French Vocabulary Posters Sets of 6 A3 glossy posters illustrating basic French vocabulary.
French Vocabulary Poster Set 1 Topics: colours & shapes, alphabet, numbers, days of the week and months of the year. 077 500 013
French Vocabulary Poster Set 2 Topics: weather, family, feelings, leisure activities and parts of the body.
077 500 014
French Vocabulary Poster Set 3 Topics: time, classroom objects, clothes, farm animals, fruit and vegetables. 077 500 015
French Vocabulary Poster Set 4 Topics: food, drink, wild animals, school subjects, musical instruments and transport. 077 500 016
Delivery time 2 weeks
French Challenge Cards Set of 30 cards featuring challenges in English. Pupils must respond in French and the cards include clues in French on the reverse. Set 41 800 001
FlashSticks French Categories of words are basic numbers, colours, days of the week, body parts, family words & weather. Set 100 Notes
French Conversation Cards Stimulate real independent conversations in French with this set of 16 double sided laminated cards. The cards feature questions to answer and phrases to complete along with suggestions for games and extension activities. Set
Beginners Pack
41 800 002
08 300 409
languages.indb 770
08 300 408
Intermediate Pack
£4.35 £4.35
Make your life easier by placing your orders online
25/03/2018 12:37
French Dictionary Containing all the words and phrases needed for the main exam boards’ syllabuses. No jargon or unclear symbols, with useful grammar pages. Each £8.90
38 500 162
French Language Stickers
French Merit Stamper
Assorted designs and captions. A5 sheets. Pack 440 39 000 066
Say 'Well Done'. Each £4.85
39 000 103
French Resource Pack 2 Set includes emotions puppet which encourages children to recognise different expressions and emotions. This reversible puppet includes realistic facial features and labels. Size: 260 x 250mm. EYFS, KS1 & KS2. Make a face puppet which includes 2 face puppets, 20 fabric pieces and labels, will encourage simple conversational role play. Size: 250 x 270mm. EYFS, KS1 & KS2. My body comes complete with 10 body parts, labels, reference & worksheets. Size: 610 x 340mm. KS1. Family tree ideal for teaching the French vocabulary relating to the family. Includes: fabric background, 6 large figures, 6 small figures, 1 large tree, 2 pets, printed labels, blank labels and teachers notes. Size: 820 x 470mm. KS2. Set 4
Set includes food bag complete with fabric display, knife and fork, printed foods and labels, teachers notes and a blank menu sheet for children to create their own menus. Size: 520 x 860mm. EYFS, KSI & KS2. Weather window includes embroidered background, weather symbols, weather words, days of the week labels and a word sheet. Size: 750 x 410mm. EYFS, KSI & KS2. Bag of time which teaches both digital and analogue time. The embroidered clock face has moveable hands and includes a set of word and number labels. Size: 330 x 280mm. KS1 & KS2. Classroom calendar and birthday chart introduces children to the French vocabulary linked to dates and calendar. Includes embroidered fabric background, fabric cake, candles and flag, teachers notes, labels for the days, month and date and extra blank labels for personalisation of special dates. Size: 780 x 410mm. KS2. Set 4
077 500 017
077 500 018
French Resource Pack 1
Delivery time 2 weeks
Free next day delivery
languages.indb 771
Delivery time 2 weeks
Everyday low prices
Customer promise
25/03/2018 12:37
EVERY game in EVERY spinner kit is: • Clearly linked to the 2014 National Curriculum • Child friendly and ready-to-use: clear instructions and learning objectives are printed on every activity card • Designed to be easily used by teachers, TA’s and children
• Created to promote discussion and engagement • Produced to develop pupils’ understanding and application of grammar and punctuation • Adaptable: the blank drywipe templates can be used to simplify, extend or explore every activity
Included in every 52-piece kit: French: Me, my Family and Friends
Quantity Item
Ready-to-use Drywipe Activities (2 each of 12 different Activities)
• The aim of the game is to be the first to complete a self-portrait.
la couleur des cheveux
le nez
la couleur des yeux
Non-Slip Clear Spinners
French les cheveux
Assorted Blank Drywipe Templates - Ideal for creating your own activities
• Players draw an oval outline of their face on a white-board
les cheveux
les oreillles
la bouche
les sourcils
les yeux
Look at Me! L.O. To recognise and say words to describe the face.
