Technology Services Leander ISD 2009
Table of Contents MovieMaker2 ...................................................................................................................................................... 4 Download Files .............................................................................................................................................. 4 Movie Tasks Pane .......................................................................................................................................... 4 Collection ...................................................................................................................................................... 5 Storyboard .................................................................................................................................................... 5 Timeline ........................................................................................................................................................ 6 Supported File Types ..................................................................................................................................... 6 Import Pictures ............................................................................................................................................. 7 Import Audio or Music .................................................................................................................................. 7 Add Files to Storyboard ................................................................................................................................. 8 Import Videos ............................................................................................................................................... 8 Add Transitions ............................................................................................................................................. 9 Preview Movie .............................................................................................................................................. 9 Add Effects .................................................................................................................................................... 9 Edit Effects .................................................................................................................................................. 10 Add Sounds to Timeline .............................................................................................................................. 11 Add Title ...................................................................................................................................................... 12 Title Overlay ................................................................................................................................................ 13 Credits ......................................................................................................................................................... 13 Add Music ................................................................................................................................................... 13 Produce Video ............................................................................................................................................. 14 Consider the Playback Methods ................................................................................................................. 15 Save and Send movies ................................................................................................................................. 15 Additional Features ..................................................................................................................... 16 Nudge Clips ................................................................................................................................................. 16 Edit Clips ...................................................................................................................................................... 17 Technology Department Help ..................................................................................................................... 19 Capture Video ............................................................................................................................................. 20 Resources .................................................................................................................................................... 23
Leander ISD | CMB 2008
Collection Pane
Movie Preview Pane
Movie Tasks Pane
Collection Pane: Contains audio clips, video clips, or pictures that you have imported or captured.
Close Button: Click here to close the current production
Title Bar: Displays the name of the production you are currently working on and the name of the program you are using.
Movie Preview Pane: If only one presentation is open, clicking this button will close the PowerPoint program as well.
Storyboard: Allows user to drag and drop images and movie files onto project from collections pane.
Movie Tasks Pane: Lists common tasks that you may need to perform when making a movie. Capture Video, Edit Movie, Finish Movie, Movie Making Tips
Formatting Toolbar: Contains common commands such as Save, Undo, and Print. Also provides a toggle between Tasks and Collections.
Menu Bar: Displays extensive menus for editing and playing clips and performing various tasks.
Leander ISD | CMB 2008
MovieMaker2 Explore the purpose and functionality of Windows Movie Maker. Create stunning multimedia videos with a professional appearance. Fundamental elements of the course include: Exploring the interface and tools Integrating relevant content files Organizing photos, video, audio, and special effects on the video Timeline Customizing and editing titles and credits. Adjusting timing of music and video clips. Splitting clips Saving and rendering your project to a movie
Download Files
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4.
Create a folder on the desktop and name it MovieFiles Inside the folder create four sub-folders: Animals, Music, Sounds, Videos Launch the Internet and type Sharepoint in the address bar. Click on the TECHNOLOGY TRAINING link in the left pane. Click on MISCELLANEOUS Click on MOVIE MAKER-PHOTO STORY Click on the Animals folder Right-click on each image and Click on “Save Target As…” to save it in the Animals folder in Moviefiles folder on the desktop Repeat the steps to save the each of the items inside each of the folders to the corresponding sub-folder on the desktop.
Movie Tasks Pane
Launch Windows Movie Maker: Start>Programs>Windows Movie Maker
Note the common tasks in the Movie Tasks Pane separated into sequential categories: 1) Capture Video: Options to begin making a movie, such as capturing video and importing existing video, pictures, or audio/music. 2) Edit Movie: Options for making a movie, such as viewing existing videos, pictures, video effects, or adding titles/credits. An AutoMovie feature is also available to begin making a movie automatically 3) Finish Movie: Options for saving and sending completed project. 4) Movie Making Tips: Help for various topics in movie making. Leander ISD | CMB 2008
Collection A collection contains audio clips, video clips, or pictures that have been imported or captured. It acts as an image container for clips/thumbnails which are smaller version of the original.
