D34N Official Newsletter | August Edition | 2014

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I nTh i s I s s u e L T G’ sMe s s a g e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Di v i s i onU pda t e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Ba n a n aP oi n t sU pda t e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 I mpor t a n t Da t e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Me me be rR e c og n i t i ona n d I mpor t a n t U pda t e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 I n t e r n a t i on a l Con v e n t i on . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Of f i c e rT r a i n i n gCon f e r e n c e . . . 1 0 Cl u bU pda t e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 I n t e r n a t i on a l U pda t e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 3

Division Updates Service Hours TOP 3 Clubs with the most service! 1. Carlmont | 447 Hours 2. SSF | 313 Hours 3. Lowell | 158.25 Hours Division Goal: 1,298.25 /10,000 hours

The Eliminate Project $60 / $1,800

pediatric trauma program (PTP) $92 / $2,400

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Banana Points Updates 10 5 n o g a r A 0 e m a g n i l Bur 0 5 4 t n o m Carl 0 9 1 o n i m El Ca 0 n o t g n i h s a W e g Geor 05 4 l l e w o L Mills 505 15 3 o e t a M San 0 4 a i o u 5 4 5 o c Seq s i nc a r F n a S h t u o S 0 0 1 s u i t a n St. Ig enberg 40 ll a W First Place: South San Francisco Second Place: Aragon Third Place: Mills Keep up the great service Aqua Apes! CNH District | Region 17 | Official Division 34N Newsletter | 5

Important Dates

Region Training Conference September 27th-28th, 2014 Camp Jones Gulch, La Honda highly reccomended for officers to attend

Fall Rally North (FRN) October 18th Discovery Kingdom Six Flags, Vallejo Pre-sale deadline: Post marked by September 26th Prices: • Pre-Sale: $32 • On-site: $36 • Season Pass Holders: $5 (Rally Only) • Car/Bus Parking: $20 Division 34 North is in Session 1 | 10 AM

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Important Dates

Key Leader November 14th-16th,2014 Camp Jones Gulch, La Honda Prices: • Dues Paid Member: $175 • Non Dues Paid Member: $200 • Student Facilitators: $115 * Please remember that this event is NOT limited to Key Clubbers, it is open to students from ages 14 – 18.

District Convention 2015 March 13th-15th, 2014 Anahiem, CA On-time registration: January 15th

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Member Recognition & Important Update

Aqua Ape of the Month Brandon Lee

Officer of the Month Jimmy Yu

Club of the Month Lowell DUES INCREASE: From now on, dues will be $11.50, where $4.50 goes towards the CNH District and $7.00 now goes toward Key Club International. Please be aware of this issue as the school year comes closer, and as dues are collected and must sent in by the end of November.

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International Convention

My experience at ICON cannot be described in one short article submission. Being able to meet so many different people and feel the impact of your vote towards amendments and our leaders at ICON is a very different experience than DCON. It was so satisfying having CNH be the host district this year and seeing the amount of dedicated and spirited members we have in our very own district, but meeting people from around the country and the world was definitely an eye opener. I’m really glad I had the chance to go to ICON and bond with everyone in our division who went. - Shu Yang, Aragon

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Officer Training Conference

OTC allows members to have the opportunity to learn about skills they can apply during their term. The organization of this event surely aided the great flow and productivity go these sessions. The sessions ranged from time management to ERFs. Aside from all the great sessions, OTC came to an end with a division sand castle contest to raise funds. Officer Training Conference was definitely promising, can’t wait until the next one! - Kendrick Rojas, South San Francisco

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Club Updates

XTime Company Picnic Volunteer This past week Carlmont and Mills teamed up to staff an event hosted by Fun Events. They had been hired by a company called XTime and when they needed volunteers to help, the Key Clubs were there. We worked together to staff booths including handing out food and supervising inflatables. As a token of their appreciation, Fun Events donated $1,000 to Carlmont which will help us exponentially in the upcoming year.

I thought this volunteer opportunity was especially fun. I liked that we got to choose our tasks. I cooked with my friend. The weather was beautiful. The guests were nice, polite and appreciative. The actual spot in Twin Pines Park was difficult to find at first, as it is a big park. However, I believe everything ran smoothly and we had fun doing it too. - Kendall Kaufmann, Carlmont

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Club Updates

Pie-A-Officer Fundraiser Our pie-a-kid event turned out to be a success. All of the proceeds are going towards the pediatric trauma program. We went around with posters explaining our cause and people were very eager to participate. It was a super fun experience and I’m glad it was for a good cause as well. It was also nice to involve people who did not know about the cause to contribute. - Jackie Rutgers, Aragon

Preschool Volunteering During the past 5 summers, I’ve volunteered at a preschool that I use to go to. Helping prepare snacks and lunches for them, cleaning up their messes, teaching them, and playing with them is all part of my job. I go back every summer because I know that the teachers will always need any help they can get. The feeling of walking into the school and hearing the children scream my name out always makes me feel like all the hours spent working there was worth it. - Crystal Wong , South San Francisco

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International Updates

2014-2015 International Board Key Club International President • Maria Palazzolo, Illinois-Eastern Iowa District Key Club International Vice President • Kevin Zhang, Pacific Northwest District Key Club International trustees • Jenalee Beazley, Southwest District • Gary Cheng, Michigan District • Renisha Daley, Jamaica District • Tashrima Hossain, Texas-Oklahoma District • Laken Kelly, New York District

• Nicole Lema, New Jersey District • Rip Livingston, Alabama District • Robbie Mathis, Kentucky-Tennessee District • Shane Meyers, Florida District • Liz Moore, Capital District • Barry Seng, Pennsylvania District

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