The people, businesses and events of the Capital
The people, businesses and events of the Capital
A former pop-up pizza shop opened in downtown Concord this week at its first brick and mortar location on Pleasant Street. Owner Greg Sturgis specializes in Sicilian and Detroit-style pizzas with an Italian spin.
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TheRev. DenisBrunelleof St.Paul’sChurchgreets oneofthe twollamas outsidethe churchbeforethe celebrationof lifeservicefor formerConcord Monitor editorMike Prideon June3. Pride,who retiredfrom theMonitor in 2008 and went on to lead the Pulitzer Prizes, requested the presence of llamas at his service, though no one knew just why.
The new space themed playground at the McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center onthe NHTIcampusin Concord.The playareawill beavailablefor thosewho have purchased museum tickets.
Concord resident Dawn R. had been experiencing the painful side effects of Peripheral Neuropathy, “My feet and legs were extremely painful and my doctor told me there was nothing they could do. That I would have to take Gabapentin for the rest of my life.” Then she met Concord’s very own Dr. Kristen Markwith, Licensed Acupuncturist.
We specialize in difficult to treat cases and chronic conditions, autoimmune disorders, autoimmune disorders, neurological conditions, and peripheral neuropathy.
Peripheral Neuropathy is the pain, discomfort and numbness caused by nerve damage of the peripheral nervous system. Dawn explained that daily tasks like opening doors and using the bathroom were overwhelmingly painful. “How can you live for the next 30 years when you don’t even want to get out of bed and do simple things?”
She was experiencing the burning, numbness, tingling and sharp pains that those suffering with neuropathy often describe. “The way I would describe it, it’s equivalent to walking on glass.”
Dawn hadn’t worn socks in five years and was wearing shoes two sizes too big so that nothing would ‘touch’ her feet.
Unfortunately, Dawn’s story is all too familiar for the over 3 million people in the U.S. suffering from Peripheral Neuropathy.
If you’re unfortunate enough to be facing the same disheartening prognosis, you’re not sleeping at night because of the burning in your feet. You have difficulty walking, shopping or doing any activity for more than 30 minutes because of the pain. You’re struggling with balance and living in fear that you might fall. Your doctor told you to, ‘just live with the pain’ and you’re taking medications that aren’t working or have uncomfortable side effects.
Fortunately, four months ago Dawn read an article about Dr. Kristen Markwith, Licensed Acupuncturist, and the work she was doing to treat those suffering from Peripheral Neuropathy, without invasive surgeries or medications.
Dr. Kristen Markwith, founder of Trend Acupuncture and Integrative Medicine in Concord, NH., is using the time tested science of Acupuncture and a technology originally developed by NASA that assists in increasing blood flow and expediting recovery and healing to treat the debilitating disease.
“Now when I go to bed at night I don’t have those shooting pains. I don’t have that burning sensation. I don’t have pain coming up my legs,” Dawn enthusiastically describes life after
receiving Dr. Kristen’s treatments. “I can wear socks and shoes!”
Dawn and her sister now operate a successful dog walking business, sometimes covering up to 5 miles a day.
“It’s life altering. As far as I’m concerned Dr. Kristen saved my life!”
Dr. Kristen Markwith has been helping the senior community for over 10 years using the most cutting edge innovative integrative medicine. Specializing in chronic pain cases, specifically those that have been deemed ‘hopeless’ or ‘untreatable,’ she consistently generates unparalleled results.
What was once a missing link in senior healthcare is now easily accessible to the residents in and around Concord.
If you’ve missed too many tee times because of pain or you passed on dancing the shag down on Main Street because you are afraid of falling, it’s time to call Dr. Kristen Markwith and the staff at Trend.
It’s time you let your golden years be GOLDEN!
Dr. Kristen Markwith once again accepting new patients but only for a limited time. In an effort to protect her patients, both current and future, she has made the difficult decision to limit the number of patients seen in her clinic. Limited new neuropathy patients will be accepted before the end of June so call now to schedule a consultation.
Wrap City brings wraps, sandwiches, salads, and flatbreads together under one roof. Our mission is to inspire people to try new and exciting flavor combinations that are age-old favorites as well as wrap city created specialties.
LexiMyers,whosuffersfromarareformof braincancer,saidshefeltstrongthemorningof June10,about45minutesbeforeMerrimack ValleyHighSchool’sgraduationceremony.
Shehadpushedherselfthedaybefore,on Friday,risingfromherwheelchairduringrehearsalandwalkingtotheareabehindtheschool wherethediplomaswouldbeawardedina matterofhours.
“IjusthadtheenergysoIfiguredwhynot?” saidMyers,sittingundertheschool’sfrontentrancecanopybeforeSaturday’sceremony.
Andthere,shediditagain,thistimewiththe bleachersburstingattheseamsandawhite picketfencesurroundingthehugegrassyexpanse,everystanding-room-onlyspaceclaimed.
Myers’spairofrecentun-aidedwalksrepresentedthelongestshe’smovedinalongtime. She’sbeenfightingarareformofbraincancer forsevenyears–setbacksandpromisemessing withherpsychethewholetime–andonlyrecentlyhasgottensomeencouragingnews:The medicationshe’sbeenonfortwomonthshas madeherfeelbetter.