Note the distinct placeholders associated with the type of thumbnail: (image, audio, video).
Storyboard The Storyboard allows you to drag and drop image and movie files onto the project from the Collections Pane.
Note: Click and drag items from one spot on the storyboard to another. A blue placeholder line will appear indicating the insertion point. Release the mouse button to drop the file into desired location. Placeholder line
Items can be rearranged by clicking and dragging them up or down the track. A blue placeholder line will appear indicating the insertion point after dragging the object from one place to another. Release the mouse button to drop the file in at the desired location. Toggle from Storyboard to the Timeline by pressing the Show Timeline button:
Toggle from the Timeline to the Storyboard by pressing the Show Storyboard button:
Leander ISD | CMB 2008
Timeline Use the timeline to review or modify the timing of clips in the project. Use the timeline buttons to perform tasks such as changing the view of the project, zooming in or out on details of the project, recording narration, or adjusting the audio levels.
Video Track: Allows user to see the video clips, pictures, or titles added to the project. Expand the video track by clicking on the plus sign next to Video to expand the selection and view corresponding audio.
Audio Track: Allows user to see audio clips added to the project.
Title Overlay Track: Allows user to see any titles or credits added to the project. Add multiple titles to this track at different points in the movie.
Supported File Types Add content to the Windows Movie Maker project either by capturing content directly in Windows Movie Maker or by importing existing digital media files. The content you capture in Windows Movie Maker is saved in Windows Media Format. However, you can also import existing Windows Media-based content as well as other common file formats.
Files with the following file name extensions will work with Windows Movie Maker projects: Audio files: .aif, .aifc, .aiff .asf, .au, .mp2, .mp3, .mpa, .snd, .wav, and .wma
Picture files: .bmp, .dib, .emf, .gif, .jfif, .jpe, .jpeg, .jpg, .png, .tif, .tiff, and .wmf
Video files: .asf, .avi, .m1v, .mp2, .mp2v, .mpe, .mpeg, .mpg, .mpv2, .wm, and .wmv
Leander ISD | CMB 2008
Import Pictures When Movie Maker is launched, the files from the last project that was worked on will be displayed in the collections panel. It’s a good idea to click the New Project button on the formatting toolbar. Delete files from the collections pane, if desired.
Note: Projects refer to a work in progress in Movie Maker. A saved Project file can be edited. It will have the .mswmm file name extension. Movies are project that are saved in a final format such as Windows Media (.wmv) format and cannot be edited.
1. 2. 3.
From the Tasks Pane under Capture Video, click the Import pictures link. The Import File window opens. In the Look in area, navigate to the desktop. Import the images from the “animals” folder. See directions below for importing multiple files. Click Import. Note: Thumbnails of the imported images will be displayed in the Collections Pane after import.
Import Audio or Music
1. 2. 3. 4.
In the Tasks Pane under Capture Video, click the Import audio or music link. Navigate to the Sounds folder saved to your desktop. Select all of the audio files in the folder. Click Import.
Your Collection Pane will now look similar to this one:
Leander ISD | CMB 2008
Add Files to Storyboard The Movie Maker interface allows the user to easily drag and drop Files, Transitions, and Effects onto the project in either Storyboard or Timeline view. It’s a good idea to add the music after the images, video clips, transitions, and effects are in place.
2. 3.
To add files to the Storyboard, simply click and drag the images from the Collection Pane onto a white box on the Storyboard. Repeat until all images are in place on the storyboard. Reorder the images by dragging them left or right along the Storyboard. Drop the file when the blue Placeholder line appears at the desired location.
Import Videos
1. 2. 3.
From the Tasks Pane, click the Import videos link. Navigate to the Desktop. Select the two files inside the Video folder. Click Import. File names: Bucks.avi RubyTiger_Runs.avi
Add Videos to the Storyboard Videos imported into Movie Maker are contained in separate collection folders. After importing video, toggle between Tasks and Collections buttons on the formatting toolbar or select the drop-down arrow next to bucks or RubyTiger_Runs and select Collections to return to the previous workspace.
