PowerPoint Presentation

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A True Tale of 21st Century Integration

Warm-up Activity

Draw a picture of you reaching your technology integration goals, what does your class look like? (You do not have to be an artist!) Share this drawing/idea sheet with your partner and discuss.

Pre-Assesment w/Clickers

Please choose the BEST answer. Digital Storytelling is: a)Any way of telling a story through a digital medium. b)A detailed story consisting of narration, photos, and music. c)A story told through video, special effects and music.

Pre-Assesment w/Clickers

Please choose the BEST answer. Which one is not considered an element in the best practices of digital storytelling: a) Voice b) Pacing c) Emotional Content d) Summarizing

Pre-Assesment w/Clickers

Please choose the BEST answer. Choose the answer that is NOT part of the pre-production process: a) Burning your digital story to a CD b) Storyboarding c) Writing the Script d) Organizing Folders

Pre-Assesment w/Clickers

Please choose the BEST answer. A student finds a photo online dramatizing a pre-Columbian Viking landing in America. Since the school symbol is the Viking, he posts this photo as a link back to the original website on the school web page. This is fair use. a) True b) False

Pre-Assesment w/Clickers

Please choose the BEST answer. Digital Storytelling should only be integrated in higher-level classes like preAP, AP, or IB. a) True b) False

Pre-Assesment w/Clickers

What subject do you teach? a) ELA b) Math c)Social Studies d)Science e)Electives/Other

Digital Storytelling

Today’s Objectives Participants will be able to:

• Define digital storytelling • Identify the 7 elements • Identify the production steps • Understand basic copyright & fair use guidelines • Create a digital story • Collaboration time to design lesson

Today’s Agenda

AM - Overview • Introductions & Housekeeping • What is Digital Storytelling? • Why Digital Storytelling? • Core Methodology • Resources • Copyright & Fair Use

PM – Hands-on • • • • • •

Breakout – by grade levels Software demonstrations Create your own Share stories Collaboration Time Debrief

Workshop Resources

Visit our wiki: http://digitalstorytelling2009.wetpaint.com/

What is Digital Storytelling?

What is Digital Storytelling?

Millais, The Boyhood of Raligh; Oil on canvas, 1870, now in the Tate Britain museum.

Why Digital Storytelling?

What does DS look like?

• • • • • •

Simple slide show Still photos only Video only Multimedia Anyway you want to tell a story digitally! Student Examples: Animal Cruelty, Invisible Children, Awesome Brush • Example Movie Trailer: “The Integrator”

Integrating DS into Any Content • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Narratives, memoirs, etc. Poetry Rewrite a story in your own words Retell a story in a different way Tell an historical story Give students an ending, and they have to write the rest. Tell a word problem as a story Create your own fairy tale, tall tale, etc. Community Interest Public service announcement Science results Political piece Oral history Travelogue Documentary Reflections News Report

…the list keeps going…

Core Methodology

Seven Elements of Digital Storytelling

Holly Teaches The 7 Elements

Seven Elements of Digital Storytelling

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

A Point (of View) A Dramatic Question Emotional Content The Gift of Your Voice Power of the Soundtrack Economy Pacing

Door Prize!

Storytelling Software

High School : PC

6-8: Mac Software

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PowerPoint 2007 Photostory 3 Windows Movie Maker Photoshop Audacity Roxio

PowerPoint 2008 iMovie GarageBand Keynote iPhoto iTunes

Additional Resources • Our wiki: http://digitalstorytelling2009.wetpaint.com/

• Don’t forget about www.atomiclearning.com!

Copyright & Fair Use • • • •

Plan from the beginning! Fair Use is for CLASSROOM use only! Utilize Creative Commons resources. Always monitor your students and ensure they also understand copyright. – For more copyright info see the wiki

Production Process • Pre-Production: Finding and organizing ideas worth communicating • Production: Gathering and preparing digital media • Post-Production: Putting it all together

Pre-Production • • • •

Writing or choosing the script Planning the project – storyboarding Organizing folders The more time you spend here, the better!!!

Production Steps Step 1: Gather images, music, sound effects listed on your storyboard and organize into media folders. Step 2: Editing and organizing your images in the timeline to match your storyboard. Step 3: Record narration Step 4: Edit, re-record, revise, revise, revise! Step 5: Transitions, sound effects, special animations Step 6: Add music/soundtrack Step 7: Create FIRST draft Step 8: Listen and watch carefully, making notes on your storyboard of changes to make. Step 9: Final edits and revisions Step 10: Create FINAL story!

Post-Production 1. Creating rough cut FIRST and final cut LAST 2. Applause! Applause! 3. Appreciate the hard work of you and your students! 4. Invite parents to a “premiere!� 5. Be cautious about posting to your teacher website

“After a digital story is shared, it should be remembered for its soul, not the bells and whistles of technology.�

Let’s Begin!

• Overview of Software • Our Script: Create your own Fairy Tale! • Images, Music, and other resources: http://digitalstorytelling09.wetpaint.com

Share & Debrief

• Share digital stories • Collaboration Time – How will you integrate Digital Storytelling?

• Discuss questions, issues, ideas, etc. • Evaluation! Help us be better at our jobs!

Door Prize!

Continue Your Learning & Collaboration!

Join our Digital Storytelling wiki: http://digitalstorytelling2009.wetpaint.com/ • Continue collaborating with teachers across the district. • Share lesson plans for digital storytelling. • Get feedback • Share links and other resources!

Turn static files into dynamic content formats.

Create a flipbook
Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.