Division 34 North November Newsletter

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Aqua Ape Bananews Region 17 | Division 34 North November 2015

Volume 3 Issue 5,3,Page Volume 3 Issue Page 11

Table of Contents Table of Contents —————————————————————— page 2 Lieutenant Governor’s Message ————————————— page 3 Ape-tastic Club Events —————-————————-————-—- page 4 Region 9 x 17 Training Conference ————————-—-— page 8 Event Calendar: November & December ——————-- page 10 Contact Information ———————————————————- page 11




South San Francisco

Volume 3 Issue 5,3,Page Volume 3 Issue Page 22

Lieutenant Governor’s Message Aloha Aqua Apes and happy November! Congratulations on making it past RTC, FRN, and the rest of October, and over half of the2015-2016 Key Club term.

Welcome to fall and to the season of crunchy leaves, pumpkin lattes, and giving. Take advantage of the season of giving to host various different drives. Perhaps plan a Friendsgiving for a club social. There are no limits to how much you can give and be thankful for this season. Be sure to remain proactive and productive to maximize the amount of time you can spend helping out your home, school, and community.

It is also time to begin planning for District Convention and the last half of the year. Make sure you begin researching and gathering information now. An extremely easy way to do that is to stay connected and subscribed to the Division 34 North Google Reflector.

Most of us are about halfway through with first semester of the academic year as well. Remember to always save yourself some “me time” to destress. Other ways to destress are to go on a run, make an organized list, or talk to a friend. You can make it to the end of the semester finals, you can do it.

Please remember you always have an ohana and support system within Key Club. Our advisors are extremely kind, supportive, and wise so do not be afraid to speak with them. I am also personally always available to talk. Utilize your resources and don’t be afraid to reach out. See you soon Baby Apes!


APE crazy for service,

Shu Yang Division 34 North Lieutenant Governor Region 17 | Cali-Nev-Ha District Key Club International Call/Text: (650)-504-15 Email: d34n.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com

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Ape-tastic Club Events Aragon Club Social Aragon Key Club had a club social to celebrate the beginning of the new school year. It was at Central Park and everyone brought some food to share. We played icebreaker and other games. Bonding is good y'all. Kelvin Yang Aragon President

Redwood City Port Festival My name is Adriana Ramirez and I was the leader of a group of Carlmont Key Club students at the annual Redwood City Port Fest on October 3rd, 2015. First of all, our jobs where to help out with little kids in a playing space with games, arts and crafts, and watching over the kids when they were in the bouncing house. I love working with kids so this was not a bother for me, although I wish I could have gotten more help from the other volunteers when I was playing with the kids. Most of them went to arts and craft or just didn't know how to work with kids. I tried to push them into helping but they didn't do much, other than organize the games. But some of us worked really hard and I believe we all had a good time. I am glad I had this experience and thank you for giving me this opportunity! Adrianna Ramirez Carlmont Member

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San Mateo High School Food Fair We made $4 for PTP!!! I wish we sold the fruit kabobs with chocolate on them.

Kaiser Permanente Dragonball Festival We volunteered at the annual Kaiser Permanente Dragonboat Festival at treasure island. I helped with the arts and crafts section and my group helped with giving temporary tattoos to the children. Floyd Santiago Lowell High School

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Kaiser Permanente Dragonball Festival Some of us helped anchor dragonboats.

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Lowell Key Club Bake Sale Today (10/4) Lowell Key Club did a bake sale in order to fund raise for PTP at West Portal!

We made Oreo fudge brownies, banana bread, sugar cookies and pumpkin chocolate chip cookies to sell.

We were able to make $100+ in profits. Plus, at the end we had extra banana bread so we gave it out to employees at local businesses and families on the street. Volume 3 Issue 5,3,Page Volume 3 Issue Page 77

Region 9 x 17 Training Conference Region Training Conference Region Training Conference RTC gave me a great perspective about what Key Club is. Definitely my favorite part was watching the skits during the bonfire. I also found out a lot about cool opportunities to bring to Hillsdale Key Club. My first and last RTC was very informational.

RTC was the best! All the workshops were interesting and I learned some new stuff. I especially loved when we all went to the campfire to perform our skits and cheers! RTC last year was my Key Club moment and its one of my favorite events. Everyone should go to RTC at least once!

Matthew Kawakami

Victorionna Tran

Hillsdale President

SSF Vice President

Region Training Conference Region Training Conference This was my second year attending RTC and it was AMAZING!!! Although I didn't get the Star War references, I still made new friends, reunited with old friends, and had an awesome time! Thank you to our amazing LTG for making my time at RTC APEtastic! #droids

Crystal Wong SSF President

This was my second time going to Region Training Conference and it was absolutely magical! I had so much fun meeting new people this one around! But even more exciting was watching RTC be other people's Key Club moments! For everyone who wasn't able to go this year, I super highly encourage you to go to next year's RTC.

Kelvin Yang Aragon President

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Save the Date!

November WHAT? Key Club Week WHERE? your school and home! WHEN? November 2nd - November

Want to stay updated? Connect with the division using the following resources!

December WHAT? Candidate Training Conference WHEN? December 5th

Division Facebook Page | https://www.facebook.com/groups/ D34Naquaapes Division Reflector | http:// groups.google.com/group/ d34nAquaApes Division Website | http:// d34north.wix.com/d34north Also find us on Instagram and Twitter @d34north

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CONTACT INFORMATION Division Newsletter Editor Hannah Higdon d34n.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com 650-281-9726

Executive Assistant Andy Kwong andykwong424@gmail.com 415-609-5599

Executive Assistant Crystal Wong

ssfhskc.president@gmail.com 650-892-5880

Executive Assistant Kelvin Yang ahskc.pres@gmail.com 650-703-6812

Lt. Governor Shu Yang d34n.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com 650-504-1594

Volume 3 Issue Volume 3 Issue5, 3, Page Page 1111

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