1. 2. 3.
Drag the video files to the Storyboard and reorder the files if needed. Click on File>Save Project As… Navigate to the desktop folder and save the project as AnimalProject.
Leander ISD | CMB 2008
Add Transitions Transitions are placed in between the image or video clips to create a more appealing switch from one image to the next. They can also be applied to text titles.
1. 2. 3. 4.
From the Edit Movie section on the Tasks Pane, click on View video transitions. The Collections Pane is replaced with the list of available Transitions. Scroll through the list of Transitions and locate one you would like to use. Click and drag the Transition icon onto the small white box located between the image or video files on the Storyboard. Add a transition between each of the items on the Storyboard.
Preview Movie Click on the first item on the Storyboard then click the Play button in the Preview window.
Add Effects Effects are special filters that can be added to the actual image or video. Remember that Transitions go between the images or videos. The available Movie Maker filters replicate the various photography or film filters used on regular cameras—but without all the equipment!! Add several filters to your Storyboard items and then preview your movie to see what the effects look like.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
From the Edit Movie section on the Tasks Pane, click on View video effects. The Collections Pane is replaced with the list of available Video Effects. Scroll through the list of Effects and locate one you would like to use. Click and drag the Effect icon on top of an image or video file on the Storyboard. Select the item on which you added the Effect and press Play to preview the Effect. Experiment with adding more than one effect to an image.
Leander ISD | CMB 2008
Edit Effects
1. 2. 3.
Right-click on the effect under the image. Select Delete Effects to start over. Select Video Effects to Edit. Click on the effect that is no longer needed under Displayed effects. Click Remove. Choose an additional effect from Available effects and choose Add, if desired.
Leander ISD | CMB 2008
Add Sounds to Timeline Sounds and Titles must be added and organized using the Timeline view. Individual sound files can be aligned on the track to play with a certain image, or a single music file may play throughout the entire movie. Audio files will appear on the Audio/Music track in the timeline.
1. 2. 3.
Switch to Timeline view by pressing the Show Timeline button on the Storyboard toolbar. Access the Collections Pane by pressing the Collections button on the Movie Maker toolbar. Click again on Collections in the Movie Tasks Pane. Drag each of the sound files from the Collection to the Timeline and align them under the corresponding animal image. Note: Click the magnifying glass with the plus sign to expand the timeline area. Note: To move the audio file; move the cursor on top of the sound file and it turns into a hand. Click and drag to desired position.
Preview the movie to hear the sounds play with the images.
Leander ISD | CMB 2008
Add Title Title screens can be added to the movie between, before, and after the images or videos. They may also be added on top of an image or video. The transition, font, and colors are all adjustable as well.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7.
From the Edit Movie section on the Tasks Pane, click on Make titles or credits. The Collections Pane is replaced with the list of title options. Select “Add title at the beginning of the movie.” In the resulting window type a title for the movie in the first box. (i.e. Animal Adventures) In the second box, type the “by line” (i.e. By: Colleen Byrne) Scroll down, if necessary and change the title animation. Note: Options are available for placing the title on one line, two lines, or as credits at the end of the movie.
Click Change the text font and color to adjust the font style. Make adjustments to font and click Done, add title to movie when finished.
Preview the movie from the beginning.
Leander ISD | CMB 2008
Title Overlay Some titles and text need to be added in the timeline view.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Click on the image of the rabbit. Click Make titles or credits. Click Add title on selected clip. Type a title (i.e. Silly Rabbit tricks are for kids!) Click Change the title animation. Scroll up and select Scroll, Perspective under the Titles, One Line section. Click Done, add title to movie. Click OK to the warning message:
9. Move title on Title Overlay line of the timeline, if necessary. 10. Save and Preview movie. Credits
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Click Make titles or credits. Select Add credits at the end. Type Credits in the first text box. Press the tab key and type a name. Press tab key and type a position. Click Change the title animation and make changes under the Credits section, if desired. Change the text font and color, if desired. Click Done, add title to movie
Add Music
1. 2. 3.
