Gradespeed Teacher Tips
Entering Gradespeed 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 8.
Parent Connection Parents have access to their children’s grades so label assignments clearly and be sure to spell everything correctly. Teachers must update grades by Tuesday by 4 p.m. for all returned assignments!
Student Profiles
Log in to Gradespeed at: http://gradespeed/gs/ Click “Teacher” Select “District” Select “School” Enter your username (3 digit teacher code) Password: leave blank As soon as you get in, go to "My Account" on the left and change your password. Select “Sign in”
Select a student name from the grade list to find student addresses, phone numbers, parent names, special characteristics, schedule etc.
Grouping Classes 1. Check course properties page by clicking on the name of the course in the top left of the screen.
GradeSpeed Main Screen 2. Use the dropdown menu to view your classes.
Toolbar Course Properties
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
3. The group number will be displayed. If you want all you classes to have the same assignments and categories, make the group number the same for each class.
Subject ID Section Period Group Student Teacher Name a. Select “Your Name” to see teacher profile b. Add email and conference periods if you would like
Created 9/10/07
Group number
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Categories 1. Select “Categories” to set up homework, tests, quizzes, assignments, etc.
4. Enter date assigned and date due 5. Select “Type” 6. Select “Category”
2. Determine how you want to weigh grades (No one assignment can be worth more than 1/7 of total grade) 3. After you enter a category and weight, click Update.
*If all grades are the same, you can enter a “Default Grade” on bottom left of the screen
4. Determine how many grades to you want to drop (if you want to) 5. Method of weighting grades a. Multiple – weighs entire category (i.e. can make a category such as tests worth 2 times other categories) b. Percent - when using percents the total weight must = 100% 6. You can choose to drop up to 3 grades and choose the categories from which to drop 7. For GradeSpeed to determine the student’s advantage in dropping grades, select “yes” 8. To make category properties identical for all classes in this group select “yes” 9. Select “Spell Check”! 10. Select “”Update” when finished
7. Remember to spell check 8. Select “Add” 9. Select “Finished”
Deleting Assignments 1. Select “Assignments” 2. Select “Edit” 3. Select “Delete”
Entering Grades 1. Select “Grades”
Assignments 1. Select “Assignments”
2. Select “Add New” 3. Type in the specific name of assignment (spell correctly since it will be seen by parents)
2. Place curser in the cell and enter the values 3. Use the curser or arrow keys to navigate through cells 4. If the “Enter Moves Down” button is selected, the curser will move down. If not selected, it will move across the cells
5. Enter “M” for missing assignment 6. Enter “I” for incomplete 7. Enter an “E” for excused
Created 9/10/07
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8. After entering grades, select “Update” (You will be prompted to save changes when you want to leave the page so you won’t lose entries.)
Advanced Grade Entry Methods
Assignment Graph in GradeSpeed 1. Click on the assignment to get the graph to appear 2. Right click on graph 3. Save image as (you might want to rename it and make sure you know where you are saving it - also be sure that the format is a gif) 4. Save 5. Open a word document 6. Insert 7. Choose picture/from file 8. Find the saved graph/insert 9. You can change the size by clicking on the corner and dragging
1. Click the average next to the student’s name
Progress Reports/Comment Codes 2. You can track grade modifications such as: • Retake grades • Adding points • Overriding grades • Marking late assignments • Manually selecting an assignment NOT to be dropped • Adding and printing notes (you must check the box next to note if your want it to print)
3. After making changes, spell check and select “Update” Code key: X – not to be dropped L – late R – first or second retake grade A – points added
Grades by Assignment 1. Go to “Assignments” 2. Select an assignment 3. Select “Update” to save changes
Created 9/10/07
1. Select “Progress Reports”
2. Enter district comment code (numbers for progress reports or letters for report cards) 3. Select “Update”
4. After all codes have been entered, verify your grades 5. Numbers 1-14 are used at the 3 week progress report time. (Student averages do not print at this time, so every student should have a comment code that reflects the average the student has in your class.) 6. Letters A-N are used at Report Card time to communicate more information than the numeric average on the report card. 7. To enter a code, place the cursor in the first cell and enter the letter or number that corresponds to the comment. If it is Report Card time, you must enter a capital letter. 8. When finished, click Update
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Clear comment codes after verification Click on the Clear button on the left side of the screen. You will be asked if you are sure you want to clear all the comment codes and will have to answer Yes or No.
