Put together video clips, photos, music and much more to create your very own movies! Project Library – Lists all the iMovie projects you created.
Event Library – Lists the names of all the Events you’ve recorded on video and downloaded into iMovie.
Viewer Your video plays here.
iMovie Toolbar
Source video – Shows the contents of the Events you’ve selected in the Event Library.
1. When you move the pointer over the images, they move. This is called ‘skimming’ and it allows you to watch any moment you want instantly. • What you will need to begin to create your movie in iMovie:
» photos in iP hoto » vid eo clips downlo aded in to iM ovie » mu sic down loaded into/from iTunes » voice recordin gs that can be done in Garage Band or in iM ovie
Step 1: Import Video into iMovie • To begin working with your video, you must first transfer it to iMovie. • Importing video into iMovie does not erase it from your recording device. In this step you’ll open iMovie and import video from a video recording device or import a video file you’ve already stored on a hard disk, and start building your video library.
To open iMovie: Double-click the iMovie icon in your Applications folder or click the icon in the Dock. When you open iMovie for the first time, you see the iMovie window, shown below. See a list of your projects in the Project Library.
Build your project here.
View your video project here in this viewer.
Import and edit using the iMovie toolbar buttons.
Browse your source video here. See a list of your Events in the Event Library.
Open iMovie File > New Project
Project Name: Aspect Ratio:Standard
• Your downloaded video clips can be seen in your Event Library. • Video from your digital still camera/camera phone that you download to iPhoto Library is automatically available when you open iMovie. • Look in the Event Library and select iPhoto videos, and then select the Event you want.
When you select a movie clip a bright yellow line surrounds the complete clip. You can edit clip by dragging on the handles at either end.
The iMovie Toolbar
Editing your photo/clips Choose FIT to fit the entire clip within the frame
Choose CROP to specify a portion of the clip to crop to.
Choose KEN BURNS EFFECT to add motion and zooms to still photos, by dragging and setting the START & END windows.
The KEN BURNS effect can only be used with still photos, not video clips
Editiing Titles in your project To make your titles fade in and out: •Click on title (yellow line will appear around blue title). •Click on FILE> Project Properties •Change the settings and click OK Tip: you can do the same for your transitions
Moviemaking like a Pro! Drag your best video clips to the project area. Drop in Apple-designed transitions, eects, titles, and your favorite iTunes soundtrack. You are almost ready to schedule your opening night! Transitions Blue Bar - Titles
Purple Bar - Voice Recordings
Total minutes in your project
Green Bar - Music
Drag here to adjust the # of frames per thumbnail in Project Browser.
If one song will be added to entire project then when you add the music and drag to the black screen it will look like this.
Green background Is music.
Competing Audio Tracks bugging you? Then use your Audio Adjustment tool (toolbar). Click on Video Clip and select. Click on Audio Adjustment tool. Audio Menu will pop up. Click on DUCKING AND THEN CLICK ‘DONE’
Exporting your project to iDVD • •
TIP: Before exporting project to iDVD make DUPLICATE COPY FILE>Duplicate Copy (Project will have the same name followed by 1)
• • •
Click on PROJECT (Project Library) Click on SHARE and scroll down to MEDIA BROWSER Pop up will show you different sizes. You can select more than 1 size simultaneously.
For DVD players - LARGE and then click on PUBLISH (project is now rendered and exporting!
Now we are ready to make our DVD!!!
Yeah.. Time for a break and Questions or Individual help! And lunch!!!
Open iDVD ‘08 • • • • •
Click> create a new project Name your project Choose location to save project Aspect Ratio (choose Standard) Click>CREATE…..you will see this screen
Creating your DVD
This is your main working screen
Add a submenu, movie/slideshow
Show Inspector window
Edit Drop Zones
Change volume of iDVD as you work Choose movie, music & images
Show DVD map
Start/Stop Motion
Preview DVD playback
Burn iDVD project to a disk
Choose different button shape Choose theme for project
• •
Add a movie: Click> Media>Movies Drag to your button
• • • • • •
Add a slideshow: Click>Media>Photos Drag photos to screen Click>Audio> Drag music to screen Select your settings, transitions, slide duration etc. Fine tune your project before burning on DVD: – – – – – – –
Project (Menu Bar) Select Project Info Edit: (You can change name of DVD) Video Mode: NTSC Aspect Ratio: Standard Encoding: Best Performance (best choice if movie is less than an hour) DVD type: Single Layer Keep quality in the green zone
Preview your project using your virtual DVD remote control before burning
TIP: First burn usually takes longer. Burning extra copies immediately takes shorter time.