Date!

Region 9 & 17 Training Conference @ Camp Jones Gulch

Fall Rally North @ Six Flags

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Division Leadership Team Introductions Hello Aqua Apes! My name is Crystal Wong and I will be serving Division 34 North as one of the three Executive Assistants! I am a junior attending South San Francisco High School. I am also the South City Key Club past Vice president and current President for the 2015-2016 term! I really hope to meet and bond with our whole Ohana throughout this year! Let’s have an APEtastic term!

Aloha Aqua Apes! I hope you all had an fantastic summer! My name is Kelvin Yang and I will be serving you as an Executive Assistant this term. Currently, I am a junior at Aragon High School. I look forward to interacting with each and every one of you at events such as Division Council Meetings and service projects. I encourage all of you to take a look at our division goals for the term and work toward them together! Please do not hesitate to contact me or the other DLT members for any reason this term.

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DLT Introductions cont. Hey Apes! My name is Hannah Higdon and I am the 2015-2016 Division Newsletter Editor and Vice President at Carlmont. I love to talk and befriend new people so don’t hesitate to say “hi” to me! Thank you to everyone who submitted articles and visuals for this month’s newsletter! I hope to receive even more for the next newsletter. If you have read this far please contact me with any comments, advice, future preferences, or questions relating to the newsletters! Here’s to an amazing year! <3

Hello Key Clubbers, I'm Andy Kwong and currently serving as executive assistant of Division 34 North. Key Club has set me up to become a better person by learning and having an experience of a lifetime. While having the Key Club experience, I have developed a passion for helping others because I want to improve peoples' lives and give back to the community that I love. Whenever I am with anyone else while helping someone in need; I always end the day with a smile on my face. I hope to be able to work with you throughout our term together to change our way of life and support someone through their times of need.

Volume 3 Issue Volume 3 Issue3, 3, Page Page 1111

CONTACT INFORMATION Division Newsletter Editor Hannah Higdon d34n.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com 650-281-9726

Executive Assistant Andy Kwong andykwong424@gmail.com 415-609-5599

Executive Assistant Crystal Wong

ssfhskc.president@gmail.com 650-892-5880

Executive Assistant Kelvin Yang ahskc.pres@gmail.com 650-703-6812

Lt. Governor Shu Yang d34n.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com 650-504-1594

Volume 3 Issue Volume 3 Issue3, 3, Page Page 1212

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