NCBA News continued from the previous page “After more than a year of upheaval, facing everything from extreme drought to supply chain disruptions, many cattle producers have been backed against a wall. We need to act urgently to provide them with relief,” said NCBA President Jerry Bohn. “There is no single, silver bullet solution to the wide variety of needs among our diverse membership, but lawmakers can start by focusing on viable solutions that have broad base support across the industry. The cattle contract library is one such solution, and it will help our producers command more leverage in negotiations with the packers. We appreciate the work of Congressman Johnson and Congressman Cuellar to move the ball forward on this urgent issue.” Earlier this month, NCBA Vice President and South Dakota rancher Todd Wilkinson testified before the House Agriculture Committee and underscored the need for greater transparency in cattle markets. One of the solutions he
advocated for was the creation of the cattle contract library, as well as full reauthorization of Livestock Mandatory Reporting (LMR). Background - NCBA has long advocated for increased transparency in the cattle and beef supply chain. In August 2021, NCBA succeeded in pushing USDA to make more market data publicly available. The agency began publishing a new daily report on the foundational prices used in cattle market formulas, grids, and contracts and a new weekly report on the volume of cattle purchased at each different level of pricing. In June 2021, NCBA led a letter with the support of more than 36 state affiliate groups urging Congress to act on the reauthorization of LMR. LMR is the legislative mandate that requires large meat processors to regularly report information on their transactions, such as the price they pay for livestock and the
! S E T A UPD Make Plans to Attend Cattle Industry Education Experience in Houston. The 29th Annual Cattlemen’s College, sponsored by Zoetis, will be held January 31-February 1, 2022, and will kick off the 2022 Cattle Industry Convention & NCBA Trade Show in Houston. This premier education experience draws more than 1,000 people every year and includes two days of learning, idea sharing, and networking. In addition to Monday’s “producer’s choice” sessions, which provide a preview of Tuesday’s educational experience, hot topics such as global cattle industry trends and sustainability research will be featured. The Zoetis Demonstration Arena includes a live animal demonstration focusing on analyzing the physical and genetic traits of cattle. Monday concludes with an evening reception offering an opportunity for everyone to gather with friends and reconnect. There will be 15 sessions and five educational tracks to choose from on Tuesday, including business, herd health, nutrition, new tools, and sustainability. The business focused track will include several risk management sessions, and
the new tools sessions will focus on the latest technology trends for genetics and grazing management. This year’s event includes cutting edge topics and top industry leaders, including a keynote speaker to wrap up Tuesday’s agenda. Each year, the Cattlemen’s College agenda is developed based on feedback from producers, and their comments drive the program. Past attendees have indicated that “The biggest take away I found from attending Cattlemen’s College is that there is always a newer or better way of doing things,” while others learned that “The generation effect of the decisions we make today not only impact this year’s calf crop but the herd as a whole for years to come.” With so much information presented, it is nearly impossible to experience all Cattlemen’s College has to offer in person. To make it easier to access content, all sessions will be recorded and available for registered attendees to watch at any time in the future. Registration begins November 1. Look for the Education Package, which offers the best value. For more information, visit
The Carolina Cattle Connection q NOVEMBER 2021
volume of purchases. In May 2021, NCBA met with American Farm Bureau Federation, Livestock Marketing Association, National Farmers Union, R-CALF, and U.S. Cattlemen’s Association to discuss urgent concerns, and the need for a cattle contract library was one of three priorities agreed upon by these disparate groups. The introduction of the Cattle Contract Library Act follows months of NCBA engagement to ensure members of Congress understand the most urgent needs facing cattle producers, the complex cattle market conditions influencing these outcomes, and the risks of adopting onesize-fits-all policy solutions that may hurt producers’ bottom line. The State of WOTUS. Waters of the United States (WOTUS) is the policy issue that never seems to go away. For decades, cattle producers have been seeking answers from the federal government on what counts as a “water of the United States.” We have endured years of litigation and policy rewrites, but now we are facing a new round of rulemaking led by the Biden administration. BACKGROUND In 2015, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Army Corps of Engineers finalized the WOTUS rule, which significantly expanded federal jurisdiction. Under the 2015 rule, isolated bodies of water (like stock ponds and irrigation ditches) and temporary water features (like creeks that only flow after it rains) were subject to federal jurisdiction. This overreach negatively impacted many farmers and ranchers, and agricultural groups banded together to oppose the 2015 rule. In 2020, the Trump administration implemented the Navigable Waters Protection Rule (NWPR) to fix many of the issues with the 2015 WOTUS rule. The NWPR curtailed government
overreach and limited federal authority to significant waterways (like bigger lakes and rivers). Current Situation - NCBA supported the NWPR when it was first enacted and defended it against activist litigation in court. Unfortunately, at the end of August, a federal court in Arizona struck down the NWPR. EPA has interpreted this court decision to apply nationwide and has announced it is implementing the pre-2015 WOTUS definition and guidance. This means the 1986 definition of WOTUS is effective today and will remain in effect until the Biden administration crafts a new WOTUS definition, a process that will take months, if not a year. NCBA is in close contact with the EPA and Army Corps to make sure that cattle producers’ voices are heard. Future Action - For policymakers in Washington who have never set foot on a farm or ranch, your real world stories can make all the difference. When you share your story of how WOTUS impacted you, it informs rulemaking and helps government agencies craft policies with producers in mind. Please also remain engaged with your local elected officials and let your members of Congress know you support clean water and clear rules. For more information on WOTUS, please contact Scott Yager at syager@ or Mary-Thomas Hart at About the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association. NCBA has represented America’s cattle producers since 1898, preserving the heritage and strength of the industry through education and public policy. As the largest association of cattle producers, NCBA works to create new markets and increase demand for beef. Efforts are made possible through membership contributions. To join, contact NCBA at 866-BEEF-USA or
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