“Mytumorsareshrinking,actually,”Myers said.
Enough,infact,tojointheclasspresidentand NationalHonorSocietymembersandthetop
athletesastheymovedfromaseaofwhite foldingchairstoaplatformofhandshakesand photographs.
“Iamexcited,yes,”Myerssaidunderthe canopyduringapre-graduationinterview.“I can’twait.”
Myersmissedfartoomuchhighschooltohave earnedadiploma.Shewasincludedintheceremony,though,andhopestoworktowardher GEDoneday.
Merrimack Valley graduate Lexi Myers was able to walk up to the podium to accept her diploma during ceremonies earlier this month.
Later,withthesunbreakingthroughdark clouds,Myersandmorethan170graduatingseniorswereentertainedbystudentslikeJames Kelly,whoreadthestudentaddress,marveledat thepowerofthemovie“TheGraduate,”and wonderedwhy“TexasfreezeswhileCanada burnsand(NFLquarterback)AaronRodgersisa (NewYork)Jet.”
MuhammadAli’swordsina metaphoricalmanner,tellingthe studentsthey’dneedtorisefrom thecanvasandcontinuefighting.
Myerswasalreadygoodatthat. Asherclosefriendandwheelchair chauffer,ZayDarrah-Easter,saidin anemail,“Icantellyoushe’sincrediblyresilientandshe’sshowed justhowstrongsheis.”
Shewasdiagnosedingradeschool withpediatricependymoma anaplastic.Tumorshadgrownina smallareanearherbrainstemand cerebellum.
Shebegandailytrips,fivedays perweek,toBostonfortreatment. ShestilltravelstoGeorgiaoncea monthforcheckupsandwonders whyshecan’thaveitdonecloserto home.Foryears,herlifewasaffectedindarkways.
“Itwasalotforme,”Myerssaid. “Mytastechanged.Idon’tlikestuff thatIusedtolike.Itwasreally hard.”
Sheunderwentthreesurgeries. She’stakenamedicine-cabinetsizedworthofprescriptionsina processthatismoretrialanderror thananythingelse.Herhopes soaredwithpossibilitieseachtime somethingnewwasintroduced.
Shewasmoresubduedthislast time.
“Thepastcoupleof(prescriptions)didnotwork,”Myerssaid,“so Ididn’thavehopesforthisone,but itendedupworking.”
Shestillusesawheelchair. Throughhighschool,DarrahEasterleftherclassesearlytobring Myerstohernextclass.
Thewheelchairwasnudgedaside, atleasttemporarily,thepastfew days.Myershadplannedtowalkto thepodiumongraduationdayby herself,withDarrah-Easter standingclosebyifsheneededhelp. ThathadbeenFriday’splanduring rehearsalaswell.Shemovedslowly butsurely.
“Sheletmeknow,‘Iwanttowalk,’ ”Darrah-Eastersaid.“Isaid,‘Okay, I’llwaithereifyouneedanyhelp.’”
Myersispetite,4-foot-11,90 pounds,whichisonly10pounds lowerthanhernormalweight.Her headwasshaved.Shehadascaron theleftside,andtheglassesshe woredominatedhersmallface.Her capread,“RockStar,”becausethat’s howherfamilyseesher.
Shespokesoftly,buthermessage wasclear.
“Ifeelprettygood,”Myerssaid.“I feelprettystrong.Ihavetheenergy today.”
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With this Monitor coupon. Must present coupon at time of purchase. One coupon per table. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Valid Sun.-Thurs. only. Dine in only. Not valid on Holidays. Expires 7/31/23.
for the biggest lead tackle trade - in at each participating shop . i n the collect to protect contest ( through d ecember 31, 2023)
Rocky’s Ace Hardware 257 Newport Rd. New London, NH 03257 (603) 526-2800
Ossipee’s Bait and Tackle 306 Pine River Road Effingham, NH 03882 (603) 730-7674
The Tackle Shack (Meredith) 54 NH Route 25, Unit C Meredith, NH 03253 (603) 279-3152
LL Cote
7 Main Street Errol, NH 03579 (603) 482-7777
North Country Angler 2988 White Mountain Highway North Conway NH 03860 (603) 356-6000
Pawtuckaway Trading Post 15 Freetown Road, #3 Raymond, NH 03077 (603) 244-2463
Pinnacle Sports 5 Airport Road West Lebanon, NH 03784 (603) 790-8099
The Tackle Shack (Newbury) 894 Route 103 Newbury, NH 03255 (603) 763-5508
Newfound Sales & Trading Post 381 Lake Street, #6 Bristol, NH 03222 (603) 744-8658
Squam Boat Livery, Inc. 853 US Route 3 Holderness, NH 03245 (603) 968-7721
The Loon Center 183 Lees Mill Rd Moultonborough, NH 03254 (603) 476-5666
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Other terms and conditions apply. Full contest and trade-in details, list of participating shops & disposal locations, and more at T