5. Select “Generate” to see progress reports 6. Go to File/Print or select “Print All”
To email individual progress reports 1. Complete steps 1 - 4 from above 2. In the Print All dropdown list, choose “Email”
Reports Incomplete for the Cycle Average 1. From the main grade screen, click on the student’s average. 2. This will take you to the Grades by Student screen.
1. 2. 3. 4.
Select “Reports” Choose type of report Set preferences in right columns If printing an entire class to post, sort by ID order – not name order
Cumulative Grades Shows the six week cycle and semester average for each student. 3. Place an “I” in the box of the Cycle Average under Overridden Grades at the bottom left of screen. 4. Click Update after making changes.
Sending Progress Reports Home Can be printed or emailed at any time throughout the grading period To print individual progress reports
1. Select “Progress Reports” 2. Select class from dropdown list 3. Check names of students for whom you wish to print a report 4. Select “Options” and create your preferences
Created 9/10/07
Seating Charts Templates or use freehand manipulation can be used.
Verifying Grade book Verify locks your grades. It is only used at end of each cycle. Be sure to verify only when your registrar tells you to do so!!!! 1. After entering Comment Codes, click "Update" 2. Click "Verify" button at the top of the main screen. 3. Choose "Mark all classes as Verified"
4. A prompt appear 5. Click "OK” 6. After verifying, your grades will be locked and you will not be able to access GradeSpeed until your registrar tells you it's okay.
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Using GradeSpeed.Net at Home In order to use GradeSpeed.Net at home, you need to make a few preparations so that GradeSpeed application can run. However, we know that you do not want to open up your home computer to malicious programming. The following instructions will guide you through the steps required to use GradeSpeed.Net safely at home. 1. Launch Internet Explorer (version 5.5 or above required).
8. If the “Security” tab of your “Internet Options” dialog box has a slider, slide it down to the bottom (“Low”). If your dialog box DOESN’T have a slider, click on “Custom”, then, in the resulting “Security Settings” dialog box, set the dropdown menu to “Low”. 9. Click OK until you are out of all dialog boxes.
or 2. Click on “Tools” in the menu bar, then on “Internet Options” 3. Select the “Security” tab from the “Internet Options” dialog box. Click on the “Trusted Sites” icon.
10. Now you are ready to actually use GradeSpeed.Net at home. 11. Type https://gradespeed.leanderisd.org in the “Address:” box of Internet Explorer. (Again, note the s in https.) 12. Hit enter. You will get a warning box about a certificate; just click on “Proceed”. This will take you to the GradeSpeed server. 13. Click on the graphic to continue. 14. After you click on the picture, you should get your normal GradeSpeed login window.
4. Click on the “Sites” button. 5. Type https://gradespeed.leanderisd.org in the “Add this Web site to the zone:” box. (Note the s in https.) 6. Click on “Add”. Make sure that the “Require server verification (https:) for all sites in this zone” box is checked. 7. Click “OK”. This will return you to the “Security” tab of your “Internet Options” dialog box (with “Trusted Sites” selected).
Created 9/10/07
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GradeSpeed and PopUp Blockers GradeSpeed will NOT work if it is blocked by popup blocking software. You must either disable any popup blocking software that you have installed on your home computer or configure it to not block GradeSpeed popups.
Google Toolbar PopUp Blocker 1. Launch Internet Explorer. On the Google Toolbar, click on the “Options” button.
There are many different types of popup blocking software, so we cannot give instructions on how to configure all of them. Two of the most popular are the popup blocker built into Internet Explorer (after you have installed Windows XP Service Pack 2) and the Google toolbar popup blocker. Instructions on how to configure these are given below. Be aware that you may have more than one popup blocker in effect. In order for GradeSpeed to work, they must ALL either be disabled or configured to allow popups from GradeSpeed.
Internet Explorer/Windows XP SP2 PopUp Blocker 1. Launch Internet Explorer. On the menu, go to “Tools,” then “Pop-up Blocker,” then “Pop-up Blocker Settings …” 2. In the dialog box, in the box labeled “Address of Web site to allow:” type “gradespeed.leanderisd.org”.
2. To turn off the popup blocker, clear the check beside “Popup Blocker.”
1. Click on “Add” 2. Click on “Close”
Created 9/10/07
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