Click Import audio or music under the Capture Video section of the Movie Tasks pane. Navigate to the saved music folder on the desktop. Select the idontcare-bowz-Mix music. Leander ISD | CMB 2008
4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Delete the individual animal sound files on the Audio/Music track in the timeline view. Drag and drop the idontcare music file and place it under the title on the Audio/Music track. Scroll to the right until the end of the clip is visible. To trim the music, click and drag on the edge of the music clip to the left until it is flush with the end of the movie. With the music clip still selected, click on the Clip menu and select Audio>Fade In.
Repeat and select Audio>Fade Out. 10. Preview the movie.
Produce Video There are several options for saving the completed movie. Options include Save to my computer, Save to CD, Send in e-mail, Send to the Web, and Send to DV camera.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Click on the Save button to save project files. Save the movie by selecting Save to my computer under the Finish Movie section of the Tasks Pane. Click on Browse to choose a location (desktop). Click Next. Click Show more choices. Click Other settings and note the options available.
6. 7.
Choose High Quality Video large to save on local computer. Leave the Play movie when I click Finish option checked and click Finish.
Leander ISD | CMB 2008
Consider the Playback Methods Before producing the video there are several things to consider. When a video is rendered there are a variety of format options available. It is important to consider the plans for playback of the video. Will it be played on a DVD or on a PC? Not all DVD players are created equal. Some DVD players only play DVD formats while other DVD players recognize a variety of formats.
It is not necessary to recognize every format. Just keep it simple and understand the basics. Media Type Format Resolution Quality DVD MPEG-2 720x480 Best SVCD MPEG-2 480x480 Better VCD MPEG-1 320x240 Good Save and Send movies The Save Movie Wizard allows the project to be saved quickly as a final movie. The timing, layout, and contents of the project are saved as one complete movie. Save and store the movie on a computer or on a recordable CD, or send it as an attachment in an e-mail message or to a video hosting provider on the Web. In addition to these choices, record the movie to a tape in a DV camera. My computer Save the movie to the local computer. Caution! Videos may take up a lot of space and should NOT be saved on network drives, if possible. Local computer space may also be used up quickly with too many video files. Recordable CD Save the movie to a recordable or rewriteable CD (CD-R or CD-RW). Choose this option if there is a rewriteable or recordable CD drive attached to the computer, if desired. E-mail Save your movie as an attachment to send in an e-mail message. Choose the option to share smaller movies with others by sending them in e-mail using the default e-mail program. The Web Save your movie and send it to a video hosting provider on the Web. A video hosting provider is a thirdparty provider on the Web that provides a Web server location and hosts the movies that is saved in Windows Movie Maker. Choose this option to save movie so family and friends can view it on the Web. DV camera Send the movie to a tape in your DV camera. This option is available when a DV camera connected to an IEEE 1394 port. Choose this option to save the movie to a tape so that anyone can watch it on the DV camera or on a TV (when the camera is connected to the TV).
Leander ISD | CMB 2008
Additional Features There are several options for saving the completed movie. Options include Save to my computer, Save to CD, Send in e-mail, Send to the Web, and Send to DV camera.
Nudge Clips On the timeline, select the clip on the Video track, Audio/Music track, or Title Overlay track that you want to move slightly. Do one of the following, depending on which way you want to move the clip:
1. 2.
To move the clip slightly to the left on the timeline, on the Clip menu, click Nudge Left. To move the clip slightly to the right on the timeline, on the Clip menu, click Nudge Right.
AutoMovie AutoMovie helps you quickly create a movie by automatically creating a movie based on the selected clips or collection. This helps you quickly create a movie automatically. AutoMovie analyzes the current video, pictures, and music, and combines the different elements to make one movie based on the automatic editing style you choose. To use AutoMovie, see the Help files within MovieMaker.
Leander ISD | CMB 2008
Edit Clips There are several options for editing clips:
Split Clip: Split a video or audio clip into two clips. This is useful to insert a picture or video transition. Split a clip that appears on the storyboard/timeline of the current project or split the clip in the Contents pane.