English hair
le nez
la bouche
les sourcils
• They take it in turns to spin and read out that feature in French and then translate the word / s into English. The player then draws the facial feature on to their selfportrait. • Each player receives one point for pronouncing the French phrase correctly and one point for translating it into English. • If a player lands on a facial feature which they already have, then they still say it and translate it, but they also write it in French on their whiteboard. If another player requires the feature they can ‘trade/swap’ with another player for one of theirs, if they can pronounce the feature correctly. French
Checking grid – keep this covered whilst you play and use to check the other player’s answers.
les yeux
la couleur des yeux
eye colour
les oreilles
la couleur des cheveux
hair colour
Challenge To write down a full description in French of the self-portrait.
N.C. Objectives. Pupils should be taught to: • Describe people, places, things and actions orally* and in writing. • Listen attentively to spoken language and show understanding by joining in and responding. © Propeller, NR32 2EX, UK
SPKF2 French KS2 Me, my family and friends.indd 1
04/01/2017 11:36
KS2 - Greetings, Numbers and Colours
Ready-to-use spinner activities in every kit!
12 ready-to-use spinner games that cover Key Stage 2 French National Curriculum objectives. Games include asking and responding to french greetings, developing knowledge of numbers to 100 and identifing colours in french. Also includes 4 spinners and 24 blank templates to extend pupils’ appreciation of French.
41 020 208 KS2 Spinner Games: £15.00 Greetings, Numbers and Colours
for a 52-PIECE KIT
12 ready-to-use spinner games that cover Key Stage 2 French National Curriculum objectives. Games include describing the family and home, talking about different types of buildings in french and discussing activities. Also includes 4 spinners and 24 blank templates to extend pupils’ appreciation of French.
12 ready-to-use spinner games that cover Key Stage 2 French National Curriculum objectives. Games include telling the time and naming the days, months and seasons in french. Also includes 4 spinners and 24 blank templates to extend pupils’ appreciation of French.
41 020 209 KS2 Spinner Games: Me, My Family and Friends
41 020 210 KS2 Spinner Games: Calendar, Seasons and Time
languages.indb 772
Whole school Value Pack
All the French kits supplied together, ideal for whole school use 41 020 211 KS1 & KS2 Spinner Games: Whole school Value Pack
Make your life easier by placing your orders online
25/03/2018 12:37
FlashSticks Spanish
Categories of words are basic numbers, colours, days of the week, body parts, family words and weather. Set 100 Notes
Beginners Pack 08 300 410
Intermediate Pack 08 300 411
£4.35 £4.35
Spanish Vocabulary Posters Sets of 6 A3 glossy posters illustrating basic Spanish vocabulary.
Spanish Vocabulary Poster Set 1 Topics: colours & shapes, alphabet, numbers, days of the week and months of the year. 2 077 500 019
Spanish Vocabulary Poster Set 2 Topics: weather, family, feelings, leisure activities and parts of the body. 3 077 500 020
Spanish Vocabulary Poster Set 3 Topics: time, classroom objects, clothes, farm animals, fruit and vegetables. 4 077 500 021
Spanish Vocabulary Poster Set 4 Topics: food, drink, wild animals, school subjects, musical instruments and transport. 5 077 500 022 Delivery time 2 weeks
Free next day delivery
languages.indb 773
German Dictionary
Spanish Conversation Cards Stimulate real independent conversations in Spanish with this set of 32 laminated cards. The cards feature questions to answer and phrases to complete, and suggestions for games and extension activities are included. 6 41 800 003
Spanish Merit Stamper Say 'Well Done'. Each 7 39 000 107
Spanish Language Stickers Assorted designs and captions. A5 sheets. Pack 440 8 39 000 070
Spanish Dictionary Containing all the words and phrases needed for the main exam boards’ syllabuses. No jargon or unclear symbols, with useful grammar pages. Each 9 38 500 160
Everyday low prices
Containing all the words and phrases needed for the main exam boards’ syllabuses. No jargon or unclear symbols, with useful grammar pages. Each 10 38 500 161
Spanish Resource Pack Set Includes weather window with embroidered background, weather symbols and weather words, days of the week labels and a word sheet. Size 750 x 410mm. EYFS, KSI & KS2. Make a face puppet which includes 2 face puppets, 20 fabric pieces and labels to encourage simple conversational role play. Size 250 x 270mm. EYFS, KS1 & KS2. Food bag complete with fabric display, knife and fork, printed foods and labels, teachers notes and a blank menu sheet for children to create their own menus. Size 520 x 860mm. EYFS, KSI & KS2. My body comes complete with 10 body parts, labels, reference andworksheet. Size 610 x 340mm. KS1. 11 077 500 023
Delivery time 2 weeks
Customer promise
25/03/2018 12:37