Combine Clips: Combine two or more contiguous video clips. Contiguous means the clips were captured together so that the end time of one clip is the same as the start time of the next clip. Combining clips is useful to connect several short clips and view as one clip on the storyboard/timeline. Combine clips on the storyboard/timeline or in the Contents pane.
Trim Clip: Hide parts of a clip that are not needed in the project. Trimming does not remove the information from the source material. Clear the trim points and return the clip to its original length at any time. Clips can only be trimmed after they have been added to the storyboard/timeline.
Create Clips: Create clips from video clips after they have been imported or captured in Windows Movie Maker. By separating video clips into smaller clips, easily find a particular part of the captured or imported video to use in the movie.
Split Clip
1. 2.
In the Contents pane or on the storyboard/timeline, click the clip to split. On the Play menu, click Play Clip, and then click Pause Clip on the Play menu to pause the video at the point you want to split the clip.
-orOn the monitor, move the playback indicator on the seek bar to the point you want to split the clip.
On the Clip menu, click Split.
Combine Clip
1. 2.
In the Contents pane or on the storyboard/timeline, hold down the CTRL key, and then select the contiguous clips you want to combine. On the Clip menu, click Combine. Note: The name and property information of the first clip in the group is used for the new clip and the time is adjusted accordingly. To select consecutive clips, click the first clip, press and hold down the SHIFT key, and then click the last clip. To select one clip at a time, press and hold down the CTRL key, and then click each clip that you want to combine.
Leander ISD | CMB 2008
Trim Clip By trimming clips, edit the starting and ending point—and therefore the length—of any video or audio clips that have been added to the project on the timeline. When trimming, set the start and end trim points. The start trim point determines when the clip will begin to play, and the end trim point determines when the clip will stop playing in the project. If an audio or video clip is trimmed too much or too little, adjust or clear the established trim points. Note: The playback time for video and audio clips cannot be extended.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
On the timeline, select the clip to be trimmed. Click the playback indicator and drag it to the point that needs to be trimmed. -orUse the playback controls on the monitor to go to the point that needs to be trimmed. When the playback indicator is at the point where you want the selected video or audio clip to start playing back, on the Clip menu, click Set Start Trim Point. When the playback indicator is at the point where you want the selected video or audio clip to stop playing back, on the Clip menu, click Set End Trim Point. Note: You can also drag the trim handles to set the start and end trim points. The trim handles appear when the clip is selected on the timeline. To clear trim points: Click the trimmed clip>On the Clip menu, click Clear Trim Points.
Create Clip Separate video clips into smaller, more manageable pieces. Clips can be created when importing a video into Windows Movie Maker if the Create clips for video files check box is selected. However, if this check box is not selected when a video file is imported as a single clip, use clip detection later to divide a video file into smaller clips. Clips are created in a variety of ways, depending on the video file and video source.
Video from a DV camera. If you capture video from a DV camera that is connected to an
IEEE 1394 port, clips are created based on the time stamp inserted in the video by the DV camera. If no time stamp or other markers are present, the resulting video file is divided into clips based on each significant frame change in the video. If you import an existing DV-AVI file into Windows Movie Maker and time stamp markers appear in the AVI video file, the file is also separated into smaller clips according to time stamp information.
Capturing video from an analog video camera or Web camera. If you capture video
from an analog camera or Web camera, a clip is created when there is a substantial change in one frame of the video compared to the next frame. This method is used for both live and existing content from an analog source.
The size and duration of the clips is based on the duration of the entire video file. Therefore, video files that are longer in length will have clips that are longer in duration compared to the clips created when a shorter video file is clip detected.
Leander ISD | CMB 2008
Windows Media files. If you import a Windows Media file with an .asf or .wmv file name
extension that has file markers inserted, a clip is created for each marker. The markers help to divide the file into manageable sizes. If the source Windows Media file contains no markers or only one marker, a clip is created when there is a substantial change in one frame of the video compared to the next frame. Note: The time it takes to detect clips in a video file increases as the length of the video file increases. If you click Cancel while clip detection is occurring, clip detection stops at the current point in the video file, the clips that have been detected appear, and the last clip contains the portion of the video file that remained when clip detection was cancelled. You can later click the last clip and then create new clips starting from the last clip at which clip creation was originally cancelled.
To create clips for an existing video clip
1. 2.
In the Contents pane, select the video clip for which you want to detect clips. On the Tools menu, click Create Clips. Note: The video clip is divided into clips according to the video source. If the video clip is from a DV camera, clips are created based on the time stamps inserted by the DV camera. If time stamps or other file markers are not present, clips are based on each significant frame change in the video. If the video clip is from an analog source, clips are created based on each significant frame change in the video.
Technology Department Help
All non-instructional personnel can call or e-mail Colleen Byrne for software “how-to” assistance. 434-5216 or x15216.
Additionally, call the help desk for all of your technology needs. 434-5266 or x15266.
Leander ISD | CMB 2008
Capture Video Capturing video from your camcorder to your PC is easy, but here are a few pointers to consider before you transfer your video. Video from Mini DV tapes offer excellent quality, but the file sizes can get quite large. One minute of DV quality video at a screen resolution of 720x480 can take up over 250MB of hard drive space. In comparison, transferring one minute of video from a VHS tape with a screen resolution of 320x240 can take up as little as 15MB. So before you start transferring your video, make sure you have enough disk space for the project you will bring in and for what you will be rendering as well.
Connect your camcorder to your PC with IEEE 1394 Firewire cable. The Firewire should look something like this.
2. 3. 4.
Plug the IEEE 1394 cable into the DV IN/OUT port on your digital video camera. Turn the camcorder on. Open up Windows Movie Maker 2 by going to Start > Programs > Accessories > Entertainment >Windows Movie Maker. Before you can capture video, make sure the Video/DSC switch on your video camera is set to Video or in the ON position. Click the Capture from video device link on the Movie Tasks Pane under Capture Video. In the following example, I am using an Intel PC Camera as my video device. However, it does not matter whether you are using a PC camera or a camcorder. Windows Movie Maker would list the available devices you have available for recording video and you would pick the option of your choice. Once you click the video device link, a window will open similar to the following:
Leander ISD | CMB 2008
8. 9.
Select the recording device and set your recording level, if necessary. Click Next. Name your file and click on Browse to choose a different location to save your file or keep the default location (recommended). Click Next. 10. On the next screen you will have the option to let Windows Movie Maker choose the best quality for playback for you or you can choose from a variety of playback options yourself.
It is recommended that you let the program choose the best format for you, however there are many other options to choose from in case you plan on emailing your video file or playing it back on your TV. Depending upon what intentions you have for your video, always remember, “Garbage in, Garbage out!”. What that means for you is that if you originally plan on playing it back on a PC you may choose a low resolution to save place such as 160x120, which is very small. Later, you realize that the video was so cool and everyone liked it so much that you want to put that video onto a CD for playback on your TV with your DVD player so you decide to increase the resolution or stretch it out to something larger, like 640x480. Trying this would give you a very grainy, distorted video that I’m such you would not be happy with. You can start large and go small, but the other way is not recommended.
Leander ISD | CMB 2008
11. Make your selection for playback and click Next. 12. Now you are ready to capture your video. Click the Start Capture button to begin recording and the Stop Capture button
to end it.
13. To capture additional video, follow the instructions on the screen and repeat Steps 1 and 2.
14. When you are done capturing your video, click Finished.
Leander ISD | CMB 2008
Resources Free Images Animation Library: Artvex: Brainy Betty: Images, backgrounds, music, video backgrounds, Discovery Education: Flaming Text Banners: Free Foto: Free Images: Getty Images: Pics4Learning: 3-D Textmaker:
Free Music Sites variety of free tracks Freeplay Music- a comprehensive collection of production music spanning all the popular musical genres Just Jazz Midi Files Taylor Hayward-piano music Jack’s Patriotic Midi Music IFNI-classic rock and pop hits midi music
Credits: A. Hefner, Northside ISD, San Antonio, TX J. Funkhouser, Northside ISD, San Antonio, TX
Leander ISD | CMB 2008